// #include "libslic3r/GCodeSender.hpp" #include "slic3r/Utils/Serial.hpp" #include "Tab.hpp" #include "PresetBundle.hpp" #include "PresetHints.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Utils.hpp" #include "slic3r/Utils/Http.hpp" #include "slic3r/Utils/PrintHost.hpp" #include "BonjourDialog.hpp" #include "WipeTowerDialog.hpp" #include "ButtonsDescription.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "wxExtensions.hpp" #include #include "GUI_App.hpp" #include "GUI_ObjectList.hpp" #include "ConfigWizard.hpp" namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { wxDEFINE_EVENT(EVT_TAB_VALUE_CHANGED, wxCommandEvent); wxDEFINE_EVENT(EVT_TAB_PRESETS_CHANGED, SimpleEvent); Tab::Tab(wxNotebook* parent, const wxString& title, const char* name) : m_parent(parent), m_title(title), m_name(name) { Create(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBK_LEFT | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, name); this->SetFont(Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().normal_font()); set_type(); m_compatible_printers.type = Preset::TYPE_PRINTER; m_compatible_printers.key_list = "compatible_printers"; m_compatible_printers.key_condition = "compatible_printers_condition"; m_compatible_printers.dialog_title = _(L("Compatible printers")); m_compatible_printers.dialog_label = _(L("Select the printers this profile is compatible with.")); m_compatible_prints.type = Preset::TYPE_PRINT; m_compatible_prints.key_list = "compatible_prints"; m_compatible_prints.key_condition = "compatible_prints_condition"; m_compatible_prints.dialog_title = _(L("Compatible print profiles")); m_compatible_prints.dialog_label = _(L("Select the print profiles this profile is compatible with.")); wxGetApp().tabs_list.push_back(this); m_em_unit = wxGetApp().em_unit(); Bind(wxEVT_SIZE, ([this](wxSizeEvent &evt) { for (auto page : m_pages) if (! page.get()->IsShown()) page->layout_valid = false; evt.Skip(); })); } void Tab::set_type() { if (m_name == "print") { m_type = Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_PRINT; } else if (m_name == "sla_print") { m_type = Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_SLA_PRINT; } else if (m_name == "filament") { m_type = Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT; } else if (m_name == "sla_material") { m_type = Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_SLA_MATERIAL; } else if (m_name == "printer") { m_type = Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_PRINTER; } else { m_type = Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_INVALID; assert(false); } } // sub new void Tab::create_preset_tab() { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ SetDoubleBuffered(true); #endif //__WINDOWS__ m_preset_bundle = wxGetApp().preset_bundle; // Vertical sizer to hold the choice menu and the rest of the page. #ifdef __WXOSX__ auto *main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); main_sizer->SetSizeHints(this); this->SetSizer(main_sizer); // Create additional panel to Fit() it from OnActivate() // It's needed for tooltip showing on OSX m_tmp_panel = new wxPanel(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBK_LEFT | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL); auto panel = m_tmp_panel; auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); m_tmp_panel->SetSizer(sizer); m_tmp_panel->Layout(); main_sizer->Add(m_tmp_panel, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 0); #else Tab *panel = this; auto *sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sizer->SetSizeHints(panel); panel->SetSizer(sizer); #endif //__WXOSX__ // preset chooser m_presets_choice = new wxBitmapComboBox(panel, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(35 * m_em_unit, -1), 0, 0, wxCB_READONLY); auto color = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW); //buttons m_scaled_buttons.reserve(6); m_scaled_buttons.reserve(2); add_scaled_button(panel, &m_btn_save_preset, "save"); add_scaled_button(panel, &m_btn_delete_preset, "cross"); m_show_incompatible_presets = false; add_scaled_bitmap(this, m_bmp_show_incompatible_presets, "flag_red"); add_scaled_bitmap(this, m_bmp_hide_incompatible_presets, "flag_green"); add_scaled_button(panel, &m_btn_hide_incompatible_presets, m_bmp_hide_incompatible_presets.name()); m_btn_save_preset->SetToolTip(_(L("Save current ")) + m_title); m_btn_delete_preset->SetToolTip(_(L("Delete this preset"))); m_btn_delete_preset->Disable(); add_scaled_button(panel, &m_question_btn, "question"); m_question_btn->SetToolTip(_(L("Hover the cursor over buttons to find more information \n" "or click this button."))); // Determine the theme color of OS (dark or light) auto luma = wxGetApp().get_colour_approx_luma(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)); // Bitmaps to be shown on the "Revert to system" aka "Lock to system" button next to each input field. add_scaled_bitmap(this, m_bmp_value_lock , luma >= 128 ? "lock_closed" : "lock_closed_white"); add_scaled_bitmap(this, m_bmp_value_unlock, "lock_open"); m_bmp_non_system = &m_bmp_white_bullet; // Bitmaps to be shown on the "Undo user changes" button next to each input field. add_scaled_bitmap(this, m_bmp_value_revert, "undo"); add_scaled_bitmap(this, m_bmp_white_bullet, luma >= 128 ? "dot" : "dot_white"); fill_icon_descriptions(); set_tooltips_text(); add_scaled_button(panel, &m_undo_btn, m_bmp_white_bullet.name()); add_scaled_button(panel, &m_undo_to_sys_btn, m_bmp_white_bullet.name()); m_undo_btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([this](wxCommandEvent) { on_roll_back_value(); })); m_undo_to_sys_btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([this](wxCommandEvent) { on_roll_back_value(true); })); m_question_btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([this](wxCommandEvent) { auto dlg = new ButtonsDescription(this, &m_icon_descriptions); if (dlg->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { // Colors for ui "decoration" for (Tab *tab : wxGetApp().tabs_list) { tab->m_sys_label_clr = wxGetApp().get_label_clr_sys(); tab->m_modified_label_clr = wxGetApp().get_label_clr_modified(); tab->update_labels_colour(); } } })); // Colors for ui "decoration" m_sys_label_clr = wxGetApp().get_label_clr_sys(); m_modified_label_clr = wxGetApp().get_label_clr_modified(); m_default_text_clr = wxGetApp().get_label_clr_default(); // Sizer with buttons for mode changing m_mode_sizer = new ModeSizer(panel); const float scale_factor = wxGetApp().em_unit()*0.1;// GetContentScaleFactor(); m_hsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(m_hsizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM, 3); m_hsizer->Add(m_presets_choice, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 3); m_hsizer->AddSpacer(int(4*scale_factor)); m_hsizer->Add(m_btn_save_preset, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); m_hsizer->AddSpacer(int(4 * scale_factor)); m_hsizer->Add(m_btn_delete_preset, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); m_hsizer->AddSpacer(int(16 * scale_factor)); m_hsizer->Add(m_btn_hide_incompatible_presets, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); m_hsizer->AddSpacer(int(64 * scale_factor)); m_hsizer->Add(m_undo_to_sys_btn, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); m_hsizer->Add(m_undo_btn, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); m_hsizer->AddSpacer(int(32 * scale_factor)); m_hsizer->Add(m_question_btn, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); // m_hsizer->AddStretchSpacer(32); // StretchSpacer has a strange behavior under OSX, so // There is used just additional sizer for m_mode_sizer with right alignment auto mode_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); mode_sizer->Add(m_mode_sizer, 1, wxALIGN_RIGHT); m_hsizer->Add(mode_sizer, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxRIGHT, wxOSX ? 15 : 5); //Horizontal sizer to hold the tree and the selected page. m_hsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(m_hsizer, 1, wxEXPAND, 0); //left vertical sizer m_left_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); m_hsizer->Add(m_left_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM, 3); // tree m_treectrl = new wxTreeCtrl(panel, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(20 * m_em_unit, -1), wxTR_NO_BUTTONS | wxTR_HIDE_ROOT | wxTR_SINGLE | wxTR_NO_LINES | wxBORDER_SUNKEN | wxWANTS_CHARS); m_left_sizer->Add(m_treectrl, 1, wxEXPAND); m_icons = new wxImageList(int(16 * scale_factor), int(16 * scale_factor), true, 1); // Index of the last icon inserted into $self->{icons}. m_icon_count = -1; m_treectrl->AssignImageList(m_icons); m_treectrl->AddRoot("root"); m_treectrl->SetIndent(0); m_disable_tree_sel_changed_event = 0; m_treectrl->Bind(wxEVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED, &Tab::OnTreeSelChange, this); m_treectrl->Bind(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, &Tab::OnKeyDown, this); m_presets_choice->Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, ([this](wxCommandEvent e) { //! Because of The MSW and GTK version of wxBitmapComboBox derived from wxComboBox, //! but the OSX version derived from wxOwnerDrawnCombo, instead of: //! select_preset(m_presets_choice->GetStringSelection().ToUTF8().data()); //! we doing next: int selected_item = m_presets_choice->GetSelection(); if (m_selected_preset_item == selected_item && !m_presets->current_is_dirty()) return; if (selected_item >= 0) { std::string selected_string = m_presets_choice->GetString(selected_item).ToUTF8().data(); if (selected_string.find(PresetCollection::separator_head()) == 0 /*selected_string == "------- System presets -------" || selected_string == "------- User presets -------"*/) { m_presets_choice->SetSelection(m_selected_preset_item); if (wxString::FromUTF8(selected_string.c_str()) == PresetCollection::separator(L("Add a new printer"))) wxTheApp->CallAfter([]() { Slic3r::GUI::config_wizard(Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard::RR_USER); }); return; } m_selected_preset_item = selected_item; select_preset(selected_string); } })); m_btn_save_preset->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([this](wxCommandEvent e) { save_preset(); })); m_btn_delete_preset->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([this](wxCommandEvent e) { delete_preset(); })); m_btn_hide_incompatible_presets->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([this](wxCommandEvent e) { toggle_show_hide_incompatible(); })); // Fill cache for mode bitmaps m_mode_bitmap_cache.reserve(3); m_mode_bitmap_cache.push_back(ScalableBitmap(this, "mode_simple_.png")); m_mode_bitmap_cache.push_back(ScalableBitmap(this, "mode_middle_.png")); m_mode_bitmap_cache.push_back(ScalableBitmap(this, "mode_expert_.png")); // Initialize the DynamicPrintConfig by default keys/values. build(); rebuild_page_tree(); m_complited = true; } void Tab::add_scaled_button(wxWindow* parent, ScalableButton** btn, const std::string& icon_name, const wxString& label/* = wxEmptyString*/, long style /*= wxBU_EXACTFIT | wxNO_BORDER*/) { *btn = new ScalableButton(parent, wxID_ANY, icon_name, label, wxDefaultSize, wxDefaultPosition, style); m_scaled_buttons.push_back(*btn); } void Tab::add_scaled_bitmap(wxWindow* parent, ScalableBitmap& bmp, const std::string& icon_name) { bmp = ScalableBitmap(parent, icon_name); m_scaled_bitmaps.push_back(&bmp); } void Tab::load_initial_data() { m_config = &m_presets->get_edited_preset().config; m_bmp_non_system = m_presets->get_selected_preset_parent() ? &m_bmp_value_unlock : &m_bmp_white_bullet; m_ttg_non_system = m_presets->get_selected_preset_parent() ? &m_ttg_value_unlock : &m_ttg_white_bullet_ns; m_tt_non_system = m_presets->get_selected_preset_parent() ? &m_tt_value_unlock : &m_ttg_white_bullet_ns; } Slic3r::GUI::PageShp Tab::add_options_page(const wxString& title, const std::string& icon, bool is_extruder_pages /*= false*/) { // Index of icon in an icon list $self->{icons}. auto icon_idx = 0; if (!icon.empty()) { icon_idx = (m_icon_index.find(icon) == m_icon_index.end()) ? -1 : m_icon_index.at(icon); if (icon_idx == -1) { // Add a new icon to the icon list. m_scaled_icons_list.push_back(ScalableBitmap(this, icon)); m_icons->Add(m_scaled_icons_list.back().bmp()); icon_idx = ++m_icon_count; m_icon_index[icon] = icon_idx; } } // Initialize the page. #ifdef __WXOSX__ auto panel = m_tmp_panel; #else auto panel = this; #endif PageShp page(new Page(panel, title, icon_idx, m_mode_bitmap_cache)); // page->SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_SYSTEM); #ifdef __WINDOWS__ // page->SetDoubleBuffered(true); #endif //__WINDOWS__ page->SetScrollbars(1, 20, 1, 2); page->Hide(); m_hsizer->Add(page.get(), 1, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT, 5); if (!is_extruder_pages) m_pages.push_back(page); page->set_config(m_config); return page; } void Tab::OnActivate() { #ifdef __WXOSX__ wxWindowUpdateLocker noUpdates(this); auto size = GetSizer()->GetSize(); m_tmp_panel->GetSizer()->SetMinSize(size.x + m_size_move, size.y); Fit(); m_size_move *= -1; #endif // __WXOSX__ } void Tab::update_labels_colour() { // Freeze(); //update options "decoration" for (const auto opt : m_options_list) { const wxColour *color = &m_sys_label_clr; // value isn't equal to system value if ((opt.second & osSystemValue) == 0) { // value is equal to last saved if ((opt.second & osInitValue) != 0) color = &m_default_text_clr; // value is modified else color = &m_modified_label_clr; } if (opt.first == "bed_shape" || opt.first == "compatible_prints" || opt.first == "compatible_printers") { if (m_colored_Label != nullptr) { m_colored_Label->SetForegroundColour(*color); m_colored_Label->Refresh(true); } continue; } Field* field = get_field(opt.first); if (field == nullptr) continue; field->set_label_colour_force(color); } // Thaw(); auto cur_item = m_treectrl->GetFirstVisibleItem(); while (cur_item) { auto title = m_treectrl->GetItemText(cur_item); for (auto page : m_pages) { if (page->title() != title) continue; const wxColor *clr = !page->m_is_nonsys_values ? &m_sys_label_clr : page->m_is_modified_values ? &m_modified_label_clr : &m_default_text_clr; m_treectrl->SetItemTextColour(cur_item, *clr); break; } cur_item = m_treectrl->GetNextVisible(cur_item); } } // Update UI according to changes void Tab::update_changed_ui() { if (m_postpone_update_ui) return; const bool deep_compare = (m_type == Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_PRINTER || m_type == Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_SLA_MATERIAL); auto dirty_options = m_presets->current_dirty_options(deep_compare); auto nonsys_options = m_presets->current_different_from_parent_options(deep_compare); if (m_type == Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) { TabPrinter* tab = static_cast(this); if (tab->m_initial_extruders_count != tab->m_extruders_count) dirty_options.emplace_back("extruders_count"); if (tab->m_sys_extruders_count != tab->m_extruders_count) nonsys_options.emplace_back("extruders_count"); } for (auto& it : m_options_list) it.second = m_opt_status_value; for (auto opt_key : dirty_options) m_options_list[opt_key] &= ~osInitValue; for (auto opt_key : nonsys_options) m_options_list[opt_key] &= ~osSystemValue; // Freeze(); //update options "decoration" for (const auto opt : m_options_list) { bool is_nonsys_value = false; bool is_modified_value = true; const ScalableBitmap *sys_icon = &m_bmp_value_lock; const ScalableBitmap *icon = &m_bmp_value_revert; const wxColour *color = &m_sys_label_clr; const wxString *sys_tt = &m_tt_value_lock; const wxString *tt = &m_tt_value_revert; // value isn't equal to system value if ((opt.second & osSystemValue) == 0) { is_nonsys_value = true; sys_icon = m_bmp_non_system; sys_tt = m_tt_non_system; // value is equal to last saved if ((opt.second & osInitValue) != 0) color = &m_default_text_clr; // value is modified else color = &m_modified_label_clr; } if ((opt.second & osInitValue) != 0) { is_modified_value = false; icon = &m_bmp_white_bullet; tt = &m_tt_white_bullet; } if (opt.first == "bed_shape" || opt.first == "compatible_prints" || opt.first == "compatible_printers") { if (m_colored_Label != nullptr) { m_colored_Label->SetForegroundColour(*color); m_colored_Label->Refresh(true); } continue; } Field* field = get_field(opt.first); if (field == nullptr) continue; field->m_is_nonsys_value = is_nonsys_value; field->m_is_modified_value = is_modified_value; field->set_undo_bitmap(icon); field->set_undo_to_sys_bitmap(sys_icon); field->set_undo_tooltip(tt); field->set_undo_to_sys_tooltip(sys_tt); field->set_label_colour(color); } // Thaw(); wxTheApp->CallAfter([this]() { update_changed_tree_ui(); }); } void Tab::init_options_list() { if (!m_options_list.empty()) m_options_list.clear(); for (const auto opt_key : m_config->keys()) m_options_list.emplace(opt_key, m_opt_status_value); } template void add_correct_opts_to_options_list(const std::string &opt_key, std::map& map, Tab *tab, const int& value) { T *opt_cur = static_cast(tab->m_config->option(opt_key)); for (int i = 0; i < opt_cur->values.size(); i++) map.emplace(opt_key + "#" + std::to_string(i), value); } void TabPrinter::init_options_list() { if (!m_options_list.empty()) m_options_list.clear(); for (const auto opt_key : m_config->keys()) { if (opt_key == "bed_shape") { m_options_list.emplace(opt_key, m_opt_status_value); continue; } switch (m_config->option(opt_key)->type()) { case coInts: add_correct_opts_to_options_list(opt_key, m_options_list, this, m_opt_status_value); break; case coBools: add_correct_opts_to_options_list(opt_key, m_options_list, this, m_opt_status_value); break; case coFloats: add_correct_opts_to_options_list(opt_key, m_options_list, this, m_opt_status_value); break; case coStrings: add_correct_opts_to_options_list(opt_key, m_options_list, this, m_opt_status_value); break; case coPercents:add_correct_opts_to_options_list(opt_key, m_options_list, this, m_opt_status_value); break; case coPoints: add_correct_opts_to_options_list(opt_key, m_options_list, this, m_opt_status_value); break; default: m_options_list.emplace(opt_key, m_opt_status_value); break; } } m_options_list.emplace("extruders_count", m_opt_status_value); } void TabSLAMaterial::init_options_list() { if (!m_options_list.empty()) m_options_list.clear(); for (const auto opt_key : m_config->keys()) { if (opt_key == "compatible_prints" || opt_key == "compatible_printers") { m_options_list.emplace(opt_key, m_opt_status_value); continue; } switch (m_config->option(opt_key)->type()) { case coInts: add_correct_opts_to_options_list(opt_key, m_options_list, this, m_opt_status_value); break; case coBools: add_correct_opts_to_options_list(opt_key, m_options_list, this, m_opt_status_value); break; case coFloats: add_correct_opts_to_options_list(opt_key, m_options_list, this, m_opt_status_value); break; case coStrings: add_correct_opts_to_options_list(opt_key, m_options_list, this, m_opt_status_value); break; case coPercents:add_correct_opts_to_options_list(opt_key, m_options_list, this, m_opt_status_value); break; case coPoints: add_correct_opts_to_options_list(opt_key, m_options_list, this, m_opt_status_value); break; default: m_options_list.emplace(opt_key, m_opt_status_value); break; } } } void Tab::get_sys_and_mod_flags(const std::string& opt_key, bool& sys_page, bool& modified_page) { auto opt = m_options_list.find(opt_key); if (sys_page) sys_page = (opt->second & osSystemValue) != 0; modified_page |= (opt->second & osInitValue) == 0; } void Tab::update_changed_tree_ui() { if (m_options_list.empty()) return; auto cur_item = m_treectrl->GetFirstVisibleItem(); if (!cur_item || !m_treectrl->IsVisible(cur_item)) return; auto selected_item = m_treectrl->GetSelection(); auto selection = selected_item ? m_treectrl->GetItemText(selected_item) : ""; while (cur_item) { auto title = m_treectrl->GetItemText(cur_item); for (auto page : m_pages) { if (page->title() != title) continue; bool sys_page = true; bool modified_page = false; if (title == _("General")) { std::initializer_list optional_keys{ "extruders_count", "bed_shape" }; for (auto &opt_key : optional_keys) { get_sys_and_mod_flags(opt_key, sys_page, modified_page); } } if (title == _("Dependencies")) { if (m_type == Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) { sys_page = m_presets->get_selected_preset_parent() != nullptr; modified_page = false; } else { if (m_type == Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT || m_type == Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_SLA_MATERIAL) get_sys_and_mod_flags("compatible_prints", sys_page, modified_page); get_sys_and_mod_flags("compatible_printers", sys_page, modified_page); } } for (auto group : page->m_optgroups) { if (!sys_page && modified_page) break; for (t_opt_map::iterator it = group->m_opt_map.begin(); it != group->m_opt_map.end(); ++it) { const std::string& opt_key = it->first; get_sys_and_mod_flags(opt_key, sys_page, modified_page); } } const wxColor *clr = sys_page ? &m_sys_label_clr : modified_page ? &m_modified_label_clr : &m_default_text_clr; if (page->set_item_colour(clr)) m_treectrl->SetItemTextColour(cur_item, *clr); page->m_is_nonsys_values = !sys_page; page->m_is_modified_values = modified_page; if (selection == title) { m_is_nonsys_values = page->m_is_nonsys_values; m_is_modified_values = page->m_is_modified_values; } break; } auto next_item = m_treectrl->GetNextVisible(cur_item); cur_item = next_item; } update_undo_buttons(); } void Tab::update_undo_buttons() { m_undo_btn-> SetBitmap_(m_is_modified_values ? m_bmp_value_revert: m_bmp_white_bullet); m_undo_to_sys_btn-> SetBitmap_(m_is_nonsys_values ? *m_bmp_non_system : m_bmp_value_lock); m_undo_btn->SetToolTip(m_is_modified_values ? m_ttg_value_revert : m_ttg_white_bullet); m_undo_to_sys_btn->SetToolTip(m_is_nonsys_values ? *m_ttg_non_system : m_ttg_value_lock); } void Tab::on_roll_back_value(const bool to_sys /*= true*/) { int os; if (to_sys) { if (!m_is_nonsys_values) return; os = osSystemValue; } else { if (!m_is_modified_values) return; os = osInitValue; } m_postpone_update_ui = true; auto selection = m_treectrl->GetItemText(m_treectrl->GetSelection()); for (auto page : m_pages) if (page->title() == selection) { for (auto group : page->m_optgroups) { if (group->title == _("Capabilities")) { if ((m_options_list["extruders_count"] & os) == 0) to_sys ? group->back_to_sys_value("extruders_count") : group->back_to_initial_value("extruders_count"); } if (group->title == _("Size and coordinates")) { if ((m_options_list["bed_shape"] & os) == 0) { to_sys ? group->back_to_sys_value("bed_shape") : group->back_to_initial_value("bed_shape"); load_key_value("bed_shape", true/*some value*/, true); } } if (group->title == _("Profile dependencies")) { if (m_type != Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_PRINTER && (m_options_list["compatible_printers"] & os) == 0) { to_sys ? group->back_to_sys_value("compatible_printers") : group->back_to_initial_value("compatible_printers"); load_key_value("compatible_printers", true/*some value*/, true); bool is_empty = m_config->option("compatible_printers")->values.empty(); m_compatible_printers.checkbox->SetValue(is_empty); is_empty ? m_compatible_printers.btn->Disable() : m_compatible_printers.btn->Enable(); } if ((m_type == Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_PRINT || m_type == Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_SLA_PRINT) && (m_options_list["compatible_prints"] & os) == 0) { to_sys ? group->back_to_sys_value("compatible_prints") : group->back_to_initial_value("compatible_prints"); load_key_value("compatible_prints", true/*some value*/, true); bool is_empty = m_config->option("compatible_prints")->values.empty(); m_compatible_prints.checkbox->SetValue(is_empty); is_empty ? m_compatible_prints.btn->Disable() : m_compatible_prints.btn->Enable(); } } for (auto kvp : group->m_opt_map) { const std::string& opt_key = kvp.first; if ((m_options_list[opt_key] & os) == 0) to_sys ? group->back_to_sys_value(opt_key) : group->back_to_initial_value(opt_key); } } break; } m_postpone_update_ui = false; update_changed_ui(); } // Update the combo box label of the selected preset based on its "dirty" state, // comparing the selected preset config with $self->{config}. void Tab::update_dirty() { m_presets->update_dirty_ui(m_presets_choice); on_presets_changed(); update_changed_ui(); } void Tab::update_tab_ui() { m_selected_preset_item = m_presets->update_tab_ui(m_presets_choice, m_show_incompatible_presets, m_em_unit); } // Load a provied DynamicConfig into the tab, modifying the active preset. // This could be used for example by setting a Wipe Tower position by interactive manipulation in the 3D view. void Tab::load_config(const DynamicPrintConfig& config) { bool modified = 0; for(auto opt_key : m_config->diff(config)) { m_config->set_key_value(opt_key, config.option(opt_key)->clone()); modified = 1; } if (modified) { update_dirty(); //# Initialize UI components with the config values. reload_config(); update(); } } // Reload current $self->{config} (aka $self->{presets}->edited_preset->config) into the UI fields. void Tab::reload_config() { // Freeze(); for (auto page : m_pages) page->reload_config(); // Thaw(); } void Tab::update_mode() { m_mode = wxGetApp().get_mode(); // update mode for ModeSizer m_mode_sizer->SetMode(m_mode); update_visibility(); } void Tab::update_visibility() { Freeze(); // There is needed Freeze/Thaw to avoid a flashing after Show/Layout for (auto page : m_pages) page->update_visibility(m_mode); update_page_tree_visibility(); Layout(); Thaw(); update_changed_tree_ui(); } void Tab::msw_rescale() { m_em_unit = wxGetApp().em_unit(); m_mode_sizer->msw_rescale(); m_presets_choice->SetSize(35 * m_em_unit, -1); m_treectrl->SetMinSize(wxSize(20 * m_em_unit, -1)); update_tab_ui(); // rescale buttons and cached bitmaps for (const auto btn : m_scaled_buttons) btn->msw_rescale(); for (const auto bmp : m_scaled_bitmaps) bmp->msw_rescale(); for (ScalableBitmap& bmp : m_mode_bitmap_cache) bmp.msw_rescale(); // rescale icons for tree_ctrl for (ScalableBitmap& bmp : m_scaled_icons_list) bmp.msw_rescale(); // recreate and set new ImageList for tree_ctrl m_icons->RemoveAll(); m_icons = new wxImageList(m_scaled_icons_list.front().bmp().GetWidth(), m_scaled_icons_list.front().bmp().GetHeight()); for (ScalableBitmap& bmp : m_scaled_icons_list) m_icons->Add(bmp.bmp()); m_treectrl->AssignImageList(m_icons); // rescale options_groups for (auto page : m_pages) page->msw_rescale(); Layout(); } Field* Tab::get_field(const t_config_option_key& opt_key, int opt_index/* = -1*/) const { Field* field = nullptr; for (auto page : m_pages) { field = page->get_field(opt_key, opt_index); if (field != nullptr) return field; } return field; } // Set a key/value pair on this page. Return true if the value has been modified. // Currently used for distributing extruders_count over preset pages of Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Printer // after a preset is loaded. bool Tab::set_value(const t_config_option_key& opt_key, const boost::any& value) { bool changed = false; for(auto page: m_pages) { if (page->set_value(opt_key, value)) changed = true; } return changed; } // To be called by custom widgets, load a value into a config, // update the preset selection boxes (the dirty flags) // If value is saved before calling this function, put saved_value = true, // and value can be some random value because in this case it will not been used void Tab::load_key_value(const std::string& opt_key, const boost::any& value, bool saved_value /*= false*/) { if (!saved_value) change_opt_value(*m_config, opt_key, value); // Mark the print & filament enabled if they are compatible with the currently selected preset. if (opt_key == "compatible_printers" || opt_key == "compatible_prints") { // Don't select another profile if this profile happens to become incompatible. m_preset_bundle->update_compatible(false); } m_presets->update_dirty_ui(m_presets_choice); on_presets_changed(); update(); } static wxString support_combo_value_for_config(const DynamicPrintConfig &config, bool is_fff) { const std::string support = is_fff ? "support_material" : "supports_enable"; const std::string buildplate_only = is_fff ? "support_material_buildplate_only" : "support_buildplate_only"; return ! config.opt_bool(support) ? _("None") : (is_fff && !config.opt_bool("support_material_auto")) ? _("For support enforcers only") : (config.opt_bool(buildplate_only) ? _("Support on build plate only") : _("Everywhere")); } void Tab::on_value_change(const std::string& opt_key, const boost::any& value) { if (wxGetApp().plater() == nullptr) { return; } const bool is_fff = supports_printer_technology(ptFFF); ConfigOptionsGroup* og_freq_chng_params = wxGetApp().sidebar().og_freq_chng_params(is_fff); if (opt_key == "fill_density" || opt_key == "pad_enable") { boost::any val = og_freq_chng_params->get_config_value(*m_config, opt_key); og_freq_chng_params->set_value(opt_key, val); } if (is_fff ? (opt_key == "support_material" || opt_key == "support_material_auto" || opt_key == "support_material_buildplate_only") : (opt_key == "supports_enable" || opt_key == "support_buildplate_only")) og_freq_chng_params->set_value("support", support_combo_value_for_config(*m_config, is_fff)); if (opt_key == "brim_width") { bool val = m_config->opt_float("brim_width") > 0.0 ? true : false; og_freq_chng_params->set_value("brim", val); } if (opt_key == "wipe_tower" || opt_key == "single_extruder_multi_material" || opt_key == "extruders_count" ) update_wiping_button_visibility(); if (opt_key == "extruders_count") wxGetApp().plater()->on_extruders_change(boost::any_cast(value)); update(); } // Show/hide the 'purging volumes' button void Tab::update_wiping_button_visibility() { if (m_preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA) return; // ys_FIXME bool wipe_tower_enabled = dynamic_cast( (m_preset_bundle->prints.get_edited_preset().config ).option("wipe_tower"))->value; bool multiple_extruders = dynamic_cast((m_preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().config).option("nozzle_diameter"))->values.size() > 1; bool single_extruder_mm = dynamic_cast( (m_preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().config).option("single_extruder_multi_material"))->value; auto wiping_dialog_button = wxGetApp().sidebar().get_wiping_dialog_button(); if (wiping_dialog_button) { wiping_dialog_button->Show(wipe_tower_enabled && multiple_extruders && single_extruder_mm); wiping_dialog_button->GetParent()->Layout(); } } // Call a callback to update the selection of presets on the platter: // To update the content of the selection boxes, // to update the filament colors of the selection boxes, // to update the "dirty" flags of the selection boxes, // to update number of "filament" selection boxes when the number of extruders change. void Tab::on_presets_changed() { if (wxGetApp().plater() == nullptr) { return; } // Instead of PostEvent (EVT_TAB_PRESETS_CHANGED) just call update_presets wxGetApp().plater()->sidebar().update_presets(m_type); update_preset_description_line(); // Printer selected at the Printer tab, update "compatible" marks at the print and filament selectors. for (auto t: m_dependent_tabs) { // If the printer tells us that the print or