Lukas Matena 07282eb24d Fixed unit tests when run with range checks on std::vector
There was a bug in unit tests that led to generating the wipe tower with non-normalized preset.
This caused out-of-bounds access into max_layer_height vector in fill_wipe_tower_partitions.
The problem surfaced in
I quickly patched additional normalization of the preset to prevent this from happening.

Also, an assert in the same function turned out to trip on one of the tests.
This one was commented out for now and will (hopefully) be looked into later.

Function Print::apply_config was renamed to apply_config_perl_tests_only so everyone
sees its current purpose and does not mistake it for the more important Print::apply.
2019-05-22 16:48:20 +02:00

435 lines
20 KiB

#ifndef slic3r_PrintBase_hpp_
#define slic3r_PrintBase_hpp_
#include "libslic3r.h"
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
// tbb/mutex.h includes Windows, which in turn defines min/max macros. Convince Windows.h to not define these min/max macros.
#ifndef NOMINMAX
#define NOMINMAX
#include "tbb/mutex.h"
#include "Model.hpp"
#include "PlaceholderParser.hpp"
#include "PrintConfig.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
class CanceledException : public std::exception {
const char* what() const throw() { return "Background processing has been canceled"; }
class PrintStateBase {
enum State {
typedef size_t TimeStamp;
// A new unique timestamp is being assigned to the step every time the step changes its state.
struct StateWithTimeStamp
StateWithTimeStamp() : state(INVALID), timestamp(0) {}
State state;
TimeStamp timestamp;
//FIXME last timestamp is shared between Print & SLAPrint,
// and if multiple Print or SLAPrint instances are executed in parallel, modification of g_last_timestamp
// is not synchronized!
static size_t g_last_timestamp;
// To be instantiated over PrintStep or PrintObjectStep enums.
template <class StepType, size_t COUNT>
class PrintState : public PrintStateBase
PrintState() {}
StateWithTimeStamp state_with_timestamp(StepType step, tbb::mutex &mtx) const {
tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mtx);
StateWithTimeStamp state = m_state[step];
return state;
bool is_started(StepType step, tbb::mutex &mtx) const {
return this->state_with_timestamp(step, mtx).state == STARTED;
bool is_done(StepType step, tbb::mutex &mtx) const {
return this->state_with_timestamp(step, mtx).state == DONE;
StateWithTimeStamp state_with_timestamp_unguarded(StepType step) const {
return m_state[step];
bool is_started_unguarded(StepType step) const {
return this->state_with_timestamp_unguarded(step).state == STARTED;
bool is_done_unguarded(StepType step) const {
return this->state_with_timestamp_unguarded(step).state == DONE;
// Set the step as started. Block on mutex while the Print / PrintObject / PrintRegion objects are being
// modified by the UI thread.
// This is necessary to block until the Print::apply() updates its state, which may
// influence the processing step being entered.
template<typename ThrowIfCanceled>
bool set_started(StepType step, tbb::mutex &mtx, ThrowIfCanceled throw_if_canceled) {
tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mtx);
// If canceled, throw before changing the step state.
if (m_state[step].state == DONE)
return false;
m_state[step].state = STARTED;
m_state[step].timestamp = ++ g_last_timestamp;
return true;
// Set the step as done. Block on mutex while the Print / PrintObject / PrintRegion objects are being
// modified by the UI thread.
template<typename ThrowIfCanceled>
TimeStamp set_done(StepType step, tbb::mutex &mtx, ThrowIfCanceled throw_if_canceled) {
tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mtx);
// If canceled, throw before changing the step state.
assert(m_state[step].state != DONE);
m_state[step].state = DONE;
m_state[step].timestamp = ++ g_last_timestamp;
return m_state[step].timestamp;
// Make the step invalid.
// PrintBase::m_state_mutex should be locked at this point, guarding access to m_state.
// In case the step has already been entered or finished, cancel the background
// processing by calling the cancel callback.
template<typename CancelationCallback>
bool invalidate(StepType step, CancelationCallback cancel) {
bool invalidated = m_state[step].state != INVALID;
if (invalidated) {
#if 0
if (mtx.state != mtx.HELD) {
printf("Not held!\n");
m_state[step].state = INVALID;
m_state[step].timestamp = ++ g_last_timestamp;
// Raise the mutex, so that the following cancel() callback could cancel
// the background processing.
