#include #include #include "libslic3r/MutablePriorityQueue.hpp" // based on https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rollbear/prio_queue/master/self_test.cpp // original source Copyright Björn Fahller 2015, Boost Software License, Version 1.0, http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt TEST_CASE("Skip addressing", "[MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue]") { using skip_addressing = SkipHeapAddressing<8>; SECTION("block root") { REQUIRE(skip_addressing::is_block_root(1)); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::is_block_root(9)); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::is_block_root(17)); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::is_block_root(73)); REQUIRE(! skip_addressing::is_block_root(2)); REQUIRE(! skip_addressing::is_block_root(3)); REQUIRE(! skip_addressing::is_block_root(4)); REQUIRE(! skip_addressing::is_block_root(7)); REQUIRE(! skip_addressing::is_block_root(31)); } SECTION("block leaf") { REQUIRE(! skip_addressing::is_block_leaf(1)); REQUIRE(! skip_addressing::is_block_leaf(2)); REQUIRE(! skip_addressing::is_block_leaf(3)); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::is_block_leaf(4)); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::is_block_leaf(5)); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::is_block_leaf(6)); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::is_block_leaf(7)); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::is_block_leaf(28)); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::is_block_leaf(29)); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::is_block_leaf(30)); REQUIRE(! skip_addressing::is_block_leaf(257)); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::is_block_leaf(255)); } SECTION("Obtaining child") { REQUIRE(skip_addressing::child_of(1) == 2); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::child_of(2) == 4); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::child_of(3) == 6); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::child_of(4) == 9); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::child_of(31) == 249); } SECTION("Obtaining parent") { REQUIRE(skip_addressing::parent_of(2) == 1); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::parent_of(3) == 1); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::parent_of(6) == 3); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::parent_of(7) == 3); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::parent_of(9) == 4); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::parent_of(17) == 4); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::parent_of(33) == 5); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::parent_of(29) == 26); REQUIRE(skip_addressing::parent_of(1097) == 140); } } struct ValueIndexPair { int value; size_t idx = 0; }; template static auto make_test_priority_queue() { return make_miniheap_mutable_priority_queue( [](ValueIndexPair &v, size_t idx){ v.idx = idx; }, [](ValueIndexPair &l, ValueIndexPair &r){ return l.value < r.value; }); } TEST_CASE("Mutable priority queue - basic tests", "[MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue]") { SECTION("a default constructed queue is empty") { auto q = make_test_priority_queue(); REQUIRE(q.empty()); REQUIRE(q.size() == 0); } SECTION("an empty queue is not empty when one element is inserted") { auto q = make_test_priority_queue(); q.push({ 1 }); REQUIRE(!q.empty()); REQUIRE(q.size() == 1); } SECTION("a queue with one element has it on top") { auto q = make_test_priority_queue(); q.push({ 8 }); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 8); } SECTION("a queue with one element becomes empty when popped") { auto q = make_test_priority_queue(); q.push({ 9 }); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.empty()); REQUIRE(q.size() == 0); } SECTION("insert sorted stays sorted") { auto q = make_test_priority_queue(); for (auto i : { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }) q.push({ i }); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 1); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 2); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 3); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 4); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 5); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 6); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 7); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 8); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.empty()); } SECTION("randomly inserted elements are popped sorted") { auto q = make_test_priority_queue(); std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(1, 100000); int n[36000]; for (auto& i : n) { i = dist(gen); q.push({ i }); } REQUIRE(!q.empty()); REQUIRE(q.size() == 36000); std::sort(std::begin(n), std::end(n)); for (auto i : n) { REQUIRE(q.top().value == i); q.pop(); } REQUIRE(q.empty()); } } TEST_CASE("Mutable priority queue - reshedule first", "[MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue]") { struct MyValue { int value; int *ptr; size_t idx; }; SECTION("reschedule top with highest prio leaves order unchanged") { auto q = make_miniheap_mutable_priority_queue( [](MyValue& v, size_t idx) { v.idx = idx; }, [](MyValue& l, MyValue& r) { return l.value < r.value; }); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 int nums[] = { 32, 1, 88, 16, 9, 11, 3, 22, 23 }; for (auto &i : nums) q.push({ i, &i, 0U }); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 1); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[1]); REQUIRE(*q.top().ptr == 1); // Update the top element. q.top().value = 2; q.update(1); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 2); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[1]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 3); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[6]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 9); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[4]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 11); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[5]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 16); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[3]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 22); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[7]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 23); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[8]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 32); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[0]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 88); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[2]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.empty()); } SECTION("reschedule to mid range moves element to correct