#ifndef slic3r_ConfigWizard_private_hpp_
#define slic3r_ConfigWizard_private_hpp_

#include "ConfigWizard.hpp"

#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>

#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include <wx/panel.h>
#include <wx/button.h>
#include <wx/choice.h>
#include <wx/spinctrl.h>
#include <wx/textctrl.h>
#include <wx/listbox.h>
#include <wx/checklst.h>
#include <wx/radiobut.h>

#include "libslic3r/PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/PresetBundle.hpp"
#include "slic3r/Utils/PresetUpdater.hpp"
#include "BedShapeDialog.hpp"
#include "GUI.hpp"
#include "wxExtensions.hpp"

namespace fs = boost::filesystem;

namespace Slic3r {
namespace GUI {

enum {
    WRAP_WIDTH = 500,
    MODEL_MIN_WRAP = 150,

    INDEX_MARGIN = 40,
    BTN_SPACING = 10,

    MAX_COLS = 4,
    ROW_SPACING = 75,

// Configuration data structures extensions needed for the wizard

enum Technology {
    // Bitflag equivalent of PrinterTechnology
    T_FFF = 0x1,
    T_SLA = 0x2,
    T_ANY = ~0,

struct Bundle
	std::unique_ptr<PresetBundle> preset_bundle;
	VendorProfile* vendor_profile{ nullptr };
	bool is_in_resources{ false };
	bool is_prusa_bundle{ false };

	Bundle() = default;
	Bundle(Bundle&& other);

	// Returns false if not loaded. Reason for that is logged as boost::log error.
	bool load(fs::path source_path, bool is_in_resources, bool is_prusa_bundle = false);

	const std::string& vendor_id() const { return vendor_profile->id; }

struct BundleMap : std::unordered_map<std::string /* = vendor ID */, Bundle>
	static BundleMap load();

	Bundle& prusa_bundle();
	const Bundle& prusa_bundle() const;

struct Materials
    Technology technology;
    // use vector for the presets to purpose of save of presets sorting in the bundle
	// bool is true if material is present in all printers (omnipresent)
	// size_t is counter of printers compatible with material
    std::vector<std::pair<const Preset*, size_t>> presets;
    std::set<std::string> types;
	std::set<const Preset*> printers;

    Materials(Technology technology) : technology(technology) {}

    void push(const Preset *preset);
	void add_printer(const Preset* preset);
    void clear();
    bool containts(const Preset *preset) const {
        //return std::find(presets.begin(), presets.end(), preset) != presets.end(); 
		return std::find_if(presets.begin(), presets.end(),
			[preset](const std::pair<const Preset*, bool>& element) { return element.first == preset; }) != presets.end();

	bool get_omnipresent(const Preset* preset) {
		return get_printer_counter(preset) == printers.size();

    const std::vector<const Preset*> get_presets_by_alias(const std::string name) {
        std::vector<const Preset*> ret_vec;
        for (auto it = presets.begin(); it != presets.end(); ++it) {
            if ((*it).first->alias == name)
        return ret_vec;

	void add_printer_counter(const Preset* preset) {
		for (auto it = presets.begin(); it != presets.end(); ++it) {
			if ((*it).first->alias == preset->alias)
				(*it).second += 1;

	size_t get_printer_counter(const Preset* preset) {
		size_t highest = 0;
		for (auto it : presets) {
			if (it.first->alias == preset->alias && it.second > highest)
				highest = it.second;
		return highest;

    const std::string& appconfig_section() const;
    const std::string& get_type(const Preset *preset) const;
    const std::string& get_vendor(const Preset *preset) const;

	template<class F> void filter_presets(const Preset* printer, const std::string& type, const std::string& vendor, F cb) {
		for (auto preset : presets) {
			const Preset& prst = *(preset.first);
			const Preset& prntr = *printer;
		      if ((printer == nullptr || is_compatible_with_printer(PresetWithVendorProfile(prst, prst.vendor), PresetWithVendorProfile(prntr, prntr.vendor))) &&
			    (type.empty() || get_type(preset.first) == type) &&
				(vendor.empty() || get_vendor(preset.first) == vendor)) {


    static const std::string UNKNOWN;
    static const std::string& get_filament_type(const Preset *preset);
    static const std::string& get_filament_vendor(const Preset *preset);
    static const std::string& get_material_type(const Preset *preset);
    static const std::string& get_material_vendor(const Preset *preset);

struct PrinterPickerEvent;