filament/sla_material preset has been switched or invalidated, // refresh the print or filament/sla_material tab page. wxGetApp().get_tab(t)->load_current_preset(); } // clear m_dependent_tabs after first update from select_preset() // to avoid needless preset loading from update() function m_dependent_tabs.clear(); } void Tab::update_preset_description_line() { const Preset* parent = m_presets->get_selected_preset_parent(); const Preset& preset = m_presets->get_edited_preset(); wxString description_line = preset.is_default ? _(L("It's a default preset.")) : preset.is_system ? _(L("It's a system preset.")) : _(L("Current preset is inherited from ")) + (parent == nullptr ? "default preset." : ":\n\t" + parent->name); if (preset.is_default || preset.is_system) description_line += "\n\t" + _(L("It can't be deleted or modified. ")) + "\n\t" + _(L("Any modifications should be saved as a new preset inherited from this one. ")) + "\n\t" + _(L("To do that please specify a new name for the preset.")); if (parent && parent->vendor) { description_line += "\n\n" + _(L("Additional information:")) + "\n"; description_line += "\t" + _(L("vendor")) + ": " + (m_type == Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_PRINTER ? "\n\t\t" : "") + parent->vendor->name + ", ver: " + parent->vendor->config_version.to_string(); if (m_type == Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) { const std::string &printer_model = preset.config.opt_string("printer_model"); if (! printer_model.empty()) description_line += "\n\n\t" + _(L("printer model")) + ": \n\t\t" + printer_model; switch (preset.printer_technology()) { case ptFFF: { //FIXME add prefered_sla_material_profile for SLA const std::string &default_print_profile = preset.config.opt_string("default_print_profile"); const std::vector &default_filament_profiles = preset.config.option("default_filament_profile")->values; if (!default_print_profile.empty()) description_line += "\n\n\t" + _(L("default print profile")) + ": \n\t\t" + default_print_profile; if (!default_filament_profiles.empty()) { description_line += "\n\n\t" + _(L("default filament profile")) + ": \n\t\t"; for (auto& profile : default_filament_profiles) { if (&profile != &*default_filament_profiles.begin()) description_line += ", "; description_line += profile; } } break; } case ptSLA: { //FIXME add prefered_sla_material_profile for SLA const std::string &default_sla_material_profile = preset.config.opt_string("default_sla_material_profile"); if (!default_sla_material_profile.empty()) description_line += "\n\n\t" + _(L("default SLA material profile")) + ": \n\t\t" + default_sla_material_profile; const std::string &default_sla_print_profile = preset.config.opt_string("default_sla_print_profile"); if (!default_sla_print_profile.empty()) description_line += "\n\n\t" + _(L("default SLA print profile")) + ": \n\t\t" + default_sla_print_profile; break; } } } } m_parent_preset_description_line->SetText(description_line, false); } void Tab::update_frequently_changed_parameters() { const bool is_fff = supports_printer_technology(ptFFF); auto og_freq_chng_params = wxGetApp().sidebar().og_freq_chng_params(is_fff); if (!og_freq_chng_params) return; og_freq_chng_params->set_value("support", support_combo_value_for_config(*m_config, is_fff)); const std::string updated_value_key = is_fff ? "fill_density" : "pad_enable"; const boost::any val = og_freq_chng_params->get_config_value(*m_config, updated_value_key); og_freq_chng_params->set_value(updated_value_key, val); if (is_fff) { og_freq_chng_params->set_value("brim", bool(m_config->opt_float("brim_width") > 0.0)); update_wiping_button_visibility(); } } void TabPrint::build() { m_presets = &m_preset_bundle->prints; load_initial_data(); auto page = add_options_page(_(L("Layers and perimeters")), "layers"); auto optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Layer height"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("layer_height"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("first_layer_height"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Vertical shells"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("perimeters"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("spiral_vase"); Line line { "", "" }; line.full_width = 1; line.widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) { return description_line_widget(parent, &m_recommended_thin_wall_thickness_description_line); }; optgroup->append_line(line); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Horizontal shells"))); line = { _(L("Solid layers")), "" }; line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("top_solid_layers")); line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("bottom_solid_layers")); optgroup->append_line(line); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Quality (slower slicing)"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("extra_perimeters"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("ensure_vertical_shell_thickness"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("avoid_crossing_perimeters"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("thin_walls"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("overhangs"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Advanced"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("seam_position"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("external_perimeters_first"); page = add_options_page(_(L("Infill")), "infill"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Infill"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("fill_density"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("fill_pattern"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("top_fill_pattern"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("bottom_fill_pattern"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Reducing printing time"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("infill_every_layers"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("infill_only_where_needed"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Advanced"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("solid_infill_every_layers"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("fill_angle"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("solid_infill_below_area"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("bridge_angle"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("infill_first"); page = add_options_page(_(L("Skirt and brim")), "skirt+brim"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Skirt"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("skirts"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("skirt_distance"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("skirt_height"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("min_skirt_length"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Brim"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("brim_width"); page = add_options_page(_(L("Support material")), "support"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Support material"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_auto"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_threshold"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_enforce_layers"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Raft"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("raft_layers"); // # optgroup->append_single_option_line(get_option_("raft_contact_distance"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Options for support material and raft"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_contact_distance"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_pattern"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_with_sheath"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_spacing"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_angle"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_interface_layers"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_interface_spacing"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_interface_contact_loops"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_buildplate_only"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_xy_spacing"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("dont_support_bridges"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_synchronize_layers"); page = add_options_page(_(L("Speed")), "time"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Speed for print moves"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("perimeter_speed"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("small_perimeter_speed"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("external_perimeter_speed"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("infill_speed"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("solid_infill_speed"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("top_solid_infill_speed"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_speed"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_interface_speed"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("bridge_speed"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("gap_fill_speed"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Speed for non-print moves"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("travel_speed"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Modifiers"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("first_layer_speed"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Acceleration control (advanced)"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("perimeter_acceleration"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("infill_acceleration"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("bridge_acceleration"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("first_layer_acceleration"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("default_acceleration"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Autospeed (advanced)"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("max_print_speed"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("max_volumetric_speed"); #ifdef HAS_PRESSURE_EQUALIZER optgroup->append_single_option_line("max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope_positive"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope_negative"); #endif /* HAS_PRESSURE_EQUALIZER */ page = add_options_page(_(L("Multiple Extruders")), "funnel"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Extruders"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("perimeter_extruder"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("infill_extruder"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("solid_infill_extruder"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_extruder"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_interface_extruder"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Ooze prevention"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("ooze_prevention"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("standby_temperature_delta"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Wipe tower"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("wipe_tower"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("wipe_tower_x"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("wipe_tower_y"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("wipe_tower_width"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("wipe_tower_rotation_angle"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("wipe_tower_bridging"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("single_extruder_multi_material_priming"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Advanced"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("interface_shells"); page = add_options_page(_(L("Advanced")), "wrench"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Extrusion width"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("extrusion_width"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("first_layer_extrusion_width"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("perimeter_extrusion_width"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("external_perimeter_extrusion_width"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("infill_extrusion_width"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("solid_infill_extrusion_width"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("top_infill_extrusion_width"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("support_material_extrusion_width"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Overlap"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("infill_overlap"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Flow"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("bridge_flow_ratio"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Slicing"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("slice_closing_radius"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("resolution"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("xy_size_compensation"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("elefant_foot_compensation"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Other"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("clip_multipart_objects"); page = add_options_page(_(L("Output options")), "output+page_white"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Sequential printing"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("complete_objects"); line = { _(L("Extruder clearance (mm)")), "" }; Option option = optgroup->get_option("extruder_clearance_radius"); option.opt.width = 6; line.append_option(option); option = optgroup->get_option("extruder_clearance_height"); option.opt.width = 6; line.append_option(option); optgroup->append_line(line); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Output file"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("gcode_comments"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("gcode_label_objects"); option = optgroup->get_option("output_filename_format"); option.opt.full_width = true; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Post-processing scripts")), 0); option = optgroup->get_option("post_process"); option.opt.full_width = true; option.opt.height = 5;//50; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); page = add_options_page(_(L("Notes")), "note.png"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Notes")), 0); option = optgroup->get_option("notes"); option.opt.full_width = true; option.opt.height = 25;//250; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); page = add_options_page(_(L("Dependencies")), "wrench.png"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Profile dependencies"))); line = optgroup->create_single_option_line("compatible_printers"); line.widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) { return compatible_widget_create(parent, m_compatible_printers); }; optgroup->append_line(line, &m_colored_Label); option = optgroup->get_option("compatible_printers_condition"); option.opt.full_width = true; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); line = Line{ "", "" }; line.full_width = 1; line.widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) { return description_line_widget(parent, &m_parent_preset_description_line); }; optgroup->append_line(line); } // Reload current config (aka presets->edited_preset->config) into the UI fields. void TabPrint::reload_config() { this->compatible_widget_reload(m_compatible_printers); Tab::reload_config(); } void TabPrint::update() { if (m_preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA) return; // ys_FIXME // #ys_FIXME_to_delete //! Temporary workaround for the correct updates of the SpinCtrl (like "perimeters"): // KillFocus() for the wxSpinCtrl use CallAfter function. So, // to except the duplicate call of the update() after dialog->ShowModal(), // let check if this process is already started. // if (is_msg_dlg_already_exist) // ! It looks like a fixed problem after start to using of a m_dirty_options // return; // ! TODO Let delete this part of code after a common aplication testing m_update_cnt++; // Freeze(); double fill_density = m_config->option("fill_density")->value; if (m_config->opt_bool("spiral_vase") && !