#include "Config.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include // std::runtime_error #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(setenv) && defined(_putenv_s) #define setenv(k, v, o) _putenv_s(k, v) #endif namespace Slic3r { std::string escape_string_cstyle(const std::string &str) { // Allocate a buffer twice the input string length, // so the output will fit even if all input characters get escaped. std::vector out(str.size() * 2, 0); char *outptr = out.data(); for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++ i) { char c = str[i]; if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { (*outptr ++) = '\\'; (*outptr ++) = 'n'; } else (*outptr ++) = c; } return std::string(out.data(), outptr - out.data()); } std::string escape_strings_cstyle(const std::vector &strs) { // 1) Estimate the output buffer size to avoid buffer reallocation. size_t outbuflen = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < strs.size(); ++ i) // Reserve space for every character escaped + quotes + semicolon. outbuflen += strs[i].size() * 2 + 3; // 2) Fill in the buffer. std::vector out(outbuflen, 0); char *outptr = out.data(); for (size_t j = 0; j < strs.size(); ++ j) { if (j > 0) // Separate the strings. (*outptr ++) = ';'; const std::string &str = strs[j]; // Is the string simple or complex? Complex string contains spaces, tabs, new lines and other // escapable characters. Empty string shall be quoted as well, if it is the only string in strs. bool should_quote = strs.size() == 1 && str.empty(); for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++ i) { char c = str[i]; if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\\' || c == '"' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') { should_quote = true; break; } } if (should_quote) { (*outptr ++) = '"'; for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++ i) { char c = str[i]; if (c == '\\' || c == '"') { (*outptr ++) = '\\'; (*outptr ++) = c; } else if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { (*outptr ++) = '\\'; (*outptr ++) = 'n'; } else (*outptr ++) = c; } (*outptr ++) = '"'; } else { memcpy(outptr, str.data(), str.size()); outptr += str.size(); } } return std::string(out.data(), outptr - out.data()); } bool unescape_string_cstyle(const std::string &str, std::string &str_out) { std::vector out(str.size(), 0); char *outptr = out.data(); for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++ i) { char c = str[i]; if (c == '\\') { if (++ i == str.size()) return false; c = str[i]; if (c == 'n') (*outptr ++) = '\n'; } else (*outptr ++) = c; } str_out.assign(out.data(), outptr - out.data()); return true; } bool unescape_strings_cstyle(const std::string &str, std::vector &out) { if (str.empty()) return true; size_t i = 0; for (;;) { // Skip white spaces. char c = str[i]; while (c == ' ' || c == '\t') { if (++ i == str.size()) return true; c = str[i]; } // Start of a word. std::vector buf; buf.reserve(16); // Is it enclosed in quotes? c = str[i]; if (c == '"') { // Complex case, string is enclosed in quotes. for (++ i; i < str.size(); ++ i) { c = str[i]; if (c == '"') { // End of string. break; } if (c == '\\') { if (++ i == str.size()) return false; c = str[i]; if (c == 'n') c = '\n'; } buf.push_back(c); } if (i == str.size()) return false; ++ i; } else { for (; i < str.size(); ++ i) { c = str[i]; if (c == ';') break; buf.push_back(c); } } // Store the string into the output vector. out.push_back(std::string(buf.data(), buf.size())); if (i == str.size()) return true; // Skip white spaces. c = str[i]; while (c == ' ' || c == '\t') { if (++ i == str.size()) // End of string. This is correct. return true; c = str[i]; } if (c != ';') return false; if (++ i == str.size()) { // Emit one additional empty string. out.push_back(std::string()); return true; } } } void ConfigBase::apply(const ConfigBase &other, const t_config_option_keys &keys, bool ignore_nonexistent) { // loop through options and apply them for (const t_config_option_key &key : keys) { ConfigOption *my_opt = this->option(key, true); if (my_opt == nullptr) { if (! ignore_nonexistent) throw "Attempt to apply non-existent option"; continue; } // not the most efficient way, but easier than casting pointers to subclasses if (! my_opt->deserialize(other.option(key)->serialize())) CONFESS((std::string("Unexpected failure when deserializing serialized value for ") + key).c_str()); } } // this will *ignore* options not present in both configs t_config_option_keys ConfigBase::diff(const ConfigBase &other) const { t_config_option_keys diff; for (const t_config_option_key &opt_key : this->keys()) if (other.has(opt_key) && other.serialize(opt_key) != this->serialize(opt_key)) diff.push_back(opt_key); return diff; } std::string ConfigBase::serialize(const t_config_option_key &opt_key) const { const ConfigOption* opt = this->option(opt_key); assert(opt != nullptr); return opt->serialize(); } bool ConfigBase::set_deserialize(t_config_option_key opt_key, const std::string &str, bool append) { const ConfigOptionDef* optdef = this->def->get(opt_key); if (optdef == nullptr) { // If we didn't find an option, look for any other option having this as an alias. for (const auto &opt : this->def->options) { for (const t_config_option_key &opt_key2 : opt.second.aliases) { if (opt_key2 == opt_key) { opt_key = opt_key2; optdef = &opt.second; break; } } if (optdef != nullptr) break; } if (optdef == nullptr) throw UnknownOptionException(); } if (! optdef->shortcut.empty()) { for (const t_config_option_key &shortcut : optdef->shortcut) if (! this->set_deserialize(shortcut, str)) return false; return true; } ConfigOption *opt = this->option(opt_key, true); assert(opt != nullptr); return opt->deserialize(str, append); } // Return an absolute value of a possibly relative config variable. // For example, return absolute infill extrusion width, either from an absolute value, or relative to the layer height. double ConfigBase::get_abs_value(const t_config_option_key &opt_key) const { const ConfigOption* opt = this->option(opt_key); if (const ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent* optv = dynamic_cast(opt)) { // get option definition const ConfigOptionDef* def = this->def->get(opt_key); assert(def != nullptr); // compute absolute value over the absolute value of the base option return optv->get_abs_value(this->get_abs_value(def->ratio_over)); } else if (const ConfigOptionFloat* optv = dynamic_cast(opt)) { return optv->value; } else { throw "Not a valid option type for get_abs_value()"; } } // Return an absolute value of a possibly relative config variable. // For example, return absolute infill extrusion width, either from an absolute value, or relative to a provided value. double ConfigBase::get_abs_value(const t_config_option_key &opt_key, double ratio_over) const { // get stored option value const ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent* opt = dynamic_cast(this->option(opt_key)); assert(opt != nullptr); // compute absolute value return opt->get_abs_value(ratio_over); } void ConfigBase::setenv_() { #ifdef setenv t_config_option_keys opt_keys = this->keys(); for (t_config_option_keys::const_iterator it = opt_keys.begin(); it != opt_keys.end(); ++it) { // prepend the SLIC3R_ prefix std::ostringstream ss; ss << "SLIC3R_"; ss << *it; std::string envname = ss.str(); // capitalize environment variable name for (size_t i = 0; i < envname.size(); ++i) envname[i] = (envname[i] <= 'z' && envname[i] >= 'a') ? envname[i]-('a'-'A') : envname[i]; setenv(envname.c_str(), this->serialize(*it).c_str(), 1); } #endif } void ConfigBase::load(const std::string &file) { namespace pt = boost::property_tree; pt::ptree tree; boost::nowide::ifstream ifs(file); pt::read_ini(ifs, tree); for (const pt::ptree::value_type &v : tree) { try { t_config_option_key opt_key = v.first; std::string value = v.second.get_value(); this->set_deserialize(opt_key, value); } catch (UnknownOptionException & /* e */) { // ignore } } } // Load the config keys from the tail of a G-code. void ConfigBase::load_from_gcode(const std::string &file) { // 1) Read a 64k block from the end of the G-code. boost::nowide::ifstream ifs(file); { const char slic3r_gcode_header[] = "; generated by Slic3r "; std::string firstline; std::getline(ifs, firstline); if (strncmp(slic3r_gcode_header, firstline.c_str(), strlen(slic3r_gcode_header)) != 0) throw std::runtime_error("Not a Slic3r generated g-code."); } ifs.seekg(0, ifs.end); auto file_length = ifs.tellg(); auto data_length = std::min(65535, file_length); ifs.seekg(file_length - data_length, ifs.beg); std::vector data(size_t(data_length) + 1, 0); ifs.read(data.data(), data_length); ifs.close(); // 2) Walk line by line in reverse until a non-configuration key appears. char *data_start = data.data(); // boost::nowide::ifstream seems to cook the text data somehow, so less then the 64k of characters may be retrieved. char *end = data_start + strlen(data.data()); size_t num_key_value_pairs = 0; for (;;) { // Extract next line. for (-- end; end > data_start && (*end == '\r' || *end == '\n'); -- end); if (end == data_start) break; char *start = end; *(++ end) = 0; for (; start > data_start && *start != '\r' && *start != '\n'; -- start); if (start == data_start) break; // Extracted a line from start to end. Extract the key = value pair. if (end - (++ start) < 10 || start[0] != ';' || start[1] != ' ') break; char *key = start + 2; if (! (*key >= 'a' && *key <= 'z') || (*key >= 'A' && *key <= 'Z')) // A key must start with a letter. break; char *sep = strchr(key, '='); if (sep == nullptr || sep[-1] != ' ' || sep[1] != ' ') break; char *value = sep + 2; if (value > end) break; char *key_end = sep - 1; if (key_end - key < 3) break; *key_end = 0; // The key may contain letters, digits and underscores. for (char *c = key; c != key_end; ++ c) if (! ((*c >= 'a' && *c <= 'z') || (*c >= 'A' && *c <= 'Z') || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9') || *c == '_')) { key = nullptr; break; } if (key == nullptr) break; try { this->set_deserialize(key, value); ++ num_key_value_pairs; } catch (UnknownOptionException & /* e */) { // ignore } end = start; } if (num_key_value_pairs < 90) { char msg[80]; sprintf(msg, "Suspiciously low number of configuration values extracted: %d", num_key_value_pairs); throw std::runtime_error(msg); } } void ConfigBase::save(const std::string &file) const { using namespace std; boost::nowide::ofstream c; c.open(file, ios::out | ios::trunc); { time_t now; time(&now); char buf[sizeof "0000-00-00 00:00:00"]; strftime(buf, sizeof buf, "%F %T", gmtime(&now)); c << "# generated by Slic3r " << SLIC3R_VERSION << " on " << buf << endl; } t_config_option_keys my_keys = this->keys(); for (t_config_option_keys::const_iterator opt_key = my_keys.begin(); opt_key != my_keys.end(); ++opt_key) c << *opt_key << " = " << this->serialize(*opt_key) << endl; c.close(); } ConfigOption* DynamicConfig::optptr(const t_config_option_key &opt_key, bool create) { t_options_map::iterator it = options.find(opt_key); if (it == options.end()) { if (create) { const ConfigOptionDef* optdef = this->def->get(opt_key); assert(optdef != NULL); ConfigOption* opt; if (optdef->type == coFloat) { opt = new ConfigOptionFloat (); } else if (optdef->type == coFloats) { opt = new ConfigOptionFloats (); } else if (optdef->type == coInt) { opt = new ConfigOptionInt (); } else if (optdef->type == coInts) { opt = new ConfigOptionInts (); } else if (optdef->type == coString) { opt = new ConfigOptionString (); } else if (optdef->type == coStrings) { opt = new ConfigOptionStrings (); } else if (optdef->type == coPercent) { opt = new ConfigOptionPercent (); } else if (optdef->type == coPercents) { opt = new ConfigOptionPercents (); } else if (optdef->type == coFloatOrPercent) { opt = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent (); } else if (optdef->type == coPoint) { opt = new ConfigOptionPoint (); } else if (optdef->type == coPoints) { opt = new ConfigOptionPoints (); } else if (optdef->type == coBool) { opt = new ConfigOptionBool (); } else if (optdef->type == coBools) { opt = new ConfigOptionBools (); } else if (optdef->type == coEnum) { ConfigOptionEnumGeneric* optv = new ConfigOptionEnumGeneric (); optv->keys_map = &optdef->enum_keys_map; opt = static_cast(optv); } else { throw "Unknown option type"; } this->options[opt_key] = opt; return opt; } else { return NULL; } } return it->second; } template T* DynamicConfig::opt(const t_config_option_key &opt_key, bool create) { return dynamic_cast(this->option(opt_key, create)); } template ConfigOptionInt* DynamicConfig::opt(const t_config_option_key &opt_key, bool create); template ConfigOptionBool* DynamicConfig::opt(const t_config_option_key &opt_key, bool create); template ConfigOptionBools* DynamicConfig::opt(const t_config_option_key &opt_key, bool create); template ConfigOptionPercent* DynamicConfig::opt(const t_config_option_key &opt_key, bool create); t_config_option_keys DynamicConfig::keys() const { t_config_option_keys keys; keys.reserve(this->options.size()); for (const auto &opt : this->options) keys.emplace_back(opt.first); return keys; } void StaticConfig::set_defaults() { // use defaults from definition if (this->def != nullptr) { for (const std::string &key : this->keys()) { const ConfigOptionDef* def = this->def->get(key); if (def->default_value != nullptr) this->option(key)->set(*def->default_value); } } } t_config_option_keys StaticConfig::keys() const { t_config_option_keys keys; assert(this->def != nullptr); for (const auto &opt_def : this->def->options) if (this->option(opt_def.first) != nullptr) keys.push_back(opt_def.first); return keys; } }