#ifndef _prusaslicer_technologies_h_ #define _prusaslicer_technologies_h_ //============ // debug techs //============ // Shows camera target in the 3D scene #define ENABLE_SHOW_CAMERA_TARGET 0 // Log debug messages to console when changing selection #define ENABLE_SELECTION_DEBUG_OUTPUT 0 // Renders a small sphere in the center of the bounding box of the current selection when no gizmo is active #define ENABLE_RENDER_SELECTION_CENTER 0 // Shows an imgui dialog with render related data #define ENABLE_RENDER_STATISTICS 0 // Shows an imgui dialog with camera related data #define ENABLE_CAMERA_STATISTICS 0 // Render the picking pass instead of the main scene (use [T] key to toggle between regular rendering and picking pass only rendering) #define ENABLE_RENDER_PICKING_PASS 0 // Enable extracting thumbnails from selected gcode and save them as png files #define ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR_DEBUG 0 // Disable synchronization of unselected instances #define DISABLE_INSTANCES_SYNCH 0 // Use wxDataViewRender instead of wxDataViewCustomRenderer #define ENABLE_NONCUSTOM_DATA_VIEW_RENDERING 0 //================ // 2.2.0.rc1 techs //================ #define ENABLE_2_2_0_RC1 1 // Enable hack to remove crash when closing on OSX 10.9.5 #define ENABLE_HACK_CLOSING_ON_OSX_10_9_5 (1 && ENABLE_2_2_0_RC1) //=================== // 2.3.0.alpha1 techs //=================== #define ENABLE_2_3_0_ALPHA1 1 // Enable rendering of objects colored by facets' slope #define ENABLE_SLOPE_RENDERING (1 && ENABLE_2_3_0_ALPHA1) // Enable rendering of objects using environment map #define ENABLE_ENVIRONMENT_MAP (1 && ENABLE_2_3_0_ALPHA1) // Enable smoothing of objects normals #define ENABLE_SMOOTH_NORMALS (0 && ENABLE_2_3_0_ALPHA1) // Enable error logging for OpenGL calls when SLIC3R_LOGLEVEL >= 5 #define ENABLE_OPENGL_ERROR_LOGGING (1 && ENABLE_2_3_0_ALPHA1) // Enable built-in DPI changed event handler of wxWidgets 3.1.3 #define ENABLE_WX_3_1_3_DPI_CHANGED_EVENT (1 && ENABLE_2_3_0_ALPHA1) // Enable G-Code viewer #define ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER (1 && ENABLE_2_3_0_ALPHA1) #define ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_STATISTICS (0 && ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER) #define ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_DATA_CHECKING (0 && ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER) #define ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_TASKBAR_ICON (1 && ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER) #define TIME_ESTIMATE_NONE 0 #define TIME_ESTIMATE_DEFAULT 1 #define TIME_ESTIMATE_MODAL 2 #define TIME_ESTIMATE_LEGEND 3 #define GCODE_VIEWER_TIME_ESTIMATE TIME_ESTIMATE_LEGEND #endif // _prusaslicer_technologies_h_