The two new config keys define a minimum vertical shell thickness. The top shell thickness is calculated as a maximum of sum over top_solid_layers * layer heights and top_solid_min_thickness, the bottom shell thickness is calculated as a maximum of sum over bottom_solid_layers * layer heights and bottom_solid_min_thickness. The results of the formula above are shown at the Print parameter page below the two new values to hint the user about the interaction of the old versus new config values. top_solid_min_thickness has no meaning if top_solid_layers is zero, bottom_solid_min_thickness has no meaning if bottom_solid_layers is zero.
773 lines
37 KiB
773 lines
37 KiB
#include <limits>
#include "libslic3r.h"
#include "Slicing.hpp"
#include "SlicingAdaptive.hpp"
#include "PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "Model.hpp"
// #define SLIC3R_DEBUG
// Make assert active if SLIC3R_DEBUG
#undef NDEBUG
#define DEBUG
#define _DEBUG
#include "SVG.hpp"
#undef assert
#include <cassert>
namespace Slic3r
static const coordf_t MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT = 0.01;
static const coordf_t MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT_DEFAULT = 0.07;
// Minimum layer height for the variable layer height algorithm.
inline coordf_t min_layer_height_from_nozzle(const PrintConfig &print_config, int idx_nozzle)
coordf_t min_layer_height = print_config.min_layer_height.get_at(idx_nozzle - 1);
return (min_layer_height == 0.) ? MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT_DEFAULT : std::max(MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT, min_layer_height);
// Maximum layer height for the variable layer height algorithm, 3/4 of a nozzle dimaeter by default,
// it should not be smaller than the minimum layer height.
inline coordf_t max_layer_height_from_nozzle(const PrintConfig &print_config, int idx_nozzle)
coordf_t min_layer_height = min_layer_height_from_nozzle(print_config, idx_nozzle);
coordf_t max_layer_height = print_config.max_layer_height.get_at(idx_nozzle - 1);
coordf_t nozzle_dmr = print_config.nozzle_diameter.get_at(idx_nozzle - 1);
return std::max(min_layer_height, (max_layer_height == 0.) ? (0.75 * nozzle_dmr) : max_layer_height);
// Minimum layer height for the variable layer height algorithm.
coordf_t Slicing::min_layer_height_from_nozzle(const DynamicPrintConfig &print_config, int idx_nozzle)
coordf_t min_layer_height = print_config.opt_float("min_layer_height", idx_nozzle - 1);
return (min_layer_height == 0.) ? MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT_DEFAULT : std::max(MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT, min_layer_height);
// Maximum layer height for the variable layer height algorithm, 3/4 of a nozzle dimaeter by default,
// it should not be smaller than the minimum layer height.
coordf_t Slicing::max_layer_height_from_nozzle(const DynamicPrintConfig &print_config, int idx_nozzle)
coordf_t min_layer_height = min_layer_height_from_nozzle(print_config, idx_nozzle);
coordf_t max_layer_height = print_config.opt_float("max_layer_height", idx_nozzle - 1);
coordf_t nozzle_dmr = print_config.opt_float("nozzle_diameter", idx_nozzle - 1);
return std::max(min_layer_height, (max_layer_height == 0.) ? (0.75 * nozzle_dmr) : max_layer_height);
SlicingParameters SlicingParameters::create_from_config(
const PrintConfig &print_config,
const PrintObjectConfig &object_config,
coordf_t object_height,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &object_extruders)
coordf_t first_layer_height = (object_config.first_layer_height.value <= 0) ?
object_config.layer_height.value :
// If object_config.support_material_extruder == 0 resp. object_config.support_material_interface_extruder == 0,
// print_config.nozzle_diameter.get_at(size_t(-1)) returns the 0th nozzle diameter,
// which is consistent with the requirement that if support_material_extruder == 0 resp. support_material_interface_extruder == 0,
// support will not trigger tool change, but it will use the current nozzle instead.