(m_config->opt_int("perimeters") == 1 && m_config->opt_int("top_solid_layers") == 0 && fill_density == 0)) { wxString msg_text = _(L("The Spiral Vase mode requires:\n" "- one perimeter\n" "- no top solid layers\n" "- 0% fill density\n" "- no support material\n" "- no ensure_vertical_shell_thickness\n" "\nShall I adjust those settings in order to enable Spiral Vase?")); auto dialog = new wxMessageDialog(parent(), msg_text, _(L("Spiral Vase")), wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO); // is_msg_dlg_already_exist = true; DynamicPrintConfig new_conf = *m_config; if (dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_YES) { new_conf.set_key_value("perimeters", new ConfigOptionInt(1)); new_conf.set_key_value("top_solid_layers", new ConfigOptionInt(0)); new_conf.set_key_value("fill_density", new ConfigOptionPercent(0)); new_conf.set_key_value("support_material", new ConfigOptionBool(false)); new_conf.set_key_value("support_material_enforce_layers", new ConfigOptionInt(0)); new_conf.set_key_value("ensure_vertical_shell_thickness", new ConfigOptionBool(false)); fill_density = 0; } else { new_conf.set_key_value("spiral_vase", new ConfigOptionBool(false)); } load_config(new_conf); on_value_change("fill_density", fill_density); // is_msg_dlg_already_exist = false; } if (m_config->opt_bool("wipe_tower") && m_config->opt_bool("support_material") && m_config->opt_float("support_material_contact_distance") > 0. && (m_config->opt_int("support_material_extruder") != 0 || m_config->opt_int("support_material_interface_extruder") != 0)) { wxString msg_text = _(L("The Wipe Tower currently supports the non-soluble supports only\n" "if they are printed with the current extruder without triggering a tool change.\n" "(both support_material_extruder and support_material_interface_extruder need to be set to 0).\n" "\nShall I adjust those settings in order to enable the Wipe Tower?")); auto dialog = new wxMessageDialog(parent(), msg_text, _(L("Wipe Tower")), wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO); DynamicPrintConfig new_conf = *m_config; if (dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_YES) { new_conf.set_key_value("support_material_extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(0)); new_conf.set_key_value("support_material_interface_extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(0)); } else new_conf.set_key_value("wipe_tower", new ConfigOptionBool(false)); load_config(new_conf); } if (m_config->opt_bool("wipe_tower") && m_config->opt_bool("support_material") && m_config->opt_float("support_material_contact_distance") == 0 && !m_config->opt_bool("support_material_synchronize_layers")) { wxString msg_text = _(L("For the Wipe Tower to work with the soluble supports, the support layers\n" "need to be synchronized with the object layers.\n" "\nShall I synchronize support layers in order to enable the Wipe Tower?")); auto dialog = new wxMessageDialog(parent(), msg_text, _(L("Wipe Tower")), wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO); DynamicPrintConfig new_conf = *m_config; if (dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_YES) { new_conf.set_key_value("support_material_synchronize_layers", new ConfigOptionBool(true)); } else new_conf.set_key_value("wipe_tower", new ConfigOptionBool(false)); load_config(new_conf); } if (m_config->opt_bool("support_material")) { // Ask only once. if (!m_support_material_overhangs_queried) { m_support_material_overhangs_queried = true; if (!m_config->opt_bool("overhangs")/* != 1*/) { wxString msg_text = _(L("Supports work better, if the following feature is enabled:\n" "- Detect bridging perimeters\n" "\nShall I adjust those settings for supports?")); auto dialog = new wxMessageDialog(parent(), msg_text, _(L("Support Generator")), wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO | wxCANCEL); DynamicPrintConfig new_conf = *m_config; auto answer = dialog->ShowModal(); if (answer == wxID_YES) { // Enable "detect bridging perimeters". new_conf.set_key_value("overhangs", new ConfigOptionBool(true)); } else if (answer == wxID_NO) { // Do nothing, leave supports on and "detect bridging perimeters" off. } else if (answer == wxID_CANCEL) { // Disable supports. new_conf.set_key_value("support_material", new ConfigOptionBool(false)); m_support_material_overhangs_queried = false; } load_config(new_conf); } } } else { m_support_material_overhangs_queried = false; } if (m_config->option("fill_density")->value == 100) { auto fill_pattern = m_config->option>("fill_pattern")->value; std::string str_fill_pattern = ""; t_config_enum_values map_names = m_config->option>("fill_pattern")->get_enum_values(); for (auto it : map_names) { if (fill_pattern == it.second) { str_fill_pattern = it.first; break; } } if (!str_fill_pattern.empty()) { const std::vector &external_fill_pattern = m_config->def()->get("top_fill_pattern")->enum_values; bool correct_100p_fill = false; for (const std::string &fill : external_fill_pattern) { if (str_fill_pattern == fill) correct_100p_fill = true; } // get fill_pattern name from enum_labels for using this one at dialog_msg str_fill_pattern = m_config->def()->get("fill_pattern")->enum_labels[fill_pattern]; if (!correct_100p_fill) { wxString msg_text = _(L("The ")) + str_fill_pattern + _(L(" infill pattern is not supposed to work at 100% density.\n" "\nShall I switch to rectilinear fill pattern?")); auto dialog = new wxMessageDialog(parent(), msg_text, _(L("Infill")), wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO); DynamicPrintConfig new_conf = *m_config; if (dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_YES) { new_conf.set_key_value("fill_pattern", new ConfigOptionEnum(ipRectilinear)); fill_density = 100; } else fill_density = m_presets->get_selected_preset().config.option("fill_density")->value; new_conf.set_key_value("fill_density", new ConfigOptionPercent(fill_density)); load_config(new_conf); on_value_change("fill_density", fill_density); } } } bool have_perimeters = m_config->opt_int("perimeters") > 0; for (auto el : {"extra_perimeters", "ensure_vertical_shell_thickness", "thin_walls", "overhangs", "seam_position", "external_perimeters_first", "external_perimeter_extrusion_width", "perimeter_speed", "small_perimeter_speed", "external_perimeter_speed" }) get_field(el)->toggle(have_perimeters); bool have_infill = m_config->option("fill_density")->value > 0; // infill_extruder uses the same logic as in Print::extruders() for (auto el : {"fill_pattern", "infill_every_layers", "infill_only_where_needed", "solid_infill_every_layers", "solid_infill_below_area", "infill_extruder" }) get_field(el)->toggle(have_infill); bool have_solid_infill = m_config->opt_int("top_solid_layers") > 0 || m_config->opt_int("bottom_solid_layers") > 0; // solid_infill_extruder uses the same logic as in Print::extruders() for (auto el : {"top_fill_pattern", "bottom_fill_pattern", "infill_first", "solid_infill_extruder", "solid_infill_extrusion_width", "solid_infill_speed" }) get_field(el)->toggle(have_solid_infill); for (auto el : {"fill_angle", "bridge_angle", "infill_extrusion_width", "infill_speed", "bridge_speed" }) get_field(el)->toggle(have_infill || have_solid_infill); get_field("gap_fill_speed")->toggle(have_perimeters && have_infill); bool have_top_solid_infill = m_config->opt_int("top_solid_layers") > 0; for (auto el : { "top_infill_extrusion_width", "top_solid_infill_speed" }) get_field(el)->toggle(have_top_solid_infill); bool have_default_acceleration = m_config->opt_float("default_acceleration") > 0; for (auto el : {"perimeter_acceleration", "infill_acceleration", "bridge_acceleration", "first_layer_acceleration" }) get_field(el)->toggle(have_default_acceleration); bool have_skirt = m_config->opt_int("skirts") > 0 || m_config->opt_float("min_skirt_length") > 0; for (auto el : { "skirt_distance", "skirt_height" }) get_field(el)->toggle(have_skirt); bool have_brim = m_config->opt_float("brim_width") > 0; // perimeter_extruder uses the same logic as in Print::extruders() get_field("perimeter_extruder")->toggle(have_perimeters || have_brim); bool have_raft = m_config->opt_int("raft_layers") > 0; bool have_support_material = m_config->opt_bool("support_material") || have_raft; bool have_support_material_auto = have_support_material && m_config->opt_bool("support_material_auto"); bool have_support_interface = m_config->opt_int("support_material_interface_layers") > 0; bool have_support_soluble = have_support_material && m_config->opt_float("support_material_contact_distance") == 0; for (auto el : {"support_material_pattern", "support_material_with_sheath", "support_material_spacing", "support_material_angle", "support_material_interface_layers", "dont_support_bridges", "support_material_extrusion_width", "support_material_contact_distance", "support_material_xy_spacing" }) get_field(el)->toggle(have_support_material); get_field("support_material_threshold")->toggle(have_support_material_auto); for (auto el : {"support_material_interface_spacing", "support_material_interface_extruder", "support_material_interface_speed", "support_material_interface_contact_loops" }) get_field(el)->toggle(have_support_material && have_support_interface); get_field("support_material_synchronize_layers")->toggle(have_support_soluble); get_field("perimeter_extrusion_width")->toggle(have_perimeters || have_skirt || have_brim); get_field("support_material_extruder")->toggle(have_support_material || have_skirt); get_field("support_material_speed")->toggle(have_support_material || have_brim || have_skirt); bool have_sequential_printing = m_config->opt_bool("complete_objects"); for (auto el : { "extruder_clearance_radius", "extruder_clearance_height" }) get_field(el)->toggle(have_sequential_printing); bool have_ooze_prevention = m_config->opt_bool("ooze_prevention"); get_field("standby_temperature_delta")->toggle(have_ooze_prevention); bool have_wipe_tower = m_config->opt_bool("wipe_tower"); for (auto el : { "wipe_tower_x", "wipe_tower_y", "wipe_tower_width", "wipe_tower_rotation_angle", "wipe_tower_bridging"}) get_field(el)->toggle(have_wipe_tower); m_recommended_thin_wall_thickness_description_line->SetText( from_u8(PresetHints::recommended_thin_wall_thickness(*m_preset_bundle))); // Thaw(); m_update_cnt--; if (m_update_cnt==0) wxGetApp().mainframe->on_config_changed(m_config); } void TabPrint::OnActivate() { m_recommended_thin_wall_thickness_description_line->SetText( from_u8(PresetHints::recommended_thin_wall_thickness(*m_preset_bundle))); Tab::OnActivate(); } void TabFilament::build() { m_presets = &m_preset_bundle->filaments; load_initial_data(); auto page = add_options_page(_(L("Filament")), "spool.png"); auto optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Filament"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_colour"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_diameter"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("extrusion_multiplier"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_density"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_cost"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Temperature ")) + wxString("°C", wxConvUTF8)); Line line = { _(L("Extruder")), "" }; line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("first_layer_temperature")); line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("temperature")); optgroup->append_line(line); line = { _(L("Bed")), "" }; line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("first_layer_bed_temperature")); line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("bed_temperature")); optgroup->append_line(line); page = add_options_page(_(L("Cooling")), "cooling"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Enable"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("fan_always_on"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("cooling"); line = { "", "" }; line.full_width = 1; line.widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) { return description_line_widget(parent, &m_cooling_description_line); }; optgroup->append_line(line); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Fan settings"))); line = { _(L("Fan speed")), "" }; line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("min_fan_speed")); line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("max_fan_speed")); optgroup->append_line(line); optgroup->append_single_option_line("bridge_fan_speed"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("disable_fan_first_layers"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Cooling thresholds")), 25); optgroup->append_single_option_line("fan_below_layer_time"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("slowdown_below_layer_time"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("min_print_speed"); page = add_options_page(_(L("Advanced")), "wrench"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Filament properties"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_type"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_soluble"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Print speed override"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_max_volumetric_speed"); line = { "", "" }; line.full_width = 1; line.widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) { return description_line_widget(parent, &m_volumetric_speed_description_line); }; optgroup->append_line(line); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Toolchange parameters with single extruder MM printers"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_loading_speed_start"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_loading_speed"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_unloading_speed_start"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_unloading_speed"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_load_time"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_unload_time"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_toolchange_delay"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_cooling_moves"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_cooling_initial_speed"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_cooling_final_speed"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("filament_minimal_purge_on_wipe_tower"); line = optgroup->create_single_option_line("filament_ramming_parameters");// { _(L("Ramming")), "" }; line.widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) { auto ramming_dialog_btn = new wxButton(parent, wxID_ANY, _(L("Ramming settings"))+dots, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_EXACTFIT); ramming_dialog_btn->SetFont(Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().normal_font()); auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(ramming_dialog_btn); ramming_dialog_btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([this](wxCommandEvent& e) { RammingDialog