#ifndef _technologies_h_ #define _technologies_h_ //============ // debug techs //============ // Shows camera target in the 3D scene #define ENABLE_SHOW_CAMERA_TARGET 0 // Log debug messages to console when changing selection #define ENABLE_SELECTION_DEBUG_OUTPUT 0 // Renders a small sphere in the center of the bounding box of the current selection when no gizmo is active #define ENABLE_RENDER_SELECTION_CENTER 0 // Shows an imgui dialog with render related data #define ENABLE_RENDER_STATISTICS 0 // Shows an imgui dialog with camera related data #define ENABLE_CAMERA_STATISTICS 0 // Render the picking pass instead of the main scene (use [T] key to toggle between regular rendering and picking pass only rendering) #define ENABLE_RENDER_PICKING_PASS 0 //==================== // 1.42.0.alpha1 techs //==================== #define ENABLE_1_42_0_ALPHA1 1 // Disable synchronization of unselected instances #define DISABLE_INSTANCES_SYNCH (0 && ENABLE_1_42_0_ALPHA1) // Use wxDataViewRender instead of wxDataViewCustomRenderer #define ENABLE_NONCUSTOM_DATA_VIEW_RENDERING (0 && ENABLE_1_42_0_ALPHA1) //==================== // 2.2.0.alpha1 techs //==================== #define ENABLE_2_2_0_ALPHA1 1 // Enable thumbnail generator // When removing this technology, remove it also from stable branch, // where it has been partially copied for patch 2.1.1 #define ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR (1 && ENABLE_2_2_0_ALPHA1) #define ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR_DEBUG (0 && ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR) // Enable adaptive layer height profile #define ENABLE_ADAPTIVE_LAYER_HEIGHT_PROFILE (1 && ENABLE_2_2_0_ALPHA1) // Enable grayed variant for gizmos icons in non activable state #define ENABLE_GIZMO_ICONS_NON_ACTIVABLE_STATE (1 && ENABLE_2_2_0_ALPHA1) // Enable fix for view toolbar background not showing up on Mac with dark mode #define ENABLE_VIEW_TOOLBAR_BACKGROUND_FIX (1 && ENABLE_2_2_0_ALPHA1) // Enable selection for missing files in reload from disk command #define ENABLE_RELOAD_FROM_DISK_MISSING_SELECTION (1 && ENABLE_2_2_0_ALPHA1) // Enable closing 3Dconnextion imgui settings dialog by clicking on [X] and [Close] buttons #define ENABLE_3DCONNEXION_DEVICES_CLOSE_SETTING_DIALOG (1 && ENABLE_2_2_0_ALPHA1) // Enable not applying volume transformation during 3mf and amf loading, but keeping it as a ModelVolume member #define ENABLE_KEEP_LOADED_VOLUME_TRANSFORM_AS_STAND_ALONE (1 && ENABLE_2_2_0_ALPHA1) #endif // _technologies_h_