#include "GUI_ObjectList.hpp" #include "GUI_ObjectManipulation.hpp" #include "GUI_App.hpp" #include "OptionsGroup.hpp" #include "PresetBundle.hpp" #include "Tab.hpp" #include "wxExtensions.hpp" #include "Model.hpp" #include "LambdaObjectDialog.hpp" #include "GLCanvas3D.hpp" #include #include "slic3r/Utils/FixModelByWin10.hpp" namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { ObjectList::ObjectList(wxWindow* parent) : wxDataViewCtrl(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDV_MULTIPLE) { // Fill CATEGORY_ICON { CATEGORY_ICON[L("Layers and Perimeters")] = wxBitmap(from_u8(var("layers.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); CATEGORY_ICON[L("Infill")] = wxBitmap(from_u8(var("infill.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); CATEGORY_ICON[L("Support material")] = wxBitmap(from_u8(var("building.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); CATEGORY_ICON[L("Speed")] = wxBitmap(from_u8(var("time.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); CATEGORY_ICON[L("Extruders")] = wxBitmap(from_u8(var("funnel.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); CATEGORY_ICON[L("Extrusion Width")] = wxBitmap(from_u8(var("funnel.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); // CATEGORY_ICON[L("Skirt and brim")] = wxBitmap(from_u8(var("box.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); // CATEGORY_ICON[L("Speed > Acceleration")] = wxBitmap(from_u8(var("time.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); CATEGORY_ICON[L("Advanced")] = wxBitmap(from_u8(var("wand.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); } init_icons(); // create control create_objects_ctrl(); // describe control behavior Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_SELECTION_CHANGED, [this](wxEvent& event) { selection_changed(); #ifndef __WXMSW__ set_tooltip_for_item(get_mouse_position_in_control()); #endif //__WXMSW__ }); Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_CONTEXT_MENU, [this](wxDataViewEvent& event) { context_menu(); }); Bind(wxEVT_CHAR, [this](wxKeyEvent& event) { key_event(event); }); // doesn't work on OSX #ifdef __WXMSW__ // Extruder value changed Bind(wxEVT_CHOICE, [this](wxCommandEvent& event) { update_extruder_in_config(event.GetString()); }); GetMainWindow()->Bind(wxEVT_MOTION, [this](wxMouseEvent& event) { set_tooltip_for_item(/*event.GetPosition()*/get_mouse_position_in_control()); event.Skip(); }); #else // equivalent to wxEVT_CHOICE on __WXMSW__ Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_VALUE_CHANGED, [this](wxDataViewEvent& e) { item_value_change(e); }); #endif //__WXMSW__ Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_BEGIN_DRAG, [this](wxDataViewEvent& e) {on_begin_drag(e); }); Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_DROP_POSSIBLE, [this](wxDataViewEvent& e) {on_drop_possible(e); }); Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_DROP, [this](wxDataViewEvent& e) {on_drop(e); }); } ObjectList::~ObjectList() { if (m_default_config) delete m_default_config; } void ObjectList::create_objects_ctrl() { SetMinSize(wxSize(-1, 150)); // TODO - Set correct height according to the opened/closed objects m_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); m_sizer->Add(this, 1, wxGROW | wxLEFT, 20); m_objects_model = new PrusaObjectDataViewModel; AssociateModel(m_objects_model); #if wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP && wxUSE_UNICODE EnableDragSource(wxDF_UNICODETEXT); EnableDropTarget(wxDF_UNICODETEXT); #endif // wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP && wxUSE_UNICODE // column 0(Icon+Text) of the view control: // And Icon can be consisting of several bitmaps AppendColumn(new wxDataViewColumn(_(L("Name")), new PrusaBitmapTextRenderer(), 0, 200, wxALIGN_LEFT, wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE)); // column 1 of the view control: AppendTextColumn(_(L("Copy")), 1, wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT, 45, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE); // column 2 of the view control: AppendColumn(create_objects_list_extruder_column(4)); // column 3 of the view control: AppendBitmapColumn(" ", 3, wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT, 25, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE); } void ObjectList::set_tooltip_for_item(const wxPoint& pt) { wxDataViewItem item; wxDataViewColumn* col; HitTest(pt, item, col); if (!item) return; if (col->GetTitle() == " " && GetSelectedItemsCount()<2) GetMainWindow()->SetToolTip(_(L("Right button click the icon to change the object settings"))); else if (col->GetTitle() == _("Name") && m_objects_model->GetBitmap(item).GetRefData() == m_bmp_manifold_warning.GetRefData()) { int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item); auto& stats = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes[0]->mesh.stl.stats; int errors = stats.degenerate_facets + stats.edges_fixed + stats.facets_removed + stats.facets_added + stats.facets_reversed + stats.backwards_edges; wxString tooltip = wxString::Format(_(L("Auto-repaired (%d errors):\n")), errors); std::map error_msg; error_msg[L("degenerate facets")] = stats.degenerate_facets; error_msg[L("edges fixed")] = stats.edges_fixed; error_msg[L("facets removed")] = stats.facets_removed; error_msg[L("facets added")] = stats.facets_added; error_msg[L("facets reversed")] = stats.facets_reversed; error_msg[L("backwards edges")] = stats.backwards_edges; for (auto error : error_msg) { if (error.second > 0) tooltip += wxString::Format(_("\t%d %s\n"), error.second, error.first); } // OR // tooltip += wxString::Format(_(L("%d degenerate facets, %d edges fixed, %d facets removed, " // "%d facets added, %d facets reversed, %d backwards edges")), // stats.degenerate_facets, stats.edges_fixed, stats.facets_removed, // stats.facets_added, stats.facets_reversed, stats.backwards_edges); if (is_windows10()) tooltip += _(L("Right button click the icon to fix STL through Netfabb")); GetMainWindow()->SetToolTip(tooltip); } else GetMainWindow()->SetToolTip(""); // hide tooltip } wxPoint ObjectList::get_mouse_position_in_control() { const wxPoint& pt = wxGetMousePosition(); // wxWindow* win = GetMainWindow(); // wxPoint screen_pos = win->GetScreenPosition(); return wxPoint(pt.x - /*win->*/GetScreenPosition().x, pt.y - /*win->*/GetScreenPosition().y); } int ObjectList::get_selected_obj_idx() const { if (GetSelectedItemsCount() == 1) { auto item = GetSelection(); return m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item); } return -1; } wxDataViewColumn* ObjectList::create_objects_list_extruder_column(int extruders_count) { wxArrayString choices; choices.Add("default"); for (int i = 1; i <= extruders_count; ++i) choices.Add(wxString::Format("%d", i)); wxDataViewChoiceRenderer *c = new wxDataViewChoiceRenderer(choices, wxDATAVIEW_CELL_EDITABLE, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL); wxDataViewColumn* column = new wxDataViewColumn(_(L("Extruder")), c, 2, 60, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE); return column; } void ObjectList::update_objects_list_extruder_column(int extruders_count) { if (!this) return; // #ys_FIXME if (wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA) extruders_count = 1; // delete old 3rd column DeleteColumn(GetColumn(2)); // insert new created 3rd column InsertColumn(2, create_objects_list_extruder_column(extruders_count)); // set show/hide for this column set_extruder_column_hidden(extruders_count <= 1); } void ObjectList::set_extruder_column_hidden(bool hide) { GetColumn(2)->SetHidden(hide); } void ObjectList::update_extruder_in_config(const wxString& selection) { if (!m_config || selection.empty()) return; int extruder = selection.size() > 1 ? 0 : atoi(selection.c_str()); m_config->set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(extruder)); // update scene wxGetApp().plater()->update(); } void ObjectList::init_icons(){ m_bmp_modifiermesh = wxBitmap(Slic3r::GUI::from_u8(Slic3r::var("lambda.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);//(Slic3r::var("plugin.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); m_bmp_solidmesh = wxBitmap(Slic3r::GUI::from_u8(Slic3r::var("object.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);//(Slic3r::var("package.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); // init icon for manifold warning m_bmp_manifold_warning = wxBitmap(Slic3r::GUI::from_u8(Slic3r::var("exclamation_mark_.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);//(Slic3r::var("error.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); // init bitmap for "Split to sub-objects" context menu m_bmp_split = wxBitmap(Slic3r::GUI::from_u8(Slic3r::var("split.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); // init bitmap for "Add Settings" context menu m_bmp_cog = wxBitmap(Slic3r::GUI::from_u8(Slic3r::var("cog.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); } void ObjectList::selection_changed() { if (m_prevent_list_events) return; fix_multiselection_conflicts(); // update object selection on Plater update_selections_on_canvas(); part_selection_changed(); #ifdef __WXOSX__ update_extruder_in_config(m_selected_extruder); #endif //__WXOSX__ } void ObjectList::context_menu() { wxDataViewItem item; wxDataViewColumn* col; const wxPoint pt = get_mouse_position_in_control(); HitTest(pt, item, col); if (!item) #ifdef __WXOSX__ // #ys_FIXME temporary workaround for OSX // after Yosemite OS X version, HitTest return undefined item item = GetSelection(); if (item) show_context_menu(); else printf("undefined item\n"); return; #else return; #endif // __WXOSX__ const wxString title = col->GetTitle(); if (title == " ") show_context_menu(); else if (title == _("Name") && pt.x >15 && m_objects_model->GetBitmap(item).GetRefData() == m_bmp_manifold_warning.GetRefData()) { if (is_windows10()) /*fix_through_netfabb()*/;// #ys_FIXME } #ifndef __WXMSW__ GetMainWindow()->SetToolTip(""); // hide tooltip #endif //__WXMSW__ } void ObjectList::show_context_menu() { const auto item = GetSelection(); if (item) { if (!