// In that case all the nozzles have to be of the same diameter.
coordf_t support_material_extruder_dmr = print_config.nozzle_diameter.get_at(object_config.support_material_extruder.value - 1);
coordf_t support_material_interface_extruder_dmr = print_config.nozzle_diameter.get_at(object_config.support_material_interface_extruder.value - 1);
bool soluble_interface = object_config.support_material_contact_distance.value == 0.;
SlicingParameters params;
params.layer_height = object_config.layer_height.value;
params.first_print_layer_height = first_layer_height;
params.first_object_layer_height = first_layer_height;
params.object_print_z_min = 0.;
params.object_print_z_max = object_height;
params.base_raft_layers = object_config.raft_layers.value;
params.soluble_interface = soluble_interface;
// Miniumum/maximum of the minimum layer height over all extruders.
params.min_layer_height = MIN_LAYER_HEIGHT;
params.max_layer_height = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
if (object_config.support_material.value || params.base_raft_layers > 0) {
// Has some form of support. Add the support layers to the minimum / maximum layer height limits.
params.min_layer_height = std::max(
min_layer_height_from_nozzle(print_config, object_config.support_material_extruder),
min_layer_height_from_nozzle(print_config, object_config.support_material_interface_extruder));
params.max_layer_height = std::min(
max_layer_height_from_nozzle(print_config, object_config.support_material_extruder),
max_layer_height_from_nozzle(print_config, object_config.support_material_interface_extruder));
params.max_suport_layer_height = params.max_layer_height;
if (object_extruders.empty()) {
params.min_layer_height = std::max(params.min_layer_height, min_layer_height_from_nozzle(print_config, 0));
params.max_layer_height = std::min(params.max_layer_height, max_layer_height_from_nozzle(print_config, 0));
} else {
for (unsigned int extruder_id : object_extruders) {
params.min_layer_height = std::max(params.min_layer_height, min_layer_height_from_nozzle(print_config, extruder_id));
params.max_layer_height = std::min(params.max_layer_height, max_layer_height_from_nozzle(print_config, extruder_id));
params.min_layer_height = std::min(params.min_layer_height, params.layer_height);
params.max_layer_height = std::max(params.max_layer_height, params.layer_height);
if (! soluble_interface) {
params.gap_raft_object = object_config.support_material_contact_distance.value;
params.gap_object_support = object_config.support_material_contact_distance.value;
params.gap_support_object = object_config.support_material_contact_distance.value;
if (params.base_raft_layers > 0) {
params.interface_raft_layers = (params.base_raft_layers + 1) / 2;
params.base_raft_layers -= params.interface_raft_layers;
// Use as large as possible layer height for the intermediate raft layers.
params.base_raft_layer_height = std::max(params.layer_height, 0.75 * support_material_extruder_dmr);
params.interface_raft_layer_height = std::max(params.layer_height, 0.75 * support_material_interface_extruder_dmr);
params.contact_raft_layer_height_bridging = false;
params.first_object_layer_bridging = false;
#if 1
params.contact_raft_layer_height = std::max(params.layer_height, 0.75 * support_material_interface_extruder_dmr);
if (! soluble_interface) {
// Compute the average of all nozzles used for printing the object over a raft.
//FIXME It is expected, that the 1st layer of the object is printed with a bridging flow over a full raft. Shall it not be vice versa?
coordf_t average_object_extruder_dmr = 0.;
if (! object_extruders.empty()) {
for (unsigned int extruder_id : object_extruders)
average_object_extruder_dmr += print_config.nozzle_diameter.get_at(extruder_id);
average_object_extruder_dmr /= coordf_t(object_extruders.size());
params.first_object_layer_height = average_object_extruder_dmr;
params.first_object_layer_bridging = true;
params.contact_raft_layer_height = soluble_interface ? support_material_interface_extruder_dmr : 0.75 * support_material_interface_extruder_dmr;
params.contact_raft_layer_height_bridging = ! soluble_interface;
if (params.has_raft()) {
// Raise first object layer Z by the thickness of the raft itself plus the extra distance required by the support material logic.
