bubnikv 1385018724 Unicode handling:
Removed the Perl dependencies on Encode, Encode::Locale and Unicode::Normalize.
Added dependency on boost::locale.
Added encode_path, decode_path, normalize_utf8 functions to Slic3r.xs

Slic3r.xs has been made mostly utf8 safe by using the boost::nowide library,
thanks to @alexrj for the idea.

Simplified the encode_path / decode_path stuff:
wxWidgets are unicode already, so there is no need to decode_path() from it.
Perl / win32 interfacing is non-unicode, so decode_path() is executed
on ARGV just at the beginning of the perl scripts.
2017-08-03 17:31:31 +02:00

375 lines
14 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use Devel::CheckLib;
use ExtUtils::CppGuess;
use Module::Build::WithXSpp;
# Link boost & TBB statically by default on Windows & OSX.
$ENV{SLIC3R_STATIC} = 1 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'darwin') && (! defined($ENV{SLIC3R_DYNAMIC}) || $ENV{SLIC3R_DYNAMIC} != 1);
my $cpp_guess = ExtUtils::CppGuess->new;
my $mswin = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
my $lib_ext = $ENV{SLIC3R_STATIC} ? ($cpp_guess->is_msvc ? '.lib' : '.a') : ${$cpp_guess}{config}{lib_ext};
# Library paths to search for boost, thread building blocks and such.
# On Windows, there is really no standard. On Unices, this is a bit better.
my @library_path_prefixes = ();
if ($mswin) {
@library_path_prefixes = ("C:\\", "C:\\dev\\", "C:\\local\\", "D:\\", "D:\\dev\\", "D:\\local\\");
} else {
@library_path_prefixes = qw(/opt/local/ /usr/local/ /opt/ /usr/);
# _GLIBCXX_USE_C99 : to get the long long type for g++
# HAS_BOOL : stops Perl/lib/CORE/handy.h from doing "# define bool char" for MSVC
# NOGDI : prevents inclusion of wingdi.h which defines functions Polygon() and Polyline() in global namespace
# BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_KQUEUE : prevents a Boost ASIO bug on OS X:
my @ldflags = ();
if ($^O eq 'darwin') {
push @ldflags, qw(-framework IOKit -framework CoreFoundation);
if ($mswin) {
# In case windows.h is included, we don't want the min / max macros to be active.
# If <math.h> is included, we want the #defines to be active (M_PI etc.)
push @cflags, qw(-D_WIN32 -DNOMINMAX -D_USE_MATH_DEFINES);
if (! $cpp_guess->is_msvc) {
# Don't use the version flag on MS Visual Studio, as it starts to recognize them up to 2015 and it uses different syntax.
push @cflags, qw(-std=c++11);
my @early_includes = ();
my @INC = qw(-Isrc/libslic3r -Isrc/glew/include -Isrc/eigen);
my @LIBS = $cpp_guess->is_msvc ? qw(-LIBPATH:src/libslic3r) : qw(-Lsrc/libslic3r);
$ENV{SLIC3R_GUI} = 1 if ! defined($ENV{SLIC3R_NOGUI}) || $ENV{SLIC3R_NOGUI} != 1;
print "Slic3r will be built with GUI support\n";
require Alien::wxWidgets;
push @INC, Alien::wxWidgets->include_path;
push @cflags, qw(-DSLIC3R_GUI) if $ENV{SLIC3R_GUI};
push @cflags, qw(-DSLIC3R_PRUS -DUNICODE), Alien::wxWidgets->defines, Alien::wxWidgets->c_flags;
my $alienwx_libraries = Alien::wxWidgets->libraries($ENV{SLIC3R_GUI} ? qw(gl html) : qw(base));
$alienwx_libraries =~ s/-L/-LIBPATH:/g if ($cpp_guess->is_msvc);
push @ldflags, Alien::wxWidgets->link_flags, $alienwx_libraries;
# push @early_includes, qw(slic3r/GUI/wxinit.h);
print "Slic3r will be built with a Shiny invasive profiler\n";
push @cflags, qw(-DSLIC3R_PROFILE);
# Some Strawberry Perl builds (mainly the latest 64bit builds) have a broken mechanism
# for emiting Perl exception after handling a C++ exception. Perl interpreter
# simply hangs. Better to show a message box in that case and stop the application.
push @cflags, qw(-DSLIC3R_HAS_BROKEN_CROAK)
# search for Boost in a number of places
my @boost_include = ();
if (defined $ENV{BOOST_INCLUDEDIR}) {
push @boost_include, $ENV{BOOST_INCLUDEDIR}
} elsif (defined $ENV{BOOST_DIR}) {
my $subdir = $ENV{BOOST_DIR} . (($mswin == 1) ? '\include' : '/include');
if (-d $subdir) {
push @boost_include, $subdir;
} else {
push @boost_include, $ENV{BOOST_DIR};