// Internally the cancel() callback shall unlock the PrintBase::m_status_mutex to let
// the working thread to proceed.
return invalidated;
template<typename CancelationCallback, typename StepTypeIterator>
bool invalidate_multiple(StepTypeIterator step_begin, StepTypeIterator step_end, CancelationCallback cancel) {
bool invalidated = false;
for (StepTypeIterator it = step_begin; it != step_end; ++ it) {
StateWithTimeStamp &state = m_state[*it];
if (state.state != INVALID) {
invalidated = true;
state.state = INVALID;
state.timestamp = ++ g_last_timestamp;
if (invalidated) {
#if 0
if (mtx.state != mtx.HELD) {
printf("Not held!\n");
// Raise the mutex, so that the following cancel() callback could cancel
// the background processing.
// Internally the cancel() callback shall unlock the PrintBase::m_status_mutex to let
// the working thread to proceed.
return invalidated;
// Make all steps invalid.
// PrintBase::m_state_mutex should be locked at this point, guarding access to m_state.
// In case any step has already been entered or finished, cancel the background
// processing by calling the cancel callback.
template<typename CancelationCallback>
bool invalidate_all(CancelationCallback cancel) {
bool invalidated = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < COUNT; ++ i) {
StateWithTimeStamp &state = m_state[i];
if (state.state != INVALID) {
invalidated = true;
state.state = INVALID;
state.timestamp = ++ g_last_timestamp;
if (invalidated)
return invalidated;
StateWithTimeStamp m_state[COUNT];
class PrintBase;
class PrintObjectBase
const ModelObject* model_object() const { return m_model_object; }
ModelObject* model_object() { return m_model_object; }
PrintObjectBase(ModelObject *model_object) : m_model_object(model_object) {}
virtual ~PrintObjectBase() {}
// Declared here to allow access from PrintBase through friendship.
static tbb::mutex& state_mutex(PrintBase *print);
static std::function<void()> cancel_callback(PrintBase *print);
ModelObject *m_model_object;
* @brief Printing involves slicing and export of device dependent instructions.
* Every technology has a potentially different set of requirements for
* slicing, support structures and output print instructions. The pipeline
* however remains roughly the same:
* slice -> convert to instructions -> send to printer
* The PrintBase class will abstract this flow for different technologies.
class PrintBase
PrintBase() { this->restart(); }
inline virtual ~PrintBase() {}
virtual PrinterTechnology technology() const noexcept = 0;
// Reset the print status including the copy of the Model / ModelObject hierarchy.
virtual void clear() = 0;
// The Print is empty either after clear() or after apply() over an empty model,
// or after apply() over a model, where no object is printable (all outside the print volume).
virtual bool empty() const = 0;
// Validate the print, return empty string if valid, return error if process() cannot (or should not) be started.
virtual std::string validate() const { return std::string(); }
enum ApplyStatus {
// No change after the Print::apply() call.
// Some of the Print / PrintObject / PrintObjectInstance data was changed,
// but no result was invalidated (only data influencing not yet calculated results were changed).
// Some data was changed, which in turn invalidated already calculated steps.
virtual ApplyStatus apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &config) = 0;
const Model& model() const { return m_model; }
struct TaskParams {
TaskParams() : single_model_object(0), single_model_instance_only(false), to_object_step(-1), to_print_step(-1) {}
// If non-empty, limit the processing to this ModelObject.
ModelID single_model_object;
// If set, only process single_model_object. Otherwise process everything, but single_model_object first.
bool single_model_instance_only;
// If non-negative, stop processing at the successive object step.
int to_object_step;
// If non-negative, stop processing at the successive print step.
int to_print_step;
// After calling the apply() function, call set_task() to limit the task to be processed by process().
virtual void set_task(const TaskParams &params) {}
// Perform the calculation. This is the only method that is to be called at a worker thread.
virtual void process() = 0;
// Clean up after process() finished, either with success, error or if canceled.
// The adjustments on the Print / PrintObject data due to set_task() are to be reverted here.
virtual void finalize() {}
struct SlicingStatus {
SlicingStatus(int percent, const std::string &text, unsigned int flags = 0) : percent(percent), text(text), flags(flags) {}
int percent;
std::string text;
// Bitmap of flags.
enum FlagBits {
RELOAD_SCENE = 1 << 1,
// Bitmap of FlagBits
unsigned int flags;
typedef std::function<void(const SlicingStatus&)> status_callback_type;
// Default status console print out in the form of percent => message.
void set_status_default() { m_status_callback = nullptr; }
// No status output or callback whatsoever, useful mostly for automatic tests.
void set_status_silent() { m_status_callback = [](const SlicingStatus&){}; }
// Register a custom status callback.
void set_status_callback(status_callback_type cb) { m_status_callback = cb; }
// Calls a registered callback to update the status, or print out the default message.
void set_status(int percent, const std::string &message, unsigned int flags = SlicingStatus::DEFAULT) {
if (m_status_callback) m_status_callback(SlicingStatus(percent, message, flags));
else printf("%d => %s\n", percent, message.c_str());
typedef std::function<void()> cancel_callback_type;
// Various methods will call this callback to stop the background processing (the Print::process() call)
// in case a successive change of the Print / PrintObject / PrintRegion instances changed
// the state of the finished or running calculations.
void set_cancel_callback(cancel_callback_type cancel_callback) { m_cancel_callback = cancel_callback; }
// Has the calculation been canceled?
enum CancelStatus {
// No cancelation, background processing should run.
// Canceled by user from the user interface (user pressed the "Cancel" button or user closed the application).
// Canceled internally from Print::apply() through the Print/PrintObject::invalidate_step() or ::invalidate_all_steps().
CancelStatus cancel_status() const { return m_cancel_status; }
// Has the calculation been canceled?
bool canceled() const { return m_cancel_status != NOT_CANCELED; }
// Cancel the running computation. Stop execution of all the background threads.
void cancel() { m_cancel_status = CANCELED_BY_USER; }
void cancel_internal() { m_cancel_status = CANCELED_INTERNAL; }
// Cancel the running computation. Stop execution of all the background threads.
void restart() { m_cancel_status = NOT_CANCELED; }
// Returns true if the last step was finished with success.
virtual bool finished() const = 0;
const PlaceholderParser& placeholder_parser() const { return m_placeholder_parser; }
PlaceholderParser& placeholder_parser() { return m_placeholder_parser; }
virtual std::string output_filename(const std::string &filename_base = std::string()) const = 0;
// If the filename_base is set, it is used as the input for the template processing. In that case the path is expected to be the directory (may be empty).
// If filename_set is empty, than the path may be a file or directory. If it is a file, then the macro will not be processed.
std::string output_filepath(const std::string &path, const std::string &filename_base = std::string()) const;
friend class PrintObjectBase;
friend class BackgroundSlicingProcess;
tbb::mutex& state_mutex() const { return m_state_mutex; }
std::function<void()> cancel_callback() { return m_cancel_callback; }
void call_cancel_callback() { m_cancel_callback(); }
// If the background processing stop was requested, throw CanceledException.
// To be called by the worker thread and its sub-threads (mostly launched on the TBB thread pool) regularly.
void throw_if_canceled() const { if (m_cancel_status) throw CanceledException(); }
// To be called by this->output_filename() with the format string pulled from the configuration layer.
std::string output_filename(const std::string &format, const std::string &default_ext, const std::string &filename_base, const DynamicConfig *config_override = nullptr) const;
// Update "scale", "input_filename", "input_filename_base" placeholders from the current printable ModelObjects.
void update_object_placeholders(DynamicConfig &config, const std::string &default_ext) const;
Model m_model;
tbb::atomic<CancelStatus> m_cancel_status;
// Callback to be evoked regularly to update state of the UI thread.
status_callback_type m_status_callback;
// Callback to be evoked to stop the background processing before a state is updated.
cancel_callback_type m_cancel_callback = [](){};
// Mutex used for synchronization of the worker thread with the UI thread:
// The mutex will be used to guard the worker thread against entering a stage
// while the data influencing the stage is modified.