//FIXME The last raft layer is the contact layer, which shall be printed with a bridging flow for ease of separation. Currently it is not the case.
if (params.raft_layers() == 1) {
// There is only the contact layer.
params.contact_raft_layer_height = first_layer_height;
params.raft_contact_top_z = first_layer_height;
} else {
assert(params.base_raft_layers > 0);
assert(params.interface_raft_layers > 0);
// Number of the base raft layers is decreased by the first layer.
params.raft_base_top_z = first_layer_height + coordf_t(params.base_raft_layers - 1) * params.base_raft_layer_height;
// Number of the interface raft layers is decreased by the contact layer.
params.raft_interface_top_z = params.raft_base_top_z + coordf_t(params.interface_raft_layers - 1) * params.interface_raft_layer_height;
params.raft_contact_top_z = params.raft_interface_top_z + params.contact_raft_layer_height;
coordf_t print_z = params.raft_contact_top_z + params.gap_raft_object;
params.object_print_z_min = print_z;
params.object_print_z_max += print_z;
params.valid = true;
return params;
std::vector<std::pair<t_layer_height_range, coordf_t>> layer_height_ranges(const t_layer_config_ranges &config_ranges)
std::vector<std::pair<t_layer_height_range, coordf_t>> out;
for (const auto &kvp : config_ranges)
out.emplace_back(kvp.first, kvp.second.option("layer_height")->getFloat());
return out;
// Convert layer_config_ranges to layer_height_profile. Both are referenced to z=0, meaning the raft layers are not accounted for
// in the height profile and the printed object may be lifted by the raft thickness at the time of the G-code generation.
std::vector<coordf_t> layer_height_profile_from_ranges(
const SlicingParameters &slicing_params,
const t_layer_config_ranges &layer_config_ranges) // #ys_FIXME_experiment
// 1) If there are any height ranges, trim one by the other to make them non-overlapping. Insert the 1st layer if fixed.
std::vector<std::pair<t_layer_height_range,coordf_t>> ranges_non_overlapping;
ranges_non_overlapping.reserve(layer_config_ranges.size() * 4); // #ys_FIXME_experiment
if (slicing_params.first_object_layer_height_fixed())
t_layer_height_range(0., slicing_params.first_object_layer_height),
// The height ranges are sorted lexicographically by low / high layer boundaries.
for (t_layer_config_ranges::const_iterator it_range = layer_config_ranges.begin(); it_range != layer_config_ranges.end(); ++ it_range) {
coordf_t lo = it_range->first.first;
coordf_t hi = std::min(it_range->first.second, slicing_params.object_print_z_height());
coordf_t height = it_range->second.option("layer_height")->getFloat();
if (! ranges_non_overlapping.empty())
// Trim current low with the last high.
lo = std::max(lo, ranges_non_overlapping.back().first.second);
if (lo + EPSILON < hi)
// Ignore too narrow ranges.
ranges_non_overlapping.push_back(std::pair<t_layer_height_range,coordf_t>(t_layer_height_range(lo, hi), height));
// 2) Convert the trimmed ranges to a height profile, fill in the undefined intervals between z=0 and z=slicing_params.object_print_z_max()
// with slicing_params.layer_height
std::vector<coordf_t> layer_height_profile;
for (std::vector<std::pair<t_layer_height_range,coordf_t>>::const_iterator it_range = ranges_non_overlapping.begin(); it_range != ranges_non_overlapping.end(); ++ it_range) {
coordf_t lo = it_range->first.first;
coordf_t hi = it_range->first.second;
coordf_t height = it_range->second;
coordf_t last_z = layer_height_profile.empty() ? 0. : layer_height_profile[layer_height_profile.size() - 2];
if (lo > last_z + EPSILON) {
// Insert a step of normal layer height.
// Insert a step of the overriden layer height.
coordf_t last_z = layer_height_profile.empty() ? 0. : layer_height_profile[layer_height_profile.size() - 2];
if (last_z < slicing_params.object_print_z_height()) {
// Insert a step of normal layer height up to the object top.
return layer_height_profile;
// Based on the work of @platsch
// Fill layer_height_profile by heights ensuring a prescribed maximum cusp height.
std::vector<double> layer_height_profile_adaptive(const SlicingParameters& slicing_params, const ModelObject& object, float quality_factor)
// 1) Initialize the SlicingAdaptive class with the object meshes.
