#include "GUI_ObjectManipulation.hpp" #include "GUI_ObjectList.hpp" #include "I18N.hpp" #include "OptionsGroup.hpp" #include "wxExtensions.hpp" #include "PresetBundle.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Model.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Geometry.hpp" #include "Selection.hpp" #include namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { static wxBitmapComboBox* create_word_local_combo(wxWindow *parent) { wxSize size(15 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), -1); wxBitmapComboBox *temp = nullptr; #ifdef __WXOSX__ /* wxBitmapComboBox with wxCB_READONLY style return NULL for GetTextCtrl(), * so ToolTip doesn't shown. * Next workaround helps to solve this problem */ temp = new wxBitmapComboBox(); temp->SetTextCtrlStyle(wxTE_READONLY); temp->Create(parent, wxID_ANY, wxString(""), wxDefaultPosition, size, 0, nullptr); #else temp = new wxBitmapComboBox(parent, wxID_ANY, wxString(""), wxDefaultPosition, size, 0, nullptr, wxCB_READONLY); #endif //__WXOSX__ temp->SetFont(Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().normal_font()); temp->SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_PAINT); temp->Append(_(L("World"))); temp->Append(_(L("Local"))); temp->SetSelection(0); temp->SetValue(temp->GetString(0)); #ifndef __WXGTK__ /* Workaround for a correct rendering of the control without Bitmap (under MSW and OSX): * * 1. We should create small Bitmap to fill Bitmaps RefData, * ! in this case wxBitmap.IsOK() return true. * 2. But then set width to 0 value for no using of bitmap left and right spacing * 3. Set this empty bitmap to the at list one item and BitmapCombobox will be recreated correct * * Note: Set bitmap height to the Font size because of OSX rendering. */ wxBitmap empty_bmp(1, temp->GetFont().GetPixelSize().y + 2); empty_bmp.SetWidth(0); temp->SetItemBitmap(0, empty_bmp); #endif temp->SetToolTip(_(L("Select coordinate space, in which the transformation will be performed."))); return temp; } ObjectManipulation::ObjectManipulation(wxWindow* parent) : OG_Settings(parent, true) #ifndef __APPLE__ , m_focused_option("") #endif // __APPLE__ { m_og->set_name(_(L("Object Manipulation"))); m_og->label_width = 12;//125; m_og->set_grid_vgap(5); m_og->m_on_change = std::bind(&ObjectManipulation::on_change, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2); m_og->m_fill_empty_value = std::bind(&ObjectManipulation::on_fill_empty_value, this, std::placeholders::_1); m_og->m_set_focus = [this](const std::string& opt_key) { #ifndef __APPLE__ m_focused_option = opt_key; #endif // __APPLE__ // needed to show the visual hints in 3D scene wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->handle_sidebar_focus_event(opt_key, true); }; ConfigOptionDef def; // Objects(sub-objects) name def.label = L("Name"); def.gui_type = "legend"; def.tooltip = L("Object name"); def.width = 21; def.default_value = new ConfigOptionString{ " " }; m_og->append_single_option_line(Option(def, "object_name")); const int field_width = 5; // Legend for object modification auto line = Line{ "", "" }; def.label = ""; def.type = coString; def.width = field_width/*50*/; for (const std::string axis : { "x", "y", "z" }) { const std::string label = boost::algorithm::to_upper_copy(axis); def.default_value = new ConfigOptionString{ " " + label }; Option option = Option(def, axis + "_axis_legend"); line.append_option(option); } line.near_label_widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) { wxBitmapComboBox *combo = create_word_local_combo(parent); combo->Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, ([this](wxCommandEvent &evt) { this->set_world_coordinates(evt.GetSelection() != 1); }), combo->GetId()); m_word_local_combo = combo; return combo; }; m_og->append_line(line); auto add_og_to_object_settings = [this, field_width](const std::string& option_name, const std::string& sidetext) { Line line = { _(option_name), "" }; ConfigOptionDef def; def.type = coFloat; def.default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0.0); def.width = field_width/*50*/; // Add "uniform scaling" button in front of "Scale" option if (option_name == "Scale") { line.near_label_widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) { auto btn = new LockButton(parent, wxID_ANY); btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [btn, this](wxCommandEvent &event){ event.Skip(); wxTheApp->CallAfter([btn, this]() { set_uniform_scaling(btn->IsLocked()); }); }); m_lock_bnt = btn; return btn; }; } // Add empty bmp (Its size have to be equal to PrusaLockButton) in front of "Size" option to label alignment else if (option_name == "Size") { line.near_label_widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) { return new wxStaticBitmap(parent, wxID_ANY, wxNullBitmap, wxDefaultPosition, create_scaled_bitmap(m_parent, "one_layer_lock_on.png").GetSize()); }; } const std::string lower_name = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(option_name); for (const char *axis : { "_x", "_y", "_z" }) { if (axis[1] == 'z') def.sidetext = sidetext; Option option = Option(def, lower_name + axis); option.opt.full_width = true; line.append_option(option); } return line; }; // Settings table m_og->append_line(add_og_to_object_settings(L("Position"), L("mm")), &m_move_Label); m_og->append_line(add_og_to_object_settings(L("Rotation"), "°"), &m_rotate_Label); m_og->append_line(add_og_to_object_settings(L("Scale"), "%"), &m_scale_Label); m_og->append_line(add_og_to_object_settings(L("Size"), "mm")); // call back for a rescale of button "Set uniform scale" m_og->rescale_near_label_widget = [this](wxWindow* win) { auto *ctrl = dynamic_cast(win); if (ctrl == nullptr) return; ctrl->msw_rescale(); }; } void ObjectManipulation::Show(const bool show) { if (show != IsShown()) { m_og->Show(show); if (show && wxGetApp().get_mode() != comSimple) { m_og->get_grid_sizer()->Show(size_t(0), false); m_og->get_grid_sizer()->Show(size_t(1), false); } } if (show) { bool show_world_local_combo = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_selection().is_single_full_instance(); m_word_local_combo->Show(show_world_local_combo); } } bool ObjectManipulation::IsShown() { return m_og->get_grid_sizer()->IsShown(2); } void ObjectManipulation::UpdateAndShow(const bool show) { if (show) update_settings_value(wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_selection()); OG_Settings::UpdateAndShow(show); } void ObjectManipulation::update_settings_value(const Selection& selection) { m_new_move_label_string = L("Position"); m_new_rotate_label_string = L("Rotation"); m_new_scale_label_string = L("Scale factors"); ObjectList* obj_list = wxGetApp().obj_list(); if (selection.is_single_full_instance() && ! m_world_coordinates) { // all volumes in the selection belongs to the same instance, any of them contains the needed instance data, so we take the first one const GLVolume* volume = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin()); m_new_position = volume->get_instance_offset(); m_new_rotation = volume->get_instance_rotation() * (180. / M_PI); m_new_scale = volume->get_instance_scaling_factor() * 100.; int obj_idx = volume->object_idx(); int instance_idx = volume->instance_idx(); if ((0 <= obj_idx) && (obj_idx < (int)wxGetApp().model_objects()->size())) { bool changed_box = false; //FIXME matching an object idx may not be enough if (!m_cache.instance.matches_object(obj_idx)) { m_cache.instance.set(obj_idx, instance_idx, (*wxGetApp().model_objects())[obj_idx]->raw_mesh_bounding_box().size()); changed_box = true; } //FIXME matching an instance idx may not be enough. Check for ModelObject id an all ModelVolume ids. if (changed_box || !m_cache.instance.matches_instance(instance_idx) || !m_cache.scale.isApprox(m_new_scale)) m_new_size = volume->get_instance_transformation().get_scaling_factor().cwiseProduct(m_cache.instance.box_size); } else { // this should never happen assert(false); m_new_size = Vec3d::Zero(); } m_new_enabled = true; } else if ((selection.is_single_full_instance() && m_world_coordinates) || (selection.is_single_full_object() && obj_list->is_selected(itObject))) { m_cache.instance.reset(); const BoundingBoxf3& box = selection.get_bounding_box(); m_new_position = box.center(); m_new_rotation = Vec3d::Zero(); m_new_scale = Vec3d(100., 100., 100.); m_new_size = box.size(); m_new_rotate_label_string = L("Rotate"); m_new_scale_label_string = L("Scale"); m_new_enabled = true; if (selection.is_single_full_instance() && m_world_coordinates && ! m_uniform_scale) { // Verify whether the instance rotation is multiples of 90 degrees, so that the scaling in world coordinates is possible. // all volumes in the selection belongs to the same instance, any of them contains the needed instance data, so we take the first one const GLVolume* volume = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin()); // Is the angle close to a multiple of 90 degrees? if (! Geometry::is_rotation_ninety_degrees(volume->get_instance_rotation())) { // Manipulating an instance in the world coordinate system, rotation is not multiples of ninety degrees, therefore enforce uniform scaling. m_uniform_scale = true; m_lock_bnt->SetLock(true); } } } else if (selection.is_single_modifier() || selection.is_single_volume()) { m_cache.instance.reset(); // the selection contains a single volume const GLVolume* volume = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin()); m_new_position = volume->get_volume_offset(); m_new_rotation = volume->get_volume_rotation() * (180. / M_PI); m_new_scale = volume->get_volume_scaling_factor() * 100.; m_new_size = volume->get_volume_transformation().get_scaling_factor().cwiseProduct(volume->bounding_box.size()); m_new_enabled = true; } else if (obj_list->multiple_selection() || obj_list->is_selected(itInstanceRoot)) { reset_settings_value(); m_new_move_label_string = L("Translate"); m_new_rotate_label_string = L("Rotate"); m_new_scale_label_string = L("Scale"); m_new_size = selection.get_bounding_box().size(); m_new_enabled = true; } else { // No selection, reset the cache. // assert(selection.is_empty()); reset_settings_value(); } m_dirty = true; } void ObjectManipulation::update_if_dirty() { if (!m_dirty) return; auto update_label = [](std::string &label_cache, const std::string &new_label, wxStaticText *widget) { std::string new_label_localized = _(new_label) + ":"; if (label_cache != new_label_localized) { label_cache = new_label_localized; widget->SetLabel(new_label_localized); } }; update_label(m_cache.move_label_string, m_new_move_label_string, m_move_Label); update_label(m_cache.rotate_label_string, m_new_rotate_label_string, m_rotate_Label); update_label(m_cache.scale_label_string, m_new_scale_label_string, m_scale_Label); char axis[2] = "x"; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i, ++ axis[0]) { auto update = [this, i, &axis](Vec3d &cached, Vec3d &cached_rounded, const char *key, const Vec3d &new_value) { wxString new_text = double_to_string(new_value(i), 2); double new_rounded; new_text.ToDouble(&new_rounded); if (std::abs(cached_rounded(i) - new_rounded) > EPSILON) { cached_rounded(i) = new_rounded; m_og->set_value(std::string(key) + axis, new_text); } cached(i) = new_value(i); }; update(m_cache.position, m_cache.position_rounded, "position_", m_new_position); update(m_cache.scale, m_cache.scale_rounded, "scale_", m_new_scale); update(m_cache.size, m_cache.size_rounded, "size_", m_new_size); update(m_cache.rotation, m_cache.rotation_rounded, "rotation_", m_new_rotation); } if (wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_selection().requires_uniform_scale()) { m_lock_bnt->SetLock(true); m_lock_bnt->Disable(); } else { m_lock_bnt->SetLock(m_uniform_scale); m_lock_bnt->Enable(); } { int new_selection = m_world_coordinates ? 0 : 1; if (m_word_local_combo->GetSelection() != new_selection) m_word_local_combo->SetSelection(new_selection); } if (m_new_enabled) m_og->enable(); else m_og->disable(); m_dirty = false; } #ifndef __APPLE__ void ObjectManipulation::emulate_kill_focus() { if (m_focused_option.empty()) return; // we need to use a copy because the value of m_focused_option is modified inside on_change() and on_fill_empty_value() std::string option = m_focused_option; // see TextCtrl::propagate_value() if (static_cast(m_og->get_fieldc(option, 0)->getWindow())->GetValue().empty()) on_fill_empty_value(option); else on_change(option, 0); } #endif // __APPLE__ void ObjectManipulation::reset_settings_value() { m_new_position = Vec3d::Zero(); m_new_rotation = Vec3d::Zero(); m_new_scale = Vec3d::Ones(); m_new_size = Vec3d::Zero(); m_new_enabled = false; m_cache.instance.reset(); m_dirty = true; } void ObjectManipulation::change_position_value(int axis, double value) { if (std::abs(m_cache.position_rounded(axis) - value) < EPSILON) return; Vec3d position = m_cache.position; position(axis) = value; auto canvas = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D(); Selection& selection = canvas->get_selection(); selection.start_dragging(); selection.translate(position - m_cache.position, selection.requires_local_axes()); canvas->do_move(); m_cache.position = position; m_cache.position_rounded(axis) = DBL_MAX; this->UpdateAndShow(true); } void ObjectManipulation::change_rotation_value(int axis, double value) { if (std::abs(m_cache.rotation_rounded(axis) - value) < EPSILON) return; Vec3d rotation = m_cache.rotation; rotation(axis) = value; GLCanvas3D* canvas = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D(); Selection& selection = canvas->get_selection(); TransformationType transformation_type(TransformationType::World_Relative_Joint); if (selection.is_single_full_instance() || selection.requires_local_axes()) transformation_type.set_independent(); if (selection.is_single_full_instance() && ! m_world_coordinates) { //FIXME Selection::rotate() does not process absoulte rotations correctly: It does not recognize the axis index, which was changed. // transformation_type.set_absolute(); transformation_type.set_local(); } selection.start_dragging(); selection.rotate( (M_PI / 180.0) * (transformation_type.absolute() ? rotation : rotation - m_cache.rotation), transformation_type); canvas->do_rotate(); m_cache.rotation = rotation; m_cache.rotation_rounded(axis) = DBL_MAX; this->UpdateAndShow(true); } void ObjectManipulation::change_scale_value(int axis, double value) { if (std::abs(m_cache.scale_rounded(axis) - value) < EPSILON) return; Vec3d scale = m_cache.scale; scale(axis) = value; this->do_scale(scale); if (!m_cache.scale.isApprox(scale)) m_cache.instance.instance_idx = -1; m_cache.scale = scale; m_cache.scale_rounded(axis) = DBL_MAX; this->UpdateAndShow(true); } void ObjectManipulation::change_size_value(int axis, double