} else {
# Boost library was not defined by the environment.
# Try to guess at some default paths.
if ($mswin) {
for my $path (map glob($_ . 'boost*\include'), @library_path_prefixes) {
push @boost_include, $path;
if (! @boost_include) {
# No boost\include. Try to include the boost root.
for my $path (map glob($_ . 'boost*'), @library_path_prefixes) {
push @boost_include, $path;
} else {
@boost_include = grep { -d $_ . '/boost' } map { $_ . 'include' } @library_path_prefixes;
my @boost_libs = ();
if (defined $ENV{BOOST_LIBRARYDIR}) {
push @boost_libs, $ENV{BOOST_LIBRARYDIR};
} elsif (defined $ENV{BOOST_DIR}) {
my $subdir = $ENV{BOOST_DIR} . ($mswin ? '\stage\lib' : '/stage/lib');
if (-d $subdir) {
push @boost_libs, $subdir;
} else {
push @boost_libs, $ENV{BOOST_DIR};
} else {
# Boost library was not defined by the environment.
# Try to guess at some default paths.
if ($mswin) {
for my $path (map (glob($_ . 'boost*\lib'), glob($_ . 'boost*\stage\lib')), @library_path_prefixes) {
push @boost_libs, $path;
} else {
push @boost_libs, grep { -d $_ } map $_ . 'lib', @library_path_prefixes;
# In order to generate the -l switches we need to know how Boost libraries are named
my $have_boost = 0;
my @boost_libraries = qw(system thread filesystem locale log); # we need these
# Dynamic linking of boost libraries.
if (! $mswin) {
# Check without explicit lib path (works on Linux and OSX).
$have_boost = 1
if check_lib(
lib => [ map "boost_${_}", @boost_libraries ],
if ($have_boost) {
# The boost library was detected by check_lib on Linux.
push @LIBS, map "-lboost_${_}", @boost_libraries;
} else {
# Either static linking, or check_lib could not be used to find the boost libraries.
my $lib_prefix = 'libboost_';
PATH: foreach my $path (@boost_libs) {
# Try to find the boost system library.
my @files = glob "$path/${lib_prefix}system*$lib_ext";
next if !@files;
if ($files[0] =~ /\Q${lib_prefix}system\E([^.]*)\Q$lib_ext\E$/) {
# Suffix contains the version number, the build type etc.
my $suffix = $1;
# Verify existence of all required boost libraries at $path.
for my $lib (map "${lib_prefix}${_}${suffix}${lib_ext}", @boost_libraries) {
# If the library file does not exist, try next library path.
-f "$path/$lib" or next PATH;
if (! $cpp_guess->is_msvc) {
# Test the correctness of boost libraries by linking them to a minimal C program.
lib => [ map "boost_${_}${suffix}", @boost_libraries ],
INC => join(' ', map "-I$_", @INC, @boost_include),
LIBS => "-L$path",
) or next;
push @INC, (map " -I$_", @boost_include); # TODO: only use the one related to the chosen lib path
if ($ENV{SLIC3R_STATIC} || $cpp_guess->is_msvc) {
push @LIBS, map "${path}/${lib_prefix}$_${suffix}${lib_ext}", @boost_libraries;
} else {
push @LIBS, " -L$path", (map " -lboost_$_$suffix", @boost_libraries);
$have_boost = 1;
push @cflags, '-DBOOST_LIBS' if $have_boost;
die <<'EOF' if !$have_boost;
Slic3r requires the Boost libraries. Please make sure they are installed.
If they are installed, this script should be able to locate them in several
standard locations. If this is not the case, you might want to supply their
path through the BOOST_DIR environment variable:
BOOST_DIR=/path/to/boost perl Build.PL
Or you may specify BOOST_INCLUDEDIR and BOOST_LIBRARYDIR separatly, which
is handy, if you have built Boost libraries with mutliple settings.
Following boost libraries are needed by Slic3r Prusa Edition: system, filesystem, thread, locale, log.
On Debian, you need to run
sudo apt-get install libboost-thread-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-locale-dev libboost-log-dev
# Search for the Intel Thread Building Blocks.
my @tbb_include = ();
if (defined $ENV{TBB_INCLUDEDIR}) {
push @tbb_include, $ENV{TBB_INCLUDEDIR}
} elsif (defined $ENV{TBB_DIR}) {
my $subdir = $ENV{TBB_DIR} . (($mswin == 1) ? '\include' : '/include');
push @tbb_include, $subdir if (-d $subdir);
} else {
# Thread Building Blocks library was not defined by the environment.
# Try to guess at some default paths.
if ($mswin) {
for my $path (map glob($_ . 'tbb*\include'), @library_path_prefixes) {
push @tbb_include, $path;
} else {
@tbb_include = grep { -d $_ . '/tbb' } map { $_ . 'include' } @library_path_prefixes;
my @tbb_libs = ();
if (defined $ENV{TBB_LIBRARYDIR}) {
push @tbb_libs, $ENV{TBB_LIBRARYDIR}
} elsif (defined $ENV{TBB_DIR}) {
my $subdir = $ENV{TBB_DIR} . ($mswin ? '\lib' : '/lib');
push @tbb_libs, $subdir if (-d $subdir);