SlicingAdaptive as;
// 2) Generate layers using the algorithm of @platsch
std::vector<double> layer_height_profile;
if (slicing_params.first_object_layer_height_fixed()) {
double print_z = slicing_params.first_object_layer_height;
// last facet visited by the as.next_layer_height() function, where the facets are sorted by their increasing Z span.
size_t current_facet = 0;
// loop until we have at least one layer and the max slice_z reaches the object height
while (print_z + EPSILON < slicing_params.object_print_z_height()) {
float height = slicing_params.max_layer_height;
// Slic3r::debugf "\n Slice layer: %d\n", $id;
// determine next layer height
float cusp_height = as.next_layer_height(float(print_z), quality_factor, current_facet);
#if 0
// check for horizontal features and object size
if (this->config.match_horizontal_surfaces.value) {
coordf_t horizontal_dist = as.horizontal_facet_distance(print_z + height, min_layer_height);
if ((horizontal_dist < min_layer_height) && (horizontal_dist > 0)) {
std::cout << "Horizontal feature ahead, distance: " << horizontal_dist << std::endl;
// can we shrink the current layer a bit?
if (height-(min_layer_height - horizontal_dist) > min_layer_height) {
// yes we can
height -= (min_layer_height - horizontal_dist);
std::cout << "Shrink layer height to " << height << std::endl;
} else {
// no, current layer would become too thin
height += horizontal_dist;
std::cout << "Widen layer height to " << height << std::endl;
height = std::min(cusp_height, height);
// apply z-gradation
my $gradation = $self->config->get_value('adaptive_slicing_z_gradation');
if($gradation > 0) {
$height = $height - unscale((scale($height)) % (scale($gradation)));
// look for an applicable custom range
if (my $range = first { $_->[0] <= $print_z && $_->[1] > $print_z } @{$self->layer_height_ranges}) {
$height = $range->[2];
# if user set custom height to zero we should just skip the range and resume slicing over it
if ($height == 0) {
$print_z += $range->[1] - $range->[0];
print_z += height;
double z_gap = slicing_params.object_print_z_height() - layer_height_profile[layer_height_profile.size() - 2];
if (z_gap > 0.0)
layer_height_profile.push_back(clamp(slicing_params.min_layer_height, slicing_params.max_layer_height, z_gap));
return layer_height_profile;
std::vector<double> smooth_height_profile(const std::vector<double>& profile, const SlicingParameters& slicing_params, const HeightProfileSmoothingParams& smoothing_params)
auto gauss_blur = [&slicing_params](const std::vector<double>& profile, const HeightProfileSmoothingParams& smoothing_params) -> std::vector<double> {
auto gauss_kernel = [] (unsigned int radius) -> std::vector<double> {
unsigned int size = 2 * radius + 1;
std::vector<double> ret;
// Reworked from static inline int getGaussianKernelSize(float sigma) taken from opencv-4.1.2\modules\features2d\src\kaze\AKAZEFeatures.cpp
double sigma = 0.3 * (double)(radius - 1) + 0.8;
double two_sq_sigma = 2.0 * sigma * sigma;
double inv_root_two_pi_sq_sigma = 1.0 / ::sqrt(M_PI * two_sq_sigma);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
double x = (double)i - (double)radius;
ret.push_back(inv_root_two_pi_sq_sigma * ::exp(-x * x / two_sq_sigma));
return ret;
// skip first layer ?
