#ifdef SLIC3RXS #include namespace Slic3r { REGISTER_CLASS(ExPolygon, "ExPolygon"); REGISTER_CLASS(ExtrusionPath, "ExtrusionPath"); REGISTER_CLASS(ExtrusionLoop, "ExtrusionLoop"); REGISTER_CLASS(ExtrusionEntityCollection, "ExtrusionPath::Collection"); REGISTER_CLASS(GCode, "GCode"); REGISTER_CLASS(Layer, "Layer"); REGISTER_CLASS(LayerRegion, "Layer::Region"); REGISTER_CLASS(Line, "Line"); REGISTER_CLASS(Polygon, "Polygon"); REGISTER_CLASS(Polyline, "Polyline"); REGISTER_CLASS(Print, "Print"); REGISTER_CLASS(PrintObject, "Print::Object"); REGISTER_CLASS(PrintRegion, "Print::Region"); REGISTER_CLASS(Model, "Model"); REGISTER_CLASS(ModelMaterial, "Model::Material"); REGISTER_CLASS(ModelObject, "Model::Object"); REGISTER_CLASS(ModelVolume, "Model::Volume"); REGISTER_CLASS(ModelInstance, "Model::Instance"); REGISTER_CLASS(BoundingBox, "Geometry::BoundingBox"); REGISTER_CLASS(Point, "Point"); __REGISTER_CLASS(Vec2d, "Pointf"); __REGISTER_CLASS(Vec3d, "Pointf3"); REGISTER_CLASS(DynamicPrintConfig, "Config"); REGISTER_CLASS(StaticPrintConfig, "Config::Static"); REGISTER_CLASS(GCodeConfig, "Config::GCode"); REGISTER_CLASS(PrintConfig, "Config::Print"); REGISTER_CLASS(Surface, "Surface"); REGISTER_CLASS(SurfaceCollection, "Surface::Collection"); REGISTER_CLASS(FullPrintConfig, "Config::Full"); REGISTER_CLASS(TriangleMesh, "TriangleMesh"); SV* ConfigBase__as_hash(ConfigBase* THIS) { HV* hv = newHV(); for (auto &key : THIS->keys()) (void)hv_store(hv, key.c_str(), key.length(), ConfigBase__get(THIS, key), 0); return newRV_noinc((SV*)hv); } SV* ConfigBase__get(ConfigBase* THIS, const t_config_option_key &opt_key) { ConfigOption *opt = THIS->option(opt_key, false); return (opt == nullptr) ? &PL_sv_undef : ConfigOption_to_SV(*opt, *THIS->def()->get(opt_key)); } SV* ConfigOption_to_SV(const ConfigOption &opt, const ConfigOptionDef &def) { switch (def.type) { case coFloat: case coPercent: return newSVnv(static_cast(&opt)->value); case coFloats: case coPercents: { auto optv = static_cast(&opt); AV* av = newAV(); av_fill(av, optv->values.size()-1); for (const double &v : optv->values) av_store(av, &v - optv->values.data(), newSVnv(v)); return newRV_noinc((SV*)av); } case coInt: return newSViv(static_cast(&opt)->value); case coInts: { auto optv = static_cast(&opt); AV* av = newAV(); av_fill(av, optv->values.size()-1); for (const int &v : optv->values) av_store(av, &v - optv->values.data(), newSViv(v)); return newRV_noinc((SV*)av); } case coString: { auto optv = static_cast(&opt); // we don't serialize() because that would escape newlines return newSVpvn_utf8(optv->value.c_str(), optv->value.length(), true); } case coStrings: { auto optv = static_cast(&opt); AV* av = newAV(); av_fill(av, optv->values.size()-1); for (const std::string &v : optv->values) av_store(av, &v - optv->values.data(), newSVpvn_utf8(v.c_str(), v.length(), true)); return newRV_noinc((SV*)av); } case coPoint: return perl_to_SV_clone_ref(static_cast(&opt)->value); case coPoint3: return perl_to_SV_clone_ref(static_cast(&opt)->value); case coPoints: { auto optv = static_cast(&opt); AV* av = newAV(); av_fill(av, optv->values.size()-1); for (const Vec2d &v : optv->values) av_store(av, &v - optv->values.data(), perl_to_SV_clone_ref(v)); return newRV_noinc((SV*)av); } case coBool: return newSViv(static_cast(&opt)->value ? 1 : 0); case coBools: { auto optv = static_cast(&opt); AV* av = newAV(); av_fill(av, optv->values.size()-1); for (size_t i = 0; i < optv->values.size(); ++ i) av_store(av, i, newSViv(optv->values[i] ? 