} else {
# Thread Building Blocks library was not defined by the environment.
# Try to guess at some default paths.
if ($mswin) {
for my $path (map { glob($_ . 'tbb*\lib') } @library_path_prefixes) {
push @tbb_libs, $path;
} else {
@tbb_libs = grep { -d $_ } map { $_ . 'lib' } @library_path_prefixes;
# In order to generate the -l switches we need to know how Thread Building Blocks libraries are named
my $have_tbb = 0;
#my @tbb_libraries = qw(tbb tbbmalloc tbbmalloc_proxy); # we need these
my @tbb_libraries = qw(tbb); # we need these
# Dynamic linking of Thread Building Blocks libraries.
if (! $mswin) {
# Check without explicit lib path (works on Linux and OSX).
$have_tbb = 1
if check_lib(
lib => [ @tbb_libraries ],
if ($have_tbb) {
# The Thread Building Blocks library was detected by check_lib on Linux.
push @LIBS, map "-l${_}", @tbb_libraries;
} else {
# Either static linking, or check_lib could not be used to find the Thread Building Blocks libraries.
my $lib_prefix = $cpp_guess->is_msvc ? '' : 'lib';
PATH: foreach my $path (@tbb_libs) {
# Try to find the Thread Building Blocks system library.
my @files = glob "$path/${lib_prefix}tbb*$lib_ext";
next if !@files;
if ($files[0] =~ /\Q${lib_prefix}tbb\E([^.]*)\Q$lib_ext\E$/) {
# Suffix contains the version number, the build type etc.
my $suffix = $1;
# Verify existence of all required TBB libraries at $path.
for my $lib (map "${lib_prefix}${_}${suffix}${lib_ext}", @tbb_libraries) {
# If the library file does not exist, try next library path.
-f "$path/$lib" or next PATH;
if (! $cpp_guess->is_msvc) {
# Test the correctness of TBB libraries by linking them to a minimal C program.
lib => [ map "${_}${suffix}", @tbb_libraries ],
INC => join(' ', map "-I$_", @INC, @tbb_include),
LIBS => "-L$path",
) or next;
push @INC, (map " -I$_", @tbb_include); # TODO: only use the one related to the chosen lib path
if ($ENV{SLIC3R_STATIC} || $cpp_guess->is_msvc) {
my $lib_prefix = $cpp_guess->is_msvc ? '' : 'lib';
push @LIBS, map "${path}/${lib_prefix}${_}_static${lib_ext}", @tbb_libraries;
} else {
push @LIBS, " -L$path", (map " -l$_$suffix", @tbb_libraries);
$have_tbb = 1;
die <<'EOF' if !$have_tbb;
Slic3r requires the Intel Thread Building Blocks libraries. Please make sure the library is installed.
If the Intel Thread Building Blocks library is installed, this script should be able to locate them in several
standard locations. If this is not the case, you might want to supply a path to the library
through the TBB_DIR environment variable:
TBB_DIR=/path/to/TBB perl Build.PL
Or you may specify TBB_INCLUDEDIR and TBB_LIBRARYDIR separatly, which
is handy, if you have built the Thread Building Blocks libraries with mutliple settings.
# Add the OpenGL and GLU libraries.
if ($ENV{SLIC3R_GUI}) {
if ($mswin) {
if ($cpp_guess->is_msvc) {
push @LIBS, qw(OpenGL32.Lib GlU32.Lib);
} else {
push @LIBS, qw(-lopengl32);
} elsif ($^O eq 'darwin') {
push @LIBS, qw(-framework OpenGL);
} else {
push @LIBS, qw(-lGL -lGLU);
# only on newer GCCs: -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0
push @cflags, '-DSLIC3R_DEBUG';
push @cflags, $cpp_guess->is_msvc ? '-Gd' : '-g';
} else {
# Disable asserts in the release builds.
push @cflags, '-DNDEBUG';
print "\n";
print 'With @cflags: ', join(', ', map "\"$_\"", @cflags), "\n";
print 'With @ldflags: ', join(', ', map "\"$_\"", @ldflags), "\n";
print 'With @INC: ', join(', ', map "\"$_\"", @INC), "\n";
print 'With @LIBS: ', join(', ', map "\"$_\"", @LIBS), "\n";
my $build = Module::Build::WithXSpp->new(
module_name => 'Slic3r::XS',
dist_abstract => 'XS code for Slic3r',
build_requires => {qw(
ExtUtils::ParseXS 3.18
ExtUtils::Typemaps 1.00
ExtUtils::Typemaps::Default 1.05
ExtUtils::XSpp 0.17
Module::Build 0.3601
Test::More 0
configure_requires => {qw(
ExtUtils::CppGuess 0.07
Module::Build 0.38
Module::Build::WithXSpp 0.13
extra_compiler_flags => [ @INC, @cflags ],
extra_linker_flags => [ @LIBS, @ldflags ],
# Provides extra C typemaps that are auto-merged
extra_typemap_modules => {
'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Basic' => '1.05',
# for MSVC builds
early_includes => [qw(
), @early_includes]