(m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & (itObject | itVolume))) return; const auto menu = m_objects_model->GetParent(item) == wxDataViewItem(0) ? create_add_part_popupmenu() : create_part_settings_popupmenu(); wxGetApp().tab_panel()->GetPage(0)->PopupMenu(menu); } } void ObjectList::key_event(wxKeyEvent& event) { if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_TAB) Navigate(event.ShiftDown() ? wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsBackward : wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward); else if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_DELETE #ifdef __WXOSX__ || event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_BACK #endif //__WXOSX__ ){ printf("WXK_BACK\n"); remove(); } else if (wxGetKeyState(wxKeyCode('A')) && wxGetKeyState(WXK_CONTROL)) select_all(); else event.Skip(); } void ObjectList::item_value_change(wxDataViewEvent& event) { if (event.GetColumn() == 2) { wxVariant variant; m_objects_model->GetValue(variant, event.GetItem(), 2); #ifdef __WXOSX__ m_selected_extruder = variant.GetString(); #else // --> for Linux update_extruder_in_config(variant.GetString()); #endif //__WXOSX__ } } struct draging_item_data { int obj_idx; int vol_idx; }; void ObjectList::on_begin_drag(wxDataViewEvent &event) { wxDataViewItem item(event.GetItem()); // only allow drags for item, not containers if (multiple_selection() || m_objects_model->GetParent(item) == wxDataViewItem(0) || m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) != itVolume ) { event.Veto(); return; } /* Under MSW or OSX, DnD moves an item to the place of another selected item * But under GTK, DnD moves an item between another two items. * And as a result - call EVT_CHANGE_SELECTION to unselect all items. * To prevent such behavior use g_prevent_list_events **/ m_prevent_list_events = true;//it's needed for GTK wxTextDataObject *obj = new wxTextDataObject; obj->SetText(wxString::Format("%d", m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item))); event.SetDataObject(obj); event.SetDragFlags(/*wxDrag_AllowMove*/wxDrag_DefaultMove); // allows both copy and move; } void ObjectList::on_drop_possible(wxDataViewEvent &event) { wxDataViewItem item(event.GetItem()); // only allow drags for item or background, not containers if (item.IsOk() && m_objects_model->GetParent(item) == wxDataViewItem(0) || event.GetDataFormat() != wxDF_UNICODETEXT || m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) != itVolume) event.Veto(); } void ObjectList::on_drop(wxDataViewEvent &event) { wxDataViewItem item(event.GetItem()); // only allow drops for item, not containers if (item.IsOk() && m_objects_model->GetParent(item) == wxDataViewItem(0) || event.GetDataFormat() != wxDF_UNICODETEXT || m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) != itVolume) { event.Veto(); return; } wxTextDataObject obj; obj.SetData(wxDF_UNICODETEXT, event.GetDataSize(), event.GetDataBuffer()); int from_volume_id = std::stoi(obj.GetText().ToStdString()); int to_volume_id = m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item); #ifdef __WXGTK__ /* Under GTK, DnD moves an item between another two items. * And event.GetItem() return item, which is under "insertion line" * So, if we move item down we should to decrease the to_volume_id value **/ if (to_volume_id > from_volume_id) to_volume_id--; #endif // __WXGTK__ auto& volumes = (*m_objects)[m_selected_object_id]->volumes; auto delta = to_volume_id < from_volume_id ? -1 : 1; int cnt = 0; for (int id = from_volume_id; cnt < abs(from_volume_id - to_volume_id); id += delta, cnt++) std::swap(volumes[id], volumes[id + delta]); select_item(m_objects_model->ReorganizeChildren(from_volume_id, to_volume_id, m_objects_model->GetParent(item))); m_parts_changed = true; parts_changed(m_selected_object_id); // m_prevent_list_events = false; } // Context Menu std::vector get_options(const bool is_part) { PrintRegionConfig reg_config; auto options = reg_config.keys(); if (!is_part) { PrintObjectConfig obj_config; std::vector obj_options = obj_config.keys(); options.insert(options.end(), obj_options.begin(), obj_options.end()); } return options; } // category -> vector ( option ; label ) typedef std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::pair > > settings_menu_hierarchy; void get_options_menu(settings_menu_hierarchy& settings_menu, bool is_part) { auto options = get_options(is_part); auto extruders_cnt = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA ? 1 : wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().config.option("nozzle_diameter")->values.size(); DynamicPrintConfig config; for (auto& option : options) { auto const opt = config.def()->get(option); auto category = opt->category; if (category.empty() || (category == "Extruders" && extruders_cnt == 1)) continue; std::pair option_label(option, opt->label); std::vector< std::pair > new_category; auto& cat_opt_label = settings_menu.find(category) == settings_menu.end() ? new_category : settings_menu.at(category); cat_opt_label.push_back(option_label); if (cat_opt_label.size() == 1) settings_menu[category] = cat_opt_label; } } void ObjectList::get_settings_choice(wxMenu *menu, int id, bool is_part) { const auto category_name = menu->GetLabel(id); wxArrayString names; wxArrayInt selections; settings_menu_hierarchy settings_menu; get_options_menu(settings_menu, is_part); std::vector< std::pair > *settings_list = nullptr; auto opt_keys = m_config->keys(); for (auto& cat : settings_menu) { if (_(cat.first) == category_name) { int sel = 0; for (auto& pair : cat.second) { names.Add(_(pair.second)); if (find(opt_keys.begin(), opt_keys.end(), pair.first) != opt_keys.end()) selections.Add(sel); sel++; } settings_list = &cat.second; break; } } if (!settings_list) return; if (wxGetSelectedChoices(selections, _(L("Select showing settings")), category_name, names) == -1) return; std::vector selected_options; for (auto sel : selections) selected_options.push_back((*settings_list)[sel].first); for (auto& setting : (*settings_list)) { auto& opt_key = setting.first; if (find(opt_keys.begin(), opt_keys.end(), opt_key) != opt_keys.end() && find(selected_options.begin(), selected_options.end(), opt_key) == selected_options.end()) m_config->erase(opt_key); if (find(opt_keys.begin(), opt_keys.end(), opt_key) == opt_keys.end() && find(selected_options.begin(), selected_options.end(), opt_key) != selected_options.end()) m_config->set_key_value(opt_key, m_default_config->option(opt_key)->clone()); } // Add settings item for object const auto item = GetSelection(); if (item) { const auto settings_item = m_objects_model->GetSettingsItem(item); select_item(settings_item ? settings_item : m_objects_model->AddSettingsChild(item)); #ifndef __WXOSX__ // part_selection_changed(); #endif //no __WXOSX__ } else wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->update_settings_list(); } void ObjectList::menu_item_add_generic(wxMenuItem* &menu, int id) { auto sub_menu = new wxMenu; std::vector menu_items = { L("Box"), L("Cylinder"), L("Sphere"), L("Slab") }; for (auto& item : menu_items) sub_menu->Append(new wxMenuItem(sub_menu, ++id, _(item))); #ifndef __WXMSW__ sub_menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this, sub_menu](wxEvent &event) { load_lambda(sub_menu->GetLabel(event.GetId()).ToStdString()); }); #endif //no __WXMSW__ menu->SetSubMenu(sub_menu); } wxMenuItem* ObjectList::menu_item_split(wxMenu* menu, int id) { auto menu_item = new wxMenuItem(menu, id, _(L("Split to parts"))); menu_item->SetBitmap(m_bmp_split); return menu_item; } wxMenuItem* ObjectList::menu_item_settings(wxMenu* menu, int id, const bool is_part) { auto menu_item = new wxMenuItem(menu, id, _(L("Add settings"))); menu_item->SetBitmap(m_bmp_cog); auto sub_menu = create_add_settings_popupmenu(is_part); menu_item->SetSubMenu(sub_menu); return menu_item; } wxMenu* ObjectList::create_add_part_popupmenu() { wxMenu *menu = new wxMenu; std::vector menu_items = { L("Add part"), L("Add modifier"), L("Add generic") }; wxWindowID config_id_base = wxWindow::NewControlId(menu_items.size() + 4 + 2); int i = 0; for (auto& item : menu_items) { auto menu_item = new wxMenuItem(menu, config_id_base + i, _(item)); menu_item->SetBitmap(i == 0 ? m_bmp_solidmesh : m_bmp_modifiermesh); if (item == "Add generic") menu_item_add_generic(menu_item, config_id_base + i); menu->Append(menu_item); i++; } menu->AppendSeparator(); auto menu_item = menu_item_split(menu, config_id_base + i + 4); menu->Append(menu_item); menu_item->Enable(is_splittable_object(false)); menu->AppendSeparator(); // Append settings popupmenu menu->Append(menu_item_settings(menu, config_id_base + i + 5, false)); menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [config_id_base, menu, this](wxEvent &event){ switch (event.GetId() - config_id_base) { case 0: load_subobject(); break; case 1: load_subobject(true); break; case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: #ifdef __WXMSW__ load_lambda(menu->GetLabel(event.GetId()).ToStdString()); #endif // __WXMSW__ break; case 7: //3: split(false); break; default: #ifdef __WXMSW__ get_settings_choice(menu, event.GetId(), false); #endif // __WXMSW__ break; } }); return menu; } wxMenu* ObjectList::create_part_settings_popupmenu() { wxMenu *menu = new wxMenu; wxWindowID config_id_base = wxWindow::NewControlId(2); auto menu_item = menu_item_split(menu, config_id_base); menu->Append(menu_item); menu_item->Enable(is_splittable_object(true)); menu->AppendSeparator(); // Append settings popupmenu menu->Append(menu_item_settings(menu, config_id_base + 