bubnikv 2f6326a2eb Windows specific refactoring of Mouse3DController and RemovableDriveManager.
PrusaSlicer newly registers by Windows operating system for HID USB
plug / unplug notifications and for Volume attach / detach notifications,
and the background threads of the two respective services are waken up
on these Windows notifications.
The RemovableDriveManager also wakes up every 30 seconds to cope with
the drives ejected from Windows Explorer or from another application,
for example Cura, for which Windows OS does not send out notifications.
2020-03-13 14:19:14 +01:00

233 lines
10 KiB

#ifndef slic3r_Mouse3DController_hpp_
#define slic3r_Mouse3DController_hpp_
// Enabled debug output to console and extended imgui dialog
#include "libslic3r/Point.hpp"
#include "hidapi.h"
#include <queue>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <tbb/mutex.h>
namespace Slic3r {
class AppConfig;
namespace GUI {
struct Camera;
class GLCanvas3D;
class Mouse3DController
// Parameters, which are configured by the ImGUI dialog when pressing Ctrl+M.
// The UI thread modifies a copy of the parameters and indicates to the background thread that there was a change
// to copy the parameters.
struct Params
static constexpr double DefaultTranslationScale = 2.5;
static constexpr double MaxTranslationDeadzone = 0.2;
static constexpr double DefaultTranslationDeadzone = 0.5 * MaxTranslationDeadzone;
static constexpr float DefaultRotationScale = 1.0f;
static constexpr float MaxRotationDeadzone = 0.2f;
static constexpr float DefaultRotationDeadzone = 0.5f * MaxRotationDeadzone;
static constexpr double DefaultZoomScale = 0.1;
template <typename Number>
struct CustomParameters
Number scale;
Number deadzone;
CustomParameters<double> translation { DefaultTranslationScale, DefaultTranslationDeadzone };
CustomParameters<float> rotation { DefaultRotationScale, DefaultRotationDeadzone };
CustomParameters<double> zoom { DefaultZoomScale, 0.0 };
// Do not process button presses from 3DConnexion device, let the user map the 3DConnexion keys in 3DConnexion driver.
bool buttons_enabled { false };
// The default value of 15 for max_size seems to work fine on all platforms
// The effects of changing this value can be tested by setting ENABLE_3DCONNEXION_DEVICES_DEBUG_OUTPUT to 1
// and playing with the imgui dialog which shows by pressing CTRL+M
size_t input_queue_max_size { 15 };
// Queue of the 3DConnexion input events (translations, rotations, button presses).
class State
struct QueueItem {
static QueueItem translation(const Vec3d &translation) { QueueItem out; out.vector = translation; out.type_or_buttons = TranslationType; return out; }
static QueueItem rotation(const Vec3d &rotation) { QueueItem out; out.vector = rotation; out.type_or_buttons = RotationType; return out; }
static QueueItem buttons(unsigned int buttons) { QueueItem out; out.type_or_buttons = buttons; return out; }
bool is_translation() const { return this->type_or_buttons == TranslationType; }
bool is_rotation() const { return this->type_or_buttons == RotationType; }
bool is_buttons() const { return ! this->is_translation() && ! this->is_rotation(); }
Vec3d vector;
unsigned int type_or_buttons;
static constexpr unsigned int TranslationType = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
static constexpr unsigned int RotationType = TranslationType - 1;
// m_input_queue is accessed by the background thread and by the UI thread. Access to m_input_queue
// is guarded with m_input_queue_mutex.
std::deque<QueueItem> m_input_queue;
mutable tbb::mutex m_input_queue_mutex;
#ifdef WIN32
// When the 3Dconnexion driver is running the system gets, by default, mouse wheel events when rotations around the X axis are detected.
// We want to filter these out because we are getting the data directly from the device, bypassing the driver, and those mouse wheel events interfere
// by triggering unwanted zoom in/out of the scene
// The following variable is used to count the potential mouse wheel events triggered and is updated by:
// Mouse3DController::collect_input() through the call to the append_rotation() method
// GLCanvas3D::on_mouse_wheel() through the call to the process_mouse_wheel() method
// GLCanvas3D::on_idle() through the call to the apply() method
unsigned int m_mouse_wheel_counter { 0 };
#endif /* WIN32 */
// Called by the background thread or by by when a new event is received from 3DConnexion device.
void append_translation(const Vec3d& translation, size_t input_queue_max_size);
void append_rotation(const Vec3f& rotation, size_t input_queue_max_size);
void append_button(unsigned int id, size_t input_queue_max_size);
#ifdef WIN32
// Called by GLCanvas3D::on_mouse_wheel(wxMouseEvent& evt)
// to filter out spurious mouse scroll events produced by the 3DConnexion driver on Windows.
bool process_mouse_wheel();
#endif /* WIN32 */
Vec3d get_first_vector_of_type(unsigned int type) const {
tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_input_queue_mutex);
auto it = std::find_if(m_input_queue.begin(), m_input_queue.end(), [type](const QueueItem& item) { return item.type_or_buttons == type; });
return (it == m_input_queue.end()) ? Vec3d::Zero() : it->vector;
size_t input_queue_size_current() const {
tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_input_queue_mutex);
return m_input_queue.size();
std::atomic<size_t> input_queue_max_size_achieved;
// Apply the 3DConnexion events stored in the input queue, reset the input queue.
