#ifndef SLACOMMON_HPP #define SLACOMMON_HPP #include // #define SLIC3R_SLA_NEEDS_WINDTREE namespace Slic3r { // Typedefs from Point.hpp typedef Eigen::Matrix Vec3f; typedef Eigen::Matrix Vec3d; class TriangleMesh; namespace sla { struct SupportPoint { Vec3f pos; float head_front_radius; bool is_new_island; SupportPoint() : pos(Vec3f::Zero()), head_front_radius(0.f), is_new_island(false) {} SupportPoint(float pos_x, float pos_y, float pos_z, float head_radius, bool new_island) : pos(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z), head_front_radius(head_radius), is_new_island(new_island) {} SupportPoint(Vec3f position, float head_radius, bool new_island) : pos(position), head_front_radius(head_radius), is_new_island(new_island) {} SupportPoint(Eigen::Matrix data) : pos(data(0), data(1), data(2)), head_front_radius(data(3)), is_new_island(data(4) != 0.f) {} bool operator==(const SupportPoint& sp) const { return (pos==sp.pos) && head_front_radius==sp.head_front_radius && is_new_island==sp.is_new_island; } bool operator!=(const SupportPoint& sp) const { return !(sp == (*this)); } }; /// An index-triangle structure for libIGL functions. Also serves as an /// alternative (raw) input format for the SLASupportTree /*struct EigenMesh3D { Eigen::MatrixXd V; Eigen::MatrixXi F; double ground_level = 0; };*/ /// An index-triangle structure for libIGL functions. Also serves as an /// alternative (raw) input format for the SLASupportTree class EigenMesh3D { class AABBImpl; Eigen::MatrixXd m_V; Eigen::MatrixXi m_F; double m_ground_level = 0; std::unique_ptr m_aabb; public: EigenMesh3D(const TriangleMesh&); EigenMesh3D(const EigenMesh3D& other); EigenMesh3D& operator=(const EigenMesh3D&); ~EigenMesh3D(); inline double ground_level() const { return m_ground_level; } inline const Eigen::MatrixXd& V() const { return m_V; } inline const Eigen::MatrixXi& F() const { return m_F; } // Result of a raycast class hit_result { double m_t = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); int m_face_id = -1; const EigenMesh3D& m_mesh; Vec3d m_dir; inline hit_result(const EigenMesh3D& em): m_mesh(em) {} friend class EigenMesh3D; public: inline double distance() const { return m_t; } inline const Vec3d& direction() const { return m_dir; } inline int face() const { return m_face_id; } inline Vec3d normal() const { if(m_face_id < 0) return {}; auto trindex = m_mesh.m_F.row(m_face_id); const Vec3d& p1 = m_mesh.V().row(trindex(0)); const Vec3d& p2 = m_mesh.V().row(trindex(1)); const Vec3d& p3 = m_mesh.V().row(trindex(2)); Eigen::Vector3d U = p2 - p1; Eigen::Vector3d V = p3 - p1; return U.cross(V).normalized(); } inline bool is_inside() { return m_face_id >= 0 && normal().dot(m_dir) > 0; } }; // Casting a ray on the mesh, returns the distance where the hit occures. hit_result query_ray_hit(const Vec3d &s, const Vec3d &dir) const; class si_result { double m_value; int m_fidx; Vec3d m_p; si_result(double val, int i, const Vec3d& c): m_value(val), m_fidx(i), m_p(c) {} friend class EigenMesh3D; public: si_result() = delete; double value() const { return m_value; } operator double() const { return m_value; } const Vec3d& point_on_mesh() const { return m_p; } int F_idx() const { return m_fidx; } }; #ifdef SLIC3R_SLA_NEEDS_WINDTREE // The signed distance from a point to the mesh. Outputs the distance, // the index of the triangle and the closest point in mesh coordinate space. si_result signed_distance(const Vec3d& p) const; bool inside(const Vec3d& p) const; #endif /* SLIC3R_SLA_NEEDS_WINDTREE */ }; } // namespace sla } // namespace Slic3r #endif // SLASUPPORTTREE_HPP