1 : 0)); return newRV_noinc((SV*)av); } default: std::string serialized = opt.serialize(); return newSVpvn_utf8(serialized.c_str(), serialized.length(), true); } } SV* ConfigBase__get_at(ConfigBase* THIS, const t_config_option_key &opt_key, size_t i) { ConfigOption* opt = THIS->option(opt_key, false); if (opt == nullptr) return &PL_sv_undef; const ConfigOptionDef* def = THIS->def()->get(opt_key); switch (def->type) { case coFloats: case coPercents: return newSVnv(static_cast(opt)->get_at(i)); case coInts: return newSViv(static_cast(opt)->get_at(i)); case coStrings: { // we don't serialize() because that would escape newlines const std::string &val = static_cast(opt)->get_at(i); return newSVpvn_utf8(val.c_str(), val.length(), true); } case coPoints: return perl_to_SV_clone_ref(static_cast(opt)->get_at(i)); case coBools: return newSViv(static_cast(opt)->get_at(i) ? 1 : 0); default: return &PL_sv_undef; } } bool ConfigBase__set(ConfigBase* THIS, const t_config_option_key &opt_key, SV* value) { ConfigOption* opt = THIS->option(opt_key, true); if (opt == nullptr) CONFESS("Trying to set non-existing option"); const ConfigOptionDef* def = THIS->def()->get(opt_key); if (opt->type() != def->type) CONFESS("Option type is different from the definition"); switch (def->type) { case coFloat: if (!looks_like_number(value)) return false; static_cast(opt)->value = SvNV(value); break; case coFloats: { std::vector &values = static_cast(opt)->values; AV* av = (AV*)SvRV(value); const size_t len = av_len(av)+1; values.clear(); values.reserve(len); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++ i) { SV** elem = av_fetch(av, i, 0); if (elem == NULL || !looks_like_number(*elem)) return false; values.emplace_back(SvNV(*elem)); } break; } case coPercents: { std::vector &values = static_cast(opt)->values; AV* av = (AV*)SvRV(value); const size_t len = av_len(av)+1; values.clear(); values.reserve(len); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { SV** elem = av_fetch(av, i, 0); if (elem == NULL || !looks_like_number(*elem)) return false; values.emplace_back(SvNV(*elem)); } break; } case coInt: if (!looks_like_number(value)) return false; static_cast(opt)->value = SvIV(value); break; case coInts: { std::vector &values = static_cast(opt)->values; AV* av = (AV*)SvRV(value); const size_t len = av_len(av)+1; values.clear(); values.reserve(len); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { SV** elem = av_fetch(av, i, 0); if (elem == NULL || !looks_like_number(*elem)) return false; values.emplace_back(SvIV(*elem)); } break; } case coString: static_cast(opt)->value = std::string(SvPV_nolen(value), SvCUR(value)); break; case coStrings: { std::vector &values = static_cast(opt)->values; AV* av = (AV*)SvRV(value); const size_t len = av_len(av)+1; values.clear(); values.reserve(len); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { SV** elem = av_fetch(av, i, 0); if (elem == NULL) return false; values.emplace_back(std::string(SvPV_nolen(*elem), SvCUR(*elem))); } break; } case coPoint: return from_SV_check(value, &static_cast(opt)->value); // case coPoint3: // not gonna fix it, die Perl die! // return from_SV_check(value, &static_cast(opt)->value); case coPoints: { std::vector &values = static_cast(opt)->values; AV* av = (AV*)SvRV(value); const size_t len = av_len(av)+1; values.clear(); values.reserve(len); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { SV** elem = av_fetch(av, i, 0); Vec2d point(Vec2d::Zero()); if (elem == NULL || !from_SV_check(*elem, &point)) return false; values.emplace_back(point); } break; } case coBool: static_cast(opt)->value = SvTRUE(value); break; case coBools: { std::vector &values = static_cast(opt)->values; AV* av = (AV*)SvRV(value); const size_t len = av_len(av)+1; values.clear(); values.reserve(len); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { SV** elem = av_fetch(av, i, 0); if (elem == NULL) return false; values.emplace_back(SvTRUE(*elem)); } break; } default: if (! opt->deserialize(std::string(SvPV_nolen(value)), ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Disable)) return false; } return true; } /* This method is implemented as a workaround for this typemap bug: https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=94110 */ bool ConfigBase__set_deserialize(ConfigBase* THIS, const t_config_option_key &opt_key, SV* str) { size_t len; const char * c = SvPV(str, len); std::string value(c, len); ConfigSubstitutionContext ctxt{ ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Disable }; return THIS->set_deserialize_nothrow(opt_key, value, ctxt); } void ConfigBase__set_ifndef(ConfigBase* THIS, const t_config_option_key &opt_key, SV* value, bool deserialize) { if (THIS->has(opt_key)) return; if (deserialize) ConfigBase__set_deserialize(THIS, opt_key, value); else ConfigBase__set(THIS, opt_key, value); } bool StaticConfig__set(StaticConfig* THIS, const t_config_option_key &opt_key, SV* value) { const ConfigOptionDef* optdef = THIS->def()->get(opt_key); if (optdef->shortcut.empty()) return ConfigBase__set(THIS, opt_key, value); for (const t_config_option_key &key : optdef->shortcut) if (! StaticConfig__set(THIS, key, value)) return false; return true; } SV* to_AV(ExPolygon* expolygon) { const unsigned int num_holes = expolygon->holes.size(); AV* av = newAV(); av_extend(av, num_holes); // -1 +1 av_store(av, 0, perl_to_SV_ref(expolygon->contour)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_holes; i++) { av_store(av, i+1, perl_to_SV_ref(expolygon->holes[i])); } return newRV_noinc((SV*)av); } SV* to_SV_pureperl(const ExPolygon* expolygon) { const unsigned int num_holes = expolygon->holes.size(); AV* av = newAV(); av_extend(av, num_holes); // -1 +1 av_store(av, 0, to_SV_pureperl(&expolygon->contour)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_holes; i++) { av_store(av, i+1, to_SV_pureperl(&expolygon->holes[i])); } return newRV_noinc((SV*)av); } void from_SV(SV* expoly_sv, ExPolygon* expolygon) { AV* expoly_av = (AV*)SvRV(expoly_sv); const unsigned int num_polygons = av_len(expoly_av)+1; expolygon->holes.resize(num_polygons-1); SV** polygon_sv = av_fetch(expoly_av, 0, 0); from_SV(*polygon_sv, &expolygon->contour); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_polygons-1; i++) { polygon_sv = av_fetch(expoly_av, i+1, 0); from_SV(*polygon_sv, &expolygon->holes[i]); } } void from_SV_check(SV* expoly_sv, ExPolygon* expolygon) { if (sv_isobject(expoly_sv) && (SvTYPE(SvRV(expoly_sv)) == SVt_PVMG)) { if (!sv_isa(expoly_sv, perl_class_name(expolygon)) && !sv_isa(expoly_sv, perl_class_name_ref(expolygon))) CONFESS("Not a valid %s object", perl_class_name(expolygon)); // a XS ExPolygon was supplied *expolygon = *(ExPolygon *)SvIV((SV*)SvRV( expoly_sv )); } else { // a Perl arrayref was supplied from_SV(expoly_sv, expolygon); } } void from_SV(SV* line_sv, Line* THIS) { AV* line_av = (AV*)SvRV(line_sv); from_SV_check(*av_fetch(line_av, 0, 0), &THIS->a); from_SV_check(*av_fetch(line_av, 1, 0), &THIS->b); } void from_SV_check(SV* line_sv, Line* THIS) { if (sv_isobject(line_sv) && (SvTYPE(SvRV(line_sv)) == SVt_PVMG)) { if (!sv_isa(line_sv, perl_class_name(THIS)) && !sv_isa(line_sv, perl_class_name_ref(THIS))) CONFESS("Not a valid %s object", perl_class_name(THIS)); *THIS = *(Line*)SvIV((SV*)SvRV( line_sv )); } else { from_SV(line_sv, THIS); } } SV* to_AV(Line* THIS) { AV* av = newAV(); av_extend(av, 1); av_store(av, 0, perl_to_SV_ref(THIS->a)); av_store(av, 1, perl_to_SV_ref(THIS->b)); return newRV_noinc((SV*)av); } SV* to_SV_pureperl(const Line* THIS) { AV* av = newAV(); av_extend(av, 1); av_store(av, 0, to_SV_pureperl(&THIS->a)); av_store(av, 1, to_SV_pureperl(&THIS->b)); return newRV_noinc((SV*)av); } void