dlg(this,(m_config->option("filament_ramming_parameters"))->get_at(0)); if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) (m_config->option("filament_ramming_parameters"))->get_at(0) = dlg.get_parameters(); })); return sizer; }; optgroup->append_line(line); const int gcode_field_height = 15; // 150 const int notes_field_height = 25; // 250 page = add_options_page(_(L("Custom G-code")), "cog"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Start G-code")), 0); Option option = optgroup->get_option("start_filament_gcode"); option.opt.full_width = true; option.opt.height = gcode_field_height;// 150; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("End G-code")), 0); option = optgroup->get_option("end_filament_gcode"); option.opt.full_width = true; option.opt.height = gcode_field_height;// 150; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); page = add_options_page(_(L("Notes")), "note.png"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Notes")), 0); optgroup->label_width = 0; option = optgroup->get_option("filament_notes"); option.opt.full_width = true; option.opt.height = notes_field_height;// 250; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); page = add_options_page(_(L("Dependencies")), "wrench.png"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Profile dependencies"))); line = optgroup->create_single_option_line("compatible_printers"); line.widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) { return compatible_widget_create(parent, m_compatible_printers); }; optgroup->append_line(line, &m_colored_Label); option = optgroup->get_option("compatible_printers_condition"); option.opt.full_width = true; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); line = optgroup->create_single_option_line("compatible_prints"); line.widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) { return compatible_widget_create(parent, m_compatible_prints); }; optgroup->append_line(line, &m_colored_Label); option = optgroup->get_option("compatible_prints_condition"); option.opt.full_width = true; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); line = Line{ "", "" }; line.full_width = 1; line.widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) { return description_line_widget(parent, &m_parent_preset_description_line); }; optgroup->append_line(line); } // Reload current config (aka presets->edited_preset->config) into the UI fields. void TabFilament::reload_config() { this->compatible_widget_reload(m_compatible_printers); this->compatible_widget_reload(m_compatible_prints); Tab::reload_config(); } void TabFilament::update() { if (m_preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA) return; // ys_FIXME m_update_cnt++; // Freeze(); wxString text = from_u8(PresetHints::cooling_description(m_presets->get_edited_preset())); m_cooling_description_line->SetText(text); text = from_u8(PresetHints::maximum_volumetric_flow_description(*m_preset_bundle)); m_volumetric_speed_description_line->SetText(text); bool cooling = m_config->opt_bool("cooling", 0); bool fan_always_on = cooling || m_config->opt_bool("fan_always_on", 0); for (auto el : { "max_fan_speed", "fan_below_layer_time", "slowdown_below_layer_time", "min_print_speed" }) get_field(el)->toggle(cooling); for (auto el : { "min_fan_speed", "disable_fan_first_layers" }) get_field(el)->toggle(fan_always_on); // Thaw(); m_update_cnt--; if (m_update_cnt == 0) wxGetApp().mainframe->on_config_changed(m_config); } void TabFilament::OnActivate() { m_volumetric_speed_description_line->SetText(from_u8(PresetHints::maximum_volumetric_flow_description(*m_preset_bundle))); Tab::OnActivate(); } wxSizer* Tab::description_line_widget(wxWindow* parent, ogStaticText* *StaticText) { *StaticText = new ogStaticText(parent, ""); // auto font = (new wxSystemSettings)->GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); (*StaticText)->SetFont(wxGetApp().normal_font()); auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(*StaticText, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 0); return sizer; } bool Tab::current_preset_is_dirty() { return m_presets->current_is_dirty(); } void TabPrinter::build_printhost(ConfigOptionsGroup *optgroup) { const PrinterTechnology tech = m_presets->get_selected_preset().printer_technology(); // Only offer the host type selection for FFF, for SLA it's always the SL1 printer (at the moment) if (tech == ptFFF) { optgroup->append_single_option_line("host_type"); } auto printhost_browse = [=](wxWindow* parent) { add_scaled_button(parent, &m_printhost_browse_btn, "browse", _(L("Browse")) + " "+ dots, wxBU_LEFT | wxBU_EXACTFIT); ScalableButton* btn = m_printhost_browse_btn; btn->SetFont(Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().normal_font()); auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(btn); btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [=](wxCommandEvent &e) { BonjourDialog dialog(parent, tech); if (dialog.show_and_lookup()) { optgroup->set_value("print_host", std::move(dialog.get_selected()), true); optgroup->get_field("print_host")->field_changed(); } }); return sizer; }; auto print_host_test = [this](wxWindow* parent) { add_scaled_button(parent, &m_print_host_test_btn, "test", _(L("Test")), wxBU_LEFT | wxBU_EXACTFIT); ScalableButton* btn = m_print_host_test_btn; btn->SetFont(Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().normal_font()); auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(btn); btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent &e) { std::unique_ptr host(PrintHost::get_print_host(m_config)); if (! host) { const auto text = wxString::Format("%s", _(L("Could not get a valid Printer Host reference"))); show_error(this, text); return; } wxString msg; if (host->test(msg)) { show_info(this, host->get_test_ok_msg(), _(L("Success!"))); } else { show_error(this, host->get_test_failed_msg(msg)); } }); return sizer; }; Line host_line = optgroup->create_single_option_line("print_host"); host_line.append_widget(printhost_browse); host_line.append_widget(print_host_test); optgroup->append_line(host_line); optgroup->append_single_option_line("printhost_apikey"); const auto ca_file_hint = _(L("HTTPS CA file is optional. It is only needed if you use HTTPS with a self-signed certificate.")); if (Http::ca_file_supported()) { Line cafile_line = optgroup->create_single_option_line("printhost_cafile"); auto printhost_cafile_browse = [this, optgroup] (wxWindow* parent) { auto btn = new wxButton(parent, wxID_ANY, _(L(" Browse "))+dots, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_LEFT); btn->SetFont(Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().normal_font()); btn->SetBitmap(create_scaled_bitmap(this, "browse")); auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(btn); btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this, optgroup] (wxCommandEvent e) { static const auto filemasks = _(L("Certificate files (*.crt, *.pem)|*.crt;*.pem|All files|*.*")); wxFileDialog openFileDialog(this, _(L("Open CA certificate file")), "", "", filemasks, wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST); if (openFileDialog.ShowModal() != wxID_CANCEL) { optgroup->set_value("printhost_cafile", std::move(openFileDialog.GetPath()), true); optgroup->get_field("printhost_cafile")->field_changed(); } }); return sizer; }; cafile_line.append_widget(printhost_cafile_browse); optgroup->append_line(cafile_line); Line cafile_hint { "", "" }; cafile_hint.full_width = 1; cafile_hint.widget = [this, ca_file_hint](wxWindow* parent) { auto txt = new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, ca_file_hint); auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(txt); return sizer; }; optgroup->append_line(cafile_hint); } else { Line line { "", "" }; line.full_width = 1; line.widget = [this, ca_file_hint] (wxWindow* parent) { auto txt = new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, wxString::Format("%s\n\n\t%s", wxString::Format(_(L("HTTPS CA File:\n\ \tOn this system, %s uses HTTPS certificates from the system Certificate Store or Keychain.\n\ \tTo use a custom CA file, please import your CA file into Certificate Store / Keychain.")), SLIC3R_APP_NAME), ca_file_hint)); txt->SetFont(Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().normal_font()); auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(txt); return sizer; }; optgroup->append_line(line); } } void TabPrinter::build() { m_presets = &m_preset_bundle->printers; load_initial_data(); m_printer_technology = m_presets->get_selected_preset().printer_technology(); m_presets->get_selected_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA ? build_sla() : build_fff(); } void TabPrinter::build_fff() { if (!m_pages.empty()) m_pages.resize(0); // to avoid redundant memory allocation / deallocation during extruders count changing m_pages.reserve(30); auto *nozzle_diameter = dynamic_cast(m_config->option("nozzle_diameter")); m_initial_extruders_count = m_extruders_count = nozzle_diameter->values.size(); wxGetApp().sidebar().update_objects_list_extruder_column(m_initial_extruders_count); const Preset* parent_preset = m_presets->get_selected_preset_parent(); m_sys_extruders_count = parent_preset == nullptr ? 0 : static_cast(parent_preset->config.option("nozzle_diameter"))->values.size(); auto page = add_options_page(_(L("General")), "printer"); auto optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Size and coordinates"))); Line line = optgroup->create_single_option_line("bed_shape");//{ _(L("Bed shape")), "" }; line.widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) { ScalableButton* btn; add_scaled_button(parent, &btn, "printer_white", _(L(" Set ")) + dots, wxBU_LEFT | wxBU_EXACTFIT); btn->SetFont(wxGetApp().normal_font()); auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(btn); btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([this](wxCommandEvent e) { auto dlg = new BedShapeDialog(this); dlg->build_dialog(m_config->option("bed_shape")); if (dlg->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { load_key_value("bed_shape", dlg->GetValue()); update_changed_ui(); } })); return sizer; }; optgroup->append_line(line, &m_colored_Label); optgroup->append_single_option_line("max_print_height"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("z_offset"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Capabilities"))); ConfigOptionDef def; def.type = coInt, def.set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(1)); def.label = L("Extruders"); def.tooltip = L("Number of extruders of the printer."); def.min = 1; def.mode = comExpert; Option option(def, "extruders_count"); optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); optgroup->append_single_option_line("single_extruder_multi_material"); optgroup->m_on_change = [this, optgroup](t_config_option_key opt_key, boost::any value) { size_t extruders_count = boost::any_cast(optgroup->get_value("extruders_count")); wxTheApp->CallAfter([this, opt_key, value, extruders_count]() { if (opt_key == "extruders_count" || opt_key == "single_extruder_multi_material") { extruders_count_changed(extruders_count); init_options_list(); // m_options_list should be updated before UI updating update_dirty(); if (opt_key == "single_extruder_multi_material") // the single_extruder_multimaterial was added to force pages on_value_change(opt_key, value); // rebuild - let's make sure the on_value_change is not skipped } else { update_dirty(); on_value_change(opt_key, value); } }); }; #if 0 if (!m_no_controller) { optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("USB/Serial connection"))); line = {_(L("Serial port")), ""}; Option serial_port = optgroup->get_option("serial_port"); serial_port.side_widget = ([this](wxWindow* parent) { auto btn = new wxBitmapButton(parent, wxID_ANY, wxBitmap(from_u8(Slic3r::var("arrow_rotate_clockwise.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE); btn->SetToolTip(_(L("Rescan serial ports"))); auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(btn); btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent e) {update_serial_ports(); }); return sizer; }); auto serial_test = [this](wxWindow* parent) { auto btn = m_serial_test_btn = new wxButton(parent, wxID_ANY, _(L("Test")), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_LEFT | wxBU_EXACTFIT); btn->SetFont(Slic3r::GUI::small_font()); btn->SetBitmap(wxBitmap(from_u8(Slic3r::var("wrench.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG)); auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(btn); btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this, parent](wxCommandEvent e) { auto sender = Slic3r::make_unique(); auto res = sender->connect( m_config->opt_string("serial_port"), m_config->opt_int("serial_speed") ); if (res && sender->wait_connected()) { show_info(parent, _(L("Connection to printer works correctly.")), _(L("Success!"))); } else { show_error(parent, _(L("Connection failed."))); } }); return sizer; }; line.append_option(serial_port); line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("serial_speed")); line.append_widget(serial_test); optgroup->append_line(line); } #endif optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Print Host upload"))); build_printhost(optgroup.get()); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Firmware"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("gcode_flavor"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("silent_mode"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("remaining_times"); optgroup->m_on_change = [this, optgroup](t_config_option_key opt_key, boost::any value) { wxTheApp->CallAfter([this, opt_key, value]() { if (opt_key == "silent_mode") { bool val = boost::any_cast(value); if (m_use_silent_mode != val) { m_rebuild_kinematics_page = true; m_use_silent_mode = val; } } build_unregular_pages(); update_dirty(); on_value_change(opt_key, value); }); }; optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Advanced"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("use_relative_e_distances"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("use_firmware_retraction"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("use_volumetric_e"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("variable_layer_height"); const int gcode_field_height = 15; // 150 const int notes_field_height = 25; // 250 page = add_options_page(_(L("Custom G-code")), "cog"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Start G-code")), 0); option = optgroup->get_option("start_gcode"); option.opt.full_width = true; option.opt.height = gcode_field_height;//150; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("End G-code")), 0); option = optgroup->get_option("end_gcode"); option.opt.full_width = true; option.opt.height = gcode_field_height;//150; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Before layer change G-code")), 0); option = optgroup->get_option("before_layer_gcode"); option.opt.full_width = true; option.opt.height = gcode_field_height;//150; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("After layer change G-code")), 0); option = optgroup->get_option("layer_gcode"); option.opt.full_width = true; option.opt.height = gcode_field_height;//150; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Tool change G-code")), 0); option = optgroup->get_option("toolchange_gcode"); option.opt.full_width = true; option.opt.height = gcode_field_height;//150; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Between objects G-code (for sequential printing)")), 0); option = optgroup->get_option("between_objects_gcode"); option.opt.full_width = true; option.opt.height = gcode_field_height;//150; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); page = add_options_page(_(L("Notes")), "note.png"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Notes")), 0); option = optgroup->get_option("printer_notes"); option.opt.full_width = true; option.opt.height = notes_field_height;//250; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); page = add_options_page(_(L("Dependencies")), "wrench.png"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Profile dependencies"))); line = Line{ "", "" }; line.full_width = 1; line.widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) { return description_line_widget(parent, &m_parent_preset_description_line); }; optgroup->append_line(line); build_unregular_pages(); #if 0 if (!m_no_controller) update_serial_ports(); #endif } void TabPrinter::build_sla() { if (!m_pages.empty()) m_pages.resize(0); auto page = add_options_page(_(L("General")), "printer"); auto optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Size and coordinates"))); Line line = optgroup->create_single_option_line("bed_shape");//{ _(L("Bed shape")), "" }; line.widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) { ScalableButton* btn; add_scaled_button(parent, &btn, "printer_white", _(L(" Set ")) + dots, wxBU_LEFT | wxBU_EXACTFIT); btn->SetFont(wxGetApp().normal_font()); auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(btn); btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([this](wxCommandEvent e) { auto dlg = new BedShapeDialog(this); dlg->build_dialog(m_config->option("bed_shape")); if (dlg->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { load_key_value("bed_shape", dlg->GetValue()); update_changed_ui(); } })); return sizer; }; optgroup->append_line(line, &m_colored_Label); optgroup->append_single_option_line("max_print_height"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Display"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("display_width"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("display_height"); auto option = optgroup->get_option("display_pixels_x"); line = { _(option.opt.full_label), "" }; line.append_option(option); line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("display_pixels_y")); optgroup->append_line(line); optgroup->append_single_option_line("display_orientation"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Tilt"))); line = { _(L("Tilt time")), "" }; line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("fast_tilt_time")); line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("slow_tilt_time")); optgroup->append_line(line); optgroup->append_single_option_line("area_fill"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Corrections"))); line = Line{ _(m_config->def()->get("relative_correction")->full_label), "" }; // std::vector axes{ "X", "Y", "Z" }; std::vector axes{ "XY", "Z" }; int id = 0; for (auto& axis : axes) { auto opt = optgroup->get_option("relative_correction", id); opt.opt.label = axis; line.append_option(opt); ++id; } optgroup->append_line(line); optgroup->append_single_option_line("absolute_correction"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("gamma_correction"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Print Host upload"))); build_printhost(optgroup.get()); const int notes_field_height = 25; // 250 page = add_options_page(_(L("Notes")), "note.png"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Notes")), 0); option = optgroup->get_option("printer_notes"); option.opt.full_width = true; option.opt.height = notes_field_height;//250; optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); page = add_options_page(_(L("Dependencies")), "wrench.png"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Profile dependencies"))); line = Line{ "", "" }; line.full_width = 1; line.widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) { return description_line_widget(parent, &m_parent_preset_description_line); }; optgroup->append_line(line); } void TabPrinter::update_serial_ports() { Field *field = get_field("serial_port"); Choice *choice = static_cast(field); choice->set_values(Utils::scan_serial_ports()); } void TabPrinter::extruders_count_changed(size_t extruders_count) { bool is_count_changed = false; if (m_extruders_count != extruders_count) { m_extruders_count = extruders_count; m_preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().set_num_extruders(extruders_count); m_preset_bundle->update_multi_material_filament_presets(); is_count_changed = true; } /* This function should be call in any case because of correct updating/rebuilding * of unregular pages of a Printer Settings */ build_unregular_pages(); if (is_count_changed) { on_value_change("extruders_count", extruders_count); wxGetApp().sidebar().update_objects_list_extruder_column(extruders_count); } } void TabPrinter::append_option_line(ConfigOptionsGroupShp optgroup, const std::string opt_key) { auto option = optgroup->get_option(opt_key, 0); auto line = Line{ _(option.opt.full_label), "" }; line.append_option(option); if (m_use_silent_mode) line.append_option(optgroup->get_option(opt_key, 1)); optgroup->append_line(line); } PageShp TabPrinter::build_kinematics_page() { auto page = add_options_page(_(L("Machine limits")), "cog", true); if (m_use_silent_mode) { // Legend for OptionsGroups auto optgroup = page->new_optgroup(""); optgroup->set_show_modified_btns_val(false); optgroup->label_width = 23;// 230; auto line = Line{ "", "" }; ConfigOptionDef def; def.type = coString; def.width = 15; def.gui_type = "legend"; def.mode = comAdvanced; def.tooltip = L("Values in this column are for Normal mode"); def.set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString{ _(L("Normal")).ToUTF8().data() }); auto option = Option(def, "full_power_legend"); line.append_option(option); def.tooltip = L("Values in this column are for Stealth mode"); def.set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString{ _(L("Stealth")).ToUTF8().data() }); option = Option(def, "silent_legend"); line.append_option(option); optgroup->append_line(line); } std::vector axes{ "x", "y", "z", "e" }; auto optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Maximum feedrates"))); for (const std::string &axis : axes) { append_option_line(optgroup, "machine_max_feedrate_" + axis); } optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Maximum accelerations"))); for (const std::string &axis : axes) { append_option_line(optgroup, "machine_max_acceleration_" + axis); } append_option_line(optgroup, "machine_max_acceleration_extruding"); append_option_line(optgroup, "machine_max_acceleration_retracting"); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Jerk limits"))); for (const std::string &axis : axes) { append_option_line(optgroup, "machine_max_jerk_" + axis); } optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Minimum feedrates"))); append_option_line(optgroup, "machine_min_extruding_rate"); append_option_line(optgroup, "machine_min_travel_rate"); return page; } /* Previous name build_extruder_pages(). * * This function was renamed because of now it implements not just an extruder pages building, * but "Machine limits" and "Single extruder MM setup" too * (These pages can changes according to the another values of a current preset) * */ void TabPrinter::build_unregular_pages() { size_t n_before_extruders = 2; // Count of pages before Extruder pages bool is_marlin_flavor = m_config->option>("gcode_flavor")->value == gcfMarlin; /* ! Freeze/Thaw in this function is needed to avoid call OnPaint() for erased pages * and be cause of application crash, when try to change Preset in moment, * when one of unregular pages is selected. * */ Freeze(); // Add/delete Kinematics page according to is_marlin_flavor size_t existed_page = 0; for (int i = n_before_extruders; i < m_pages.size(); ++i) // first make sure it's not there already if (m_pages[i]->title().find(_(L("Machine limits"))) != std::string::npos) { if (!is_marlin_flavor || m_rebuild_kinematics_page) m_pages.erase(m_pages.begin() + i); else existed_page = i; break; } if (existed_page < n_before_extruders && is_marlin_flavor) { auto page = build_kinematics_page(); m_pages.insert(m_pages.begin() + n_before_extruders, page); } if (is_marlin_flavor) n_before_extruders++; size_t n_after_single_extruder_MM = 2; // Count of pages after single_extruder_multi_material page if (m_extruders_count_old == m_extruders_count || (m_has_single_extruder_MM_page && m_extruders_count == 1)) { // if we have a single extruder MM setup, add a page with configuration options: for (int i = 0; i < m_pages.size(); ++i) // first make sure it's not there already if (m_pages[i]->title().find(_(L("Single extruder MM setup"))) != std::string::npos) { m_pages.erase(m_pages.begin() + i); break; } m_has_single_extruder_MM_page = false; } if (m_extruders_count > 1 && m_config->opt_bool("single_extruder_multi_material") && !m_has_single_extruder_MM_page) { // create a page, but pretend it's an extruder page, so we can add it to m_pages ourselves auto page = add_options_page(_(L("Single extruder MM setup")), "printer", true); auto optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Single extruder multimaterial parameters"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("cooling_tube_retraction"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("cooling_tube_length"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("parking_pos_retraction"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("extra_loading_move"); optgroup->append_single_option_line("high_current_on_filament_swap"); m_pages.insert(m_pages.end() - n_after_single_extruder_MM, page); m_has_single_extruder_MM_page = true; } // Build missed extruder pages for (auto extruder_idx = m_extruders_count_old; extruder_idx < m_extruders_count; ++extruder_idx) { //# build page const wxString& page_name = wxString::Format(_(L("Extruder %d")), int(extruder_idx + 1)); auto page = add_options_page(page_name, "funnel", true); m_pages.insert(m_pages.begin() + n_before_extruders + extruder_idx, page); auto optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Size"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("nozzle_diameter", extruder_idx); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Layer height limits"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("min_layer_height", extruder_idx); optgroup->append_single_option_line("max_layer_height", extruder_idx); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Position (for multi-extruder printers)"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("extruder_offset", extruder_idx); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Retraction"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("retract_length", extruder_idx); optgroup->append_single_option_line("retract_lift", extruder_idx); Line line = { _(L("Only lift Z")), "" }; line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("retract_lift_above", extruder_idx)); line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("retract_lift_below", extruder_idx)); optgroup->append_line(line); optgroup->append_single_option_line("retract_speed", extruder_idx); optgroup->append_single_option_line("deretract_speed", extruder_idx); optgroup->append_single_option_line("retract_restart_extra", extruder_idx); optgroup->append_single_option_line("retract_before_travel", extruder_idx); optgroup->append_single_option_line("retract_layer_change", extruder_idx); optgroup->append_single_option_line("wipe", extruder_idx); optgroup->append_single_option_line("retract_before_wipe", extruder_idx); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Retraction when tool is disabled (advanced settings for multi-extruder setups)"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("retract_length_toolchange", extruder_idx); optgroup->append_single_option_line("retract_restart_extra_toolchange", extruder_idx); optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Preview"))); optgroup->append_single_option_line("extruder_colour", extruder_idx); } // # remove extra pages if (m_extruders_count < m_extruders_count_old) m_pages.erase( m_pages.begin() + n_before_extruders + m_extruders_count, m_pages.begin() + n_before_extruders + m_extruders_count_old); Thaw(); m_extruders_count_old = m_extruders_count; rebuild_page_tree(); // Reload preset pages with current configuration values reload_config(); } // this gets executed after preset is loaded and before GUI fields are updated void TabPrinter::on_preset_loaded() { // update the extruders count field auto *nozzle_diameter = dynamic_cast(m_config->option("nozzle_diameter")); int extruders_count = nozzle_diameter->values.size(); set_value("extruders_count", extruders_count); // update the GUI field according to the number of nozzle diameters supplied extruders_count_changed(extruders_count); } void TabPrinter::update_pages() { // update m_pages ONLY if printer technology is changed const PrinterTechnology new_printer_technology = m_presets->get_edited_preset().printer_technology(); if (new_printer_technology == m_printer_technology) return; // hide all old pages for (auto& el : m_pages) el.get()->Hide(); // set m_pages to m_pages_(technology before changing) m_printer_technology == ptFFF ? m_pages.swap(m_pages_fff) : m_pages.swap(m_pages_sla); // build Tab according to the technology, if it's not exist jet OR // set m_pages_(technology after changing) to m_pages // m_printer_technology will be set by Tab::load_current_preset() if (new_printer_technology == ptFFF) m_pages_fff.empty() ? build_fff() : m_pages.swap(m_pages_fff); else m_pages_sla.empty() ? build_sla() : m_pages.swap(m_pages_sla); rebuild_page_tree(); } void TabPrinter::update() { m_update_cnt++; m_presets->get_edited_preset().printer_technology() == ptFFF ? update_fff() : update_sla(); m_update_cnt--; if (m_update_cnt == 0) wxGetApp().mainframe->on_config_changed(m_config); } void TabPrinter::update_fff() { // Freeze(); bool en; auto serial_speed = get_field("serial_speed"); if (serial_speed != nullptr) { en = !m_config->opt_string("serial_port").empty(); get_field("serial_speed")->toggle(en); if (m_config->opt_int("serial_speed") != 0 && en) m_serial_test_btn->Enable(); else m_serial_test_btn->Disable(); } { std::unique_ptr host(PrintHost::get_print_host(m_config)); m_print_host_test_btn->Enable(!m_config->opt_string("print_host").empty() && host->can_test()); m_printhost_browse_btn->Enable(host->has_auto_discovery()); } bool have_multiple_extruders = m_extruders_count > 1; get_field("toolchange_gcode")->toggle(have_multiple_extruders); get_field("single_extruder_multi_material")->toggle(have_multiple_extruders); bool is_marlin_flavor = m_config->option>("gcode_flavor")->value == gcfMarlin; { Field *sm = get_field("silent_mode"); if (! is_marlin_flavor) // Disable silent mode for non-marlin firmwares. get_field("silent_mode")->toggle(false); if (is_marlin_flavor) sm->enable(); else sm->disable(); } if (m_use_silent_mode != m_config->opt_bool("silent_mode")) { m_rebuild_kinematics_page = true; m_use_silent_mode = m_config->opt_bool("silent_mode"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < m_extruders_count; ++i) { bool have_retract_length = m_config->opt_float("retract_length", i) > 0; // when using firmware retraction, firmware decides retraction length bool use_firmware_retraction = m_config->opt_bool("use_firmware_retraction"); get_field("retract_length", i)->toggle(!use_firmware_retraction); // user can customize travel length if we have retraction length or we"re using // firmware retraction get_field("retract_before_travel", i)->toggle(have_retract_length || use_firmware_retraction); // user can customize other retraction options if retraction is enabled bool retraction = (have_retract_length || use_firmware_retraction); std::vector vec = { "retract_lift", "retract_layer_change" }; for (auto el : vec) get_field(el, i)->toggle(retraction); // retract lift above / below only applies if using retract lift vec.resize(0); vec = { "retract_lift_above", "retract_lift_below" }; for (auto el : vec) get_field(el, i)->toggle(retraction && m_config->opt_float("retract_lift", i) > 0); // some options only apply when not using firmware retraction vec.resize(0); vec = { "retract_speed", "deretract_speed", "retract_before_wipe", "retract_restart_extra", "wipe" }; for (auto el : vec) get_field(el, i)->toggle(retraction && !use_firmware_retraction); bool wipe = m_config->opt_bool("wipe", i); get_field("retract_before_wipe", i)->toggle(wipe); if (use_firmware_retraction && wipe) { auto dialog = new wxMessageDialog(parent(), _(L("The Wipe option is not available when using the Firmware Retraction mode.