# Boost 1.63 requires CMake 3.7 or newer cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) project(Slic3r) if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE AND NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) message(STATUS "No build type selected, default to Release") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release" CACHE STRING "Build type (default Release)" FORCE) endif() if (MSVC OR MINGW OR APPLE) set(SLIC3R_STATIC_INITIAL 1) else () set(SLIC3R_STATIC_INITIAL 0) endif () option(SLIC3R_STATIC "Compile Slic3r with static libraries (Boost, TBB, glew)" ${SLIC3R_STATIC_INITIAL}) option(SLIC3R_GUI "Compile Slic3r with GUI components (OpenGL, wxWidgets)" 1) option(SLIC3R_PRUSACONTROL "Compile Slic3r with the PrusaControl prject file format (requires wxWidgets base library)" 1) option(SLIC3R_PROFILE "Compile Slic3r with an invasive Shiny profiler" 0) option(SLIC3R_HAS_BROKEN_CROAK "Compile Slic3r for a broken Strawberry Perl 64bit" 0) option(SLIC3R_MSVC_COMPILE_PARALLEL "Compile on Visual Studio in parallel" 1) if (MSVC AND SLIC3R_MSVC_COMPILE_PARALLEL) add_compile_options(/MP) endif () add_subdirectory(xs) install(PROGRAMS slic3r.pl DESTINATION bin RENAME slic3r-prusa3d) file(GLOB MyVar var/*.png) install(FILES ${MyVar} DESTINATION share/slic3r-prusa3d) install(FILES lib/Slic3r.pm DESTINATION lib/slic3r-prusa3d) install(DIRECTORY lib/Slic3r DESTINATION lib/slic3r-prusa3d)