Removed GCode.pm Removed the Perl bindigns for AvoidCrossingPerimeters, OozePrevention, SpiralVase, Wipe Changed the std::set of extruder IDs to vector of IDs. Removed some MSVC compiler warnings, removed obnoxious compiler warnings when compiling the Perl bindings.
212 lines
9.1 KiB
212 lines
9.1 KiB
#ifndef slic3r_GCode_PressureEqualizer_hpp_
#define slic3r_GCode_PressureEqualizer_hpp_
#include "../libslic3r.h"
#include "../PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "../ExtrusionEntity.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
// Processes a G-code. Finds changes in the volumetric extrusion speed and adjusts the transitions
// between these paths to limit fast changes in the volumetric extrusion speed.
class PressureEqualizer
PressureEqualizer(const Slic3r::GCodeConfig *config);
void reset();
// Process a next batch of G-code lines. Flush the internal buffers if asked for.
const char* process(const char *szGCode, bool flush);
size_t get_output_buffer_length() const { return output_buffer_length; }
struct Statistics
void reset() {
volumetric_extrusion_rate_min = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
volumetric_extrusion_rate_max = 0.f;
volumetric_extrusion_rate_avg = 0.f;
extrusion_length = 0.f;
void update(float volumetric_extrusion_rate, float length) {
volumetric_extrusion_rate_min = std::min(volumetric_extrusion_rate_min, volumetric_extrusion_rate);
volumetric_extrusion_rate_max = std::max(volumetric_extrusion_rate_max, volumetric_extrusion_rate);
volumetric_extrusion_rate_avg += volumetric_extrusion_rate * length;
extrusion_length += length;
float volumetric_extrusion_rate_min;
float volumetric_extrusion_rate_max;
float volumetric_extrusion_rate_avg;
float extrusion_length;
struct Statistics m_stat;
// Keeps the reference, does not own the config.
const Slic3r::GCodeConfig *m_config;
// Private configuration values
// How fast could the volumetric extrusion rate increase / decrase? mm^3/sec^2
struct ExtrusionRateSlope {
float positive;
float negative;
enum { numExtrusionRoles = erSupportMaterialInterface + 1 };
ExtrusionRateSlope m_max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slopes[numExtrusionRoles];
float m_max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope_positive;
float m_max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope_negative;
// Maximum segment length to split a long segment, if the initial and the final flow rate differ.
float m_max_segment_length;
// Configuration extracted from config.
// Area of the crossestion of each filament. Necessary to calculate the volumetric flow rate.
std::vector<float> m_filament_crossections;
// Internal data.
// X,Y,Z,E,F
float m_current_pos[5];
size_t m_current_extruder;
ExtrusionRole m_current_extrusion_role;
bool m_retracted;
enum GCodeLineType
struct GCodeLine
GCodeLine() :
bool moving_xy() const { return fabs(pos_end[0] - pos_start[0]) > 0.f || fabs(pos_end[1] - pos_start[1]) > 0.f; }
bool moving_z () const { return fabs(pos_end[2] - pos_start[2]) > 0.f; }
bool extruding() const { return moving_xy() && pos_end[3] > pos_start[3]; }
bool retracting() const { return pos_end[3] < pos_start[3]; }
bool deretracting() const { return ! moving_xy() && pos_end[3] > pos_start[3]; }
float dist_xy2() const { return (pos_end[0] - pos_start[0]) * (pos_end[0] - pos_start[0]) + (pos_end[1] - pos_start[1]) * (pos_end[1] - pos_start[1]); }
float dist_xyz2() const { return (pos_end[0] - pos_start[0]) * (pos_end[0] - pos_start[0]) + (pos_end[1] - pos_start[1]) * (pos_end[1] - pos_start[1]) + (pos_end[2] - pos_start[2]) * (pos_end[2] - pos_start[2]); }
float dist_xy() const { return sqrt(dist_xy2()); }
float dist_xyz() const { return sqrt(dist_xyz2()); }
float dist_e() const { return fabs(pos_end[3] - pos_start[3]); }
float feedrate() const { return pos_end[4]; }
float time() const { return dist_xyz() / feedrate(); }
float time_inv() const { return feedrate() / dist_xyz(); }
float volumetric_correction_avg() const {
float avg_correction = 0.5f * (volumetric_extrusion_rate_start + volumetric_extrusion_rate_end) / volumetric_extrusion_rate;
assert(avg_correction > 0.f);
assert(avg_correction <= 1.00000001f);
return avg_correction;
float time_corrected() const { return time() * volumetric_correction_avg(); }
GCodeLineType type;
// We try to keep the string buffer once it has been allocated, so it will not be reallocated over and over.
std::vector<char> raw;
size_t raw_length;
// If modified, the raw text has to be adapted by the new extrusion rate,
// or maybe the line needs to be split into multiple lines.
bool modified;
// float timeStart;
// float timeEnd;
// X,Y,Z,E,F. Storing the state of the currently active extruder only.
float pos_start[5];
float pos_end[5];
// Was the axis found on the G-code line? X,Y,Z,F
bool pos_provided[5];
// Index of the active extruder.
size_t extruder_id;
// Extrusion role of this segment.
ExtrusionRole extrusion_role;
// Current volumetric extrusion rate.
float volumetric_extrusion_rate;
// Volumetric extrusion rate at the start of this segment.
float volumetric_extrusion_rate_start;
// Volumetric extrusion rate at the end of this segment.
float volumetric_extrusion_rate_end;
// Volumetric extrusion rate slope limiting this segment.
// If set to zero, the slope is unlimited.
float max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope_positive;
float max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope_negative;
// Circular buffer of GCode lines. The circular buffer size will be limited to circular_buffer_size.
std::vector<GCodeLine> circular_buffer;
// Current position of the circular buffer (index, where to write the next line to, the line has to be pushed out before it is overwritten).
size_t circular_buffer_pos;
// Circular buffer size, configuration value.
size_t circular_buffer_size;
// Number of valid lines in the circular buffer. Lower or equal to circular_buffer_size.
size_t circular_buffer_items;
// Output buffer will only grow. It will not be reallocated over and over.
std::vector<char> output_buffer;
size_t output_buffer_length;
// For debugging purposes. Index of the G-code line processed.
size_t line_idx;
bool process_line(const char *line, const size_t len, GCodeLine &buf);
void output_gcode_line(GCodeLine &buf);
// Go back from the current circular_buffer_pos and lower the feedtrate to decrease the slope of the extrusion rate changes.
// Then go forward and adjust the feedrate to decrease the slope of the extrusion rate changes.
void adjust_volumetric_rate();
// Push the text to the end of the output_buffer.
void push_to_output(const char *text, const size_t len, bool add_eol = true);
// Push an axis assignment to the end of the output buffer.
void push_axis_to_output(const char axis, const float value, bool add_eol = false);
// Push a G-code line to the output,
void push_line_to_output(const GCodeLine &line, const float new_feedrate, const char *comment);
size_t circular_buffer_idx_head() const {
size_t idx = circular_buffer_pos + circular_buffer_size - circular_buffer_items;
if (idx >= circular_buffer_size)
idx -= circular_buffer_size;
return idx;
size_t circular_buffer_idx_tail() const { return circular_buffer_pos; }
size_t circular_buffer_idx_prev(size_t idx) const {
idx += circular_buffer_size - 1;
if (idx >= circular_buffer_size)
idx -= circular_buffer_size;
return idx;
size_t circular_buffer_idx_next(size_t idx) const {
if (++ idx >= circular_buffer_size)
idx -= circular_buffer_size;
return idx;
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif /* slic3r_GCode_PressureEqualizer_hpp_ */