size_t skip_count = slicing_params.first_object_layer_height_fixed() ? 4 : 0;
// not enough data to smmoth
if ((int)profile.size() - (int)skip_count < 6)
return profile;
unsigned int radius = std::max(smoothing_params.radius, (unsigned int)1);
std::vector<double> kernel = gauss_kernel(radius);
int two_radius = 2 * (int)radius;
std::vector<double> ret;
size_t size = profile.size();
// leave first layer untouched
for (size_t i = 0; i < skip_count; ++i)
// smooth the rest of the profile by biasing a gaussian blur
// the bias moves the smoothed profile closer to the min_layer_height
double delta_h = slicing_params.max_layer_height - slicing_params.min_layer_height;
double inv_delta_h = (delta_h != 0.0) ? 1.0 / delta_h : 1.0;
double max_dz_band = (double)radius * slicing_params.layer_height;
for (size_t i = skip_count; i < size; i += 2)
double zi = profile[i];
double hi = profile[i + 1];
double& height = ret.back();
int begin = std::max((int)i - two_radius, (int)skip_count);
int end = std::min((int)i + two_radius, (int)size - 2);
double weight_total = 0.0;
for (int j = begin; j <= end; j += 2)
int kernel_id = radius + (j - (int)i) / 2;
double dz = std::abs(zi - profile[j]);
if (dz * slicing_params.layer_height <= max_dz_band)
double dh = std::abs(slicing_params.max_layer_height - profile[j + 1]);
double weight = kernel[kernel_id] * sqrt(dh * inv_delta_h);
height += weight * profile[j + 1];
weight_total += weight;
height = clamp(slicing_params.min_layer_height, slicing_params.max_layer_height, (weight_total != 0.0) ? height /= weight_total : hi);
if (smoothing_params.keep_min)
height = std::min(height, hi);
return ret;
return gauss_blur(profile, smoothing_params);
void adjust_layer_height_profile(
const SlicingParameters &slicing_params,
std::vector<coordf_t> &layer_height_profile,
coordf_t z,
coordf_t layer_thickness_delta,
coordf_t band_width,
LayerHeightEditActionType action)
// Constrain the profile variability by the 1st layer height.
std::pair<coordf_t, coordf_t> z_span_variable =
std::pair<coordf_t, coordf_t>(
slicing_params.first_object_layer_height_fixed() ? slicing_params.first_object_layer_height : 0.,
if (z < z_span_variable.first || z > z_span_variable.second)
assert(layer_height_profile.size() >= 2);
assert(std::abs(layer_height_profile[layer_height_profile.size() - 2] - slicing_params.object_print_z_height()) < EPSILON);
// 1) Get the current layer thickness at z.
coordf_t current_layer_height = slicing_params.layer_height;
for (size_t i = 0; i < layer_height_profile.size(); i += 2) {
if (i + 2 == layer_height_profile.size()) {
current_layer_height = layer_height_profile[i + 1];
} else if (layer_height_profile[i + 2] > z) {
coordf_t z1 = layer_height_profile[i];
coordf_t h1 = layer_height_profile[i + 1];
coordf_t z2 = layer_height_profile[i + 2];
coordf_t h2 = layer_height_profile[i + 3];
current_layer_height = lerp(h1, h2, (z - z1) / (z2 - z1));
// 2) Is it possible to apply the delta?
switch (action) {
layer_thickness_delta = - layer_thickness_delta;
// fallthrough
if (layer_thickness_delta > 0) {
if (current_layer_height >= slicing_params.max_layer_height - EPSILON)
layer_thickness_delta = std::min(layer_thickness_delta, slicing_params.max_layer_height - current_layer_height);
} else {
if (current_layer_height <= slicing_params.min_layer_height + EPSILON)
layer_thickness_delta = std::max(layer_thickness_delta, slicing_params.min_layer_height - current_layer_height);
layer_thickness_delta = std::abs(layer_thickness_delta);
layer_thickness_delta = std::min(layer_thickness_delta, std::abs(slicing_params.layer_height - current_layer_height));
if (layer_thickness_delta < EPSILON)
// 3) Densify the profile inside z +- band_width/2, remove duplicate Zs from the height profile inside the band.
coordf_t lo = std::max(z_span_variable.first, z - 0.5 * band_width);
// Do not limit the upper side of the band, so that the modifications to the top point of the profile will be allowed.
coordf_t hi = z + 0.5 * band_width;
coordf_t z_step = 0.1;
size_t idx = 0;
while (idx < layer_height_profile.size() && layer_height_profile[idx] < lo)
idx += 2;
idx -= 2;
std::vector<double> profile_new;
assert(idx >= 0 && idx + 1 < layer_height_profile.size());
profile_new.insert(profile_new.end(), layer_height_profile.begin(), layer_height_profile.begin() + idx + 2);
coordf_t zz = lo;
size_t i_resampled_start = profile_new.size();
while (zz < hi) {
size_t next = idx + 2;
coordf_t z1 = layer_height_profile[idx];
coordf_t h1 = layer_height_profile[idx + 1];
coordf_t height = h1;
if (next < layer_height_profile.size()) {
coordf_t z2 = layer_height_profile[next];
coordf_t h2 = layer_height_profile[next + 1];
height = lerp(h1, h2, (zz - z1) / (z2 - z1));
// Adjust height by layer_thickness_delta.
