#ifndef _technologies_h_ #define _technologies_h_ //============ // debug techs //============ // Shows camera target in the 3D scene #define ENABLE_SHOW_CAMERA_TARGET 0 //============= // 1.42.0 techs //============= #define ENABLE_1_42_0 1 // Uses a unique opengl context #define ENABLE_USE_UNIQUE_GLCONTEXT (1 && ENABLE_1_42_0) // Disable synchronization of unselected instances #define DISABLE_INSTANCES_SYNCH (0 && ENABLE_1_42_0) // Modified camera target behavior #define ENABLE_MODIFIED_CAMERA_TARGET (1 && ENABLE_1_42_0) // Add Geometry::Transformation class and use it into ModelInstance, ModelVolume and GLVolume #define ENABLE_MODELVOLUME_TRANSFORM (1 && ENABLE_1_42_0) // Keeps objects on bed while scaling them using the scale gizmo #define ENABLE_ENSURE_ON_BED_WHILE_SCALING (1 && ENABLE_MODELVOLUME_TRANSFORM) // Gizmos always rendered on top of objects #define ENABLE_GIZMOS_ON_TOP (1 && ENABLE_1_42_0) // New menu layout (open/save/save as project + import/export) #define ENABLE_NEW_MENU_LAYOUT (1 && ENABLE_1_42_0) // All rotations made using the rotate gizmo are done with respect to the world reference system #define ENABLE_WORLD_ROTATIONS (1 && ENABLE_1_42_0) // Enables shortcut keys for gizmos #define ENABLE_GIZMOS_SHORTCUT (1 && ENABLE_1_42_0) // Scene's GUI made using imgui library #define ENABLE_IMGUI (1 && ENABLE_1_42_0) #endif // _technologies_h_