\n" "\nShall I disable it in order to enable Firmware Retraction?")), _(L("Firmware Retraction")), wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO); DynamicPrintConfig new_conf = *m_config; if (dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_YES) { auto wipe = static_cast(m_config->option("wipe")->clone()); for (int w = 0; w < wipe->values.size(); w++) wipe->values[w] = false; new_conf.set_key_value("wipe", wipe); } else { new_conf.set_key_value("use_firmware_retraction", new ConfigOptionBool(false)); } load_config(new_conf); } get_field("retract_length_toolchange", i)->toggle(have_multiple_extruders); bool toolchange_retraction = m_config->opt_float("retract_length_toolchange", i) > 0; get_field("retract_restart_extra_toolchange", i)->toggle (have_multiple_extruders && toolchange_retraction); } // Thaw(); } void TabPrinter::update_sla() { ; } // Initialize the UI from the current preset void Tab::load_current_preset() { const Preset& preset = m_presets->get_edited_preset(); (preset.is_default || preset.is_system) ? m_btn_delete_preset->Disable() : m_btn_delete_preset->Enable(true); update(); if (m_type == Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) { // For the printer profile, generate the extruder pages. if (preset.printer_technology() == ptFFF) on_preset_loaded(); else wxGetApp().sidebar().update_objects_list_extruder_column(1); } // Reload preset pages with the new configuration values. reload_config(); m_bmp_non_system = m_presets->get_selected_preset_parent() ? &m_bmp_value_unlock : &m_bmp_white_bullet; m_ttg_non_system = m_presets->get_selected_preset_parent() ? &m_ttg_value_unlock : &m_ttg_white_bullet_ns; m_tt_non_system = m_presets->get_selected_preset_parent() ? &m_tt_value_unlock : &m_ttg_white_bullet_ns; m_undo_to_sys_btn->Enable(!preset.is_default); #if 0 // use CallAfter because some field triggers schedule on_change calls using CallAfter, // and we don't want them to be called after this update_dirty() as they would mark the // preset dirty again // (not sure this is true anymore now that update_dirty is idempotent) wxTheApp->CallAfter([this] #endif { // checking out if this Tab exists till this moment if (!wxGetApp().checked_tab(this)) return; update_tab_ui(); // update show/hide tabs if (m_type == Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) { const PrinterTechnology printer_technology = m_presets->get_edited_preset().printer_technology(); if (printer_technology != static_cast(this)->m_printer_technology) { for (auto tab : wxGetApp().tabs_list) { if (tab->type() == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) // Printer tab is shown every time continue; if (tab->supports_printer_technology(printer_technology)) { wxGetApp().tab_panel()->InsertPage(wxGetApp().tab_panel()->FindPage(this), tab, tab->title()); #ifdef __linux__ // the tabs apparently need to be explicitly shown on Linux (pull request #1563) int page_id = wxGetApp().tab_panel()->FindPage(tab); wxGetApp().tab_panel()->GetPage(page_id)->Show(true); #endif // __linux__ } else { int page_id = wxGetApp().tab_panel()->FindPage(tab); wxGetApp().tab_panel()->GetPage(page_id)->Show(false); wxGetApp().tab_panel()->RemovePage(page_id); } } static_cast(this)->m_printer_technology = printer_technology; } on_presets_changed(); if (printer_technology == ptFFF) { static_cast(this)->m_initial_extruders_count = static_cast(this)->m_extruders_count; const Preset* parent_preset = m_presets->get_selected_preset_parent(); static_cast(this)->m_sys_extruders_count = parent_preset == nullptr ? 0 : static_cast(parent_preset->config.option("nozzle_diameter"))->values.size(); } } else { on_presets_changed(); if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_SLA_PRINT || m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINT) update_frequently_changed_parameters(); } m_opt_status_value = (m_presets->get_selected_preset_parent() ? osSystemValue : 0) | osInitValue; init_options_list(); update_visibility(); update_changed_ui(); } #if 0 ); #endif } //Regerenerate content of the page tree. void Tab::rebuild_page_tree() { // get label of the currently selected item const auto sel_item = m_treectrl->GetSelection(); const auto selected = sel_item ? m_treectrl->GetItemText(sel_item) : ""; const auto rootItem = m_treectrl->GetRootItem(); auto have_selection = 0; m_treectrl->DeleteChildren(rootItem); for (auto p : m_pages) { auto itemId = m_treectrl->AppendItem(rootItem, p->title(), p->iconID()); m_treectrl->SetItemTextColour(itemId, p->get_item_colour()); if (p->title() == selected) { m_treectrl->SelectItem(itemId); have_selection = 1; } } if (!have_selection) { // this is triggered on first load, so we don't disable the sel change event auto item = m_treectrl->GetFirstVisibleItem(); if (item) { m_treectrl->SelectItem(item); } } } void Tab::update_page_tree_visibility() { const auto sel_item = m_treectrl->GetSelection(); const auto selected = sel_item ? m_treectrl->GetItemText(sel_item) : ""; const auto rootItem = m_treectrl->GetRootItem(); auto have_selection = 0; m_treectrl->DeleteChildren(rootItem); for (auto p : m_pages) { if (!p->get_show()) continue; auto itemId = m_treectrl->AppendItem(rootItem, p->title(), p->iconID()); m_treectrl->SetItemTextColour(itemId, p->get_item_colour()); if (p->title() == selected) { m_treectrl->SelectItem(itemId); have_selection = 1; } } if (!have_selection) { // this is triggered on first load, so we don't disable the sel change event auto item = m_treectrl->GetFirstVisibleItem(); if (item) { m_treectrl->SelectItem(item); } } } // Called by the UI combo box when the user switches profiles, and also to delete the current profile. // Select a preset by a name.If !defined(name), then the default preset is selected. // If the current profile is modified, user is asked to save the changes. void Tab::select_preset(std::string preset_name, bool delete_current) { if (preset_name.empty()) { if (delete_current) { // Find an alternate preset to be selected after the current preset is deleted. const std::deque &presets = this->m_presets->get_presets(); size_t idx_current = this->m_presets->get_idx_selected(); // Find the next visible preset. size_t idx_new = idx_current + 1; if (idx_new < presets.size()) for (; idx_new < presets.size() && ! presets[idx_new].is_visible; ++ idx_new) ; if (idx_new == presets.size()) for (idx_new = idx_current - 1; idx_new > 0 && ! presets[idx_new].is_visible; -- idx_new); preset_name = presets[idx_new].name; } else { // If no name is provided, select the "-- default --" preset. preset_name = m_presets->default_preset().name; } } assert(! delete_current || (m_presets->get_edited_preset().name != preset_name && m_presets->get_edited_preset().is_user())); bool current_dirty = ! delete_current && m_presets->current_is_dirty(); bool print_tab = m_presets->type() == Preset::TYPE_PRINT || m_presets->type() == Preset::TYPE_SLA_PRINT; bool printer_tab = m_presets->type() == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER; bool canceled = false; m_dependent_tabs = {}; if (current_dirty && ! may_discard_current_dirty_preset()) { canceled = true; } else if (print_tab) { // Before switching the print profile to a new one, verify, whether the currently active filament or SLA material // are compatible with the new print. // If it is not compatible and the current filament or SLA material are dirty, let user decide // whether to discard the changes or keep the current print selection. PrinterTechnology printer_technology = m_preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology(); PresetCollection &dependent = (printer_technology == ptFFF) ? m_preset_bundle->filaments : m_preset_bundle->sla_materials; bool old_preset_dirty = dependent.current_is_dirty(); bool new_preset_compatible = dependent.get_edited_preset().is_compatible_with_print(*m_presets->find_preset(preset_name, true)); if (! canceled) canceled = old_preset_dirty && ! new_preset_compatible && ! may_discard_current_dirty_preset(&dependent, preset_name); if (! canceled) { // The preset will be switched to a different, compatible preset, or the '-- default --'. m_dependent_tabs.emplace_back((printer_technology == ptFFF) ? Preset::Type::TYPE_FILAMENT : Preset::Type::TYPE_SLA_MATERIAL); if (old_preset_dirty) dependent.discard_current_changes(); } } else if (printer_tab) { // Before switching the printer to a new one, verify, whether the currently active print and filament // are compatible with the new printer. // If they are not compatible and the current print or filament are dirty, let user decide // whether to discard the changes or keep the current printer selection. // // With the introduction of the SLA printer types, we need to support switching between // the FFF and SLA printers. const Preset &new_printer_preset = *m_presets->find_preset(preset_name, true); PrinterTechnology old_printer_technology = m_presets->get_edited_preset().printer_technology(); PrinterTechnology new_printer_technology = new_printer_preset.printer_technology(); if (new_printer_technology == ptSLA && old_printer_technology == ptFFF && !may_switch_to_SLA_preset()) canceled = true; else { struct PresetUpdate { Preset::Type tab_type; PresetCollection *presets; PrinterTechnology technology; bool old_preset_dirty; bool new_preset_compatible; }; std::vector updates = { { Preset::Type::TYPE_PRINT, &m_preset_bundle->prints, ptFFF }, { Preset::Type::TYPE_SLA_PRINT, &m_preset_bundle->sla_prints, ptSLA }, { Preset::Type::TYPE_FILAMENT, &m_preset_bundle->filaments, ptFFF }, { Preset::Type::TYPE_SLA_MATERIAL, &m_preset_bundle->sla_materials,ptSLA } }; for (PresetUpdate &pu : updates) { pu.old_preset_dirty = (old_printer_technology == pu.technology) && pu.presets->current_is_dirty(); pu.new_preset_compatible = (new_printer_technology == pu.technology) && pu.presets->get_edited_preset().is_compatible_with_printer(new_printer_preset); if (!canceled) canceled = pu.old_preset_dirty && !pu.new_preset_compatible && !may_discard_current_dirty_preset(pu.presets, preset_name); } if (!canceled) { for (PresetUpdate &pu : updates) { // The preset will be switched to a different, compatible preset, or the '-- default --'. if (pu.technology == new_printer_technology) m_dependent_tabs.emplace_back(pu.tab_type); if (pu.old_preset_dirty && !pu.new_preset_compatible) pu.presets->discard_current_changes(); } } } } if (! canceled && delete_current) { // Delete the file and select some other reasonable preset. // It does not matter which preset will be made active as the preset will be re-selected from the preset_name variable. // The 'external' presets will only be removed from the preset list, their files will not be deleted. try { m_presets->delete_current_preset(); } catch (const std::exception & /* e */) { //FIXME add some error reporting! canceled = true; } } if (canceled) { update_tab_ui(); // Trigger the on_presets_changed event so that we also restore the previous value in the plater selector, // if this action was initiated from the platter. on_presets_changed(); } else { if (current_dirty) m_presets->discard_current_changes(); const bool is_selected = m_presets->select_preset_by_name(preset_name, false) || delete_current; assert(m_presets->get_edited_preset().name == preset_name || ! is_selected); // Mark the print & filament enabled if they are compatible with the currently selected preset. // The following method should not discard changes of current print or filament presets on change of a printer profile, // if they are compatible with the current printer. if (current_dirty || delete_current || print_tab || printer_tab) m_preset_bundle->update_compatible(true); // Initialize the UI from the current preset. if (printer_tab) static_cast(this)->update_pages(); if (! is_selected && printer_tab) { /* There is a case, when : * after Config Wizard applying we try to select previously selected preset, but * in a current configuration this one: * 1. doesn't exist now, * 2. have another printer_technology * So, it is necessary to update list of dependent tabs * to the corresponding printer_technology */ const PrinterTechnology printer_technology = m_presets->get_edited_preset().printer_technology(); if (printer_technology == ptFFF && m_dependent_tabs.front() != Preset::Type::TYPE_PRINT) m_dependent_tabs = { Preset::Type::TYPE_PRINT, Preset::Type::TYPE_FILAMENT }; else if (printer_technology == ptSLA && m_dependent_tabs.front() != Preset::Type::TYPE_SLA_PRINT) m_dependent_tabs = { Preset::Type::TYPE_SLA_PRINT, Preset::Type::TYPE_SLA_MATERIAL }; } load_current_preset(); } } // If the current preset is dirty, the user is asked whether the changes may be discarded. // if the current preset was not dirty, or the user agreed to discard the changes, 1 is returned. bool Tab::may_discard_current_dirty_preset(PresetCollection* presets /*= nullptr*/, const std::string& new_printer_name /*= ""*/) { if (presets == nullptr) presets = m_presets; // Display a dialog showing the dirty options in a human readable form. const Preset& old_preset = presets->get_edited_preset(); std::string type_name = presets->name(); wxString tab = " "; wxString name = old_preset.is_default ? wxString::Format(_(L("Default preset (%s)")), _(type_name)) : //_(L("Default ")) + type_name + _(L(" preset")) : wxString::Format(_(L("Preset (%s)")), _(type_name)) + "\n" + tab + old_preset.name; //type_name + _(L(" preset\n")) + tab + old_preset.name; // Collect descriptions of the dirty options. wxString changes; for (const std::string &opt_key : presets->current_dirty_options()) { const ConfigOptionDef &opt = m_config->def()->options.at(opt_key); /*std::string*/wxString name = ""; if (! opt.category.empty()) name += _(opt.category) + " > "; name += !opt.full_label.empty() ? _(opt.full_label) : _(opt.label); changes += tab + /*from_u8*/(name) + "\n"; } // Show a confirmation dialog with the list of dirty options. wxString message = name + "\n\n"; if (new_printer_name.empty()) message += _(L("has the following unsaved changes:")); else { message += (m_type == Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) ? _(L("is not compatible with printer")) : _(L("is not compatible with print profile")); message += wxString("\n") + tab + from_u8(new_printer_name) + "\n\n"; message += _(L("and it has the following unsaved changes:")); } auto confirm = new wxMessageDialog(parent(), message + "\n" + changes + "\n\n" + _(L("Discard changes and continue anyway?")), _(L("Unsaved Changes")), wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxICON_QUESTION); return confirm->ShowModal() == wxID_YES; } // If we are switching