coordf_t weight = std::abs(zz - z) < 0.5 * band_width ? (0.5 + 0.5 * cos(2. * M_PI * (zz - z) / band_width)) : 0.;
switch (action) {
height += weight * layer_thickness_delta;
coordf_t delta = height - slicing_params.layer_height;
coordf_t step = weight * layer_thickness_delta;
step = (std::abs(delta) > step) ?
(delta > 0) ? -step : step :
height += step;
// Don't modify the profile during resampling process, do it at the next step.
height = clamp(slicing_params.min_layer_height, slicing_params.max_layer_height, height);
if (zz == z_span_variable.second) {
// This is the last point of the profile.
if (profile_new[profile_new.size() - 2] + EPSILON > zz) {
idx = layer_height_profile.size();
// Avoid entering a too short segment.
if (profile_new[profile_new.size() - 2] + EPSILON < zz) {
// Limit zz to the object height, so the next iteration the last profile point will be set.
zz = std::min(zz + z_step, z_span_variable.second);
idx = next;
while (idx < layer_height_profile.size() && layer_height_profile[idx] < zz)
idx += 2;
idx -= 2;
idx += 2;
assert(idx > 0);
size_t i_resampled_end = profile_new.size();
if (idx < layer_height_profile.size()) {
assert(zz >= layer_height_profile[idx - 2]);
assert(zz <= layer_height_profile[idx]);
profile_new.insert(profile_new.end(), layer_height_profile.begin() + idx, layer_height_profile.end());
else if (profile_new[profile_new.size() - 2] + 0.5 * EPSILON < z_span_variable.second) {
profile_new.insert(profile_new.end(), layer_height_profile.end() - 2, layer_height_profile.end());
layer_height_profile = std::move(profile_new);
if (i_resampled_start == 0)
++ i_resampled_start;
if (i_resampled_end == layer_height_profile.size())
i_resampled_end -= 2;
size_t n_rounds = 6;
for (size_t i_round = 0; i_round < n_rounds; ++ i_round) {
profile_new = layer_height_profile;
for (size_t i = i_resampled_start; i < i_resampled_end; i += 2) {
coordf_t zz = profile_new[i];
coordf_t t = std::abs(zz - z) < 0.5 * band_width ? (0.25 + 0.25 * cos(2. * M_PI * (zz - z) / band_width)) : 0.;
assert(t >= 0. && t <= 0.5000001);
if (i == 0)
layer_height_profile[i + 1] = (1. - t) * profile_new[i + 1] + t * profile_new[i + 3];
else if (i + 1 == profile_new.size())
layer_height_profile[i + 1] = (1. - t) * profile_new[i + 1] + t * profile_new[i - 1];
layer_height_profile[i + 1] = (1. - t) * profile_new[i + 1] + 0.5 * t * (profile_new[i - 1] + profile_new[i + 3]);
assert(layer_height_profile.size() > 2);
assert(layer_height_profile.size() % 2 == 0);
assert(layer_height_profile[0] == 0.);
assert(std::abs(layer_height_profile[layer_height_profile.size() - 2] - slicing_params.object_print_z_height()) < EPSILON);
#ifdef _DEBUG
for (size_t i = 2; i < layer_height_profile.size(); i += 2)
assert(layer_height_profile[i - 2] <= layer_height_profile[i]);
for (size_t i = 1; i < layer_height_profile.size(); i += 2) {
assert(layer_height_profile[i] > slicing_params.min_layer_height - EPSILON);
assert(layer_height_profile[i] < slicing_params.max_layer_height + EPSILON);
#endif /* _DEBUG */
// Produce object layers as pairs of low / high layer boundaries, stored into a linear vector.