// GUI elements

typedef std::function<bool(const VendorProfile::PrinterModel&)> ModelFilter;

struct PrinterPicker: wxPanel
    struct Checkbox : wxCheckBox
        Checkbox(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &label, const std::string &model, const std::string &variant) :
            wxCheckBox(parent, wxID_ANY, label),

        std::string model;
        std::string variant;

    const std::string vendor_id;
    std::vector<Checkbox*> cboxes;
    std::vector<Checkbox*> cboxes_alt;

    PrinterPicker(wxWindow *parent, const VendorProfile &vendor, wxString title, size_t max_cols, const AppConfig &appconfig, const ModelFilter &filter);
    PrinterPicker(wxWindow *parent, const VendorProfile &vendor, wxString title, size_t max_cols, const AppConfig &appconfig);

    void select_all(bool select, bool alternates = false);
    void select_one(size_t i, bool select);
    bool any_selected() const;
    std::set<std::string> get_selected_models() const ;

    int get_width() const { return width; }
    const std::vector<int>& get_button_indexes() { return m_button_indexes; }

    static const std::string PRINTER_PLACEHOLDER;
    int width;
    std::vector<int> m_button_indexes;

    void on_checkbox(const Checkbox *cbox, bool checked);

struct ConfigWizardPage: wxPanel
    ConfigWizard *parent;
    const wxString shortname;
    wxBoxSizer *content;
    const unsigned indent;

    ConfigWizardPage(ConfigWizard *parent, wxString title, wxString shortname, unsigned indent = 0);
    virtual ~ConfigWizardPage();

    template<class T>
    T* append(T *thing, int proportion = 0, int flag = wxEXPAND|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, int border = 10)
        content->Add(thing, proportion, flag, border);
        return thing;

    wxStaticText* append_text(wxString text);
    void append_spacer(int space);

    ConfigWizard::priv *wizard_p() const { return parent->p.get(); }

    virtual void apply_custom_config(DynamicPrintConfig &config) {}
    virtual void set_run_reason(ConfigWizard::RunReason run_reason) {}
    virtual void on_activate() {}

struct PageWelcome: ConfigWizardPage
    wxStaticText *welcome_text;
    wxCheckBox *cbox_reset;

    PageWelcome(ConfigWizard *parent);

    bool reset_user_profile() const { return cbox_reset != nullptr ? cbox_reset->GetValue() : false; }

    virtual void set_run_reason(ConfigWizard::RunReason run_reason) override;

struct PagePrinters: ConfigWizardPage
    std::vector<PrinterPicker *> printer_pickers;
    Technology technology;
    bool install;

    PagePrinters(ConfigWizard *parent,
        wxString title,
        wxString shortname,
        const VendorProfile &vendor,
        unsigned indent, Technology technology);

    void select_all(bool select, bool alternates = false);
    int get_width() const;
    bool any_selected() const;
    std::set<std::string> get_selected_models();

    std::string get_vendor_id() const { return printer_pickers.empty() ? "" : printer_pickers[0]->vendor_id; }

    virtual void set_run_reason(ConfigWizard::RunReason run_reason) override;

// Here we extend wxListBox and wxCheckListBox
// to make the client data API much easier to use.
template<class T, class D> struct DataList : public T
    DataList(wxWindow *parent) : T(parent, wxID_ANY) {}
	DataList(wxWindow* parent, int style) : T(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, NULL, style) {}

    // Note: We're _not_ using wxLB_SORT here because it doesn't do the right thing,
    // eg. "ABS" is sorted before "(All)"

    int append(const std::string &label, const D *data) {
        void *ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<D*>(data));
        return this->Append(from_u8(label), ptr);

    int append(const wxString &label, const D *data) {
        void *ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<D*>(data));
        return this->Append(label, ptr);

    const D& get_data(int n) {
        return *reinterpret_cast<const D*>(this->GetClientData(n));

    int find(const D &data) {
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->GetCount(); i++) {
            if (get_data(i) == data) { return i; }

        return wxNOT_FOUND;

    int size() { return this->GetCount(); }

    void on_mouse_move(const wxPoint& position) {
        int item = T::HitTest(position);
        if(item == wxHitTest::wxHT_WINDOW_INSIDE)
            BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "hit test wxHT_WINDOW_INSIDE";
        else if (item == wxHitTest::wxHT_WINDOW_OUTSIDE)
            BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "hit test wxHT_WINDOW_OUTSIDE";
        else if(item == wxHitTest::wxHT_WINDOW_CORNER)
            BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "hit test wxHT_WINDOW_CORNER";
        else if (item == wxHitTest::wxHT_WINDOW_VERT_SCROLLBAR)
            BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "hit test wxHT_WINDOW_VERT_SCROLLBAR";
       else if (item == wxHitTest::wxHT_NOWHERE)
            BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "hit test wxHT_NOWHERE";
       else if (item == wxHitTest::wxHT_MAX)
            BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "hit test wxHT_MAX";
            BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "hit test: " << item;

