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Q: Oh cool, a new RepRap slicer?
A: Yes.
What's it?
Slic3r is an STL-to-GCODE translator for RepRap 3D printers, aiming to be a modern and fast alternative to Skeinforge.
See the project homepage at for more information.
What language is it written in?
Proudly Perl, with some parts in C++. If you're wondering why Perl, see
What's its current status?
Slic3r current key features are:
- multi-platform (Linux/Mac/Win) and packaged as standalone-app with no dependencies required;
- easy configuration/calibration;
- read binary and ASCII STL files;
- powerful command line interface;
- easy GUI
- multiple infill patterns, with customizable density and angle;
- retraction;
- skirt;
- infill every N layers (like the "Skin" plugin for Skeinforge);
- detect optimal infill direction for bridges;
- save configuration profiles;
- center print around bed center point;
- multiple solid layers near horizontal external surfaces;
- ability to scale, rotate and duplicate input object;
- customizable initial and final GCODE;
- use different speed for bottom layer and perimeters.
Experimental features include:
- generation of G2/G3 commands for native arcs;
- G0 commands for fast retraction.
Roadmap includes the following goals:
- output some statistics;
- support material for internal perimeters;
- new and better GUI;
- cool;
- other fill patterns.
Is it usable already? Any known limitation?
Sure, it's very usable. Remember that:
- it doesn't currently support single-walled parts (such as thin calibration objects);
- it doesn't generate support material;
- it only works well with manifold models (check them with Meshlab or Netfabb or
How to install?
It's very easy. See the project homepage for instructions and links to the precompiled packages.
Can I help?
Sure! Send patches and/or drop me a line at You can also find me in #reprap on FreeNode with the nickname Sound.
What's Slic3r license?
Slic3r is dual-licensed under the Perl Artistic License and the AGPLv3. The author is Alessandro Ranellucci (me).
How can I invoke using the command line?
Usage: [ OPTIONS ] file.stl
--help Output this usage screen and exit
--save <file> Save configuration to the specified file
--load <file> Load configuration from the specified file
-o <filename> File name to output gcode to (default: --output)
Output options:
--output Output file name format (default: [input_filename_base].gcode)
Printer options:
--nozzle-diameter Diameter of nozzle in mm (default: 0.5)
--print-center Coordinates of the point to center the print around
(default: 100,100)
Use relative distances for extrusion in GCODE output
--extrusion-axis The axis used for extrusion; leave empty to disable extrusion
(default: E)
--z-offset Additional height in mm to add to vertical coordinates
(+/-, default: 0)
--gcode-arcs Use G2/G3 commands for native arcs (experimental, not supported
by all firmwares)
--g0 Use G0 commands for retraction (experimental, not supported by all
--gcode-comments Make GCODE verbose by adding comments (default: no)
Filament options:
--filament-diameter Diameter in mm of your raw filament (default: 3)
Change this to alter the amount of plastic extruded. There should be
very little need to change this value, which is only useful to
compensate for filament packing (default: 1)
--temperature Extrusion temperature, set 0 to disable (default: 200)
Speed options:
--travel-speed Speed of non-print moves in mm/sec (default: 130)
--perimeter-speed Speed of print moves for perimeters in mm/sec (default: 30)
Speed of print moves for small perimeters in mm/sec (default: 30)
--infill-speed Speed of print moves in mm/sec (default: 60)
--solid-infill-speed Speed of print moves for solid surfaces in mm/sec (default: 60)
--bridge-speed Speed of bridge print moves in mm/sec (default: 60)
Factor to increase/decrease speeds on bottom
layer by (default: 0.3)
Accuracy options:
--layer-height Layer height in mm (default: 0.4)
Multiplication factor for the height to slice and print the first
layer with (> 0, default: 1)
Infill every N layers (default: 1)
Print options:
--perimeters Number of perimeters/horizontal skins (range: 1+,
default: 3)
--solid-layers Number of solid layers to do for top/bottom surfaces
(range: 1+, default: 3)
--fill-density Infill density (range: 0-1, default: 0.4)
--fill-angle Infill angle in degrees (range: 0-90, default: 45)
--fill-pattern Pattern to use to fill non-solid layers (default: rectilinear)
--solid-fill-pattern Pattern to use to fill solid layers (default: rectilinear)
--start-gcode Load initial gcode from the supplied file. This will overwrite
the default command (home all axes [G28]).
--end-gcode Load final gcode from the supplied file. This will overwrite
the default commands (turn off temperature [M104 S0],
home X axis [G28 X], disable motors [M84]).
Retraction options:
--retract-length Length of retraction in mm when pausing extrusion
(default: 1)
--retract-speed Speed for retraction in mm/sec (default: 30)
Additional amount of filament in mm to push after
compensating retraction (default: 0)
Only retract before travel moves of this length (default: 2)
--retract-lift Lift Z by the given distance in mm when retracting (default: 0)
Skirt options:
--skirts Number of skirts to draw (default: 1)
--skirt-distance Distance in mm between innermost skirt and object
(default: 6)
--skirt-height Height of skirts to draw (expressed in layers, default: 1)
Transform options:
--scale Factor for scaling input object (default: 1)
--rotate Rotation angle in degrees (0-360, default: 0)
--duplicate-x Number of items along X axis (1+, default: 1)
--duplicate-y Number of items along Y axis (1+, default: 1)
--duplicate-distance Distance in mm between copies (default: 6)
Flow options (advanced):
Calculate the extrusion width as the layer height multiplied by
this value (> 0, default: calculated automatically)
--bridge-flow-ratio Multiplier for extrusion when bridging (> 0, default: 1)
If you want to change a preset file, just do --load config.ini --layer-height 0.25 --save config.ini
If you want to slice a file overriding an option contained in your preset file: --load config.ini --layer-height 0.25 file.stl
How can I integrate Slic3r with Pronterface?
Put this into slicecommand: $s --load config.ini --output $o
And this into sliceoptscommand: --load config.ini --ignore-nonexistent-config
with the full path to the slic3r executable and config.ini
with the full path of your config file (put it in your home directory or where
you like).
On Mac, the executable has a path like this: