#ifndef slic3r_MutablePriorityQueue_hpp_ #define slic3r_MutablePriorityQueue_hpp_ #include template class MutablePriorityQueue { public: MutablePriorityQueue(IndexSetter &&index_setter, LessPredicate &&less_predicate) : m_index_setter(std::forward(index_setter)), m_less_predicate(std::forward(less_predicate)) {} ~MutablePriorityQueue() { clear(); } void clear(); void reserve(size_t cnt) { m_heap.reserve(cnt); } void push(const T &item); void push(T &&item); void pop(); T& top() { return m_heap.front(); } void remove(size_t idx); void update(size_t idx) { T item = m_heap[idx]; remove(idx); push(item); } size_t size() const { return m_heap.size(); } bool empty() const { return m_heap.empty(); } using iterator = typename std::vector::iterator; using const_iterator = typename std::vector::const_iterator; iterator begin() { return m_heap.begin(); } iterator end() { return m_heap.end(); } const_iterator cbegin() const { return m_heap.cbegin(); } const_iterator cend() const { return m_heap.cend(); } protected: void update_heap_up(size_t top, size_t bottom); void update_heap_down(size_t top, size_t bottom); private: std::vector m_heap; IndexSetter m_index_setter; LessPredicate m_less_predicate; }; template MutablePriorityQueue make_mutable_priority_queue(IndexSetter &&index_setter, LessPredicate &&less_predicate) { return MutablePriorityQueue( std::forward(index_setter), std::forward(less_predicate)); } template inline void MutablePriorityQueue::clear() { #ifndef NDEBUG for (size_t idx = 0; idx < m_heap.size(); ++ idx) // Mark as removed from the queue. m_index_setter(m_heap[idx], std::numeric_limits::max()); #endif /* NDEBUG */ m_heap.clear(); } template inline void MutablePriorityQueue::push(const T &item) { size_t idx = m_heap.size(); m_heap.emplace_back(item); m_index_setter(m_heap.back(), idx); update_heap_up(0, idx); } template inline void MutablePriorityQueue::push(T &&item) { size_t idx = m_heap.size(); m_heap.emplace_back(std::move(item)); m_index_setter(m_heap.back(), idx); update_heap_up(0, idx); } template inline void MutablePriorityQueue::pop() { assert(! m_heap.empty()); #ifndef NDEBUG // Mark as removed from the queue. m_index_setter(m_heap.front(), std::numeric_limits::max()); #endif /* NDEBUG */ if (m_heap.size() > 1) { m_heap.front() = m_heap.back(); m_heap.pop_back(); m_index_setter(m_heap.front(), 0); update_heap_down(0, m_heap.size() - 1); } else m_heap.clear(); } template inline void MutablePriorityQueue::remove(size_t idx) { assert(idx < m_heap.size()); #ifndef NDEBUG // Mark as removed from the queue. m_index_setter(m_heap[idx], std::numeric_limits::max()); #endif /* NDEBUG */ if (idx + 1 == m_heap.size()) { m_heap.pop_back(); return; } m_heap[idx] = m_heap.back(); m_index_setter(m_heap[idx], idx); m_heap.pop_back(); update_heap_down(idx, m_heap.size() - 1); update_heap_up(0, idx); } template inline void MutablePriorityQueue::update_heap_up(size_t top, size_t bottom) { size_t childIdx = bottom; T *child = &m_heap[childIdx]; for (;;) { size_t parentIdx = (childIdx - 1) >> 1; if (childIdx == 0 || parentIdx < top) break; T *parent = &m_heap[parentIdx]; // switch nodes if (! m_less_predicate(*parent, *child)) { T tmp = *parent; m_index_setter(*parent, childIdx); m_index_setter(*child, parentIdx); m_heap[parentIdx] = *child; m_heap[childIdx] = tmp; } // shift up childIdx = parentIdx; child = parent; } } template inline void MutablePriorityQueue::update_heap_down(size_t top, size_t bottom) { size_t parentIdx = top; T *parent = &m_heap[parentIdx]; for (;;) { size_t childIdx = (parentIdx << 1) + 1; if (childIdx > bottom) break; T *child = &m_heap[childIdx]; size_t child2Idx = childIdx + 1; if (child2Idx <= bottom) { T *child2 = &m_heap[child2Idx]; if (! m_less_predicate(*child, *child2)) { child = child2; childIdx = child2Idx; } } if (m_less_predicate(*parent, *child)) return; // switch nodes m_index_setter(*parent, childIdx); m_index_setter(*child, parentIdx); T tmp = *parent; m_heap[parentIdx] = *child; m_heap[childIdx] = tmp; // shift down parentIdx = childIdx; parent = child; } } #endif /* slic3r_MutablePriorityQueue_hpp_ */