Fix compilation on Windows Fix array subscript out of range error in MarchingSquares Fix normals of mesh constructed from slices Improve performance of mesh construction from slices
424 lines
18 KiB
424 lines
18 KiB
#ifndef slic3r_GUI_ObjectList_hpp_
#define slic3r_GUI_ObjectList_hpp_
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <wx/bitmap.h>
#include <wx/dataview.h>
#include <wx/menu.h>
#include "Event.hpp"
#include "wxExtensions.hpp"
#include "ObjectDataViewModel.hpp"
class wxBoxSizer;
class wxBitmapComboBox;
class wxMenuItem;
class ObjectDataViewModel;
class MenuWithSeparators;
namespace Slic3r {
class ConfigOptionsGroup;
class DynamicPrintConfig;
class ModelObject;
class ModelVolume;
class TriangleMesh;
enum class ModelVolumeType : int;
// FIXME: broken build on mac os because of this is missing:
typedef std::vector<std::string> t_config_option_keys;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> SettingsBundle;
// category -> vector ( option ; label )
typedef std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> > > settings_menu_hierarchy;
typedef std::vector<ModelVolume*> ModelVolumePtrs;
typedef double coordf_t;
typedef std::pair<coordf_t, coordf_t> t_layer_height_range;
typedef std::map<t_layer_height_range, DynamicPrintConfig> t_layer_config_ranges;
namespace GUI {
struct ItemForDelete
ItemType type;
int obj_idx;
int sub_obj_idx;
ItemForDelete(ItemType type, int obj_idx, int sub_obj_idx)
: type(type), obj_idx(obj_idx), sub_obj_idx(sub_obj_idx)
bool operator==(const ItemForDelete& r) const
return (type == r.type && obj_idx == r.obj_idx && sub_obj_idx == r.sub_obj_idx);
bool operator<(const ItemForDelete& r) const
if (obj_idx != r.obj_idx)
return (obj_idx < r.obj_idx);
return (sub_obj_idx < r.sub_obj_idx);
class ObjectList : public wxDataViewCtrl
smUndef = 0,
smVolume = 1,
smInstance = 2,
smLayer = 4,
smSettings = 8, // used for undo/redo
smLayerRoot = 16, // used for undo/redo
SELECTION_MODE m_selection_mode {smUndef};
int m_selected_layers_range_idx;
struct dragged_item_data
void init(const int obj_idx, const int subobj_idx, const ItemType type) {
m_obj_idx = obj_idx;
m_type = type;
if (m_type&itVolume)
m_vol_idx = subobj_idx;
void init(const int obj_idx, const ItemType type) {
m_obj_idx = obj_idx;
m_type = type;
void clear() {
m_obj_idx = -1;
m_vol_idx = -1;
m_type = itUndef;
int obj_idx() const { return m_obj_idx; }
int sub_obj_idx() const { return m_vol_idx; }
ItemType type() const { return m_type; }
std::set<int>& inst_idxs() { return m_inst_idxs; }
int m_obj_idx = -1;
int m_vol_idx = -1;
std::set<int> m_inst_idxs{};
ItemType m_type = itUndef;
} m_dragged_data;
wxBoxSizer *m_sizer {nullptr};
wxWindow *m_parent {nullptr};
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_modifiermesh;
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_solidmesh;
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_support_enforcer;
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_support_blocker;
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_manifold_warning;
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_cog;
MenuWithSeparators m_menu_object;
MenuWithSeparators m_menu_part;
MenuWithSeparators m_menu_sla_object;
MenuWithSeparators m_menu_instance;
MenuWithSeparators m_menu_layer;
MenuWithSeparators m_menu_default;
wxMenuItem* m_menu_item_settings { nullptr };
wxMenuItem* m_menu_item_split_instances { nullptr };
ObjectDataViewModel *m_objects_model{ nullptr };
DynamicPrintConfig *m_config {nullptr};
std::vector<ModelObject*> *m_objects{ nullptr };
wxBitmapComboBox *m_extruder_editor { nullptr };
std::vector<wxBitmap*> m_bmp_vector;
t_layer_config_ranges m_layer_config_ranges_cache;
int m_selected_object_id = -1;
bool m_prevent_list_events = false; // We use this flag to avoid circular event handling Select()
// happens to fire a wxEVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED on OSX, whose event handler
// calls this method again and again and again
bool m_prevent_update_extruder_in_config = false; // We use this flag to avoid updating of the extruder value in config
// during updating of the extruder count.