std::vector<coordf_t> generate_object_layers(
const SlicingParameters &slicing_params,
const std::vector<coordf_t> &layer_height_profile)
assert(! layer_height_profile.empty());
coordf_t print_z = 0;
coordf_t height = 0;
std::vector<coordf_t> out;
if (slicing_params.first_object_layer_height_fixed()) {
print_z = slicing_params.first_object_layer_height;
size_t idx_layer_height_profile = 0;
// loop until we have at least one layer and the max slice_z reaches the object height
coordf_t slice_z = print_z + 0.5 * slicing_params.min_layer_height;
while (slice_z < slicing_params.object_print_z_height()) {
height = slicing_params.min_layer_height;
if (idx_layer_height_profile < layer_height_profile.size()) {
size_t next = idx_layer_height_profile + 2;
for (;;) {
if (next >= layer_height_profile.size() || slice_z < layer_height_profile[next])
idx_layer_height_profile = next;
next += 2;
coordf_t z1 = layer_height_profile[idx_layer_height_profile];
coordf_t h1 = layer_height_profile[idx_layer_height_profile + 1];
height = h1;
if (next < layer_height_profile.size()) {
coordf_t z2 = layer_height_profile[next];
coordf_t h2 = layer_height_profile[next + 1];
height = lerp(h1, h2, (slice_z - z1) / (z2 - z1));
assert(height >= slicing_params.min_layer_height - EPSILON && height <= slicing_params.max_layer_height + EPSILON);
slice_z = print_z + 0.5 * height;
if (slice_z >= slicing_params.object_print_z_height())
assert(height > slicing_params.min_layer_height - EPSILON);
assert(height < slicing_params.max_layer_height + EPSILON);
print_z += height;
slice_z = print_z + 0.5 * slicing_params.min_layer_height;
//FIXME Adjust the last layer to align with the top object layer exactly?
return out;
int generate_layer_height_texture(
const SlicingParameters &slicing_params,
const std::vector<coordf_t> &layers,
void *data, int rows, int cols, bool level_of_detail_2nd_level)
// https://github.com/aschn/gnuplot-colorbrewer
std::vector<Vec3crd> palette_raw;
palette_raw.push_back(Vec3crd(0x01A, 0x098, 0x050));
palette_raw.push_back(Vec3crd(0x066, 0x0BD, 0x063));
palette_raw.push_back(Vec3crd(0x0A6, 0x0D9, 0x06A));
palette_raw.push_back(Vec3crd(0x0D9, 0x0F1, 0x0EB));
palette_raw.push_back(Vec3crd(0x0FE, 0x0E6, 0x0EB));
palette_raw.push_back(Vec3crd(0x0FD, 0x0AE, 0x061));
palette_raw.push_back(Vec3crd(0x0F4, 0x06D, 0x043));
palette_raw.push_back(Vec3crd(0x0D7, 0x030, 0x027));
// Clear the main texture and the 2nd LOD level.
// memset(data, 0, rows * cols * (level_of_detail_2nd_level ? 5 : 4));
// 2nd LOD level data start
unsigned char *data1 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(data) + rows * cols * 4;
int ncells = std::min((cols-1) * rows, int(ceil(16. * (slicing_params.object_print_z_height() / slicing_params.min_layer_height))));
int ncells1 = ncells / 2;
int cols1 = cols / 2;
coordf_t z_to_cell = coordf_t(ncells-1) / slicing_params.object_print_z_height();
coordf_t cell_to_z = slicing_params.object_print_z_height() / coordf_t(ncells-1);
coordf_t z_to_cell1 = coordf_t(ncells1-1) / slicing_params.object_print_z_height();
// for color scaling
coordf_t hscale = 2.f * std::max(slicing_params.max_layer_height - slicing_params.layer_height, slicing_params.layer_height - slicing_params.min_layer_height);
if (hscale == 0)
// All layers have the same height. Provide some height scale to avoid division by zero.