1, true)); menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [config_id_base, menu, this](wxEvent &event){ switch (event.GetId() - config_id_base) { case 0: split(true); break; default:{ get_settings_choice(menu, event.GetId(), true); break; } } }); return menu; } wxMenu* ObjectList::create_add_settings_popupmenu(bool is_part) { wxMenu *menu = new wxMenu; settings_menu_hierarchy settings_menu; get_options_menu(settings_menu, is_part); for (auto cat : settings_menu) { auto menu_item = new wxMenuItem(menu, wxID_ANY, _(cat.first)); menu_item->SetBitmap(CATEGORY_ICON.find(cat.first) == CATEGORY_ICON.end() ? wxNullBitmap : CATEGORY_ICON.at(cat.first)); menu->Append(menu_item); } #ifndef __WXMSW__ menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this, menu, is_part](wxEvent &event) { get_settings_choice(menu, event.GetId(), is_part); }); #endif //no __WXMSW__ return menu; } // Load SubObjects (parts and modifiers) void ObjectList::load_subobject(bool is_modifier /*= false*/, bool is_lambda/* = false*/) { auto item = GetSelection(); if (!item) return; int obj_idx = -1; if (m_objects_model->GetParent(item) == wxDataViewItem(0)) obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item); else return; if (obj_idx < 0) return; wxArrayString part_names; if (is_lambda) load_lambda((*m_objects)[obj_idx], part_names, is_modifier); else load_part((*m_objects)[obj_idx], part_names, is_modifier); parts_changed(obj_idx); for (int i = 0; i < part_names.size(); ++i) { const wxDataViewItem sel_item = m_objects_model->AddVolumeChild(item, part_names.Item(i), is_modifier ? m_bmp_modifiermesh : m_bmp_solidmesh); if (i == part_names.size() - 1) select_item(sel_item); } #ifndef __WXOSX__ //#ifdef __WXMSW__ // #ys_FIXME // selection_changed(); #endif //no __WXOSX__//__WXMSW__ } void ObjectList::load_part( ModelObject* model_object, wxArrayString& part_names, const bool is_modifier) { wxWindow* parent = wxGetApp().tab_panel()->GetPage(0); wxArrayString input_files; wxGetApp().open_model(parent, input_files); for (int i = 0; i < input_files.size(); ++i) { std::string input_file = input_files.Item(i).ToStdString(); Model model; try { model = Model::read_from_file(input_file); } catch (std::exception &e) { auto msg = _(L("Error! ")) + input_file + " : " + e.what() + "."; show_error(parent, msg); exit(1); } for (auto object : model.objects) { Vec3d delta = Vec3d::Zero(); if (model_object->origin_translation != Vec3d::Zero()) { object->center_around_origin(); delta = model_object->origin_translation - object->origin_translation; } for (auto volume : object->volumes) { auto new_volume = model_object->add_volume(*volume); new_volume->set_type(is_modifier ? ModelVolume::PARAMETER_MODIFIER : ModelVolume::MODEL_PART); boost::filesystem::path(input_file).filename().string(); new_volume->name = boost::filesystem::path(input_file).filename().string(); part_names.Add(new_volume->name); if (delta != Vec3d::Zero()) { new_volume->mesh.translate((float)delta(0), (float)delta(1), (float)delta(2)); new_volume->get_convex_hull().translate((float)delta(0), (float)delta(1), (float)delta(2)); } // set a default extruder value, since user can't add it manually new_volume->config.set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(0)); m_parts_changed = true; } } } } void ObjectList::load_lambda( ModelObject* model_object, wxArrayString& part_names, const bool is_modifier) { auto dlg = new LambdaObjectDialog(GetMainWindow()); if (dlg->ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL) { return; } std::string name = "lambda-"; TriangleMesh mesh; auto params = dlg->ObjectParameters(); switch (params.type) { case LambdaTypeBox:{ mesh = make_cube(params.dim[0], params.dim[1], params.dim[2]); name += "Box"; break; } case LambdaTypeCylinder:{ mesh = make_cylinder(params.cyl_r, params.cyl_h); name += "Cylinder"; break; } case LambdaTypeSphere:{ mesh = make_sphere(params.sph_rho); name += "Sphere"; break; } case LambdaTypeSlab:{ const auto& size = model_object->bounding_box().size(); mesh = make_cube(size(0)*1.5, size(1)*1.5, params.slab_h); // box sets the base coordinate at 0, 0, move to center of plate and move it up to initial_z mesh.translate(-size(0)*1.5 / 2.0, -size(1)*1.5 / 2.0, params.slab_z); name += "Slab"; break; } default: break; } mesh.repair(); auto new_volume = model_object->add_volume(mesh); new_volume->set_type(is_modifier ? ModelVolume::PARAMETER_MODIFIER : ModelVolume::MODEL_PART); new_volume->name = name; // set a default extruder value, since user can't add it manually new_volume->config.set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(0)); part_names.Add(name); m_parts_changed = true; } void ObjectList::load_lambda(const std::string& type_name) { if (m_selected_object_id < 0) return; auto dlg = new LambdaObjectDialog(GetMainWindow(), type_name); if (dlg->ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL) return; const std::string name = "lambda-" + type_name; TriangleMesh mesh; const