project(Slic3r-native) add_subdirectory(admesh) add_subdirectory(avrdude) # boost/nowide add_subdirectory(boost) add_subdirectory(clipper) add_subdirectory(miniz) add_subdirectory(glu-libtess) add_subdirectory(polypartition) add_subdirectory(poly2tri) add_subdirectory(qhull) add_subdirectory(Shiny) add_subdirectory(semver) # Adding libnest2d project for bin packing... set(LIBNEST2D_UNITTESTS ON CACHE BOOL "Force generating unittests for libnest2d") add_subdirectory(libnest2d) include_directories(${LIBDIR}/qhull/src) #message(STATUS ${LIBDIR}/qhull/src) add_subdirectory(libslic3r) if (SLIC3R_GUI) add_subdirectory(imgui) if(WIN32) message(STATUS "WXWIN environment set to: $ENV{WXWIN}") elseif(UNIX) set(wxWidgets_USE_UNICODE ON) if(SLIC3R_STATIC) set(wxWidgets_USE_STATIC ON) else() set(wxWidgets_USE_STATIC OFF) endif() endif() if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") set (wxWidgets_CONFIG_OPTIONS "--toolkit=gtk${SLIC3R_GTK}") if (SLIC3R_WX_STABLE) find_package(wxWidgets 3.0 REQUIRED COMPONENTS base core adv html gl) else () find_package(wxWidgets 3.1 QUIET COMPONENTS base core adv html gl) if (NOT wxWidgets_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nCould not find wxWidgets 3.1.\n" "Hint: On Linux you can set -DSLIC3R_WX_STABLE=1 to use wxWidgets 3.0\n") endif () endif () else () find_package(wxWidgets 3.1 REQUIRED COMPONENTS base core adv html gl) endif () if(UNIX) message(STATUS "wx-config path: ${wxWidgets_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE}") endif() include(${wxWidgets_USE_FILE}) add_subdirectory(slic3r) endif() # Create a slic3r executable # Process mainfests for various platforms. configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/platform/msw/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/slic3r.rc @ONLY) configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/platform/msw/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/slic3r.manifest @ONLY) configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/platform/osx/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Info.plist @ONLY) if (MSVC) add_library(slic3r SHARED slic3r.cpp slic3r.hpp) else () add_executable(slic3r slic3r.cpp slic3r.hpp) endif () if (NOT MSVC) if(SLIC3R_GUI) set_target_properties(slic3r PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "slic3r-gui") else() set_target_properties(slic3r PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "slic3r-console") endif() endif () target_link_libraries(slic3r libslic3r) if (APPLE) # add_compile_options(-stdlib=libc++) # add_definitions(-DBOOST_THREAD_DONT_USE_CHRONO -DBOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES -DBOOST_THREAD_USES_MOVE) # -liconv: boost links to libiconv by default target_link_libraries(slic3r "-liconv -framework IOKit" "-framework CoreFoundation" -lc++) elseif (MSVC) # Manifest is provided through slic3r.rc, don't generate your own. set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} /MANIFEST:NO") else () # Boost on Raspberry-Pi does not link to pthreads explicitely. target_link_libraries(slic3r ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} -lstdc++ Threads::Threads) endif () # Add the Slic3r GUI library, libcurl, OpenGL and GLU libraries. if (SLIC3R_GUI) target_link_libraries(slic3r libslic3r_gui ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES}) # Configure libcurl and its dependencies OpenSSL & zlib find_package(CURL REQUIRED) if (NOT MSVC) # Required by libcurl find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED) endif() target_include_directories(slic3r PRIVATE ${CURL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(slic3r ${CURL_LIBRARIES} ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES}) if (SLIC3R_STATIC) if (NOT APPLE) # libcurl is always linked dynamically to the system libcurl on OSX. # On other systems, libcurl is linked statically if SLIC3R_STATIC is set. target_compile_definitions(slic3r PRIVATE CURL_STATICLIB) endif() if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") # As of now, our build system produces a statically linked libcurl, # which links the OpenSSL library dynamically. find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED) message("OpenSSL include dir: ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}") message("OpenSSL libraries: ${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES}") target_include_directories(slic3r PRIVATE ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}) target_link_libraries(slic3r ${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES}) endif() endif() if (MSVC) target_link_libraries(slic3r user32.lib Setupapi.lib OpenGL32.Lib GlU32.Lib) elseif (MINGW) target_link_libraries(slic3r -lopengl32) elseif (APPLE) target_link_libraries(slic3r "-framework OpenGL") else () target_link_libraries(slic3r -ldl -lGL -lGLU) endif () endif () # On Windows, a shim application is required to produce a console / non console version of the Slic3r application. # Also the shim may load the Mesa software OpenGL renderer if the default renderer does not support OpenGL 2.0 and higher. if (MSVC) add_executable(slic3r_app_gui WIN32 slic3r_app_msvc.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/slic3r.rc) target_compile_definitions(slic3r_app_gui PRIVATE -DSLIC3R_WRAPPER_NOCONSOLE) add_dependencies(slic3r_app_gui slic3r) set_target_properties(slic3r_app_gui PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "slic3r" PDB_NAME "slic3r_gui") add_executable(slic3r_app_console slic3r_app_msvc.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/slic3r.rc) target_compile_definitions(slic3r_app_console PRIVATE -DSLIC3R_WRAPPER_CONSOLE) add_dependencies(slic3r_app_console slic3r) set_target_properties(slic3r_app_console PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "slic3r-console") endif () # Link the resources dir to where Slic3r GUI expects it if (MSVC) if (CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) foreach (CONF ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${CONF}" WIN_CONF_OUTPUT_DIR) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${CONF}/resources" WIN_RESOURCES_SYMLINK) add_custom_command(TARGET slic3r POST_BUILD COMMAND if exist "${WIN_CONF_OUTPUT_DIR}" "(" if not exist "${WIN_RESOURCES_SYMLINK}" "(" mklink /J "${WIN_RESOURCES_SYMLINK}" "${SLIC3R_RESOURCES_DIR_WIN}" ")" ")" COMMENT "Symlinking the resources directory into the build tree" VERBATIM ) endforeach () else () file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/resources" WIN_RESOURCES_SYMLINK) add_custom_command(TARGET slic3r POST_BUILD COMMAND if not exist "${WIN_RESOURCES_SYMLINK}" "(" mklink /J "${WIN_RESOURCES_SYMLINK}" "${SLIC3R_RESOURCES_DIR_WIN}" ")" COMMENT "Symlinking the resources directory into the build tree" VERBATIM ) endif () elseif (XCODE) # Because of Debug/Release/etc. configurations (similar to MSVC) the slic3r binary is located in an extra level add_custom_command(TARGET slic3r POST_BUILD COMMAND ln -sf "${SLIC3R_RESOURCES_DIR}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/resources" COMMENT "Symlinking the resources directory into the build tree" VERBATIM ) else () add_custom_command(TARGET slic3r POST_BUILD COMMAND ln -sf "${SLIC3R_RESOURCES_DIR}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../resources" COMMENT "Symlinking the resources directory into the build tree" VERBATIM ) endif() # Slic3r binary install target if (WIN32) install(TARGETS slic3r RUNTIME DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") if (MSVC) install(TARGETS slic3r_app_gui RUNTIME DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") install(TARGETS slic3r_app_console RUNTIME DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") endif () else () install(TARGETS slic3r RUNTIME DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}") endif ()