# Copyright (c) DreamWorks Animation LLC # # All rights reserved. This software is distributed under the # Mozilla Public License 2.0 ( http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ ) # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # and license notice and the following restrictions and disclaimer. # # * Neither the name of DreamWorks Animation nor the names of # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS' AND CONTRIBUTORS' AGGREGATE # LIABILITY FOR ALL CLAIMS REGARDLESS OF THEIR BASIS EXCEED US$250.00. # #[=======================================================================[.rst: OpenVDBUtils.cmake ------------------ A utility CMake file which provides helper functions for configuring an OpenVDB installation. Use this module by invoking include with the form:: include ( OpenVDBUtils ) The following functions are provided: ``OPENVDB_VERSION_FROM_HEADER`` OPENVDB_VERSION_FROM_HEADER ( <header_path> VERSION [<version>] MAJOR [<version>] MINOR [<version>] PATCH [<version>] ) Parse the provided version file to retrieve the current OpenVDB version information. The file is expected to be a version.h file as found in the following path of an OpenVDB repository: openvdb/version.h If the file does not exist, variables are unmodified. ``OPENVDB_ABI_VERSION_FROM_PRINT`` OPENVDB_ABI_VERSION_FROM_PRINT ( <vdb_print> [QUIET] ABI [<version>] ) Retrieve the ABI version that an installation of OpenVDB was compiled for using the provided vdb_print binary. Parses the result of: vdb_print --version If the binary does not exist or fails to launch, variables are unmodified. #]=======================================================================] function(OPENVDB_VERSION_FROM_HEADER OPENVDB_VERSION_FILE) cmake_parse_arguments(_VDB "" "VERSION;MAJOR;MINOR;PATCH" "" ${ARGN}) if(NOT EXISTS ${OPENVDB_VERSION_FILE}) return() endif() file(STRINGS "${OPENVDB_VERSION_FILE}" openvdb_version_str REGEX "^#define[\t ]+OPENVDB_LIBRARY_MAJOR_VERSION_NUMBER[\t ]+.*" ) string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*OPENVDB_LIBRARY_MAJOR_VERSION_NUMBER[\t ]+([0-9]*).*$" "\\1" _OpenVDB_MAJOR_VERSION "${openvdb_version_str}" ) file(STRINGS "${OPENVDB_VERSION_FILE}" openvdb_version_str REGEX "^#define[\t ]+OPENVDB_LIBRARY_MINOR_VERSION_NUMBER[\t ]+.*" ) string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*OPENVDB_LIBRARY_MINOR_VERSION_NUMBER[\t ]+([0-9]*).*$" "\\1" _OpenVDB_MINOR_VERSION "${openvdb_version_str}" ) file(STRINGS "${OPENVDB_VERSION_FILE}" openvdb_version_str REGEX "^#define[\t ]+OPENVDB_LIBRARY_PATCH_VERSION_NUMBER[\t ]+.*" ) string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*OPENVDB_LIBRARY_PATCH_VERSION_NUMBER[\t ]+([0-9]*).*$" "\\1" _OpenVDB_PATCH_VERSION "${openvdb_version_str}" ) unset(openvdb_version_str) if(_VDB_VERSION) set(${_VDB_VERSION} ${_OpenVDB_MAJOR_VERSION}.${_OpenVDB_MINOR_VERSION}.${_OpenVDB_PATCH_VERSION} PARENT_SCOPE ) endif() if(_VDB_MAJOR) set(${_VDB_MAJOR} ${_OpenVDB_MAJOR_VERSION} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() if(_VDB_MINOR) set(${_VDB_MINOR} ${_OpenVDB_MINOR_VERSION} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() if(_VDB_PATCH) set(${_VDB_PATCH} ${_OpenVDB_PATCH_VERSION} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() ######################################################################## ######################################################################## function(OPENVDB_ABI_VERSION_FROM_PRINT OPENVDB_PRINT) cmake_parse_arguments(_VDB "QUIET" "ABI" "" ${ARGN}) if(NOT EXISTS ${OPENVDB_PRINT}) if(NOT OpenVDB_FIND_QUIETLY) message(WARNING "vdb_print not found! ${OPENVDB_PRINT}") endif() return() endif() set(_VDB_PRINT_VERSION_STRING "") set(_VDB_PRINT_RETURN_STATUS "") if(${_VDB_QUIET}) execute_process(COMMAND ${OPENVDB_PRINT} "--version" RESULT_VARIABLE _VDB_PRINT_RETURN_STATUS OUTPUT_VARIABLE _VDB_PRINT_VERSION_STRING ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) else() execute_process(COMMAND ${OPENVDB_PRINT} "--version" RESULT_VARIABLE _VDB_PRINT_RETURN_STATUS OUTPUT_VARIABLE _VDB_PRINT_VERSION_STRING OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) endif() if(${_VDB_PRINT_RETURN_STATUS}) if(NOT OpenVDB_FIND_QUIETLY) message(WARNING "vdb_print returned with status ${_VDB_PRINT_RETURN_STATUS}") endif() return() endif() set(_OpenVDB_ABI) if (_VDB_PRINT_VERSION_STRING) string(REGEX REPLACE ".*abi([0-9]*).*" "\\1" _OpenVDB_ABI ${_VDB_PRINT_VERSION_STRING}) endif () if(${_OpenVDB_ABI} STREQUAL ${_VDB_PRINT_VERSION_STRING}) set(_OpenVDB_ABI "") endif() unset(_VDB_PRINT_RETURN_STATUS) unset(_VDB_PRINT_VERSION_STRING) if(_VDB_ABI) set(${_VDB_ABI} ${_OpenVDB_ABI} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction()