bubnikv a3ded8fa95 Reworked filaments / SLA materials in installation wizard:
1) When the wizard is initialized, filament and SLA profile names
   are verified and current names of renamed profiles are resolved.
   Fixes "Add/Remove Filaments is not hiding all of the un-checked filaments #3835"
2) When adding a printer model, default materials are installed in case
   the printer model has no default material installed.
3) When leaving the Filaments or SLA materials page, and some printer models
   have no material installed, those Printer Models are listed
   in a message box and only for those printer models the default
   materials are installed.
2020-03-14 18:35:42 +01:00

518 lines
15 KiB

#ifndef slic3r_ConfigWizard_private_hpp_
#define slic3r_ConfigWizard_private_hpp_
#include "ConfigWizard.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include <wx/panel.h>
#include <wx/button.h>
#include <wx/choice.h>
#include <wx/spinctrl.h>
#include <wx/textctrl.h>
#include <wx/listbox.h>
#include <wx/checklst.h>
#include <wx/radiobut.h>
#include "libslic3r/PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "slic3r/Utils/PresetUpdater.hpp"
#include "AppConfig.hpp"
#include "PresetBundle.hpp"
#include "BedShapeDialog.hpp"
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
namespace Slic3r {
namespace GUI {
enum {
// Configuration data structures extensions needed for the wizard
enum Technology {
// Bitflag equivalent of PrinterTechnology
T_FFF = 0x1,
T_SLA = 0x2,
T_ANY = ~0,
struct Materials
Technology technology;
// use vector for the presets to purpose of save of presets sorting in the bundle
std::vector<const Preset*> presets;
std::set<std::string> types;
Materials(Technology technology) : technology(technology) {}
void push(const Preset *preset);
void clear();
bool containts(const Preset *preset) const {
return std::find(presets.begin(), presets.end(), preset) != presets.end();
const std::string& appconfig_section() const;
const std::string& get_type(const Preset *preset) const;
const std::string& get_vendor(const Preset *preset) const;
template<class F> void filter_presets(const std::string &type, const std::string &vendor, F cb) {
for (const Preset *preset : presets) {
if ((type.empty() || get_type(preset) == type) && (vendor.empty() || get_vendor(preset) == vendor)) {
static const std::string UNKNOWN;
static const std::string& get_filament_type(const Preset *preset);
static const std::string& get_filament_vendor(const Preset *preset);
static const std::string& get_material_type(const Preset *preset);
static const std::string& get_material_vendor(const Preset *preset);
struct Bundle
std::unique_ptr<PresetBundle> preset_bundle;
VendorProfile *vendor_profile { nullptr };
bool is_in_resources { false };
bool is_prusa_bundle { false };
Bundle() = default;
Bundle(Bundle &&other);
// Returns false if not loaded. Reason for that is logged as boost::log error.
bool load(fs::path source_path, bool is_in_resources, bool is_prusa_bundle = false);
const std::string& vendor_id() const { return vendor_profile->id; }
struct BundleMap: std::unordered_map<std::string /* = vendor ID */, Bundle>
static BundleMap load();
Bundle& prusa_bundle();
const Bundle& prusa_bundle() const;
struct PrinterPickerEvent;
// GUI elements
typedef std::function<bool(const VendorProfile::PrinterModel&)> ModelFilter;
struct PrinterPicker: wxPanel
struct Checkbox : wxCheckBox
Checkbox(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &label, const std::string &model, const std::string &variant) :
wxCheckBox(parent, wxID_ANY, label),
std::string model;
std::string variant;
const std::string vendor_id;
std::vector<Checkbox*> cboxes;
std::vector<Checkbox*> cboxes_alt;
PrinterPicker(wxWindow *parent, const VendorProfile &vendor, wxString title, size_t max_cols, const AppConfig &appconfig, const ModelFilter &filter);
PrinterPicker(wxWindow *parent, const VendorProfile &vendor, wxString title, size_t max_cols, const AppConfig &appconfig);
void select_all(bool select, bool alternates = false);
void select_one(size_t i, bool select);
bool any_selected() const;
std::set<std::string> get_selected_models() const ;
int get_width() const { return width; }
const std::vector<int>& get_button_indexes() { return m_button_indexes; }
static const std::string PRINTER_PLACEHOLDER;
int width;
std::vector<int> m_button_indexes;
void on_checkbox(const Checkbox *cbox, bool checked);
struct ConfigWizardPage: wxPanel
ConfigWizard *parent;
const wxString shortname;
wxBoxSizer *content;
const unsigned indent;
ConfigWizardPage(ConfigWizard *parent, wxString title, wxString shortname, unsigned indent = 0);
virtual ~ConfigWizardPage();
template<class T>
T* append(T *thing, int proportion = 0, int flag = wxEXPAND|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, int border = 10)
content->Add(thing, proportion, flag, border);
return thing;
wxStaticText* append_text(wxString text);
void append_spacer(int space);
ConfigWizard::priv *wizard_p() const { return parent->p.get(); }
virtual void apply_custom_config(DynamicPrintConfig &config) {}
virtual void set_run_reason(ConfigWizard::RunReason run_reason) {}
virtual void on_activate() {}
struct PageWelcome: ConfigWizardPage
wxStaticText *welcome_text;
wxCheckBox *cbox_reset;
PageWelcome(ConfigWizard *parent);
bool reset_user_profile() const { return cbox_reset != nullptr ? cbox_reset->GetValue() : false; }
virtual void set_run_reason(ConfigWizard::RunReason run_reason) override;
struct PagePrinters: ConfigWizardPage
std::vector<PrinterPicker *> printer_pickers;
Technology technology;
bool install;
PagePrinters(ConfigWizard *parent,
wxString title,
wxString shortname,
const VendorProfile &vendor,
unsigned indent, Technology technology);
void select_all(bool select, bool alternates = false);
int get_width() const;
bool any_selected() const;
std::set<std::string> get_selected_models();
std::string get_vendor_id() const { return printer_pickers.empty() ? "" : printer_pickers[0]->vendor_id; }
virtual void set_run_reason(ConfigWizard::RunReason run_reason) override;
// Here we extend wxListBox and wxCheckListBox
// to make the client data API much easier to use.