from the FFF-preset to the SLA, we should to control the printed objects if they have a part(s). // Because of we can't to print the multi-part objects with SLA technology. bool Tab::may_switch_to_SLA_preset() { if (wxGetApp().obj_list()->has_multi_part_objects()) { show_info( parent(), _(L("It's impossible to print multi-part object(s) with SLA technology.")) + "\n\n" + _(L("Please check your object list before preset changing.")), _(L("Attention!")) ); return false; } return true; } void Tab::OnTreeSelChange(wxTreeEvent& event) { if (m_disable_tree_sel_changed_event) return; // There is a bug related to Ubuntu overlay scrollbars, see https://github.com/prusa3d/Slic3r/issues/898 and https://github.com/prusa3d/Slic3r/issues/952. // The issue apparently manifests when Show()ing a window with overlay scrollbars while the UI is frozen. For this reason, // we will Thaw the UI prematurely on Linux. This means destroing the no_updates object prematurely. #ifdef __linux__ std::unique_ptr no_updates(new wxWindowUpdateLocker(this)); #else // wxWindowUpdateLocker noUpdates(this); #endif if (m_pages.empty()) return; Page* page = nullptr; const auto sel_item = m_treectrl->GetSelection(); const auto selection = sel_item ? m_treectrl->GetItemText(sel_item) : ""; for (auto p : m_pages) if (p->title() == selection) { page = p.get(); m_is_nonsys_values = page->m_is_nonsys_values; m_is_modified_values = page->m_is_modified_values; break; } if (page == nullptr) return; for (auto& el : m_pages) // if (el.get()->IsShown()) { el.get()->Hide(); // break; // } #ifdef __linux__ no_updates.reset(nullptr); #endif update_undo_buttons(); page->Show(); // if (! page->layout_valid) { page->layout_valid = true; m_hsizer->Layout(); Refresh(); // } } void Tab::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event) { if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_TAB) m_treectrl->Navigate(event.ShiftDown() ? wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsBackward : wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward); else event.Skip(); } // Save the current preset into file. // This removes the "dirty" flag of the preset, possibly creates a new preset under a new name, // and activates the new preset. // Wizard calls save_preset with a name "My Settings", otherwise no name is provided and this method // opens a Slic3r::GUI::SavePresetWindow dialog. void Tab::save_preset(std::string name /*= ""*/) { // since buttons(and choices too) don't get focus on Mac, we set focus manually // to the treectrl so that the EVT_* events are fired for the input field having // focus currently.is there anything better than this ? //! m_treectrl->OnSetFocus(); if (name.empty()) { const Preset &preset = m_presets->get_selected_preset(); auto default_name = preset.is_default ? "Untitled" : preset.name; if (preset.is_system) { default_name += " - "; default_name += _(L("Copy")).ToUTF8().data(); } bool have_extention = boost::iends_with(default_name, ".ini"); if (have_extention) { size_t len = default_name.length()-4; default_name.resize(len); } //[map $_->name, grep !$_->default && !$_->external, @{$self->{presets}}], std::vector values; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_presets->size(); ++i) { const Preset &preset = m_presets->preset(i); if (preset.is_default || preset.is_system || preset.is_external) continue; values.push_back(preset.name); } auto dlg = new SavePresetWindow(parent()); dlg->build(title(), default_name, values); if (dlg->ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; name = dlg->get_name(); if (name == "") { show_error(this, _(L("The supplied name is empty. It can't be saved."))); return; } const Preset *existing = m_presets->find_preset(name, false); if (existing && (existing->is_default || existing->is_system)) { show_error(this, _(L("Cannot overwrite a system profile."))); return; } if (existing && (existing->is_external)) { show_error(this, _(L("Cannot overwrite an external profile."))); return; } } // Save the preset into Slic3r::data_dir / presets / section_name / preset_name.ini m_presets->save_current_preset(name); // Mark the print & filament enabled if they are compatible with the currently selected preset. m_preset_bundle->update_compatible(false); // Add the new item into the UI component, remove dirty flags and activate the saved item. update_tab_ui(); // Update the selection boxes at the platter. on_presets_changed(); // If current profile is saved, "delete preset" button have to be enabled m_btn_delete_preset->Enable(true); if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) static_cast(this)->m_initial_extruders_count = static_cast(this)->m_extruders_count; update_changed_ui(); } // Called for a currently selected preset. void Tab::delete_preset() { auto current_preset = m_presets->get_selected_preset(); // Don't let the user delete the ' - default - ' configuration. wxString action = current_preset.is_external ? _(L("remove")) : _(L("delete")); wxString msg = _(L("Are you sure you want to ")) + action + _(L(" the selected preset?")); action = current_preset.is_external ? _(L("Remove")) : _(L("Delete")); wxString title = action + _(L(" Preset")); if (current_preset.is_default || wxID_YES != wxMessageDialog(parent(), msg, title, wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxICON_QUESTION).ShowModal()) return; // Select will handle of the preset dependencies, of saving & closing the depending profiles, and // finally of deleting the preset. this->select_preset("", true); } void Tab::toggle_show_hide_incompatible() { m_show_incompatible_presets = !m_show_incompatible_presets; update_show_hide_incompatible_button(); update_tab_ui(); } void Tab::update_show_hide_incompatible_button() { m_btn_hide_incompatible_presets->SetBitmap_(m_show_incompatible_presets ? m_bmp_show_incompatible_presets : m_bmp_hide_incompatible_presets); m_btn_hide_incompatible_presets->SetToolTip(m_show_incompatible_presets ? "Both compatible an incompatible presets are shown. Click to hide presets not compatible with the current printer." : "Only compatible presets are shown. Click to show both the presets compatible and not compatible with the current printer."); } void Tab::update_ui_from_settings() { // Show the 'show / hide presets' button only for the print and filament tabs, and only if enabled // in application preferences. m_show_btn_incompatible_presets = wxGetApp().app_config->get("show_incompatible_presets")[0] == '1' ? true : false; bool show = m_show_btn_incompatible_presets && m_type != Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_PRINTER; Layout(); show ? m_btn_hide_incompatible_presets->Show() : m_btn_hide_incompatible_presets->Hide(); // If the 'show / hide presets' button is hidden, hide the incompatible presets. if (show) { update_show_hide_incompatible_button(); } else { if (m_show_incompatible_presets) { m_show_incompatible_presets = false; update_tab_ui(); } } } // Return a callback to create a Tab widget to mark the preferences as compatible / incompatible to the current printer. wxSizer* Tab::compatible_widget_create(wxWindow* parent, PresetDependencies &deps) { deps.checkbox = new wxCheckBox(parent, wxID_ANY, _(L("All"))); deps.checkbox->SetFont(Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().normal_font()); add_scaled_button(parent, &deps.btn, "printer_white", _(L(" Set ")) + dots, wxBU_LEFT | wxBU_EXACTFIT); deps.btn->SetFont(Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().normal_font()); auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add((deps.checkbox), 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); sizer->Add((deps.btn), 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); deps.checkbox->Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, ([this, &deps](wxCommandEvent e) { deps.btn->Enable(! deps.checkbox->GetValue()); // All printers have been made compatible with this preset. if (deps.checkbox->GetValue()) this->load_key_value(deps.key_list, std::vector {}); this->get_field(deps.key_condition)->toggle(deps.checkbox->GetValue()); this->update_changed_ui(); }) ); deps.btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([this, parent, &deps](wxCommandEvent e) { // Collect names of non-default non-external profiles. PrinterTechnology printer_technology = m_preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology(); PresetCollection &depending_presets = (deps.type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) ? m_preset_bundle->printers : (printer_technology == ptFFF) ? m_preset_bundle->prints : m_preset_bundle->sla_prints; wxArrayString presets; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < depending_presets.size(); ++ idx) { Preset& preset = depending_presets.preset(idx); bool add = ! preset.is_default && ! preset.is_external; if (add && deps.type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) // Only add printers with the same technology as the active printer. add &= preset.printer_technology() == printer_technology; if (add) presets.Add(from_u8(preset.name)); } wxMultiChoiceDialog dlg(parent, deps.dialog_title, deps.dialog_label, presets); // Collect and set indices of depending_presets marked as compatible. wxArrayInt selections; auto *compatible_printers = dynamic_cast(m_config->option(deps.key_list)); if (compatible_printers != nullptr || !compatible_printers->values.empty()) for (auto preset_name : compatible_printers->values) for (size_t idx = 0; idx < presets.GetCount(); ++idx) if (presets[idx] == preset_name) { selections.Add(idx); break; } dlg.SetSelections(selections); std::vector value; // Show the dialog. if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { selections.Clear(); selections = dlg.GetSelections(); for (auto idx : selections) value.push_back(presets[idx].ToUTF8().data()); if (value.empty()) { deps.checkbox->SetValue(1); deps.btn->Disable(); } // All depending_presets have been made compatible with this preset. this->load_key_value(deps.key_list, value); this->update_changed_ui(); } })); return sizer; } void Tab::compatible_widget_reload(PresetDependencies &deps) { bool has_any = ! m_config->option(deps.key_list)->values.empty(); has_any ? deps.btn->Enable() : deps.btn->Disable(); deps.checkbox->SetValue(! has_any); this->get_field(deps.key_condition)->toggle(! has_any); } void Tab::fill_icon_descriptions() { m_icon_descriptions.push_back(t_icon_description(&m_bmp_value_lock, L("LOCKED LOCK") ";" // TRN Description for "LOCKED LOCK" L("indicates that the settings are the same as the system values for the current option group"))); m_icon_descriptions.push_back(t_icon_description(&m_bmp_value_unlock, L("UNLOCKED LOCK") ";" // TRN Description for "UNLOCKED LOCK" L("indicates that some settings were changed and are not equal to the system values for " "the current option group.\n" "Click the UNLOCKED LOCK icon to reset all settings for current option group to " "the system values."))); m_icon_descriptions.push_back(t_icon_description(&m_bmp_white_bullet, L("WHITE BULLET") ";" // TRN Description for "WHITE BULLET" L("for the left button: \tindicates a non-system preset,\n" "for the right button: \tindicates that the settings hasn't been modified."))); m_icon_descriptions.push_back(t_icon_description(&m_bmp_value_revert, L("BACK ARROW") ";" // TRN Description for "BACK ARROW" L("indicates that the settings were changed and are not equal to the last saved preset for " "the current option group.\n" "Click the BACK ARROW icon to reset all settings for the current option group to " "the last saved preset."))); } void Tab::set_tooltips_text() { // m_undo_to_sys_btn->SetToolTip(_(L( "LOCKED LOCK icon indicates that the settings are the same as the system values " // "for the current option group.\n" // "UNLOCKED LOCK icon indicates that some settings were changed and are not equal " // "to the system values for the current option group.\n" // "WHITE BULLET icon indicates a non system preset.\n\n" // "Click the UNLOCKED LOCK icon to reset all settings for current option group to " // "the system values."))); // // m_undo_btn->SetToolTip(_(L( "WHITE BULLET icon indicates that the settings are the same as in the last saved" // "preset for the current option group.\n" // "BACK ARROW icon indicates that the settings were changed and are not equal to " // "the last saved preset for the current option group.\n\n" // "Click the BACK ARROW icon to reset all settings for the current option group to " // "the last saved preset."))); // --- Tooltip text for reset buttons (for whole options group) // Text to be shown on the "Revert to system" aka "Lock to system" button next to each input field. m_ttg_value_lock = _(L("LOCKED LOCK icon indicates that the settings are the same as the system values " "for the current option group")); m_ttg_value_unlock = _(L("UNLOCKED LOCK icon indicates that some settings were changed and are not equal " "to the system values for the current option group.\n" "Click to reset all settings for current option group to the system values.")); m_ttg_white_bullet_ns = _(L("WHITE BULLET icon indicates a non system preset.")); m_ttg_non_system = &m_ttg_white_bullet_ns; // Text to be shown on the "Undo user changes" button next to each input field. m_ttg_white_bullet = _(L("WHITE BULLET icon indicates that the settings are the same as in the last saved " "preset for the current option group.")); m_ttg_value_revert = _(L("BACK ARROW icon indicates that the settings were changed and are not equal to " "the last saved preset for the current option group.\n" "Click to reset all settings for the current option group to the last saved preset.")); // --- Tooltip text for reset buttons (for each option in group) // Text to be shown on the "Revert to system" aka "Lock to system" button next to each input field. m_tt_value_lock = _(L("LOCKED LOCK icon indicates that the value is the same as the system value.")); m_tt_value_unlock = _(L("UNLOCKED LOCK icon indicates that the value was changed and is not equal " "to the system value.\n" "Click to reset current value to the system value.")); // m_tt_white_bullet_ns= _(L("WHITE BULLET icon indicates a non system preset.")); m_tt_non_system = &m_ttg_white_bullet_ns; // Text to be shown on the "Undo user changes" button next to each input field. m_tt_white_bullet = _(L("WHITE BULLET icon indicates that the value is the same as in the last saved preset.")); m_tt_value_revert = _(L("BACK ARROW icon indicates that the value was changed and is not equal to the last saved preset.\n" "Click to reset current value to the last saved preset.")); } void Page::reload_config() { for (auto group : m_optgroups) group->reload_config(); } void Page::update_visibility(ConfigOptionMode mode) { bool ret_val = false; for (auto group : m_optgroups) ret_val = group->update_visibility(mode) || ret_val; m_show = ret_val; } void Page::msw_rescale() { for (auto group : m_optgroups) group->msw_rescale(); } Field* Page::get_field(const t_config_option_key& opt_key, int opt_index /*= -1*/) const { Field* field = nullptr; for (auto opt : m_optgroups) { field = opt->get_fieldc(opt_key, opt_index); if (field != nullptr) return field; } return field; } bool Page::set_value(const t_config_option_key& opt_key, const boost::any& value) { bool changed = false; for(auto optgroup: m_optgroups) { if (optgroup->set_value(opt_key, value)) changed = 1 ; } return changed; } // package Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Page; ConfigOptionsGroupShp Page::new_optgroup(const wxString& title, int noncommon_label_width /*= -1*/) { auto extra_column = [this](wxWindow* parent, const Line& line) { std::string bmp_name; const std::vector