std::vector T_STD_VECTOR_INT t_config_option_key T_STD_STRING DynamicPrintConfig* O_OBJECT PrintConfig* O_OBJECT ZTable* O_OBJECT TriangleMesh* O_OBJECT Point* O_OBJECT Line* O_OBJECT Polyline* O_OBJECT PolylineCollection* O_OBJECT Polygon* O_OBJECT ExPolygon* O_OBJECT ExPolygonCollection* O_OBJECT ExtrusionEntityCollection* O_OBJECT ExtrusionPath* O_OBJECT ExtrusionLoop* O_OBJECT Surface* O_OBJECT SurfaceCollection* O_OBJECT ExtrusionRole T_UV SurfaceType T_UV ClipperLib::JoinType T_UV ClipperLib::PolyFillType T_UV # we return these types whenever we want the items to be cloned Points T_ARRAYREF Lines T_ARRAYREF Polygons T_ARRAYREF Polylines T_ARRAYREF ExPolygons T_ARRAYREF Surfaces T_ARRAYREF # we return these types whenever we want the items to be returned # by reference and marked ::Ref because they're contained in another # Perl object Polygons* T_ARRAYREF_PTR # we return these types whenever we want the items to be returned # by reference and not marked ::Ref because they're newly allocated # and not referenced by any Perl object TriangleMeshPtrs T_PTR_ARRAYREF INPUT T_ARRAYREF if (SvROK($arg) && SvTYPE(SvRV($arg)) == SVt_PVAV) { AV* av = (AV*)SvRV($arg); const unsigned int len = av_len(av)+1; $type* tmp = new $type(len); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) { SV** elem = av_fetch(av, i, 0); (*tmp)[i].from_SV_check(*elem); } $var = *tmp; delete tmp; } else Perl_croak(aTHX_ \"%s: %s is not an array reference\", ${$ALIAS?\q[GvNAME(CvGV(cv))]:\qq[\"$pname\"]}, \"$var\"); OUTPUT T_ARRAYREF AV* av = newAV(); $arg = newRV_noinc((SV*)av); sv_2mortal($arg); av_extend(av, $var.size()-1); int i = 0; for (${type}::const_iterator it = $var.begin(); it != $var.end(); ++it) { av_store(av, i++, it->to_SV_clone_ref()); } $var.clear(); T_ARRAYREF_PTR AV* av = newAV(); $arg = newRV_noinc((SV*)av); sv_2mortal($arg); av_extend(av, $var->size()-1); int i = 0; for (${ my $t = $type; $t =~ s/\*$//; \$t }::iterator it = $var->begin(); it != $var->end(); ++it) { av_store(av, i++, it->to_SV_ref()); } T_PTR_ARRAYREF AV* av = newAV(); $arg = newRV_noinc((SV*)av); sv_2mortal($arg); av_extend(av, $var.size()-1); int i = 0; for (${type}::iterator it = $var.begin(); it != $var.end(); ++it) { av_store(av, i++, (*it)->to_SV()); }