template<class T, class D> struct DataList : public T
DataList(wxWindow *parent) : T(parent, wxID_ANY) {}
// Note: We're _not_ using wxLB_SORT here because it doesn't do the right thing,
// eg. "ABS" is sorted before "(All)"
int append(const std::string &label, const D *data) {
void *ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<D*>(data));
return this->Append(from_u8(label), ptr);
int append(const wxString &label, const D *data) {
void *ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<D*>(data));
return this->Append(label, ptr);
const D& get_data(int n) {
return *reinterpret_cast<const D*>(this->GetClientData(n));
int find(const D &data) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->GetCount(); i++) {
if (get_data(i) == data) { return i; }
return wxNOT_FOUND;
int size() { return this->GetCount(); }
typedef DataList<wxListBox, std::string> StringList;
typedef DataList<wxCheckListBox, std::string> PresetList;
struct PageMaterials: ConfigWizardPage
Materials *materials;
StringList *list_l1, *list_l2;
PresetList *list_l3;
int sel1_prev, sel2_prev;
bool presets_loaded;
static const std::string EMPTY;
PageMaterials(ConfigWizard *parent, Materials *materials, wxString title, wxString shortname, wxString list1name);
void reload_presets();
void update_lists(int sel1, int sel2);
void select_material(int i);
void select_all(bool select);
void clear();
virtual void on_activate() override;
struct PageCustom: ConfigWizardPage
PageCustom(ConfigWizard *parent);
bool custom_wanted() const { return cb_custom->GetValue(); }
std::string profile_name() const { return into_u8(tc_profile_name->GetValue()); }
static const char* default_profile_name;
wxCheckBox *cb_custom;
wxTextCtrl *tc_profile_name;
wxString profile_name_prev;
struct PageUpdate: ConfigWizardPage
bool version_check;
bool preset_update;
PageUpdate(ConfigWizard *parent);
struct PageReloadFromDisk : ConfigWizardPage
bool full_pathnames;
PageReloadFromDisk(ConfigWizard* parent);
struct PageMode: ConfigWizardPage
wxRadioButton *radio_simple;
wxRadioButton *radio_advanced;
wxRadioButton *radio_expert;
PageMode(ConfigWizard *parent);
void serialize_mode(AppConfig *app_config) const;
virtual void on_activate();
struct PageVendors: ConfigWizardPage
PageVendors(ConfigWizard *parent);
struct PageFirmware: ConfigWizardPage
const ConfigOptionDef &gcode_opt;
wxChoice *gcode_picker;
PageFirmware(ConfigWizard *parent);
virtual void apply_custom_config(DynamicPrintConfig &config);
struct PageBedShape: ConfigWizardPage
BedShapePanel *shape_panel;
PageBedShape(ConfigWizard *parent);
virtual void apply_custom_config(DynamicPrintConfig &config);
struct PageDiameters: ConfigWizardPage
wxSpinCtrlDouble *spin_nozzle;
wxSpinCtrlDouble *spin_filam;
PageDiameters(ConfigWizard *parent);
virtual void apply_custom_config(DynamicPrintConfig &config);
struct PageTemperatures: ConfigWizardPage
wxSpinCtrlDouble *spin_extr;
wxSpinCtrlDouble *spin_bed;
PageTemperatures(ConfigWizard *parent);
virtual void apply_custom_config(DynamicPrintConfig &config);
// hypothetically, each vendor can has printers both of technologies (FFF and SLA)
typedef std::map<std::string /* = vendor ID */,
std::pair<PagePrinters* /* = FFF page */,
PagePrinters* /* = SLA page */>> Pages3rdparty;
class ConfigWizardIndex: public wxPanel
ConfigWizardIndex(wxWindow *parent);
void add_page(ConfigWizardPage *page);
void add_label(wxString label, unsigned indent = 0);
size_t active_item() const { return item_active; }
ConfigWizardPage* active_page() const;
bool active_is_last() const { return item_active < items.size() && item_active == last_page; }
void go_prev();
void go_next();
void go_to(size_t i);
void go_to(const ConfigWizardPage *page);
void clear();
void msw_rescale();
int em() const { return em_w; }
static const size_t NO_ITEM = size_t(-1);
struct Item
wxString label;
unsigned indent;
ConfigWizardPage *page; // nullptr page => label-only item
bool operator==(ConfigWizardPage *page) const { return this->page == page; }
