Simon George 266f7799dd Made the UI look quite a bit nicer (OS X 10.7 tested).
* Added link to website for updates
* Moved 'Slice…' button to the right as this more logically follows the
user's flow through the application
* Moved version information to the middle right under the App name (on
OS X anyway) as it is clearer what the version is referring to
* Added spacing between the buttons
* Removed colon after 'version' as this is the UI convention in about
* Changed 'Load' to 'Open' as this is the more commonly used term
* Truncated 'Configuration' to 'Config' to save space, and I believe it
is still clear what it means
* Added open and save config to File menu as this is more conventional
* Simplified some wording
* Rephrased the tabs to be more succinct, I believe they still make
* Fixed a spelling
* Replaced '…' with proper ellipses character
2012-02-28 23:04:19 +00:00

63 lines
1.7 KiB

package Slic3r::GUI;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup;
use Slic3r::GUI::SkeinPanel;
use Wx 0.9901 qw(:sizer :frame wxID_EXIT wxID_ABOUT);
use Wx::Event qw(EVT_MENU);
use base 'Wx::App';
sub OnInit {
my $self = shift;
#$self->SetIcon(Wx::Icon->new("path/to/my/icon.gif", wxBITMAP_TYPE_GIF) );
my $frame = Wx::Frame->new( undef, -1, 'Slic3r', [-1, -1], Wx::wxDefaultSize,
my $panel = Slic3r::GUI::SkeinPanel->new($frame);
my $box = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL);
$box->Add($panel, 0);
# menubar
my $menubar = Wx::MenuBar->new;
EVT_MENU($frame, wxID_EXIT, sub {$_[0]->Close(1)});
EVT_MENU($frame, wxID_ABOUT, \&About);
# File menu
my $fileMenu = Wx::Menu->new;
$fileMenu->Append(1, "Save Config…");
$fileMenu->Append(2, "Open Config…");
$fileMenu->Append(3, "Slice…");
$fileMenu->Append(4, "Slice and Save As…");
$menubar->Append($fileMenu, "&File");
EVT_MENU($frame, 1, sub { $panel->save_config });
EVT_MENU($frame, 2, sub { $panel->load_config });
EVT_MENU($frame, 3, sub { $panel->do_slice });
EVT_MENU($frame, 4, sub { $panel->do_slice(save_as => 1) });
return 1;
sub About {
my $frame = shift;
my $info = Wx::AboutDialogInfo->new;
$info->AddDeveloper('Alessandro Ranellucci');