auto params = dlg->ObjectParameters(); if (type_name == _("Box")) mesh = make_cube(params.dim[0], params.dim[1], params.dim[2]); else if (type_name == _("Cylinder")) mesh = make_cylinder(params.cyl_r, params.cyl_h); else if (type_name == _("Sphere")) mesh = make_sphere(params.sph_rho); else if (type_name == _("Slab")){ const auto& size = (*m_objects)[m_selected_object_id]->bounding_box().size(); mesh = make_cube(size(0)*1.5, size(1)*1.5, params.slab_h); // box sets the base coordinate at 0, 0, move to center of plate and move it up to initial_z mesh.translate(-size(0)*1.5 / 2.0, -size(1)*1.5 / 2.0, params.slab_z); } mesh.repair(); auto new_volume = (*m_objects)[m_selected_object_id]->add_volume(mesh); new_volume->set_type(ModelVolume::PARAMETER_MODIFIER); new_volume->name = name; // set a default extruder value, since user can't add it manually new_volume->config.set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(0)); m_parts_changed = true; parts_changed(m_selected_object_id); select_item(m_objects_model->AddVolumeChild(GetSelection(), name, m_bmp_modifiermesh)); #ifndef __WXOSX__ //#ifdef __WXMSW__ // #ys_FIXME selection_changed(); #endif //no __WXOSX__ //__WXMSW__ } // Delete subobject void ObjectList::del_subobject_item(wxDataViewItem& item) { if (!item) return; int obj_idx, idx; ItemType type; m_objects_model->GetItemInfo(item, type, obj_idx, idx); if (type == itUndef) return; if (type == itSettings) del_settings_from_config(); else if (type == itInstanceRoot && obj_idx != -1) del_instances_from_object(obj_idx); else if (idx == -1) return; else if (!del_subobject_from_object(obj_idx, idx, type)) return; m_objects_model->Delete(item); } void ObjectList::del_settings_from_config() { auto opt_keys = m_config->keys(); if (opt_keys.size() == 1 && opt_keys[0] == "extruder") return; int extruder = -1; if (m_config->has("extruder")) extruder = m_config->option("extruder")->value; m_config->clear(); if (extruder >= 0) m_config->set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(extruder)); } void ObjectList::del_instances_from_object(const int obj_idx) { auto instances = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->instances; if (instances.size() <= 1) return; while ( instances.size()> 1) instances.pop_back(); (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->invalidate_bounding_box(); // ? #ys_FIXME m_parts_changed = true; parts_changed(obj_idx); } bool ObjectList::del_subobject_from_object(const int obj_idx, const int idx, const int type) { if (type == itVolume) { const auto volume = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes[idx]; // if user is deleting the last solid part, throw error int solid_cnt = 0; for (auto vol : (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes) if (vol->is_model_part()) ++solid_cnt; if (volume->is_model_part() && solid_cnt == 1) { Slic3r::GUI::show_error(nullptr, _(L("You can't delete the last solid part from object."))); return false; } (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->delete_volume(idx); } else if (type == itInstance) { if ((*m_objects)[obj_idx]->instances.size() == 1) { Slic3r::GUI::show_error(nullptr, _(L("You can't delete the last intance from object."))); return false; } (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->delete_instance(idx); } else return false; m_parts_changed = true; parts_changed(obj_idx); return true; } void ObjectList::split(const bool split_part) { const auto item = GetSelection(); if (!item || m_selected_object_id < 0) return; ModelVolume* volume; if (!get_volume_by_item(split_part, item, volume)) return; DynamicPrintConfig& config = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().config; const auto nozzle_dmrs_cnt = config.option("nozzle_diameter")->values.size(); if (volume->split(nozzle_dmrs_cnt) == 1) { wxMessageBox(_(L("The selected object couldn't be split because it contains only one part."))); return; } auto model_object = (*m_objects)[m_selected_object_id]; if (split_part) { auto parent = m_objects_model->GetParent(item); m_objects_model->DeleteChildren(parent); for (auto id = 0; id < model_object->volumes.size(); id++) m_objects_model->AddVolumeChild(parent, model_object->volumes[id]->name, model_object->volumes[id]->is_modifier() ? m_bmp_modifiermesh : m_bmp_solidmesh, model_object->volumes[id]->config.has("extruder") ? model_object->volumes[id]->config.option("extruder")->value : 0, false); Expand(parent); } else { for (auto id = 0; id < model_object->volumes.size(); id++) m_objects_model->AddVolumeChild(item, model_object->volumes[id]->name, m_bmp_solidmesh, model_object->volumes[id]->config.has("extruder") ? model_object->volumes[id]->config.option("extruder")->value : 0, false); Expand(item); } m_parts_changed = true; parts_changed(m_selected_object_id); } bool ObjectList::get_volume_by_item(const bool split_part, const wxDataViewItem& item, ModelVolume*& volume) { if (!item || m_selected_object_id < 0) return false; const auto volume_id = m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item); if (volume_id < 0) { if (split_part) return false; volume = (*m_objects)[m_selected_object_id]->volumes[0]; } else volume = (*m_objects)[m_selected_object_id]->volumes[volume_id]; if (volume) return true; return false; } bool ObjectList::is_splittable_object(const bool split_part) { const wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); if (!item) return false; wxDataViewItemArray children; if (!split_part && m_objects_model->GetChildren(item, children) > 0) return false; ModelVolume* volume; if (!get_volume_by_item(split_part, item, volume) || !volume) return false; TriangleMeshPtrs meshptrs = volume->mesh.split(); bool splittable = meshptrs.size() > 1; for (TriangleMesh* m : meshptrs) { delete m; } return splittable; } void ObjectList::parts_changed(int obj_idx) { wxGetApp().mainframe->m_plater->changed_object_settings(obj_idx); } void ObjectList::part_selection_changed() { auto item = GetSelection(); int obj_idx = -1; ConfigOptionsGroup* og = wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->get_og(); m_config = nullptr; wxString object_name = wxEmptyString; if (item) { const bool is_settings_item = m_objects_model->IsSettingsItem(item); bool is_part = false; wxString og_name = wxEmptyString; if (m_objects_model->GetParent(item) == wxDataViewItem(0)) { obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item); og_name = _(L("Object manipulation")); m_config = &(*m_objects)[obj_idx]->config; } else { auto parent = m_objects_model->GetParent(item); // Take ID of the parent object to "inform" perl-side which object have to be selected on the scene obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(parent); if (is_settings_item) { if (m_objects_model->GetParent(parent) == wxDataViewItem(0)) { og_name = _(L("Object Settings to modify")); m_config = &(*m_objects)[obj_idx]->config; } else { og_name = _(L("Part Settings to modify")); is_part = true; auto main_parent = m_objects_model->GetParent(parent); obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(main_parent); const auto volume_id = m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(parent); m_config = &(*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes[volume_id]->config; } } else if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) == itVolume){ og_name = _(L("Part manipulation")); is_part = true; const auto volume_id = m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item); m_config = &(*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes[volume_id]->config; } } og->set_name(" " + og_name + " "); object_name = m_objects_model->GetName(item); if (m_default_config) delete m_default_config; m_default_config = DynamicPrintConfig::new_from_defaults_keys(get_options(is_part)); } og->set_value("object_name", object_name); wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->update_settings_list(); m_selected_object_id = obj_idx; wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->update_values(); } void ObjectList::update_manipulation_sizer(const bool is_simple_mode) { auto item = GetSelection(); /// #ys_FIXME_to_multi_sel if (!item || !is_simple_mode) return; if (m_objects_model->IsSettingsItem(item)) { select_item(m_objects_model->GetParent(item)); } } void ObjectList::add_object_to_list(size_t obj_idx) { auto model_object = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]; wxString item_name = model_object->name; auto item = m_objects_model->Add(item_name, model_object->instances.size()); #if !ENABLE_EXTENDED_SELECTION /*Select*/select_item(item); #endif // !ENABLE_EXTENDED_SELECTION // Add error icon if detected auto-repaire auto stats = model_object->volumes[0]->mesh.stl.stats; int errors = stats.degenerate_facets + stats.edges_fixed + stats.facets_removed + stats.facets_added + stats.facets_reversed + stats.backwards_edges; if (errors > 0) { wxVariant variant; variant << PrusaDataViewBitmapText(item_name, m_bmp_manifold_warning); m_objects_model->SetValue(variant, item, 0); } if (model_object->volumes.size() > 1) { for (auto id = 0; id < model_object->volumes.size(); id++) m_objects_model->AddVolumeChild(item, model_object->volumes[id]->name, m_bmp_solidmesh, model_object->volumes[id]->config.option("extruder")->value, false); Expand(item); } #ifndef __WXOSX__ selection_changed(); #endif //__WXMSW__ } void ObjectList::delete_object_from_list() { auto item = GetSelection(); if (!item) return; if (m_objects_model->GetParent(item) == wxDataViewItem(0)) select_item(m_objects_model->Delete(item)); else select_item(m_objects_model->Delete(m_objects_model->GetParent(item))); } void ObjectList::delete_object_from_list(const size_t obj_idx) { select_item(m_objects_model->Delete(m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx))); } void ObjectList::delete_volume_from_list(const size_t obj_idx, const size_t