#include #include #include // only debug visualization using namespace Slic3r; namespace Private{ void store_trinagulation(const ExPolygons & shape, const std::vector &triangles, const char* file_name = "Triangulation_visualization.svg", double scale = 1e5) { BoundingBox bb; for (const auto &expoly : shape) bb.merge(expoly.contour.points); bb.scale(scale); SVG svg_vis(file_name, bb); svg_vis.draw(shape, "gray", .7f); size_t count = count_points(shape); Points points; points.reserve(count); auto insert_point = [](const Slic3r::Polygon &polygon, Points &points) { for (const Point &p : polygon.points) points.emplace_back(p); }; for (const ExPolygon &expolygon : shape) { insert_point(expolygon.contour, points); for (const Slic3r::Polygon &hole : expolygon.holes) insert_point(hole, points); } for (const auto &t : triangles) { Polygon triangle({points[t[0]], points[t[1]], points[t[2]]}); triangle.scale(scale); svg_vis.draw(triangle, "green"); } // prevent visualization in test CHECK(false); } } // namespace TEST_CASE("Triangulate rectangle with restriction on edge", "[Triangulation]") { // 0 1 2 3 Points points = {Point(1, 1), Point(2, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(1, 2)}; Triangulation::HalfEdges edges1 = {{1, 3}}; std::vector indices1 = Triangulation::triangulate(points, edges1); auto check = [](int i1, int i2, Vec3i t) -> bool { return true; return (t[0] == i1 || t[1] == i1 || t[2] == i1) && (t[0] == i2 || t[1] == i2 || t[2] == i2); }; REQUIRE(indices1.size() == 2); int i1 = edges1.begin()->first, i2 = edges1.begin()->second; CHECK(check(i1, i2, indices1[0])); CHECK(check(i1, i2, indices1[1])); Triangulation::HalfEdges edges2 = {{0, 2}}; std::vector indices2 = Triangulation::triangulate(points, edges2); REQUIRE(indices2.size() == 2); i1 = edges2.begin()->first; i2 = edges2.begin()->second; CHECK(check(i1, i2, indices2[0])); CHECK(check(i1, i2, indices2[1])); } TEST_CASE("Triangulation polygon", "[triangulation]") { Points points = {Point(416, 346), Point(445, 362), Point(463, 389), Point(469, 427), Point(445, 491)}; Polygon polygon(points); Polygons polygons({polygon}); ExPolygon expolygon(points); ExPolygons expolygons({expolygon}); std::vector tp = Triangulation::triangulate(polygon); std::vector tps = Triangulation::triangulate(polygons); std::vector tep = Triangulation::triangulate(expolygon); std::vector teps = Triangulation::triangulate(expolygons); //Private::store_trinagulation(expolygons, teps); CHECK(tp.size() == tps.size()); CHECK(tep.size() == teps.size()); CHECK(tp.size() == tep.size()); CHECK(tp.size() == 3); } TEST_CASE("Triangulation M shape polygon", "[triangulation]") { // 0 1 2 3 4 Polygon shape_M = {Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(2, 2), Point(1, 1), Point(0, 2)}; std::vector triangles = Triangulation::triangulate(shape_M); // Check outer triangle is not contain std::set outer_triangle = {2, 3, 4}; bool is_in = false; for (const Vec3i &t : triangles) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int index = t[i]; if (outer_triangle.find(index) == outer_triangle.end()) { is_in = false; break; } else { is_in = true; } } if (is_in) break; } //Private::store_trinagulation({ExPolygon(shape_M)}, triangles); CHECK(triangles.size() == 3); CHECK(!is_in); } // same point in triangulation are not Supported //TEST_CASE("Triangulation 2 polygons with same point", "[triangulation][not supported]") //{ // Slic3r::Polygon polygon1 = { // Point(416, 346), Point(445, 362), // Point(463, 389), Point(469, 427) /* This point */, // Point(445, 491) // }; // Slic3r::Polygon polygon2 = { // Point(495, 488), Point(469, 427) /* This point */, // Point(495, 364) // }; // ExPolygons shape2d = {ExPolygon(polygon1), ExPolygon(polygon2)}; // std::vector shape_triangles = Triangulation::triangulate(shape2d); // store_trinagulation(shape2d, shape_triangles); //}