typedef DataList<wxListBox, std::string> StringList;
typedef DataList<wxCheckListBox, std::string> PresetList;

struct PageMaterials: ConfigWizardPage
    Materials *materials;
    StringList *list_printer, *list_type, *list_vendor;
    PresetList *list_profile;
    int sel_printer_prev, sel_type_prev, sel_vendor_prev;
    bool presets_loaded;

    wxFlexGridSizer *grid;
    wxStaticText *compatible_printers;
    int compatible_printers_width = { 100 };
    std::string empty_printers_label;
    bool first_paint = { false };
    static const std::string EMPTY;
    int last_hovered_item = { -1 } ;

    PageMaterials(ConfigWizard *parent, Materials *materials, wxString title, wxString shortname, wxString list1name);

    void reload_presets();
	void update_lists(int sel1, int sel2, int sel3);
	void on_material_highlighted(int sel_material);
    void on_material_hovered(int sel_material);
    void select_material(int i);
    void select_all(bool select);
    void clear();
    void prepare_compatible_printers_label();
    void clear_compatible_printers_label();

    void on_paint();
    void on_mouse_move_on_profiles(wxMouseEvent& evt);
    void on_mouse_enter_profiles(wxMouseEvent& evt);
    void on_mouse_leave_profiles(wxMouseEvent& evt);
    virtual void on_activate() override;

struct PageCustom: ConfigWizardPage
    PageCustom(ConfigWizard *parent);

    bool custom_wanted() const { return cb_custom->GetValue(); }
    std::string profile_name() const { return into_u8(tc_profile_name->GetValue()); }

    static const char* default_profile_name;

    wxCheckBox *cb_custom;
    wxTextCtrl *tc_profile_name;
    wxString profile_name_prev;


struct PageUpdate: ConfigWizardPage
    bool version_check;
    bool preset_update;

    PageUpdate(ConfigWizard *parent);

struct PageReloadFromDisk : ConfigWizardPage
    bool full_pathnames;

    PageReloadFromDisk(ConfigWizard* parent);

struct PageMode: ConfigWizardPage
    wxRadioButton *radio_simple;
    wxRadioButton *radio_advanced;
    wxRadioButton *radio_expert;

    wxCheckBox    *check_inch;

    PageMode(ConfigWizard *parent);

    void serialize_mode(AppConfig *app_config) const;

    virtual void on_activate();

struct PageVendors: ConfigWizardPage
    PageVendors(ConfigWizard *parent);

struct PageFirmware: ConfigWizardPage
    const ConfigOptionDef &gcode_opt;
    wxChoice *gcode_picker;

    PageFirmware(ConfigWizard *parent);
    virtual void apply_custom_config(DynamicPrintConfig &config);

struct PageBedShape: ConfigWizardPage
    BedShapePanel *shape_panel;

    PageBedShape(ConfigWizard *parent);
    virtual void apply_custom_config(DynamicPrintConfig &config);

struct PageDiameters: ConfigWizardPage
    wxSpinCtrlDouble *spin_nozzle;
    wxSpinCtrlDouble *spin_filam;

    PageDiameters(ConfigWizard *parent);
    virtual void apply_custom_config(DynamicPrintConfig &config);

struct PageTemperatures: ConfigWizardPage
    wxSpinCtrlDouble *spin_extr;
    wxSpinCtrlDouble *spin_bed;

    PageTemperatures(ConfigWizard *parent);
    virtual void apply_custom_config(DynamicPrintConfig &config);

// hypothetically, each vendor can has printers both of technologies (FFF and SLA)
typedef std::map<std::string /* = vendor ID */, 
                 std::pair<PagePrinters* /* = FFF page */, 
                           PagePrinters* /* = SLA page */>> Pages3rdparty;

class ConfigWizardIndex: public wxPanel
    ConfigWizardIndex(wxWindow *parent);

    void add_page(ConfigWizardPage *page);
    void add_label(wxString label, unsigned indent = 0);

    size_t active_item() const { return item_active; }
    ConfigWizardPage* active_page() const;
    bool active_is_last() const { return item_active < items.size() && item_active == last_page; }

    void go_prev();
    void go_next();
    void go_to(size_t i);
    void go_to(const ConfigWizardPage *page);

    void clear();
    void msw_rescale();

    int em() const { return em_w; }

    static const size_t NO_ITEM = size_t(-1);
    struct Item
        wxString label;
        unsigned indent;
        ConfigWizardPage *page;     // nullptr page => label-only item

        bool operator==(ConfigWizardPage *page) const { return this->page == page; }

    int em_w;
    int em_h;
    ScalableBitmap bg;
    ScalableBitmap bullet_black;
    ScalableBitmap bullet_blue;
    ScalableBitmap bullet_white;
    wxStaticBitmap* logo;

    std::vector<Item> items;
    size_t item_active;
    ssize_t item_hover;
    size_t last_page;

    int item_height() const { return std::max(bullet_black.bmp().GetSize().GetHeight(), em_w) + em_w; }

    void on_paint(wxPaintEvent &evt);
    void on_mouse_move(wxMouseEvent &evt);


