Reset the layer height profile when changing a print profile to an incompatible one. Reset button on the layer height bar. Fixed an update issue on zooming by a scroll wheel. Fixed an issue when loading an AMF file: Object names are now retained.
137 lines
5.6 KiB
137 lines
5.6 KiB
package Slic3r::Format::AMF;
use Moo;
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(X Y Z);
sub read_file {
my $self = shift;
my ($file) = @_;
eval qq{
require Slic3r::Format::AMF::Parser;
use XML::SAX::ParserFactory;
} or die "AMF parsing requires XML::SAX\n";
Slic3r::open(\my $fh, '<', $file) or die "Failed to open $file\n";
my $model = Slic3r::Model->new;
->parser(Handler => Slic3r::Format::AMF::Parser->new(_model => $model))
close $fh;
return $model;
sub write_file {
my $self = shift;
my ($file, $model, %params) = @_;
my %vertices_offset = ();
Slic3r::open(\my $fh, '>', $file);
binmode $fh, ':utf8';
printf $fh qq{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n};
printf $fh qq{<amf unit="millimeter">\n};
printf $fh qq{ <metadata type="cad">Slic3r %s</metadata>\n}, $Slic3r::VERSION;
for my $material_id (sort @{ $model->material_names }) {
next if $material_id eq '';
my $material = $model->get_material($material_id);
# note that material-id must never be 0 since it's reserved by the AMF spec
printf $fh qq{ <material id="%s">\n}, $material_id;
for (keys %{$material->attributes}) {
printf $fh qq{ <metadata type=\"%s\">%s</metadata>\n}, $_, $material->attributes->{$_};
my $config = $material->config;
foreach my $opt_key (@{$config->get_keys}) {
printf $fh qq{ <metadata type=\"slic3r.%s\">%s</metadata>\n}, $opt_key, $config->serialize($opt_key);
printf $fh qq{ </material>\n};
my $instances = '';
for my $object_id (0 .. $#{ $model->objects }) {
my $object = $model->objects->[$object_id];
printf $fh qq{ <object id="%d">\n}, $object_id;
my $config = $object->config;
foreach my $opt_key (@{$config->get_keys}) {
printf $fh qq{ <metadata type=\"slic3r.%s\">%s</metadata>\n}, $opt_key, $config->serialize($opt_key);
if ($object->name) {
printf $fh qq{ <metadata type=\"name\">%s</metadata>\n}, $object->name;
my $layer_height_profile = $object->layer_height_profile();
my $layer_height_profile_pts = int(@{$layer_height_profile});
if ($layer_height_profile_pts >= 4 && $layer_height_profile_pts % 2 == 0) {
# Store the layer height profile as a single semicolon separated list.
print $fh ' <metadata type="slic3r.layer_height_profile">', join(';', @{$layer_height_profile}), "</metadata>\n";
#FIXME Store the layer height ranges (ModelObject::layer_height_ranges)
printf $fh qq{ <mesh>\n};
printf $fh qq{ <vertices>\n};
my @vertices_offset = ();
my $vertices_offset = 0;
foreach my $volume (@{ $object->volumes }) {
push @vertices_offset, $vertices_offset;
my $vertices = $volume->mesh->vertices;
foreach my $vertex (@$vertices) {
printf $fh qq{ <vertex>\n};
printf $fh qq{ <coordinates>\n};
printf $fh qq{ <x>%s</x>\n}, $vertex->[X];
printf $fh qq{ <y>%s</y>\n}, $vertex->[Y];
printf $fh qq{ <z>%s</z>\n}, $vertex->[Z];
printf $fh qq{ </coordinates>\n};
printf $fh qq{ </vertex>\n};
$vertices_offset += scalar(@$vertices);
printf $fh qq{ </vertices>\n};
foreach my $volume (@{ $object->volumes }) {
my $vertices_offset = shift @vertices_offset;
printf $fh qq{ <volume%s>\n},
($volume->material_id eq '') ? '' : (sprintf ' materialid="%s"', $volume->material_id);
my $config = $volume->config;
foreach my $opt_key (@{$config->get_keys}) {
printf $fh qq{ <metadata type=\"slic3r.%s\">%s</metadata>\n}, $opt_key, $config->serialize($opt_key);
if ($volume->name) {
printf $fh qq{ <metadata type=\"name\">%s</metadata>\n}, $volume->name;
if ($volume->modifier) {
printf $fh qq{ <metadata type=\"slic3r.modifier\">1</metadata>\n};
foreach my $facet (@{$volume->mesh->facets}) {
printf $fh qq{ <triangle>\n};
printf $fh qq{ <v%d>%d</v%d>\n}, $_, $facet->[$_-1] + $vertices_offset, $_ for 1..3;
printf $fh qq{ </triangle>\n};
printf $fh qq{ </volume>\n};
printf $fh qq{ </mesh>\n};
printf $fh qq{ </object>\n};
if ($object->instances) {
foreach my $instance (@{$object->instances}) {
$instances .= sprintf qq{ <instance objectid="%d">\n}, $object_id;
$instances .= sprintf qq{ <deltax>%s</deltax>\n}, $instance->offset->[X];
$instances .= sprintf qq{ <deltay>%s</deltay>\n}, $instance->offset->[Y];
$instances .= sprintf qq{ <rz>%s</rz>\n}, $instance->rotation;
$instances .= sprintf qq{ </instance>\n};
if ($instances) {
printf $fh qq{ <constellation id="1">\n};
printf $fh $instances;
printf $fh qq{ </constellation>\n};
printf $fh qq{</amf>\n};
close $fh;