place") { auto q = make_miniheap_mutable_priority_queue( [](MyValue& v, size_t idx) { v.idx = idx; }, [](MyValue& l, MyValue& r) { return l.value < r.value; }); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 int nums[] = { 32, 1, 88, 16, 9, 11, 3, 22, 23 }; for (auto& i : nums) q.push({ i, &i, 0U }); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 1); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[1]); REQUIRE(*q.top().ptr == 1); // Update the top element. q.top().value = 12; q.update(1); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 3); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[6]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 9); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[4]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 11); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[5]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 12); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[1]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 16); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[3]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 22); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[7]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 23); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[8]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 32); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[0]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 88); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[2]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.empty()); } SECTION("reschedule to last moves element to correct place", "heap") { auto q = make_miniheap_mutable_priority_queue( [](MyValue& v, size_t idx) { v.idx = idx; }, [](MyValue& l, MyValue& r) { return l.value < r.value; }); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 int nums[] = { 32, 1, 88, 16, 9, 11, 3, 22, 23 }; for (auto& i : nums) q.push({ i, &i, 0U }); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 1); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[1]); REQUIRE(*q.top().ptr == 1); // Update the top element. q.top().value = 89; q.update(1); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 3); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[6]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 9); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[4]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 11); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[5]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 16); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[3]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 22); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[7]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 23); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[8]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 32); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[0]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 88); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[2]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 89); REQUIRE(q.top().ptr == &nums[1]); q.pop(); REQUIRE(q.empty()); } SECTION("reschedule top of 2 elements to last") { auto q = make_test_priority_queue<8>(); q.push({ 1 }); q.push({ 2 }); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 1); // Update the top element. q.top().value = 3; q.update(1); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 2); } SECTION("reschedule top of 3 elements left to 2nd") { auto q = make_test_priority_queue<8>(); q.push({ 1 }); q.push({ 2 }); q.push({ 4 }); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 1); // Update the top element. q.top().value = 3; q.update(1); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 2); } SECTION("reschedule top of 3 elements right to 2nd") { auto q = make_test_priority_queue<8>(); q.push({ 1 }); q.push({ 4 }); q.push({ 2 }); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 1); // Update the top element. q.top().value = 3; q.update(1); REQUIRE(q.top().value == 2); } SECTION("reschedule top random gives same resultas pop/push") { std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); std::uniform_int_distribution dist(1, 100000); auto pq = make_test_priority_queue<8>(); std::priority_queue, std::greater<>> stdq; for (size_t outer = 0; outer < 100; ++ outer) { int num = gen(); pq.push({ num }); stdq.push({ num }); for (size_t inner = 0; inner < 100; ++ inner) { int newval = gen(); // Update the top element. pq.top().value = newval; pq.update(1); stdq.pop(); stdq.push({ newval }); auto n = pq.top().value; auto sn = stdq.top(); REQUIRE(sn == n); } } } } TEST_CASE("Mutable priority queue - first pop", "[MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue]") { struct MyValue{ size_t id; float val; }; static constexpr const size_t count = 50000; auto q = make_miniheap_mutable_priority_queue( [](MyValue &v, size_t idx) { v.id = idx; }, [](MyValue &l, MyValue &r) { return l.val < r.val; }); using QueueType = decltype(q); q.reserve(count); for (size_t id = 0; id < count; ++ id) q.push({ id, rand() / 100.f }); MyValue v = q.top(); // copy // is valid id (no initial value default value) CHECK(QueueType::address::is_padding(0)); CHECK(!QueueType::address::is_padding(1)); q.pop(); CHECK(v.id == 1); // is first item in queue valid value CHECK(q.top().id == 1); } TEST_CASE("Mutable priority queue complex", "[MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue]") { struct MyValue { size_t id; float val; }; size_t count = 5000; std::vector idxs(count, {0}); std::vector dels(count, false); auto q = make_miniheap_mutable_priority_queue( [&](MyValue &v, size_t idx) { idxs[v.id] = idx; }, [](MyValue &l, MyValue &r) { return l.val < r.val; }); q.reserve(count); auto rand_val = [&]()->float { return (rand() % 53) / 10.f; }; size_t ord = 0; for (size_t id = 0; id < count; id++) { MyValue mv; mv.id = ord++; mv.val = rand_val(); q.push(mv); } auto check = [&]()->bool{ for (size_t i = 0; i < idxs.size(); ++i) { if (dels[i]) continue; size_t qid = idxs[i]; if (qid > 3*count) { return false; } MyValue &mv = q[qid]; if (mv.id != i) { return false; // ERROR } } return true; }; CHECK(check()); // initial check auto get_valid_id = [&]()->int { int id = 0; do { id = rand() % count; } while (dels[id]); return id; }; for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { MyValue it = q.top(); // copy q.pop(); dels[it.id] = true; CHECK(check()); if (i % 20 == 0) { it.val = rand_val(); q.push(it); dels[it.id] = false; CHECK(check()); continue; } int id = get_valid_id(); q.remove(idxs[id]); dels[id] = true; CHECK(check()); for (size_t j = 0; j < 5; j++) { int id = get_valid_id(); size_t qid = idxs[id]; MyValue &mv = q[qid]; mv.val = rand_val(); q.update(qid); CHECK(check()); } } }