// ConfigWizard private data

typedef std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> PresetAliases;

struct ConfigWizard::priv
    ConfigWizard *q;
    ConfigWizard::RunReason run_reason = RR_USER;
    AppConfig appconfig_new;      // Backing for vendor/model/variant and material selections in the GUI
    BundleMap bundles;            // Holds all loaded config bundles, the key is the vendor names.
                                  // Materials refers to Presets in those bundles by pointers.
                                  // Also we update the is_visible flag in printer Presets according to the
                                  // PrinterPickers state.
    Materials filaments;          // Holds available filament presets and their types & vendors
    Materials sla_materials;      // Ditto for SLA materials
    PresetAliases aliases_fff;    // Map of aliase to preset names
    PresetAliases aliases_sla;    // Map of aliase to preset names
    std::unique_ptr<DynamicPrintConfig> custom_config;           // Backing for custom printer definition
    bool any_fff_selected;        // Used to decide whether to display Filaments page
    bool any_sla_selected;        // Used to decide whether to display SLA Materials page
	bool custom_printer_selected; 

    wxScrolledWindow *hscroll = nullptr;
    wxBoxSizer *hscroll_sizer = nullptr;
    wxBoxSizer *btnsizer = nullptr;
    ConfigWizardPage *page_current = nullptr;
    ConfigWizardIndex *index = nullptr;
    wxButton *btn_sel_all = nullptr;
    wxButton *btn_prev = nullptr;
    wxButton *btn_next = nullptr;
    wxButton *btn_finish = nullptr;
    wxButton *btn_cancel = nullptr;

    PageWelcome      *page_welcome = nullptr;
    PagePrinters     *page_fff = nullptr;
    PagePrinters     *page_msla = nullptr;
    PageMaterials    *page_filaments = nullptr;
    PageMaterials    *page_sla_materials = nullptr;
    PageCustom       *page_custom = nullptr;
    PageUpdate       *page_update = nullptr;
    PageReloadFromDisk *page_reload_from_disk = nullptr;
    PageMode         *page_mode = nullptr;
    PageVendors      *page_vendors = nullptr;
    Pages3rdparty     pages_3rdparty;

    // Custom setup pages
    PageFirmware     *page_firmware = nullptr;
    PageBedShape     *page_bed = nullptr;
    PageDiameters    *page_diams = nullptr;
    PageTemperatures *page_temps = nullptr;

    // Pointers to all pages (regardless or whether currently part of the ConfigWizardIndex)
    std::vector<ConfigWizardPage*> all_pages;

    priv(ConfigWizard *q)
        : q(q)
        , filaments(T_FFF)
        , sla_materials(T_SLA)

    void load_pages();
    void init_dialog_size();

    void load_vendors();
    void add_page(ConfigWizardPage *page);
    void enable_next(bool enable);
    void set_start_page(ConfigWizard::StartPage start_page);
    void create_3rdparty_pages();
    void set_run_reason(RunReason run_reason);
    void update_materials(Technology technology);

    void on_custom_setup(const bool custom_wanted);
    void on_printer_pick(PagePrinters *page, const PrinterPickerEvent &evt);
    void select_default_materials_for_printer_model(const VendorProfile::PrinterModel &printer_model, Technology technology);
    void select_default_materials_for_printer_models(Technology technology, const std::set<const VendorProfile::PrinterModel*> &printer_models);
    void on_3rdparty_install(const VendorProfile *vendor, bool install);

    bool on_bnt_finish();
    bool check_and_install_missing_materials(Technology technology, const std::string &only_for_model_id = std::string());
    void apply_config(AppConfig *app_config, PresetBundle *preset_bundle, const PresetUpdater *updater);
    // #ys_FIXME_alise
    void update_presets_in_config(const std::string& section, const std::string& alias_key, bool add);

    bool check_fff_selected();        // Used to decide whether to display Filaments page
    bool check_sla_selected();        // Used to decide whether to display SLA Materials page

    int em() const { return index->em(); }