from_SV(SV* poly_sv, MultiPoint* THIS) { AV* poly_av = (AV*)SvRV(poly_sv); const unsigned int num_points = av_len(poly_av)+1; THIS->points.resize(num_points); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { SV** point_sv = av_fetch(poly_av, i, 0); from_SV_check(*point_sv, &THIS->points[i]); } } void from_SV_check(SV* poly_sv, MultiPoint* THIS) { if (sv_isobject(poly_sv) && (SvTYPE(SvRV(poly_sv)) == SVt_PVMG)) { *THIS = *(MultiPoint*)SvIV((SV*)SvRV( poly_sv )); } else { from_SV(poly_sv, THIS); } } SV* to_AV(MultiPoint* THIS) { const unsigned int num_points = THIS->points.size(); AV* av = newAV(); if (num_points > 0) av_extend(av, num_points-1); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { av_store(av, i, perl_to_SV_ref(THIS->points[i])); } return newRV_noinc((SV*)av); } SV* to_SV_pureperl(const MultiPoint* THIS) { const unsigned int num_points = THIS->points.size(); AV* av = newAV(); if (num_points > 0) av_extend(av, num_points-1); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { av_store(av, i, to_SV_pureperl(&THIS->points[i])); } return newRV_noinc((SV*)av); } void from_SV_check(SV* poly_sv, Polygon* THIS) { if (sv_isobject(poly_sv) && !sv_isa(poly_sv, perl_class_name(THIS)) && !sv_isa(poly_sv, perl_class_name_ref(THIS))) CONFESS("Not a valid %s object", perl_class_name(THIS)); from_SV_check(poly_sv, (MultiPoint*)THIS); } void from_SV_check(SV* poly_sv, Polyline* THIS) { if (!sv_isa(poly_sv, perl_class_name(THIS)) && !sv_isa(poly_sv, perl_class_name_ref(THIS))) CONFESS("Not a valid %s object", perl_class_name(THIS)); from_SV_check(poly_sv, (MultiPoint*)THIS); } SV* to_SV_pureperl(const Point* THIS) { AV* av = newAV(); av_fill(av, 1); av_store(av, 0, newSViv((*THIS)(0))); av_store(av, 1, newSViv((*THIS)(1))); return newRV_noinc((SV*)av); } void from_SV(SV* point_sv, Point* point) { AV* point_av = (AV*)SvRV(point_sv); // get a double from Perl and round it, otherwise // it would get truncated (*point) = Point(SvNV(*av_fetch(point_av, 0, 0)), SvNV(*av_fetch(point_av, 1, 0))); } void from_SV_check(SV* point_sv, Point* point) { if (sv_isobject(point_sv) && (SvTYPE(SvRV(point_sv)) == SVt_PVMG)) { if (!sv_isa(point_sv, perl_class_name(point)) && !sv_isa(point_sv, perl_class_name_ref(point))) CONFESS("Not a valid %s object (got %s)", perl_class_name(point), HvNAME(SvSTASH(SvRV(point_sv)))); *point = *(Point*)SvIV((SV*)SvRV( point_sv )); } else { from_SV(point_sv, point); } } SV* to_SV_pureperl(const Vec2d* point) { AV* av = newAV(); av_fill(av, 1); av_store(av, 0, newSVnv((*point)(0))); av_store(av, 1, newSVnv((*point)(1))); return newRV_noinc((SV*)av); } bool from_SV(SV* point_sv, Vec2d* point) { AV* point_av = (AV*)SvRV(point_sv); SV* sv_x = *av_fetch(point_av, 0, 0); SV* sv_y = *av_fetch(point_av, 1, 0); if (!looks_like_number(sv_x) || !looks_like_number(sv_y)) return false; *point = Vec2d(SvNV(sv_x), SvNV(sv_y)); return true; } bool from_SV_check(SV* point_sv, Vec2d* point) { if (sv_isobject(point_sv) && (SvTYPE(SvRV(point_sv)) == SVt_PVMG)) { if (!sv_isa(point_sv, perl_class_name(point)) && !sv_isa(point_sv, perl_class_name_ref(point))) CONFESS("Not a valid %s object (got %s)", perl_class_name(point), HvNAME(SvSTASH(SvRV(point_sv)))); *point = *(Vec2d*)SvIV((SV*)SvRV( point_sv )); return true; } else { return from_SV(point_sv, point); } } void from_SV_check(SV* surface_sv, Surface* THIS) { if (!sv_isa(surface_sv, perl_class_name(THIS)) && !sv_isa(surface_sv, perl_class_name_ref(THIS))) CONFESS("Not a valid %s object", perl_class_name(THIS)); // a XS Surface was supplied *THIS = *(Surface *)SvIV((SV*)SvRV( surface_sv )); } SV* to_SV(TriangleMesh* THIS) { SV* sv = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv( sv, perl_class_name(THIS), (void*)THIS ); return sv; } } #endif