package Slic3r::Print::Region; use Moo; use Slic3r::Extruder ':roles'; use Slic3r::Flow ':roles'; # A Print::Region object represents a group of volumes to print # sharing the same config (including the same assigned extruder(s)) has 'print' => (is => 'ro', required => 1, weak_ref => 1); has 'config' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { Slic3r::Config::PrintRegion->new}); sub flow { my ($self, $role, $layer_height, $bridge, $first_layer, $width, $object) = @_; $bridge //= 0; $first_layer //= 0; # use the supplied custom width, if any my $config_width = $width; if (!defined $config_width) { # get extrusion width from configuration # (might be an absolute value, or a percent value, or zero for auto) if ($first_layer && $self->print->config->first_layer_extrusion_width) { $config_width = $self->print->config->first_layer_extrusion_width; } elsif ($role == FLOW_ROLE_PERIMETER) { $config_width = $self->config->perimeter_extrusion_width; } elsif ($role == FLOW_ROLE_INFILL) { $config_width = $self->config->infill_extrusion_width; } elsif ($role == FLOW_ROLE_SOLID_INFILL) { $config_width = $self->config->solid_infill_extrusion_width; } elsif ($role == FLOW_ROLE_TOP_SOLID_INFILL) { $config_width = $self->config->top_infill_extrusion_width; } else { die "Unknown role $role"; } } if ($config_width eq '0') { $config_width = $object->config->extrusion_width; } # get the configured nozzle_diameter for the extruder associated # to the flow role requested my $extruder; # 1-based if ($role == FLOW_ROLE_PERIMETER) { $extruder = $self->config->perimeter_extruder; } elsif ($role == FLOW_ROLE_INFILL || $role == FLOW_ROLE_SOLID_INFILL || $role == FLOW_ROLE_TOP_SOLID_INFILL) { $extruder = $self->config->infill_extruder; } else { die "Unknown role $role"; } my $nozzle_diameter = $self->print->config->get_at('nozzle_diameter', $extruder-1); return Slic3r::Flow->new_from_width( width => $config_width, role => $role, nozzle_diameter => $nozzle_diameter, layer_height => $layer_height, bridge_flow_ratio => ($bridge ? $self->print->config->bridge_flow_ratio : 0), ); } 1;