package Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::Collection; use Moo; has 'paths' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { [] }); sub endpoints { my $self = shift; return [ map $_->endpoints, @{$self->paths} ]; } sub shortest_path { my $self = shift; my ($start_near) = @_; my $collection = Slic3r::Polyline::Collection->new( polylines => [ map $_->unpack->polyline, @{$self->paths} ], ); return $collection->shortest_path($start_near, $self->paths); } sub cleanup { my $self = shift; # split paths at angles that are too acute to be printed as they will cause blobs @{$self->paths} = map $_->split_at_acute_angles, @{$self->paths}; } sub detect_arcs { my $self = shift; @{$self->paths} = map $_->detect_arcs(@_), @{$self->paths}; } 1;