package Slic3r::Test;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd 'abs_path';

require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(_eq);

use IO::Scalar;
use List::Util qw(first);
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(epsilon X Y Z);

my %cuboids = (
    '20mm_cube' => [20,20,20],
    '2x20x10'   => [2, 20,10],

sub mesh {
    my ($name, %params) = @_;
    my ($vertices, $facets);
    if ($cuboids{$name}) {
        my ($x, $y, $z) = @{ $cuboids{$name} };
        $vertices = [
            [$x,$y,0], [$x,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,$y,0], [$x,$y,$z], [0,$y,$z], [0,0,$z], [$x,0,$z],
        $facets = [
            [0,1,2], [0,2,3], [4,5,6], [4,6,7], [0,4,7], [0,7,1], [1,7,6], [1,6,2], [2,6,5], [2,5,3], [4,0,3], [4,3,5],
    } elsif ($name eq 'box') {
        my ($x, $y, $z) = @{ $params{"dim"} };
        $vertices = [
            [$x,$y,0], [$x,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,$y,0], [$x,$y,$z], [0,$y,$z], [0,0,$z], [$x,0,$z],
        $facets = [
            [0,1,2], [0,2,3], [4,5,6], [4,6,7], [0,4,7], [0,7,1], [1,7,6], [1,6,2], [2,6,5], [2,5,3], [4,0,3], [4,3,5],
    } elsif ($name eq 'cube_with_hole') {
        $vertices = [
        $facets = [
    } elsif ($name eq 'cube_with_concave_hole') {
        $vertices = [
        $facets = [
    } elsif ($name eq 'V') {
        $vertices = [
        $facets = [
    } elsif ($name eq 'L') {
        $vertices = [
        $facets = [
    } elsif ($name eq 'overhang') {
        $vertices = [
        $facets = [
    } elsif ($name eq '40x10') {
        $vertices = [
        $facets = [
    } elsif ($name eq 'sloping_hole') {
        $vertices = [
        $facets = [
    } elsif ($name eq 'ipadstand') {
        $vertices = [
        $facets = [
    } elsif ($name eq 'A') {
        $vertices = [
        $facets = [
    } elsif ($name eq 'gt2_teeth') {
        $vertices = [
        $facets = [
    } elsif ($name eq 'pyramid') {
        $vertices = [
        $facets = [
    } elsif ($name eq 'two_hollow_squares') {
        $vertices = [
        $facets = [
    } elsif ($name eq 'small_dorito') {
        $vertices = [
        $facets = [
    } elsif ($name eq 'bridge') {
        $vertices = [
        $facets = [
    } else {
        return undef;
    my $mesh = Slic3r::TriangleMesh->new;
    $mesh->ReadFromPerl($vertices, $facets);
    $mesh->scale_xyz(Slic3r::Pointf3->new(@{$params{scale_xyz}})) if $params{scale_xyz};
    $mesh->translate(@{$params{translate}}) if $params{translate};
    return $mesh;

sub model {
    my ($model_name, %params) = @_;

    my $input_file = "${model_name}.stl";
    my $mesh = mesh($model_name, %params);
#    $mesh->write_ascii("out/$input_file");
    my $model = Slic3r::Model->new;
    my $object = $model->add_object(input_file => $input_file);
    $object->add_volume(mesh => $mesh, material_id => $model_name);
        offset          => Slic3r::Pointf->new(0,0),
        rotation        => $params{rotation} // 0,
        scaling_factor  => $params{scale} // 1,
    return $model;

sub init_print {
    my ($models, %params) = @_;
    my $config = Slic3r::Config->new;
    $config->apply($params{config}) if $params{config};
    $config->set('gcode_comments', 1) if $ENV{SLIC3R_TESTS_GCODE};
    my $print = Slic3r::Print->new;
    $models = [$models] if ref($models) ne 'ARRAY';
    $models = [ map { ref($_) ? $_ : model($_, %params) } @$models ];
    for my $model (@$models) {
        die "Unknown model in test" if !defined $model;
        if (defined $params{duplicate} && $params{duplicate} > 1) {
            $model->duplicate($params{duplicate} // 1, $print->config->min_object_distance);
        $model->center_instances_around_point($params{print_center} ? Slic3r::Pointf->new(@{$params{print_center}}) : Slic3r::Pointf->new(100,100));
        foreach my $model_object (@{$model->objects}) {
    # Call apply_config one more time, so that the layer height profiles are updated over all PrintObjects.
    # We return a proxy object in order to keep $models alive as required by the Print API.
    return Slic3r::Test::Print->new(
        print   => $print,
        models  => $models,

sub gcode {
    my ($print) = @_;
    $print = $print->print if $print->isa('Slic3r::Test::Print');
    # Write the resulting G-code into a temporary file.
    my $gcode_temp_path = abs_path($0) . '.gcode.temp';
    # Remove the existing temp file.
    unlink $gcode_temp_path;
    $print->export_gcode(output_file => $gcode_temp_path, quiet => 1);
    # Read the temoprary G-code file.
    my $gcode;
        local $/;
        open my $fh, '<', $gcode_temp_path or die " can't open $gcode_temp_path: $!";
        $gcode = <$fh>;
    # Remove the temp file.
    unlink $gcode_temp_path;
    return $gcode;

sub _eq {
    my ($a, $b) = @_;
    return abs($a - $b) < epsilon;

sub add_facet {
    my ($facet, $vertices, $facets) = @_;
    push @$facets, [];
    for my $i (0..2) {
        my $v = first { $vertices->[$_][X] == $facet->[$i][X] && $vertices->[$_][Y] == $facet->[$i][Y] && $vertices->[$_][Z] == $facet->[$i][Z] } 0..$#$vertices;
        if (!defined $v) {
            push @$vertices, [ @{$facet->[$i]}[X,Y,Z] ];
            $v = $#$vertices;
        $facets->[-1][$i] = $v;

package Slic3r::Test::Print;
use Moo;

has 'print'     => (is => 'ro', required => 1, handles => [qw(process apply_config)]);
has 'models'    => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