int em_w;
int em_h;
ScalableBitmap bg;
ScalableBitmap bullet_black;
ScalableBitmap bullet_blue;
ScalableBitmap bullet_white;
wxStaticBitmap* logo;
std::vector<Item> items;
size_t item_active;
ssize_t item_hover;
size_t last_page;
int item_height() const { return std::max(bullet_black.bmp().GetSize().GetHeight(), em_w) + em_w; }
void on_paint(wxPaintEvent &evt);
void on_mouse_move(wxMouseEvent &evt);
// ConfigWizard private data
typedef std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> PresetAliases;
struct ConfigWizard::priv
ConfigWizard *q;
ConfigWizard::RunReason run_reason = RR_USER;
AppConfig appconfig_new; // Backing for vendor/model/variant and material selections in the GUI
BundleMap bundles; // Holds all loaded config bundles, the key is the vendor names.
// Materials refers to Presets in those bundles by pointers.
// Also we update the is_visible flag in printer Presets according to the
// PrinterPickers state.
Materials filaments; // Holds available filament presets and their types & vendors
Materials sla_materials; // Ditto for SLA materials
PresetAliases aliases_fff; // Map of aliase to preset names
PresetAliases aliases_sla; // Map of aliase to preset names
std::unique_ptr<DynamicPrintConfig> custom_config; // Backing for custom printer definition
bool any_fff_selected; // Used to decide whether to display Filaments page
bool any_sla_selected; // Used to decide whether to display SLA Materials page
bool custom_printer_selected;
wxScrolledWindow *hscroll = nullptr;
wxBoxSizer *hscroll_sizer = nullptr;
wxBoxSizer *btnsizer = nullptr;
ConfigWizardPage *page_current = nullptr;
ConfigWizardIndex *index = nullptr;
wxButton *btn_sel_all = nullptr;
wxButton *btn_prev = nullptr;
wxButton *btn_next = nullptr;
wxButton *btn_finish = nullptr;
wxButton *btn_cancel = nullptr;
PageWelcome *page_welcome = nullptr;
PagePrinters *page_fff = nullptr;
PagePrinters *page_msla = nullptr;
PageMaterials *page_filaments = nullptr;
PageMaterials *page_sla_materials = nullptr;
PageCustom *page_custom = nullptr;
PageUpdate *page_update = nullptr;
PageReloadFromDisk *page_reload_from_disk = nullptr;
PageMode *page_mode = nullptr;
PageVendors *page_vendors = nullptr;
Pages3rdparty pages_3rdparty;
// Custom setup pages
PageFirmware *page_firmware = nullptr;
PageBedShape *page_bed = nullptr;
PageDiameters *page_diams = nullptr;
PageTemperatures *page_temps = nullptr;
// Pointers to all pages (regardless or whether currently part of the ConfigWizardIndex)
std::vector<ConfigWizardPage*> all_pages;
priv(ConfigWizard *q)
: q(q)
, filaments(T_FFF)
, sla_materials(T_SLA)
void load_pages();
void init_dialog_size();
void load_vendors();
void add_page(ConfigWizardPage *page);
void enable_next(bool enable);
void set_start_page(ConfigWizard::StartPage start_page);
void create_3rdparty_pages();
void set_run_reason(RunReason run_reason);
void update_materials(Technology technology);
void on_custom_setup(const bool custom_wanted);
void on_printer_pick(PagePrinters *page, const PrinterPickerEvent &evt);
void select_default_materials_for_printer_model(const VendorProfile::PrinterModel &printer_model, Technology technology);
void select_default_materials_for_printer_models(Technology technology, const std::set<const VendorProfile::PrinterModel*> &printer_models);
void on_3rdparty_install(const VendorProfile *vendor, bool install);
bool on_bnt_finish();
bool check_and_install_missing_materials(Technology technology, const std::string &only_for_model_id = std::string());
void apply_config(AppConfig *app_config, PresetBundle *preset_bundle, const PresetUpdater *updater);
// #ys_FIXME_alise
void update_presets_in_config(const std::string& section, const std::string& alias_key, bool add);
bool check_fff_selected(); // Used to decide whether to display Filaments page
bool check_sla_selected(); // Used to decide whether to display SLA Materials page
int em() const { return index->em(); }