use Test::More; use strict; use warnings; plan tests => 4; BEGIN { use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; } use Slic3r; use Slic3r::Test; { # We only need to slice at one height, so we'll build a non-manifold mesh # that still produces complete loops at that height. Triangular walls are # enough for this purpose. # Basically we want to check what happens when three concentric loops happen # to be at the same height, the two external ones being ccw and the other being # a hole, thus cw. my (@vertices, @facets) = (); Slic3r::Test::add_facet($_, \@vertices, \@facets) for # external surface below the slicing Z [ [0,0,0], [20,0,10], [0,0,10] ], [ [20,0,0], [20,20,10], [20,0,10] ], [ [20,20,0], [0,20,10], [20,20,10] ], [ [0,20,0], [0,0,10], [0,20,10] ], # external insetted surface above the slicing Z [ [2,2,10], [18,2,10], [2,2,20] ], [ [18,2,10], [18,18,10], [18,2,20] ], [ [18,18,10], [2,18,10], [18,18,20] ], [ [2,18,10], [2,2,10], [2,18,20] ], # insetted hole below the slicing Z [ [15,5,0], [5,5,10], [15,5,10] ], [ [15,15,0], [15,5,10], [15,15,10] ], [ [5,15,0], [15,15,10], [5,15,10] ], [ [5,5,0], [5,15,10], [5,5,10] ]; my $mesh = Slic3r::TriangleMesh->new(vertices => \@vertices, facets => \@facets); $mesh->analyze; my @lines = map $mesh->intersect_facet($_, 10), 0..$#facets; my $loops = Slic3r::TriangleMesh::make_loops(\@lines); is scalar(@$loops), 3, 'correct number of loops detected'; is scalar(grep $_->is_counter_clockwise, @$loops), 2, 'correct number of ccw loops detected'; my @surfaces = Slic3r::Layer::Region::_merge_loops($loops, 0); is scalar(@surfaces), 1, 'one surface detected'; is scalar(@{$surfaces[0]->expolygon})-1, 1, 'surface has one hole'; } __END__