// Returns true if any change to the camera took place.
bool apply(const Params &params, Camera& camera);
// Background thread works with this copy.
Params m_params;
// UI thread will read / write this copy.
Params m_params_ui;
bool m_params_ui_changed { false };
mutable tbb::mutex m_params_ui_mutex;
// This is a database of parametes of all 3DConnexion devices ever connected.
// This database is loaded from AppConfig on application start and it is stored to AppConfig on application exit.
// We need to do that as the AppConfig is not thread safe and we need read the parameters on device connect / disconnect,
// which is now done by a background thread.
std::map<std::string, Params> m_params_by_device;
mutable State m_state;
std::atomic<bool> m_connected { false };
std::string m_device_str;
#if ! __APPLE__
// Worker thread for enumerating devices, connecting, reading data from the device and closing the device.
std::thread m_thread;
hid_device* m_device { nullptr };
// Using m_stop_condition_mutex to synchronize m_stop.
bool m_stop { false };
#ifdef _WIN32
std::atomic<bool> m_wakeup { false };
#endif /* _WIN32 */
// Mutex and condition variable for sleeping during the detection of 3DConnexion devices by polling while allowing
// cancellation before the end of the polling interval.
std::mutex m_stop_condition_mutex;
std::condition_variable m_stop_condition;
// Is the ImGUI dialog shown? Accessed from UI thread only.
mutable bool m_show_settings_dialog { false };
// Set to true when ther user closes the dialog by clicking on [X] or [Close] buttons. Accessed from UI thread only.
mutable bool m_settings_dialog_closed_by_user { false };
// Load the device parameter database from appconfig. To be called on application startup.
void load_config(const AppConfig &appconfig);
// Store the device parameter database back to appconfig. To be called on application closeup.
void save_config(AppConfig &appconfig) const;
// Start the background thread to detect and connect to a HID device (Windows and Linux).
// Connect to a 3DConnextion driver (OSX).
// Call load_config() before init().
void init();
// Stop the background thread (Windows and Linux).
// Disconnect from a 3DConnextion driver (OSX).
// Call save_config() after shutdown().
void shutdown();
bool connected() const { return m_connected; }
#if __APPLE__
// Interfacing with the Objective C code (
void connected(std::string device_name);
void disconnected();
typedef std::array<double, 6> DataPacketAxis;
// Unpack a 3DConnexion packet provided by the 3DConnexion driver into m_state. Called by
bool handle_input(const DataPacketAxis& packet);
#endif // __APPLE__
#ifdef WIN32
// Called by Win32 HID enumeration callback.
void device_attached(const std::string &device);
// On Windows, the 3DConnexion driver sends out mouse wheel rotation events to an active application
// if the application does not register at the driver. This is a workaround to ignore these superfluous
// mouse wheel events.
bool process_mouse_wheel() { return m_state.process_mouse_wheel(); }
#endif // WIN32
// Apply the received 3DConnexion mouse events to the camera. Called from the UI rendering thread.
bool apply(Camera& camera);
bool is_settings_dialog_shown() const { return m_show_settings_dialog; }
void show_settings_dialog(bool show) { m_show_settings_dialog = show && this->connected(); }
void render_settings_dialog(GLCanvas3D& canvas) const;
#if ! __APPLE__
bool connect_device();
void disconnect_device();
// secondary thread methods
void run();
void collect_input();
typedef std::array<unsigned char, 13> DataPacketRaw;
// Unpack raw 3DConnexion HID packet of a wired 3D mouse into m_state. Called by the worker thread.
static bool handle_input(const DataPacketRaw& packet, const int packet_lenght, const Params &params, State &state_in_out);
// The following is called by handle_input() from the worker thread.
static bool handle_packet(const DataPacketRaw& packet, const Params &params, State &state_in_out);
static bool handle_wireless_packet(const DataPacketRaw& packet, const Params &params, State &state_in_out);
static bool handle_packet_translation(const DataPacketRaw& packet, const Params &params, State &state_in_out);
static bool handle_packet_rotation(const DataPacketRaw& packet, unsigned int first_byte, const Params &params, State &state_in_out);
static bool handle_packet_button(const DataPacketRaw& packet, unsigned int packet_size, const Params &params, State &state_in_out);
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
} // namespace GUI
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif // slic3r_Mouse3DController_hpp_