#ifndef slic3r_Config_hpp_ #define slic3r_Config_hpp_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Point.hpp" namespace Slic3r { typedef std::string t_config_option_key; typedef std::vector t_config_option_keys; class ConfigOption { public: virtual ~ConfigOption() {}; virtual std::string serialize() = 0; virtual void deserialize(std::string str) = 0; }; class ConfigOptionFloat : public ConfigOption { public: double value; // use double instead of float for preserving compatibility with values coming from Perl ConfigOptionFloat() : value(0) {}; operator double() const { return this->value; }; std::string serialize() { std::ostringstream ss; ss << this->value; return ss.str(); }; void deserialize(std::string str) { this->value = ::atof(str.c_str()); }; }; class ConfigOptionFloats : public ConfigOption { public: std::vector values; std::string serialize() { std::ostringstream ss; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = this->values.begin(); it != this->values.end(); ++it) { if (it - this->values.begin() != 0) ss << ","; ss << *it; } return ss.str(); }; void deserialize(std::string str) { this->values.clear(); std::istringstream is(str); std::string item_str; while (std::getline(is, item_str, ',')) { this->values.push_back(::atof(item_str.c_str())); } }; }; class ConfigOptionInt : public ConfigOption { public: int value; ConfigOptionInt() : value(0) {}; operator int() const { return this->value; }; std::string serialize() { std::ostringstream ss; ss << this->value; return ss.str(); }; void deserialize(std::string str) { this->value = ::atoi(str.c_str()); }; }; class ConfigOptionInts : public ConfigOption { public: std::vector values; std::string serialize() { std::ostringstream ss; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = this->values.begin(); it != this->values.end(); ++it) { if (it - this->values.begin() != 0) ss << ","; ss << *it; } return ss.str(); }; void deserialize(std::string str) { this->values.clear(); std::istringstream is(str); std::string item_str; while (std::getline(is, item_str, ',')) { this->values.push_back(::atoi(item_str.c_str())); } }; }; class ConfigOptionString : public ConfigOption { public: std::string value; ConfigOptionString() : value("") {}; operator std::string() const { return this->value; }; std::string serialize() { std::string str = this->value; // s/\R/\\n/g size_t pos = 0; while ((pos = str.find("\n", pos)) != std::string::npos || (pos = str.find("\r", pos)) != std::string::npos) { str.replace(pos, 1, "\\n"); pos += 2; // length of "\\n" } return str; }; void deserialize(std::string str) { // s/\\n/\n/g size_t pos = 0; while ((pos = str.find("\\n", pos)) != std::string::npos) { str.replace(pos, 2, "\n"); pos += 1; // length of "\n" } this->value = str; }; }; // semicolon-separated strings class ConfigOptionStrings : public ConfigOption { public: std::vector values; std::string serialize() { std::ostringstream ss; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = this->values.begin(); it != this->values.end(); ++it) { if (it - this->values.begin() != 0) ss << ";"; ss << *it; } return ss.str(); }; void deserialize(std::string str) { this->values.clear(); std::istringstream is(str); std::string item_str; while (std::getline(is, item_str, ';')) { this->values.push_back(item_str); } }; }; class ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent : public ConfigOption { public: double value; bool percent; ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent() : value(0), percent(false) {}; std::string serialize() { std::ostringstream ss; ss << this->value; std::string s(ss.str()); if (this->percent) s += "%"; return s; }; void deserialize(std::string str) { if (str.find_first_of("%") != std::string::npos) { sscanf(str.c_str(), "%lf%%", &this->value); this->percent = true; } else { this->value = ::atof(str.c_str()); this->percent = false; } }; }; class ConfigOptionPoint : public ConfigOption { public: Pointf point; ConfigOptionPoint() : point(Pointf(0,0)) {}; operator Pointf() const { return this->point; }; std::string serialize() { std::ostringstream ss; ss << this->point.x; ss << ","; ss << this->point.y; return ss.str(); }; void deserialize(std::string str) { sscanf(str.c_str(), "%lf%*1[,x]%lf", &this->point.x, &this->point.y); }; }; class ConfigOptionPoints : public ConfigOption { public: Pointfs points; std::string serialize() { std::ostringstream ss; for (Pointfs::const_iterator it = this->points.begin(); it != this->points.end(); ++it) { if (it - this->points.begin() != 0) ss << ","; ss << it->x; ss << "x"; ss << it->y; } return ss.str(); }; void deserialize(std::string str) { this->points.clear(); std::istringstream is(str); std::string point_str; while (std::getline(is, point_str, ',')) { Pointf point; sscanf(point_str.c_str(), "%lfx%lf", &point.x, &point.y); this->points.push_back(point); } }; }; class ConfigOptionBool : public ConfigOption { public: bool value; ConfigOptionBool() : value(false) {}; operator bool() const { return this->value; }; std::string serialize() { return std::string(this->value ? "1" : "0"); }; void deserialize(std::string str) { this->value = (str.compare("1") == 0); }; }; class ConfigOptionBools : public ConfigOption { public: std::vector values; std::string serialize() { std::ostringstream ss; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = this->values.begin(); it != this->values.end(); ++it) { if (it - this->values.begin() != 0) ss << ","; ss << (*it ? "1" : "0"); } return ss.str(); }; void deserialize(std::string str) { this->values.clear(); std::istringstream is(str); std::string item_str; while (std::getline(is, item_str, ',')) { this->values.push_back(item_str.compare("1") == 0); } }; }; typedef std::map t_config_enum_values; template class ConfigOptionEnum : public ConfigOption { public: T value; operator T() const { return this->value; }; std::string serialize() { t_config_enum_values enum_keys_map = ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); for (t_config_enum_values::iterator it = enum_keys_map.begin(); it != enum_keys_map.end(); ++it) { if (it->second == static_cast(this->value)) return it->first; } return ""; }; void deserialize(std::string str) { t_config_enum_values enum_keys_map = ConfigOptionEnum::get_enum_values(); assert(enum_keys_map.count(str) > 0); this->value = static_cast(enum_keys_map[str]); }; static t_config_enum_values get_enum_values(); }; /* We use this one in DynamicConfig objects, otherwise it's better to use the specialized ConfigOptionEnum containers. */ class ConfigOptionEnumGeneric : public ConfigOption { public: int value; t_config_enum_values* keys_map; operator int() const { return this->value; }; std::string serialize() { for (t_config_enum_values::iterator it = this->keys_map->begin(); it != this->keys_map->end(); ++it) { if (it->second == this->value) return it->first; } return ""; }; void deserialize(std::string str) { assert(this->keys_map->count(str) != 0); this->value = (*this->keys_map)[str]; }; }; enum ConfigOptionType { coFloat, coFloats, coInt, coInts, coString, coStrings, coFloatOrPercent, coPoint, coPoints, coBool, coBools, coEnum, }; class ConfigOptionDef { public: ConfigOptionType type; std::string label; std::string category; std::string tooltip; std::string sidetext; std::string cli; std::string scope; t_config_option_key ratio_over; bool multiline; bool full_label; bool full_width; bool readonly; int height; int width; int min; int max; std::vector aliases; std::vector shortcut; std::vector enum_values; std::vector enum_labels; t_config_enum_values enum_keys_map; ConfigOptionDef() : multiline(false), full_label(false), full_width(false), readonly(false), height(-1), width(-1), min(INT_MIN), max(INT_MAX) {}; }; typedef std::map t_optiondef_map; class ConfigBase { public: t_optiondef_map* def; ConfigBase() : def(NULL) {}; bool has(const t_config_option_key opt_key); virtual ConfigOption* option(const t_config_option_key opt_key, bool create = false) = 0; virtual void keys(t_config_option_keys *keys) = 0; void apply(ConfigBase &other, bool ignore_nonexistent = false); std::string serialize(const t_config_option_key opt_key); void set_deserialize(const t_config_option_key opt_key, std::string str); double get_abs_value(const t_config_option_key opt_key); double get_abs_value(const t_config_option_key opt_key, double ratio_over); #ifdef SLIC3RXS SV* as_hash(); SV* get(t_config_option_key opt_key); void set(t_config_option_key opt_key, SV* value); #endif }; class DynamicConfig : public ConfigBase { public: DynamicConfig() {}; ~DynamicConfig(); ConfigOption* option(const t_config_option_key opt_key, bool create = false); void keys(t_config_option_keys *keys); private: DynamicConfig(const DynamicConfig& other); // we disable this by making it private and unimplemented DynamicConfig& operator= (const DynamicConfig& other); // we disable this by making it private and unimplemented typedef std::map t_options_map; t_options_map options; }; class StaticConfig : public ConfigBase { public: void keys(t_config_option_keys *keys); }; } #endif