mutable tbb::mutex m_state_mutex;
PlaceholderParser m_placeholder_parser;
template<typename PrintStepEnum, const size_t COUNT>
class PrintBaseWithState : public PrintBase
bool is_step_done(PrintStepEnum step) const { return m_state.is_done(step, this->state_mutex()); }
PrintStateBase::StateWithTimeStamp step_state_with_timestamp(PrintStepEnum step) const { return m_state.state_with_timestamp(step, this->state_mutex()); }
bool set_started(PrintStepEnum step) { return m_state.set_started(step, this->state_mutex(), [this](){ this->throw_if_canceled(); }); }
PrintStateBase::TimeStamp set_done(PrintStepEnum step) { return m_state.set_done(step, this->state_mutex(), [this](){ this->throw_if_canceled(); }); }
bool invalidate_step(PrintStepEnum step)
{ return m_state.invalidate(step, this->cancel_callback()); }
template<typename StepTypeIterator>
bool invalidate_steps(StepTypeIterator step_begin, StepTypeIterator step_end)
{ return m_state.invalidate_multiple(step_begin, step_end, this->cancel_callback()); }
bool invalidate_steps(std::initializer_list<PrintStepEnum> il)
{ return m_state.invalidate_multiple(il.begin(), il.end(), this->cancel_callback()); }
bool invalidate_all_steps()
{ return m_state.invalidate_all(this->cancel_callback()); }
bool is_step_started_unguarded(PrintStepEnum step) const { return m_state.is_started_unguarded(step); }
bool is_step_done_unguarded(PrintStepEnum step) const { return m_state.is_done_unguarded(step); }
PrintState<PrintStepEnum, COUNT> m_state;
template<typename PrintType, typename PrintObjectStepEnum, const size_t COUNT>
class PrintObjectBaseWithState : public PrintObjectBase
PrintType* print() { return m_print; }
const PrintType* print() const { return m_print; }
typedef PrintState<PrintObjectStepEnum, COUNT> PrintObjectState;
bool is_step_done(PrintObjectStepEnum step) const { return m_state.is_done(step, PrintObjectBase::state_mutex(m_print)); }
PrintStateBase::StateWithTimeStamp step_state_with_timestamp(PrintObjectStepEnum step) const { return m_state.state_with_timestamp(step, PrintObjectBase::state_mutex(m_print)); }
PrintObjectBaseWithState(PrintType *print, ModelObject *model_object) : PrintObjectBase(model_object), m_print(print) {}
bool set_started(PrintObjectStepEnum step)
{ return m_state.set_started(step, PrintObjectBase::state_mutex(m_print), [this](){ this->throw_if_canceled(); }); }
PrintStateBase::TimeStamp set_done(PrintObjectStepEnum step)
{ return m_state.set_done(step, PrintObjectBase::state_mutex(m_print), [this](){ this->throw_if_canceled(); }); }
bool invalidate_step(PrintObjectStepEnum step)
{ return m_state.invalidate(step, PrintObjectBase::cancel_callback(m_print)); }
template<typename StepTypeIterator>
bool invalidate_steps(StepTypeIterator step_begin, StepTypeIterator step_end)
{ return m_state.invalidate_multiple(step_begin, step_end, PrintObjectBase::cancel_callback(m_print)); }
bool invalidate_steps(std::initializer_list<PrintObjectStepEnum> il)
{ return m_state.invalidate_multiple(il.begin(), il.end(), PrintObjectBase::cancel_callback(m_print)); }
bool invalidate_all_steps()
{ return m_state.invalidate_all(PrintObjectBase::cancel_callback(m_print)); }
bool is_step_started_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum step) const { return m_state.is_started_unguarded(step); }
bool is_step_done_unguarded(PrintObjectStepEnum step) const { return m_state.is_done_unguarded(step); }
// If the background processing stop was requested, throw CanceledException.
// To be called by the worker thread and its sub-threads (mostly launched on the TBB thread pool) regularly.
void throw_if_canceled() { if (m_print->canceled()) throw CanceledException(); }
friend PrintType;
PrintType *m_print;
PrintState<PrintObjectStepEnum, COUNT> m_state;
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif /* slic3r_PrintBase_hpp_ */