// Based on implementation by @platsch #ifndef slic3r_Slicing_hpp_ #define slic3r_Slicing_hpp_ #include #include #include "libslic3r.h" namespace Slic3r { class PrintConfig; class PrintObjectConfig; class ModelVolume; typedef std::vector ModelVolumePtrs; // Parameters to guide object slicing and support generation. // The slicing parameters account for a raft and whether the 1st object layer is printed with a normal or a bridging flow // (using a normal flow over a soluble support, using a bridging flow over a non-soluble support). struct SlicingParameters { SlicingParameters() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(SlicingParameters)); } static SlicingParameters create_from_config( const PrintConfig &print_config, const PrintObjectConfig &object_config, coordf_t object_height, const std::set &object_extruders); // Has any raft layers? bool has_raft() const { return raft_layers() > 0; } size_t raft_layers() const { return base_raft_layers + interface_raft_layers; } // Is the 1st object layer height fixed, or could it be varied? bool first_object_layer_height_fixed() const { return ! has_raft() || first_object_layer_bridging; } // Height of the object to be printed. This value does not contain the raft height. coordf_t object_print_z_height() const { return object_print_z_max - object_print_z_min; } // Number of raft layers. size_t base_raft_layers; // Number of interface layers including the contact layer. size_t interface_raft_layers; // Layer heights of the raft (base, interface and a contact layer). coordf_t base_raft_layer_height; coordf_t interface_raft_layer_height; coordf_t contact_raft_layer_height; bool contact_raft_layer_height_bridging; // The regular layer height, applied for all but the first layer, if not overridden by layer ranges // or by the variable layer thickness table. coordf_t layer_height; // First layer height of the print, this may be used for the first layer of the raft // or for the first layer of the print. coordf_t first_print_layer_height; // Thickness of the first layer. This is either the first print layer thickness if printed without a raft, // or a bridging flow thickness if printed over a non-soluble raft, // or a normal layer height if printed over a soluble raft. coordf_t first_object_layer_height; // If the object is printed over a non-soluble raft, the first layer may be printed with a briding flow. bool first_object_layer_bridging; // Soluble interface? (PLA soluble in water, HIPS soluble in lemonen) // otherwise the interface must be broken off. bool soluble_interface; // Gap when placing object over raft. coordf_t gap_raft_object; // Gap when placing support over object. coordf_t gap_object_support; // Gap when placing object over support. coordf_t gap_support_object; // Minimum / maximum layer height, to be used for the automatic adaptive layer height algorithm, // or by an interactive layer height editor. coordf_t min_layer_height; coordf_t max_layer_height; // Bottom and top of the printed object. // If printed without a raft, object_print_z_min = 0 and object_print_z_max = object height. // Otherwise object_print_z_min is equal to the raft height. coordf_t raft_base_top_z; coordf_t raft_interface_top_z; coordf_t raft_contact_top_z; // In case of a soluble interface, object_print_z_min == raft_contact_top_z, otherwise there is a gap between the raft and the 1st object layer. coordf_t object_print_z_min; coordf_t object_print_z_max; }; typedef std::pair t_layer_height_range; typedef std::map t_layer_height_ranges; extern std::vector layer_height_profile_from_ranges( const SlicingParameters &slicing_params, const t_layer_height_ranges &layer_height_ranges); extern std::vector layer_height_profile_adaptive( const SlicingParameters &slicing_params, const t_layer_height_ranges &layer_height_ranges, const ModelVolumePtrs &volumes); extern void adjust_layer_height_profile( const SlicingParameters &slicing_params, std::vector &layer_height_profile, coordf_t z, coordf_t layer_thickness_delta, coordf_t band_width, int action); // Produce object layers as pairs of low / high layer boundaries, stored into a linear vector. // The object layers are based at z=0, ignoring the raft layers. extern std::vector generate_object_layers( const SlicingParameters &slicing_params, const std::vector &layer_height_profile); // Produce a 1D texture packed into a 2D texture describing in the RGBA format // the planned object layers. // Returns number of cells used by the texture of the 0th LOD level. extern int generate_layer_height_texture( const SlicingParameters &slicing_params, const std::vector &layers, void *data, int rows, int cols, bool level_of_detail_2nd_level); }; // namespace Slic3r #endif /* slic3r_Slicing_hpp_ */