#ifndef slic3r_Camera_hpp_ #define slic3r_Camera_hpp_ #include "libslic3r/BoundingBox.hpp" #if ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR #include "3DScene.hpp" #endif // ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR #include namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { struct Camera { static const double DefaultDistance; #if ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR static const double DefaultZoomToBoxMarginFactor; static const double DefaultZoomToVolumesMarginFactor; #endif // ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR static double FrustrumMinZRange; static double FrustrumMinNearZ; static double FrustrumZMargin; static double MaxFovDeg; enum EType : unsigned char { Unknown, Ortho, Perspective, Num_types }; bool requires_zoom_to_bed; private: EType m_type; Vec3d m_target; float m_zenit; double m_zoom; // Distance between camera position and camera target measured along the camera Z axis mutable double m_distance; mutable double m_gui_scale; mutable std::array m_viewport; mutable Transform3d m_view_matrix; mutable Transform3d m_projection_matrix; mutable std::pair m_frustrum_zs; BoundingBoxf3 m_scene_box; public: Camera(); EType get_type() const { return m_type; } std::string get_type_as_string() const; void set_type(EType type); // valid values for type: "0" -> ortho, "1" -> perspective void set_type(const std::string& type); void select_next_type(); const Vec3d& get_target() const { return m_target; } void set_target(const Vec3d& target); double get_distance() const { return (get_position() - m_target).norm(); } double get_gui_scale() const { return m_gui_scale; } double get_zoom() const { return m_zoom; } double get_inv_zoom() const { assert(m_zoom != 0.0); return 1.0 / m_zoom; } void update_zoom(double delta_zoom); void set_zoom(double zoom); const BoundingBoxf3& get_scene_box() const { return m_scene_box; } void set_scene_box(const BoundingBoxf3& box) { m_scene_box = box; } void select_view(const std::string& direction); const std::array& get_viewport() const { return m_viewport; } const Transform3d& get_view_matrix() const { return m_view_matrix; } const Transform3d& get_projection_matrix() const { return m_projection_matrix; } Vec3d get_dir_right() const { return m_view_matrix.matrix().block(0, 0, 3, 3).row(0); } Vec3d get_dir_up() const { return m_view_matrix.matrix().block(0, 0, 3, 3).row(1); } Vec3d get_dir_forward() const { return -m_view_matrix.matrix().block(0, 0, 3, 3).row(2); } Vec3d get_position() const { return m_view_matrix.matrix().inverse().block(0, 3, 3, 1); } double get_near_z() const { return m_frustrum_zs.first; } double get_far_z() const { return m_frustrum_zs.second; } double get_fov() const; void apply_viewport(int x, int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) const; void apply_view_matrix() const; // Calculates and applies the projection matrix tighting the frustrum z range around the given box. // If larger z span is needed, pass the desired values of near and far z (negative values are ignored) void apply_projection(const BoundingBoxf3& box, double near_z = -1.0, double far_z = -1.0) const; #if ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR void zoom_to_box(const BoundingBoxf3& box, double margin_factor = DefaultZoomToBoxMarginFactor); void zoom_to_volumes(const GLVolumePtrs& volumes, double margin_factor = DefaultZoomToVolumesMarginFactor); #else void zoom_to_box(const BoundingBoxf3& box, int canvas_w, int canvas_h); #endif // ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR #if ENABLE_CAMERA_STATISTICS void debug_render() const; #endif // ENABLE_CAMERA_STATISTICS // translate the camera in world space void translate_world(const Vec3d& displacement); // rotate the camera on a sphere having center == m_target and radius == m_distance // using the given variations of spherical coordinates // if apply_limits == true the camera stops rotating when its forward vector is parallel to the world Z axis void rotate_on_sphere(double delta_azimut_rad, double delta_zenit_rad, bool apply_limits); // rotate the camera around three axes parallel to the camera local axes and passing through m_target void rotate_local_around_target(const Vec3d& rotation_rad); // rotate the camera around three axes parallel to the camera local axes and passing through the given pivot point void rotate_local_around_pivot(const Vec3d& rotation_rad, const Vec3d& pivot); // returns true if the camera z axis (forward) is pointing in the negative direction of the world z axis bool is_looking_downward() const { return get_dir_forward().dot(Vec3d::UnitZ()) < 0.0; } double max_zoom() const { return 100.0; } double min_zoom() const; private: // returns tight values for nearZ and farZ plane around the given bounding box // the camera MUST be outside of the bounding box in eye coordinate of the given box std::pair calc_tight_frustrum_zs_around(const BoundingBoxf3& box) const; #if ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR double calc_zoom_to_bounding_box_factor(const BoundingBoxf3& box, double margin_factor = DefaultZoomToBoxMarginFactor) const; double calc_zoom_to_volumes_factor(const GLVolumePtrs& volumes, Vec3d& center, double margin_factor = DefaultZoomToVolumesMarginFactor) const; #else double calc_zoom_to_bounding_box_factor(const BoundingBoxf3& box, int canvas_w, int canvas_h) const; #endif // ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR void set_distance(double distance) const; void look_at(const Vec3d& position, const Vec3d& target, const Vec3d& up); void set_default_orientation(); Vec3d validate_target(const Vec3d& target) const; void update_zenit(); }; } // GUI } // Slic3r #endif // slic3r_Camera_hpp_