bubnikv a378bb7bed Removed some obsolete Perl bindings.
Removed libslic3r from the default include paths for all modules but
libslic3r. Now headers from libslic3r need to be included with an
explicit path (libslic3r/libslic3r.h etc)
Split the localization macros into I18N.{cpp,h}
2018-11-26 14:41:58 +01:00

131 lines
5.8 KiB

#include "Preferences.hpp"
#include "AppConfig.hpp"
#include "OptionsGroup.hpp"
#include "I18N.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
namespace GUI {
PreferencesDialog::PreferencesDialog(wxWindow* parent) :
wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, _(L("Preferences")), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize) {
void PreferencesDialog::build()
auto app_config = get_app_config();
m_optgroup = std::make_shared<ConfigOptionsGroup>(this, _(L("General")));
m_optgroup->label_width = 400;
m_optgroup->m_on_change = [this](t_config_option_key opt_key, boost::any value){
m_values[opt_key] = boost::any_cast<bool>(value) ? "1" : "0";
// $optgroup->append_single_option_line(Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Option->new(
// opt_id = > 'version_check',
// type = > 'bool',
// label = > 'Check for updates',
// tooltip = > 'If this is enabled, Slic3r will check for updates daily and display a reminder if a newer version is available.',
// default = > $app_config->get("version_check") // 1,
// readonly = > !wxTheApp->have_version_check,
// ));
ConfigOptionDef def;
def.label = L("Remember output directory");
def.type = coBool;
def.tooltip = L("If this is enabled, Slic3r will prompt the last output directory "
"instead of the one containing the input files.");
def.default_value = new ConfigOptionBool{ app_config->has("remember_output_path") ? app_config->get("remember_output_path")[0] == '1' : true }; // 1;
Option option(def, "remember_output_path");
def.label = L("Auto-center parts");
def.type = coBool;
def.tooltip = L("If this is enabled, Slic3r will auto-center objects "
"around the print bed center.");
def.default_value = new ConfigOptionBool{ app_config->get("autocenter")[0] == '1' }; // 1;
option = Option (def,"autocenter");
def.label = L("Background processing");
def.type = coBool;
def.tooltip = L("If this is enabled, Slic3r will pre-process objects as soon "
"as they\'re loaded in order to save time when exporting G-code.");
def.default_value = new ConfigOptionBool{ app_config->get("background_processing")[0] == '1' }; // 1;
option = Option (def,"background_processing");
// Please keep in sync with ConfigWizard
def.label = L("Check for application updates");
def.type = coBool;
def.tooltip = L("If enabled, Slic3r checks for new versions of Slic3r PE online. When a new version becomes available a notification is displayed at the next application startup (never during program usage). This is only a notification mechanisms, no automatic installation is done.");
def.default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(app_config->get("version_check") == "1");
option = Option (def, "version_check");
// Please keep in sync with ConfigWizard
def.label = L("Update built-in Presets automatically");
def.type = coBool;
def.tooltip = L("If enabled, Slic3r downloads updates of built-in system presets in the background. These updates are downloaded into a separate temporary location. When a new preset version becomes available it is offered at application startup.");
def.default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(app_config->get("preset_update") == "1");
option = Option (def, "preset_update");
def.label = L("Suppress \" - default - \" presets");
def.type = coBool;
def.tooltip = L("Suppress \" - default - \" presets in the Print / Filament / Printer "
"selections once there are any other valid presets available.");
def.default_value = new ConfigOptionBool{ app_config->get("no_defaults")[0] == '1' }; // 1;
option = Option (def,"no_defaults");
def.label = L("Show incompatible print and filament presets");
def.type = coBool;
def.tooltip = L("When checked, the print and filament presets are shown in the preset editor "
"even if they are marked as incompatible with the active printer");
def.default_value = new ConfigOptionBool{ app_config->get("show_incompatible_presets")[0] == '1' }; // 1;
option = Option (def,"show_incompatible_presets");
def.label = L("Use legacy OpenGL 1.1 rendering");
def.type = coBool;
def.tooltip = L("If you have rendering issues caused by a buggy OpenGL 2.0 driver, "
"you may try to check this checkbox. This will disable the layer height "
"editing and anti aliasing, so it is likely better to upgrade your graphics driver.");
def.default_value = new ConfigOptionBool{ app_config->get("use_legacy_opengl")[0] == '1' }; // 1;
option = Option (def,"use_legacy_opengl");
auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
sizer->Add(m_optgroup->sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10);
auto buttons = CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL);
wxButton* btn = static_cast<wxButton*>(FindWindowById(wxID_OK, this));
btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent&) { accept(); });
sizer->Add(buttons, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxBOTTOM, 10);
void PreferencesDialog::accept()
if (m_values.find("no_defaults") != m_values.end()||
m_values.find("use_legacy_opengl")!= m_values.end()) {
warning_catcher(this, _(L("You need to restart Slic3r to make the changes effective.")));
auto app_config = get_app_config();
for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it = m_values.begin(); it != m_values.end(); ++it) {
app_config->set(it->first, it->second);
Close(); // needed on Linux
// Nothify the UI to update itself from the ini file.
} // GUI
} // Slic3r