cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13) project(PrusaSlicer) include("") include(GNUInstallDirs) set(SLIC3R_RESOURCES_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/resources") file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${SLIC3R_RESOURCES_DIR}" SLIC3R_RESOURCES_DIR_WIN) if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE AND NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) message(STATUS "No build type selected, default to Release") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release" CACHE STRING "Build type (default Release)" FORCE) endif() if(DEFINED ENV{SLIC3R_STATIC}) set(SLIC3R_STATIC_INITIAL $ENV{SLIC3R_STATIC}) else() if (MSVC OR MINGW OR APPLE) set(SLIC3R_STATIC_INITIAL 1) else() set(SLIC3R_STATIC_INITIAL 0) endif() endif() option(SLIC3R_STATIC "Compile PrusaSlicer with static libraries (Boost, TBB, glew)" ${SLIC3R_STATIC_INITIAL}) option(SLIC3R_GUI "Compile PrusaSlicer with GUI components (OpenGL, wxWidgets)" 1) option(SLIC3R_FHS "Assume PrusaSlicer is to be installed in a FHS directory structure" 0) option(SLIC3R_WX_STABLE "Build against wxWidgets stable (3.0) as oppsed to dev (3.1) on Linux" 0) option(SLIC3R_PROFILE "Compile PrusaSlicer with an invasive Shiny profiler" 0) option(SLIC3R_PCH "Use precompiled headers" 1) option(SLIC3R_MSVC_COMPILE_PARALLEL "Compile on Visual Studio in parallel" 1) option(SLIC3R_MSVC_PDB "Generate PDB files on MSVC in Release mode" 1) option(SLIC3R_PERL_XS "Compile XS Perl module and enable Perl unit and integration tests" 0) option(SLIC3R_ASAN "Enable ASan on Clang and GCC" 0) set(SLIC3R_GTK "2" CACHE STRING "GTK version to use with wxWidgets on Linux") set(IS_CROSS_COMPILE FALSE) if (APPLE) set(CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK LAST) set(CMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE LAST) list(FIND CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} _arch_idx) if (CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES AND _arch_idx LESS 0) set(IS_CROSS_COMPILE TRUE) endif () endif () # Proposal for C++ unit tests and sandboxes option(SLIC3R_BUILD_SANDBOXES "Build development sandboxes" OFF) option(SLIC3R_BUILD_TESTS "Build unit tests" ON) if (IS_CROSS_COMPILE) message("Detected cross compilation setup. Tests and encoding checks will be forcedly disabled!") set(SLIC3R_PERL_XS OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set(SLIC3R_BUILD_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) endif () # Print out the SLIC3R_* cache options get_cmake_property(_cache_vars CACHE_VARIABLES) list (SORT _cache_vars) foreach (_cache_var ${_cache_vars}) if("${_cache_var}" MATCHES "^SLIC3R_") message(STATUS "${_cache_var}: ${${_cache_var}}") endif () endforeach() if (SLIC3R_GUI) add_definitions(-DSLIC3R_GUI) endif () if (MSVC AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL Clang) set(IS_CLANG_CL TRUE) # clang-cl can interpret SYSTEM header paths if -imsvc is used set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_SYSTEM_FLAG_CXX "-imsvc") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall \ -Wno-old-style-cast -Wno-reserved-id-macro -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic") else () set(IS_CLANG_CL FALSE) endif () if (MSVC) if (SLIC3R_MSVC_COMPILE_PARALLEL AND NOT IS_CLANG_CL) add_compile_options(/MP) endif () # /bigobj (Increase Number of Sections in .Obj file) # error C3859: virtual memory range for PCH exceeded; please recompile with a command line option of '-Zm90' or greater # Generate symbols at every build target, even for the release. add_compile_options(-bigobj -Zm520 /Zi) # Disable STL4007: Many result_type typedefs and all argument_type, first_argument_type, and second_argument_type typedefs are deprecated in C++17. #FIXME Remove this line after eigen library adapts to the new C++17 adaptor rules. add_compile_options(-D_SILENCE_CXX17_ADAPTOR_TYPEDEFS_DEPRECATION_WARNING) # Disable warnings on conversion from unsigned to signed (possible loss of data) # C4244: 'conversion' conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data. An integer type is converted to a smaller integer type. # C4267: The compiler detected a conversion from size_t to a smaller type. add_compile_options(/wd4244 /wd4267) endif () if (MINGW) add_compile_options(-Wa,-mbig-obj) endif () if (NOT MSVC) # ARMs (Raspberry PI) use an unsigned char by default. Let's make it consistent for PrusaSlicer on all platforms. add_compile_options(-fsigned-char) endif () # Display and check CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH message(STATUS "SLIC3R_STATIC: ${SLIC3R_STATIC}") if (NOT "${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}" STREQUAL "") message(STATUS "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} (from cache or command line)") set(PREFIX_PATH_CHECK ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}) elseif (NOT "$ENV{CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}" STREQUAL "") message(STATUS "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: $ENV{CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} (from environment)") set(PREFIX_PATH_CHECK $ENV{CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}) else () message(STATUS "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: (default)") endif () foreach (DIR ${PREFIX_PATH_CHECK}) if (NOT EXISTS "${DIR}") message(WARNING "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH element doesn't exist: ${DIR}") endif () endforeach () # Add our own cmake module path. list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules/) enable_testing () # Enable C++17 language standard. set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) if(NOT WIN32) # Add DEBUG flags to debug builds. add_compile_options("$<$<CONFIG:DEBUG>:-DDEBUG>") endif() # To be able to link libslic3r with the Perl XS module. # Once we get rid of Perl and libslic3r is linked statically, we can get rid of -fPIC set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) # WIN10SDK_PATH is used to point CMake to the WIN10 SDK installation directory. # We pick it from environment if it is not defined in another way if(WIN32) if(NOT DEFINED WIN10SDK_PATH) if(DEFINED ENV{WIN10SDK_PATH}) set(WIN10SDK_PATH "$ENV{WIN10SDK_PATH}") endif() endif() if(DEFINED WIN10SDK_PATH) if (EXISTS "${WIN10SDK_PATH}/include/winrt/") set(WIN10SDK_INCLUDE_PATH "${WIN10SDK_PATH}/Include") else() message("WIN10SDK_PATH is invalid: ${WIN10SDK_PATH}") message("${WIN10SDK_PATH}/include/winrt/ was not found") message("STL fixing by the Netfabb service will not be compiled") unset(WIN10SDK_PATH) endif() else() # Try to use the default Windows 10 SDK path. set(WIN10SDK_INCLUDE_PATH "$ENV{WindowsSdkDir}/Include/$ENV{WindowsSDKVersion}") if (NOT EXISTS "${WIN10SDK_INCLUDE_PATH}/winrt/") message("${WIN10SDK_INCLUDE_PATH}/winrt/ was not found") message("STL fixing by the Netfabb service will not be compiled") unset(WIN10SDK_INCLUDE_PATH) endif() endif() if(WIN10SDK_INCLUDE_PATH) message("Building with Win10 Netfabb STL fixing service support") add_definitions(-DHAS_WIN10SDK) include_directories("${WIN10SDK_INCLUDE_PATH}") else() message("Building without Win10 Netfabb STL fixing service support") endif() endif() if (APPLE) message("OS X SDK Path: ${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT}") if (CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET) message("OS X Deployment Target: ${CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}") else () message("OS X Deployment Target: (default)") endif () endif () if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "3.1") # Workaround for an old CMake, which does not understand CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD. set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11") endif() # Boost on Raspberry-Pi does not link to pthreads. set(THREADS_PREFER_PTHREAD_FLAG ON) find_package(Threads REQUIRED) find_package(DBus REQUIRED) include_directories(${DBUS_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif() if (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC OR CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUXX) # Adding -fext-numeric-literals to enable GCC extensions on definitions of quad float literals, which are required by Boost. set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fext-numeric-literals" ) endif() if (NOT MSVC AND ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "GNU" OR "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "Clang")) if (NOT MINGW) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall" ) endif () set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-reorder" ) # On GCC and Clang, no return from a non-void function is a warning only. Here, we make it an error. add_compile_options(-Werror=return-type) # removes LOTS of extraneous Eigen warnings (GCC only supports it since 6.1) # if("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "Clang" OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 6.0) add_compile_options(-Wno-ignored-attributes) # Tamas: Eigen include dirs are marked as SYSTEM endif() # Clang reports legacy OpenGL calls as deprecated. Turn off the warning for now # to reduce the clutter, we know about this one. It should be reenabled after # we finally get rid of the deprecated code. if("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "Clang") add_compile_options(-Wno-deprecated-declarations) endif() #GCC generates loads of -Wunknown-pragmas when compiling igl. The fix is not easy due to a bug in gcc, see # or # # We will turn the warning of for GCC for now: if("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "GNU") add_compile_options(-Wno-unknown-pragmas) endif() endif() if (SLIC3R_ASAN) # ASAN should be available on MSVC starting with Visual Studio 2019 16.9 # add_compile_options(-fsanitize=address) if (NOT MSVC) add_compile_options(-fno-omit-frame-pointer) set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address") set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address") set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address") endif () if ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "GNU") set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -lasan") endif () endif () if (APPLE) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Werror=partial-availability -Werror=unguarded-availability -Werror=unguarded-availability-new") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Werror=partial-availability -Werror=unguarded-availability -Werror=unguarded-availability-new") endif () # Where all the bundled libraries reside? set(LIBDIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src) set(LIBDIR_BIN ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/src) # For the bundled boost libraries (boost::nowide) include_directories(${LIBDIR}) # For generated header files include_directories(${LIBDIR_BIN}/platform) if(WIN32) add_definitions(-D_USE_MATH_DEFINES -D_WIN32 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) if(MSVC) # BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB: Avoid the automatic linking of Boost libraries on Windows. Rather rely on explicit linking. add_definitions(-DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB -DBOOST_USE_WINAPI_VERSION=0x601 -DBOOST_SYSTEM_USE_UTF8 ) # Force the source code encoding to UTF-8. See PrusaSlicer GH pull request #5583 add_compile_options("$<$<C_COMPILER_ID:MSVC>:/utf-8>") add_compile_options("$<$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:MSVC>:/utf-8>") endif(MSVC) endif(WIN32) add_definitions(-DwxUSE_UNICODE -D_UNICODE -DUNICODE -DWXINTL_NO_GETTEXT_MACRO) # Disable unsafe implicit wxString to const char* / std::string and vice versa. This implicit conversion breaks the UTF-8 encoding quite often. add_definitions(-DwxNO_UNSAFE_WXSTRING_CONV) if (SLIC3R_PROFILE) message("PrusaSlicer will be built with a Shiny invasive profiler") add_definitions(-DSLIC3R_PROFILE) endif () # Disable optimization even with debugging on. if (0) message(STATUS "Perl compiled without optimization. Disabling optimization for the PrusaSlicer build.") message("Old CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE: ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE}") message("Old CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO: ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE}") message("Old CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS: ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "/MD /Od /Zi /EHsc /DWIN32 /DTBB_USE_ASSERT") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "/MD /Od /Zi /DWIN32 /DTBB_USE_ASSERT") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "/MD /Od /Zi /EHsc /DWIN32 /DTBB_USE_ASSERT") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "/MD /Od /Zi /DWIN32 /DTBB_USE_ASSERT") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "/MD /Od /Zi /EHsc /DWIN32 /DTBB_USE_ASSERT") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "/MD /Od /Zi /DWIN32 /DTBB_USE_ASSERT") endif() # Find and configure boost if(SLIC3R_STATIC) # Use static boost libraries. set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) # Use boost libraries linked statically to the C++ runtime. # set(Boost_USE_STATIC_RUNTIME ON) endif() #set(Boost_DEBUG ON) # set(Boost_COMPILER "-mgw81") # boost::process was introduced first in version 1.64.0, # boost::beast::detail::base64 was introduced first in version 1.66.0 set(MINIMUM_BOOST_VERSION "1.66.0") set(_boost_components "system;filesystem;thread;log;locale;regex;chrono;atomic;date_time;iostreams") find_package(Boost ${MINIMUM_BOOST_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS ${_boost_components}) add_library(boost_libs INTERFACE) add_library(boost_headeronly INTERFACE) if (APPLE) # BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_KQUEUE : prevents a Boost ASIO bug on OS X: target_compile_definitions(boost_headeronly INTERFACE BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_KQUEUE) endif() if(NOT SLIC3R_STATIC) target_compile_definitions(boost_headeronly INTERFACE BOOST_LOG_DYN_LINK) endif() function(slic3r_remap_configs targets from_Cfg to_Cfg) if(MSVC) string(TOUPPER ${from_Cfg} from_CFG) foreach(tgt ${targets}) if(TARGET ${tgt}) set_target_properties(${tgt} PROPERTIES MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_${from_CFG} ${to_Cfg}) endif() endforeach() endif() endfunction() if(TARGET Boost::system) message(STATUS "Boost::boost exists") target_link_libraries(boost_headeronly INTERFACE Boost::boost) # Only from cmake 3.12 # list(TRANSFORM _boost_components PREPEND Boost:: OUTPUT_VARIABLE _boost_targets) set(_boost_targets "") foreach(comp ${_boost_components}) list(APPEND _boost_targets "Boost::${comp}") endforeach() target_link_libraries(boost_libs INTERFACE boost_headeronly # includes the custom compile definitions as well ${_boost_targets} ) slic3r_remap_configs("${_boost_targets}" RelWithDebInfo Release) else() target_include_directories(boost_headeronly INTERFACE ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(boost_libs INTERFACE boost_headeronly ${Boost_LIBRARIES}) endif() # Find and configure intel-tbb if(SLIC3R_STATIC) set(TBB_STATIC 1) endif() set(TBB_DEBUG 1) find_package(TBB REQUIRED) # include_directories(${TBB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # add_definitions(${TBB_DEFINITIONS}) # if(MSVC) # # Suppress implicit linking of the TBB libraries by the Visual Studio compiler. # add_definitions(-D__TBB_NO_IMPLICIT_LINKAGE) # endif() # The Intel TBB library will use the std::exception_ptr feature of C++11. # add_definitions(-DTBB_USE_CAPTURED_EXCEPTION=0) find_package(CURL REQUIRED) add_library(libcurl INTERFACE) target_link_libraries(libcurl INTERFACE CURL::libcurl) if (NOT WIN32) # Required by libcurl find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(libcurl INTERFACE ZLIB::ZLIB) endif() if (SLIC3R_STATIC) if (NOT APPLE) # libcurl is always linked dynamically to the system libcurl on OSX. # On other systems, libcurl is linked statically if SLIC3R_STATIC is set. target_compile_definitions(libcurl INTERFACE CURL_STATICLIB) endif() if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") # As of now, our build system produces a statically linked libcurl, # which links the OpenSSL library dynamically. find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED) message("OpenSSL include dir: ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}") message("OpenSSL libraries: ${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES}") target_include_directories(libcurl INTERFACE ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}) target_link_libraries(libcurl INTERFACE ${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES}) endif() endif() ## OPTIONAL packages # Find eigen3 or use bundled version if (NOT SLIC3R_STATIC) find_package(Eigen3 3.3) endif () if (NOT EIGEN3_FOUND) set(EIGEN3_FOUND 1) set(EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR ${LIBDIR}/eigen/) endif () include_directories(BEFORE SYSTEM ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR}) # Find expat or use bundled version # Always use the system libexpat on Linux. find_package(EXPAT) if (NOT EXPAT_FOUND) add_library(expat STATIC ${LIBDIR}/expat/xmlparse.c ${LIBDIR}/expat/xmlrole.c ${LIBDIR}/expat/xmltok.c ) set(EXPAT_FOUND 1) set(EXPAT_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LIBDIR}/expat/) set(EXPAT_LIBRARIES expat) endif () find_package(PNG REQUIRED) set(OpenGL_GL_PREFERENCE "LEGACY") find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED) # Find glew or use bundled version if (SLIC3R_STATIC) set(GLEW_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) set(GLEW_VERBOSE ON) endif() find_package(GLEW) if (NOT GLEW_FOUND) message(STATUS "GLEW not found, using bundled version.") add_library(glew STATIC ${LIBDIR}/glew/src/glew.c) set(GLEW_FOUND TRUE) set(GLEW_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LIBDIR}/glew/include/) target_compile_definitions(glew PUBLIC GLEW_STATIC) target_include_directories(glew PUBLIC ${GLEW_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_library(GLEW::GLEW ALIAS glew) endif () # Find the Cereal serialization library find_package(cereal REQUIRED) # l10n set(L10N_DIR "${SLIC3R_RESOURCES_DIR}/localization") add_custom_target(gettext_make_pot COMMAND xgettext --keyword=L --keyword=_L --keyword=_u8L --keyword=L_CONTEXT:1,2c --keyword=_L_PLURAL:1,2 --add-comments=TRN --from-code=UTF-8 --debug -f "${L10N_DIR}/list.txt" -o "${L10N_DIR}/PrusaSlicer.pot" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} COMMENT "Generate pot file from strings in the source tree" ) add_custom_target(gettext_po_to_mo WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} COMMENT "Generate localization po files (binary) from mo files (texts)" ) file(GLOB L10N_PO_FILES "${L10N_DIR}/*/PrusaSlicer*.po") foreach(po_file ${L10N_PO_FILES}) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(po_dir "${po_file}" DIRECTORY) SET(mo_file "${po_dir}/") add_custom_command( TARGET gettext_po_to_mo PRE_BUILD COMMAND msgfmt ARGS -o ${mo_file} ${po_file} DEPENDS ${po_file} ) endforeach() find_package(NLopt 1.4 REQUIRED) if(SLIC3R_STATIC) set(OPENVDB_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) set(USE_BLOSC TRUE) endif() find_package(OpenVDB 5.0 REQUIRED COMPONENTS openvdb) if(OpenVDB_FOUND) slic3r_remap_configs(IlmBase::Half RelWithDebInfo Release) slic3r_remap_configs(Blosc::blosc RelWithDebInfo Release) endif() set(TOP_LEVEL_PROJECT_DIR ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}) function(prusaslicer_copy_dlls target) if ("${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}" STREQUAL "8") set(_bits 64) elseif ("${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}" STREQUAL "4") set(_bits 32) endif () get_property(_is_multi GLOBAL PROPERTY GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG) get_target_property(_alt_out_dir ${target} RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) if (_alt_out_dir) set (_out_dir "${_alt_out_dir}") elseif (_is_multi) set (_out_dir "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:${target},BINARY_DIR>/$<CONFIG>") else () set (_out_dir "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:${target},BINARY_DIR>") endif () # This has to be a separate target due to the windows command line lenght limits add_custom_command(TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${TOP_LEVEL_PROJECT_DIR}/deps/GMP/gmp/lib/win${_bits}/libgmp-10.dll ${_out_dir} COMMENT "Copy gmp runtime to build tree" VERBATIM) add_custom_command(TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${TOP_LEVEL_PROJECT_DIR}/deps/MPFR/mpfr/lib/win${_bits}/libmpfr-4.dll ${_out_dir} COMMENT "Copy mpfr runtime to build tree" VERBATIM) endfunction() # libslic3r, PrusaSlicer GUI and the PrusaSlicer executable. add_subdirectory(src) set_property(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} PROPERTY VS_STARTUP_PROJECT PrusaSlicer_app_console) # Perl bindings, currently only used for the unit / integration tests of libslic3r. # Also runs the unit / integration tests. #FIXME Port the tests into C++ to finally get rid of the Perl! if (SLIC3R_PERL_XS) add_subdirectory(xs) endif () if(SLIC3R_BUILD_SANDBOXES) add_subdirectory(sandboxes) endif() if(SLIC3R_BUILD_TESTS) add_subdirectory(tests) endif() # Resources install target, configure fhs.hpp on UNIX if (WIN32) install(DIRECTORY "${SLIC3R_RESOURCES_DIR}/" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/resources") elseif (SLIC3R_FHS) # CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_DATAROOTDIR: read-only architecture-independent data root (share) set(SLIC3R_FHS_RESOURCES "${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_DATAROOTDIR}/PrusaSlicer") install(DIRECTORY ${SLIC3R_RESOURCES_DIR}/ DESTINATION ${SLIC3R_FHS_RESOURCES} PATTERN "*/data" EXCLUDE PATTERN "*/udev" EXCLUDE ) install(FILES src/platform/unix/PrusaSlicer.desktop DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/applications) install(FILES src/platform/unix/PrusaGcodeviewer.desktop DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/applications) foreach(SIZE 32 128 192) install(FILES ${SLIC3R_RESOURCES_DIR}/icons/PrusaSlicer_${SIZE}px.png DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/icons/hicolor/${SIZE}x${SIZE}/apps RENAME PrusaSlicer.png ) install(FILES ${SLIC3R_RESOURCES_DIR}/icons/PrusaSlicer-gcodeviewer_${SIZE}px.png DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/icons/hicolor/${SIZE}x${SIZE}/apps RENAME PrusaSlicer-gcodeviewer.png ) endforeach() install(DIRECTORY ${SLIC3R_RESOURCES_DIR}/udev/ DESTINATION lib/udev/rules.d) else () install(FILES src/platform/unix/PrusaSlicer.desktop DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/resources/applications) install(FILES src/platform/unix/PrusaGcodeviewer.desktop DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/resources/applications) install(DIRECTORY "${SLIC3R_RESOURCES_DIR}/" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/resources") endif () configure_file(${LIBDIR}/platform/unix/ ${LIBDIR_BIN}/platform/unix/fhs.hpp)