vol_idx) { select_item(m_objects_model->Delete(m_objects_model->GetItemByVolumeId(obj_idx, vol_idx))); } void ObjectList::delete_all_objects_from_list() { m_objects_model->DeleteAll(); part_selection_changed(); } void ObjectList::increase_object_instances(const size_t obj_idx, const size_t num) { select_item(m_objects_model->AddInstanceChild(m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx), num)); } void ObjectList::decrease_object_instances(const size_t obj_idx, const size_t num) { select_item(m_objects_model->DeleteLastInstance(m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx), num)); } void ObjectList::set_object_count(int idx, int count) { m_objects_model->SetValue(wxString::Format("%d", count), idx, 1); Refresh(); } void ObjectList::unselect_objects() { if (!GetSelection()) return; m_prevent_list_events = true; UnselectAll(); part_selection_changed(); m_prevent_list_events = false; } void ObjectList::select_current_object(int idx) { m_prevent_list_events = true; UnselectAll(); if (idx >= 0) Select(m_objects_model->GetItemById(idx)); part_selection_changed(); m_prevent_list_events = false; } void ObjectList::select_current_volume(int idx, int vol_idx) { if (vol_idx < 0) { select_current_object(idx); return; } m_prevent_list_events = true; UnselectAll(); if (idx >= 0) Select(m_objects_model->GetItemByVolumeId(idx, vol_idx)); part_selection_changed(); m_prevent_list_events = false; } void ObjectList::remove() { if (GetSelectedItemsCount() == 0) return; wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); for (auto& item : sels) { if (m_objects_model->GetParent(item) == wxDataViewItem(0)) wxGetApp().plater()->remove(m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item)); else del_subobject_item(item); } } void ObjectList::init_objects() { m_objects = wxGetApp().model_objects(); } bool ObjectList::multiple_selection() const { return GetSelectedItemsCount() > 1; } void ObjectList::update_selections() { #if ENABLE_EXTENDED_SELECTION auto& selection = _3DScene::get_canvas(wxGetApp().canvas3D())->get_selection(); wxDataViewItemArray sels; for (auto idx: selection.get_volume_idxs()) { const auto gl_vol = selection.get_volume(idx); sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetItemByVolumeId(gl_vol->object_idx(), gl_vol->volume_idx())); } select_items(sels); #endif // ENABLE_EXTENDED_SELECTION } void ObjectList::update_selections_on_canvas() { #if ENABLE_EXTENDED_SELECTION auto& selection = _3DScene::get_canvas(wxGetApp().canvas3D())->get_selection(); const int sel_cnt = GetSelectedItemsCount(); if (sel_cnt == 0) { selection.clear(); _3DScene::render(wxGetApp().canvas3D()); return; } auto add_to_selection = [this](wxDataViewItem& item, GLCanvas3D::Selection& selection, bool as_single_selection) { if (m_objects_model->GetParent(item) == wxDataViewItem(0)){ selection.add_object(m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item), as_single_selection); return; } if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) == itVolume) { const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(m_objects_model->GetParent(item)); const int vol_idx = m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item); selection.add_volume(obj_idx, vol_idx, as_single_selection); } else if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) == itInstance) { const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(m_objects_model->GetTopParent(item)); const int inst_idx = m_objects_model->GetInstanceIdByItem(item); selection.add_instance(obj_idx, inst_idx, as_single_selection); } }; if (sel_cnt == 1) { wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & (itSettings|itInstanceRoot)) add_to_selection(m_objects_model->GetParent(item), selection, true); else add_to_selection(item, selection, true); _3DScene::render(wxGetApp().canvas3D()); return; } wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); selection.clear(); for (auto item: sels) add_to_selection(item, selection, false); _3DScene::render(wxGetApp().canvas3D()); #endif // ENABLE_EXTENDED_SELECTION } void ObjectList::select_item(const wxDataViewItem& item) { m_prevent_list_events = true; UnselectAll(); Select(item); part_selection_changed(); m_prevent_list_events = false; } void ObjectList::select_items(const wxDataViewItemArray& sels) { m_prevent_list_events = true; UnselectAll(); SetSelections(sels); part_selection_changed(); m_prevent_list_events = false; } void ObjectList::select_all() { SelectAll(); selection_changed(); } void ObjectList::fix_multiselection_conflicts() { if (GetSelectedItemsCount() <= 1) return; m_prevent_list_events = true; wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); for (auto item : sels) { if (m_objects_model->IsSettingsItem(item)) Unselect(item); else if (m_objects_model->GetParent(item) != wxDataViewItem(0)) Unselect(m_objects_model->GetParent(item)); } m_prevent_list_events = false; } } //namespace GUI } //namespace Slic3r