bool m_prevent_canvas_selection_update = false; // This flag prevents changing selection on the canvas. See function
// update_settings_items - updating canvas selection is undesirable,
// because it would turn off the gizmos (mainly a problem for the SLA gizmo)
int m_selected_row = 0;
wxDataViewItem m_last_selected_item {nullptr};
#ifdef __WXMSW__
// Workaround for entering the column editing mode on Windows. Simulate keyboard enter when another column of the active line is selected.
int m_last_selected_column = -1;
#endif /* __MSW__ */
#if 0
SettingsBundle m_freq_settings_fff;
SettingsBundle m_freq_settings_sla;
inline void ensure_current_item_visible()
if (const auto &item = this->GetCurrentItem())
ObjectList(wxWindow* parent);
std::map<std::string, wxBitmap> CATEGORY_ICON;
ObjectDataViewModel* GetModel() const { return m_objects_model; }
DynamicPrintConfig* config() const { return m_config; }
std::vector<ModelObject*>* objects() const { return m_objects; }
ModelObject* object(const int obj_idx) const ;
void create_objects_ctrl();
void create_popup_menus();
void update_objects_list_extruder_column(size_t extruders_count);
void update_extruder_colors();
// show/hide "Extruder" column for Objects List
void set_extruder_column_hidden(const bool hide) const;
// update extruder in current config
void update_extruder_in_config(const wxDataViewItem& item);
// update changed name in the object model
void update_name_in_model(const wxDataViewItem& item) const;
void update_extruder_values_for_items(const size_t max_extruder);
void init_icons();
void msw_rescale_icons();
// Get obj_idx and vol_idx values for the selected (by default) or an adjusted item
void get_selected_item_indexes(int& obj_idx, int& vol_idx, const wxDataViewItem& item = wxDataViewItem(0));
// Get count of errors in the mesh
int get_mesh_errors_count(const int obj_idx, const int vol_idx = -1) const;
/* Get list of errors in the mesh. Return value is a string, used for the tooltip
* Function without parameters is for a call from Manipulation panel,
* when we don't know parameters of selected item
wxString get_mesh_errors_list(const int obj_idx, const int vol_idx = -1) const;
wxString get_mesh_errors_list();
void set_tooltip_for_item(const wxPoint& pt);
void selection_changed();
void show_context_menu(const bool evt_context_menu);
void extruder_editing();
#ifndef __WXOSX__
void key_event(wxKeyEvent& event);
#endif /* __WXOSX__ */
void copy();
void paste();
void undo();
void redo();
void get_settings_choice(const wxString& category_name);
void get_freq_settings_choice(const wxString& bundle_name);
void show_settings(const wxDataViewItem settings_item);
bool is_instance_or_object_selected();
wxMenu* append_submenu_add_generic(wxMenu* menu, const ModelVolumeType type);
void append_menu_items_add_volume(wxMenu* menu);
wxMenuItem* append_menu_item_split(wxMenu* menu);
wxMenuItem* append_menu_item_layers_editing(wxMenu* menu, wxWindow* parent);
wxMenuItem* append_menu_item_settings(wxMenu* menu);
wxMenuItem* append_menu_item_change_type(wxMenu* menu, wxWindow* parent = nullptr);
wxMenuItem* append_menu_item_instance_to_object(wxMenu* menu, wxWindow* parent);
wxMenuItem* append_menu_item_printable(wxMenu* menu, wxWindow* parent);
void append_menu_items_osx(wxMenu* menu);
wxMenuItem* append_menu_item_fix_through_netfabb(wxMenu* menu);
void append_menu_item_export_stl(wxMenu* menu) const;
void append_menu_item_reload_from_disk(wxMenu* menu) const;
void append_menu_item_change_extruder(wxMenu* menu);
void append_menu_item_delete(wxMenu* menu);
void append_menu_item_scale_selection_to_fit_print_volume(wxMenu* menu);
void create_object_popupmenu(wxMenu *menu);
void create_sla_object_popupmenu(wxMenu*menu);
void create_part_popupmenu(wxMenu*menu);
void create_instance_popupmenu(wxMenu*menu);
void create_default_popupmenu(wxMenu *menu);
wxMenu* create_settings_popupmenu(wxMenu *parent_menu);
void create_freq_settings_popupmenu(wxMenu *parent_menu, const bool is_object_settings = true);
void update_opt_keys(t_config_option_keys& t_optopt_keys, const bool is_object);
void load_subobject(ModelVolumeType type);
void load_part(ModelObject* model_object, std::vector<std::pair<wxString, bool>> &volumes_info, ModelVolumeType type);
void load_generic_subobject(const std::string& type_name, const ModelVolumeType type);
void load_shape_object(const std::string &type_name);
void load_mesh_object(const TriangleMesh &mesh, const wxString &name);
void del_object(const int obj_idx);
void del_subobject_item(wxDataViewItem& item);
void del_settings_from_config(const wxDataViewItem& parent_item);
void del_instances_from_object(const int obj_idx);
void del_layer_from_object(const int obj_idx, const t_layer_height_range& layer_range);
void del_layers_from_object(const int obj_idx);
bool del_subobject_from_object(const int obj_idx, const int idx, const int type);
void split();
void layers_editing();
wxDataViewItem add_layer_root_item(const wxDataViewItem obj_item);
wxDataViewItem add_settings_item(wxDataViewItem parent_item, const DynamicPrintConfig* config);
DynamicPrintConfig get_default_layer_config(const int obj_idx);
bool get_volume_by_item(const wxDataViewItem& item, ModelVolume*& volume);
bool is_splittable();
bool selected_instances_of_same_object();
bool can_split_instances();
wxPoint get_mouse_position_in_control() const { return wxGetMousePosition() - this->GetScreenPosition(); }
wxBoxSizer* get_sizer() {return m_sizer;}
int get_selected_obj_idx() const;
DynamicPrintConfig& get_item_config(const wxDataViewItem& item) const;
SettingsBundle get_item_settings_bundle(const DynamicPrintConfig* config, const bool is_object_settings);
void changed_object(const int obj_idx = -1) const;
void part_selection_changed();
// Add object to the list
void add_object_to_list(size_t obj_idx, bool call_selection_changed = true);
// Delete object from the list
void delete_object_from_list();
void delete_object_from_list(const size_t obj_idx);
void delete_volume_from_list(const size_t obj_idx, const size_t vol_idx);
void delete_instance_from_list(const size_t obj_idx, const size_t inst_idx);
void delete_from_model_and_list(const ItemType type, const int obj_idx, const int sub_obj_idx);
void delete_from_model_and_list(const std::vector<ItemForDelete>& items_for_delete);
// Delete all objects from the list
void delete_all_objects_from_list();
// Increase instances count
void increase_object_instances(const size_t obj_idx, const size_t num);
// Decrease instances count
void decrease_object_instances(const size_t obj_idx, const size_t num);
// #ys_FIXME_to_delete
// Unselect all objects in the list on c++ side
void unselect_objects();
// Select current object in the list on c++ side
void select_current_object(int idx);
// Select current volume in the list on c++ side
void select_current_volume(int idx, int vol_idx);
// Remove objects/sub-object from the list
void remove();
void del_layer_range(const t_layer_height_range& range);
// Add a new layer height after the current range if possible.
// The current range is shortened and the new range is entered after the shortened current range if it fits.
// If no range fits after the current range, then no range is inserted.
// The layer range panel is updated even if this function does not change the layer ranges, as the panel update
// may have been postponed from the "kill focus" event of a text field, if the focus was lost for the "add layer" button.
