#include "PrintHost.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libslic3r/PrintConfig.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Channel.hpp" #include "OctoPrint.hpp" #include "Duet.hpp" #include "FlashAir.hpp" #include "../GUI/PrintHostDialogs.hpp" namespace fs = boost::filesystem; using boost::optional; using Slic3r::GUI::PrintHostQueueDialog; namespace Slic3r { PrintHost::~PrintHost() {} PrintHost* PrintHost::get_print_host(DynamicPrintConfig *config) { PrinterTechnology tech = ptFFF; { const auto opt = config->option>("printer_technology"); if (opt != nullptr) { tech = opt->value; } } if (tech == ptFFF) { const auto opt = config->option>("host_type"); const auto host_type = opt != nullptr ? opt->value : htOctoPrint; switch (host_type) { case htOctoPrint: return new OctoPrint(config); case htDuet: return new Duet(config); case htFlashAir: return new FlashAir(config); default: return nullptr; } } else { return new SL1Host(config); } } wxString PrintHost::format_error(const std::string &body, const std::string &error, unsigned status) const { if (status != 0) { auto wxbody = wxString::FromUTF8(body.data()); return wxString::Format("HTTP %u: %s", status, wxbody); } else { return wxString::FromUTF8(error.data()); } } struct PrintHostJobQueue::priv { // XXX: comment on how bg thread works PrintHostJobQueue *q; Channel channel_jobs; Channel channel_cancels; size_t job_id = 0; int prev_progress = -1; fs::path source_to_remove; std::thread bg_thread; bool bg_exit = false; PrintHostQueueDialog *queue_dialog; priv(PrintHostJobQueue *q) : q(q) {} void emit_progress(int progress); void emit_error(wxString error); void emit_cancel(size_t id); void start_bg_thread(); void stop_bg_thread(); void bg_thread_main(); void progress_fn(Http::Progress progress, bool &cancel); void remove_source(const fs::path &path); void remove_source(); void perform_job(PrintHostJob the_job); }; PrintHostJobQueue::PrintHostJobQueue(PrintHostQueueDialog *queue_dialog) : p(new priv(this)) { p->queue_dialog = queue_dialog; } PrintHostJobQueue::~PrintHostJobQueue() { if (p) { p->stop_bg_thread(); } } void PrintHostJobQueue::priv::emit_progress(int progress) { auto evt = new PrintHostQueueDialog::Event(GUI::EVT_PRINTHOST_PROGRESS, queue_dialog->GetId(), job_id, progress); wxQueueEvent(queue_dialog, evt); } void PrintHostJobQueue::priv::emit_error(wxString error) { auto evt = new PrintHostQueueDialog::Event(GUI::EVT_PRINTHOST_ERROR, queue_dialog->GetId(), job_id, std::move(error)); wxQueueEvent(queue_dialog, evt); } void PrintHostJobQueue::priv::emit_cancel(size_t id) { auto evt = new PrintHostQueueDialog::Event(GUI::EVT_PRINTHOST_CANCEL, queue_dialog->GetId(), id); wxQueueEvent(queue_dialog, evt); } void PrintHostJobQueue::priv::start_bg_thread() { if (bg_thread.joinable()) { return; } std::shared_ptr p2 = q->p; bg_thread = std::thread([p2]() { p2->bg_thread_main(); }); } void PrintHostJobQueue::priv::stop_bg_thread() { if (bg_thread.joinable()) { bg_exit = true; channel_jobs.push(PrintHostJob()); // Push an empty job to wake up bg_thread in case it's sleeping bg_thread.detach(); // Let the background thread go, it should exit on its own } } void PrintHostJobQueue::priv::bg_thread_main() { // bg thread entry point try { // Pick up jobs from the job channel: while (! bg_exit) { auto job = channel_jobs.pop(); // Sleeps in a cond var if there are no jobs if (job.empty()) { // This happens when the thread is being stopped break; } source_to_remove = job.upload_data.source_path; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << boost::format("PrintHostJobQueue/bg_thread: Received job: [%1%]: `%2%` -> `%3%`, cancelled: %4%") % job_id % job.upload_data.upload_path % job.printhost->get_host() % job.cancelled; if (! job.cancelled) { perform_job(std::move(job)); } remove_source(); job_id++; } } catch (const std::exception &e) { emit_error(e.what()); } // Cleanup leftover files, if any remove_source(); auto jobs = channel_jobs.lock_rw(); for (const PrintHostJob &job : *jobs) { remove_source(job.upload_data.source_path); } } void PrintHostJobQueue::priv::progress_fn(Http::Progress progress, bool &cancel) { if (cancel) { // When cancel is true from the start, Http indicates request has been cancelled emit_cancel(job_id); return; } if (bg_exit) { cancel = true; return; } if (channel_cancels.size_hint() > 0) { // Lock both queues auto cancels = channel_cancels.lock_rw(); auto jobs = channel_jobs.lock_rw(); for (size_t cancel_id : *cancels) { if (cancel_id == job_id) { cancel = true; } else if (cancel_id > job_id) { const size_t idx = cancel_id - job_id - 1; if (idx < jobs->size()) { jobs->at(idx).cancelled = true; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << boost::format("PrintHostJobQueue: Job id %1% cancelled") % cancel_id; emit_cancel(cancel_id); } } } cancels->clear(); } if (! cancel) { int gui_progress = progress.ultotal > 0 ? 100*progress.ulnow / progress.ultotal : 0; if (gui_progress != prev_progress) { emit_progress(gui_progress); prev_progress = gui_progress; } } } void PrintHostJobQueue::priv::remove_source(const fs::path &path) { if (! path.empty()) { boost::system::error_code ec; fs::remove(path, ec); if (ec) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("PrintHostJobQueue: Error removing file `%1%`: %2%") % path % ec; } } } void PrintHostJobQueue::priv::remove_source() { remove_source(source_to_remove); source_to_remove.clear(); } void PrintHostJobQueue::priv::perform_job(PrintHostJob the_job) { emit_progress(0); // Indicate the upload is starting bool success = the_job.printhost->upload(std::move(the_job.upload_data), [this](Http::Progress progress, bool &cancel) { this->progress_fn(std::move(progress), cancel); }, [this](wxString error) { emit_error(std::move(error)); } ); if (success) { emit_progress(100); } } void PrintHostJobQueue::enqueue(PrintHostJob job) { p->start_bg_thread(); p->queue_dialog->append_job(job); p->channel_jobs.push(std::move(job)); } void PrintHostJobQueue::cancel(size_t id) { p->channel_cancels.push(id); } }