hscale = slicing_params.layer_height;
for (size_t idx_layer = 0; idx_layer < layers.size(); idx_layer += 2) {
coordf_t lo = layers[idx_layer];
coordf_t hi = layers[idx_layer + 1];
coordf_t mid = 0.5f * (lo + hi);
assert(mid <= slicing_params.object_print_z_height());
coordf_t h = hi - lo;
hi = std::min(hi, slicing_params.object_print_z_height());
int cell_first = clamp(0, ncells-1, int(ceil(lo * z_to_cell)));
int cell_last = clamp(0, ncells-1, int(floor(hi * z_to_cell)));
for (int cell = cell_first; cell <= cell_last; ++ cell) {
coordf_t idxf = (0.5 * hscale + (h - slicing_params.layer_height)) * coordf_t(palette_raw.size()-1) / hscale;
int idx1 = clamp(0, int(palette_raw.size() - 1), int(floor(idxf)));
int idx2 = std::min(int(palette_raw.size() - 1), idx1 + 1);
coordf_t t = idxf - coordf_t(idx1);
const Vec3crd &color1 = palette_raw[idx1];
const Vec3crd &color2 = palette_raw[idx2];
coordf_t z = cell_to_z * coordf_t(cell);
assert(lo - EPSILON <= z && z <= hi + EPSILON);
// Intensity profile to visualize the layers.
coordf_t intensity = cos(M_PI * 0.7 * (mid - z) / h);
// Color mapping from layer height to RGB.
Vec3d color(
intensity * lerp(coordf_t(color1(0)), coordf_t(color2(0)), t),
intensity * lerp(coordf_t(color1(1)), coordf_t(color2(1)), t),
intensity * lerp(coordf_t(color1(2)), coordf_t(color2(2)), t));
int row = cell / (cols - 1);
int col = cell - row * (cols - 1);
assert(row >= 0 && row < rows);
assert(col >= 0 && col < cols);
unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char*)data + (row * cols + col) * 4;
ptr[0] = (unsigned char)clamp<int>(0, 255, int(floor(color(0) + 0.5)));
ptr[1] = (unsigned char)clamp<int>(0, 255, int(floor(color(1) + 0.5)));
ptr[2] = (unsigned char)clamp<int>(0, 255, int(floor(color(2) + 0.5)));
ptr[3] = 255;
if (col == 0 && row > 0) {
// Duplicate the first value in a row as a last value of the preceding row.
ptr[-4] = ptr[0];
ptr[-3] = ptr[1];
ptr[-2] = ptr[2];
ptr[-1] = ptr[3];
if (level_of_detail_2nd_level) {
cell_first = clamp(0, ncells1-1, int(ceil(lo * z_to_cell1)));
cell_last = clamp(0, ncells1-1, int(floor(hi * z_to_cell1)));
for (int cell = cell_first; cell <= cell_last; ++ cell) {
coordf_t idxf = (0.5 * hscale + (h - slicing_params.layer_height)) * coordf_t(palette_raw.size()-1) / hscale;
int idx1 = clamp(0, int(palette_raw.size() - 1), int(floor(idxf)));
int idx2 = std::min(int(palette_raw.size() - 1), idx1 + 1);
coordf_t t = idxf - coordf_t(idx1);
const Vec3crd &color1 = palette_raw[idx1];
const Vec3crd &color2 = palette_raw[idx2];
// Color mapping from layer height to RGB.
Vec3d color(
lerp(coordf_t(color1(0)), coordf_t(color2(0)), t),
lerp(coordf_t(color1(1)), coordf_t(color2(1)), t),
lerp(coordf_t(color1(2)), coordf_t(color2(2)), t));
int row = cell / (cols1 - 1);
int col = cell - row * (cols1 - 1);
assert(row >= 0 && row < rows/2);
assert(col >= 0 && col < cols/2);
unsigned char *ptr = data1 + (row * cols1 + col) * 4;
ptr[0] = (unsigned char)clamp<int>(0, 255, int(floor(color(0) + 0.5)));
ptr[1] = (unsigned char)clamp<int>(0, 255, int(floor(color(1) + 0.5)));
ptr[2] = (unsigned char)clamp<int>(0, 255, int(floor(color(2) + 0.5)));
ptr[3] = 255;
if (col == 0 && row > 0) {
// Duplicate the first value in a row as a last value of the preceding row.
ptr[-4] = ptr[0];
ptr[-3] = ptr[1];
ptr[-2] = ptr[2];
ptr[-1] = ptr[3];
// Returns number of cells of the 0th LOD level.
return ncells;
}; // namespace Slic3r