// Rather providing the range by a value than by a reference, so that the memory referenced cannot be invalidated.
void add_layer_range_after_current(const t_layer_height_range current_range);
wxString can_add_new_range_after_current( t_layer_height_range current_range);
void add_layer_item (const t_layer_height_range& range,
const wxDataViewItem layers_item,
const int layer_idx = -1);
bool edit_layer_range(const t_layer_height_range& range, coordf_t layer_height);
// This function may be called when a text field loses focus for a "add layer" or "remove layer" button.
// In that case we don't want to destroy the panel with that "add layer" or "remove layer" buttons, as some messages
// are already planned for them and destroying these widgets leads to crashes at least on OSX.
// In that case the "add layer" or "remove layer" button handlers are responsible for always rebuilding the panel
// even if the "add layer" or "remove layer" buttons did not update the layer spans or layer heights.
bool edit_layer_range(const t_layer_height_range& range,
const t_layer_height_range& new_range,
// Don't destroy the panel with the "add layer" or "remove layer" buttons.
bool suppress_ui_update = false);
void init_objects();
bool multiple_selection() const ;
bool is_selected(const ItemType type) const;
int get_selected_layers_range_idx() const;
void set_selected_layers_range_idx(const int range_idx) { m_selected_layers_range_idx = range_idx; }
void set_selection_mode(SELECTION_MODE mode) { m_selection_mode = mode; }
void update_selections();
void update_selections_on_canvas();
void select_item(const wxDataViewItem& item);
void select_items(const wxDataViewItemArray& sels);
void select_all();
void select_item_all_children();
void update_selection_mode();
bool check_last_selection(wxString& msg_str);
// correct current selections to avoid of the possible conflicts
void fix_multiselection_conflicts();
ModelVolume* get_selected_model_volume();
void change_part_type();
void last_volume_is_deleted(const int obj_idx);
void update_settings_items();
void update_and_show_object_settings_item();
void update_settings_item_and_selection(wxDataViewItem item, wxDataViewItemArray& selections);
void update_object_list_by_printer_technology();
void update_object_menu();
void instances_to_separated_object(const int obj_idx, const std::set<int>& inst_idx);
void instances_to_separated_objects(const int obj_idx);
void split_instances();
void rename_item();
void fix_through_netfabb();
void update_item_error_icon(const int obj_idx, int vol_idx) const ;
void fill_layer_config_ranges_cache();
void paste_layers_into_list();
void paste_volumes_into_list(int obj_idx, const ModelVolumePtrs& volumes);
void paste_objects_into_list(const std::vector<size_t>& object_idxs);
void msw_rescale();
void update_after_undo_redo();
//update printable state for item from objects model
void update_printable_state(int obj_idx, int instance_idx);
void toggle_printable_state(wxDataViewItem item);
void show_multi_selection_menu();
#ifdef __WXOSX__
// void OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event);
#endif /* __WXOSX__ */
void OnContextMenu(wxDataViewEvent &event);
void list_manipulation(const wxPoint& mouse_pos, bool evt_context_menu = false);
void OnBeginDrag(wxDataViewEvent &event);
void OnDropPossible(wxDataViewEvent &event);
void OnDrop(wxDataViewEvent &event);
bool can_drop(const wxDataViewItem& item) const ;
void ItemValueChanged(wxDataViewEvent &event);
#ifdef __WXMSW__
// Workaround for entering the column editing mode on Windows. Simulate keyboard enter when another column of the active line is selected.
void OnEditingStarted(wxDataViewEvent &event);
#endif /* __WXMSW__ */
void OnEditingDone(wxDataViewEvent &event);
void extruder_selection();
void set_extruder_for_selected_items(const int extruder) const ;
std::vector<std::string> get_options(const bool is_part);
const std::vector<std::string>& get_options_for_bundle(const wxString& bundle_name);
void get_options_menu(settings_menu_hierarchy& settings_menu, const bool is_part);
#endif //slic3r_GUI_ObjectList_hpp_