value) { if (std::abs(m_cache.size_rounded(axis) - value) < EPSILON) return; Vec3d size = m_cache.size; size(axis) = value; const Selection& selection = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_selection(); Vec3d ref_size = m_cache.size; if (selection.is_single_volume() || selection.is_single_modifier()) { const GLVolume* volume = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin()); ref_size = volume->bounding_box.size(); } else if (selection.is_single_full_instance() && ! m_world_coordinates) ref_size = m_cache.instance.box_size; this->do_scale(100. * Vec3d(size(0) / ref_size(0), size(1) / ref_size(1), size(2) / ref_size(2))); m_cache.size = size; m_cache.size_rounded(axis) = DBL_MAX; this->UpdateAndShow(true); } void ObjectManipulation::do_scale(const Vec3d &scale) const { Selection& selection = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_selection(); Vec3d scaling_factor = scale; if (m_uniform_scale || selection.requires_uniform_scale()) { int max_diff_axis; (scale - m_cache.scale).cwiseAbs().maxCoeff(&max_diff_axis); scaling_factor = scale(max_diff_axis) * Vec3d::Ones(); } TransformationType transformation_type(TransformationType::World_Relative_Joint); if (selection.is_single_full_instance() && ! m_world_coordinates) transformation_type.set_local(); selection.start_dragging(); selection.scale(scaling_factor * 0.01, transformation_type); wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->do_scale(); } void ObjectManipulation::on_change(t_config_option_key opt_key, const boost::any& value) { // needed to hide the visual hints in 3D scene wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->handle_sidebar_focus_event(opt_key, false); #ifndef __APPLE__ m_focused_option = ""; #endif // __APPLE__ if (!m_cache.is_valid()) return; int axis = opt_key.back() - 'x'; double new_value = boost::any_cast(m_og->get_value(opt_key)); if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "position_")) change_position_value(axis, new_value); else if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "rotation_")) change_rotation_value(axis, new_value); else if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "scale_")) change_scale_value(axis, new_value); else if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "size_")) change_size_value(axis, new_value); } void ObjectManipulation::on_fill_empty_value(const std::string& opt_key) { // needed to hide the visual hints in 3D scene wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->handle_sidebar_focus_event(opt_key, false); #ifndef __APPLE__ m_focused_option = ""; #endif // __APPLE__ if (!m_cache.is_valid()) return; const Vec3d *vec = nullptr; Vec3d *rounded = nullptr; if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "position_")) { vec = &m_cache.position; rounded = &m_cache.position_rounded; } else if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "rotation_")) { vec = &m_cache.rotation; rounded = &m_cache.rotation_rounded; } else if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "scale_")) { vec = &m_cache.scale; rounded = &m_cache.scale_rounded; } else if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "size_")) { vec = &m_cache.size; rounded = &m_cache.size_rounded; } else assert(false); if (vec != nullptr) { int axis = opt_key.back() - 'x'; wxString new_text = double_to_string((*vec)(axis)); m_og->set_value(opt_key, new_text); new_text.ToDouble(&(*rounded)(axis)); } } void ObjectManipulation::set_uniform_scaling(const bool new_value) { const Selection &selection = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_selection(); if (selection.is_single_full_instance() && m_world_coordinates && !new_value) { // Verify whether the instance rotation is multiples of 90 degrees, so that the scaling in world coordinates is possible. // all volumes in the selection belongs to the same instance, any of them contains the needed instance data, so we take the first one const GLVolume* volume = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin()); // Is the angle close to a multiple of 90 degrees? if (! Geometry::is_rotation_ninety_degrees(volume->get_instance_rotation())) { // Cannot apply scaling in the world coordinate system. wxMessageDialog dlg(GUI::wxGetApp().mainframe, _(L("Non-uniform scaling of tilted objects is not supported in the World coordinate system.\n" "Do you want to rotate the mesh?")), SLIC3R_APP_NAME, wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxICON_QUESTION); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) { // Enforce uniform scaling. m_lock_bnt->SetLock(true); return; } // Bake the rotation into the meshes of the object. (*wxGetApp().model_objects())[volume->composite_id.object_id]->bake_xy_rotation_into_meshes(volume->composite_id.instance_id); // Update the 3D scene, selections etc. wxGetApp().plater()->update(); } } m_uniform_scale = new_value; } } //namespace GUI } //namespace Slic3r