
675 lines
21 KiB

#include "WipeTowerPrusaMM.hpp"
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#ifdef __linux
#include <strings.h>
#endif /* __linux */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define strcasecmp _stricmp
namespace Slic3r
namespace PrusaMultiMaterial {
class Writer
Writer() :
m_current_pos(std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), std::numeric_limits<float>::max()),
m_extrusion_flow(0.f) {}
Writer& set_z(float z)
{ m_current_z = z; return *this; }
Writer& set_extrusion_flow(float flow)
{ m_extrusion_flow = flow; return *this; }
Writer& feedrate(float f)
if (f != m_current_feedrate)
m_gcode += "G1" + set_format_F(f) + "\n";
return *this;
const std::string& gcode() const { return m_gcode; }
float x() const { return m_current_pos.x; }
float y() const { return m_current_pos.y; }
const WipeTower::xy& pos() const { return m_current_pos; }
// Extrude with an explicitely provided amount of extrusion.
Writer& extrude_explicit(float x, float y, float e, float f = 0.f)
if (x == m_current_pos.x && y == m_current_pos.y && e == 0.f && (f == 0.f || f == m_current_feedrate))
return *this;
m_gcode += "G1";
if (x != m_current_pos.x)
m_gcode += set_format_X(x);
if (y != m_current_pos.y)
m_gcode += set_format_Y(y);
if (e != 0.f)
m_gcode += set_format_E(e);
if (f != 0.f && f != m_current_feedrate)
m_gcode += set_format_F(f);
m_gcode += "\n";
return *this;
Writer& extrude_explicit(const WipeTower::xy &dest, float e, float f = 0.f)
{ return extrude_explicit(dest.x, dest.y, e, f); }
// Travel to a new XY position. f=0 means use the current value.
Writer& travel(float x, float y, float f = 0.f)
{ return extrude_explicit(x, y, 0.f, f); }
Writer& travel(const WipeTower::xy &dest, float f = 0.f)
{ return extrude_explicit(dest.x, dest.y, 0.f, f); }
// Extrude a line from current position to x, y with the extrusion amount given by m_extrusion_flow.
Writer& extrude(float x, float y, float f = 0.f)
float dx = x - m_current_pos.x;
float dy = y - m_current_pos.y;
return extrude_explicit(x, y, sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) * m_extrusion_flow, f);
Writer& extrude(const WipeTower::xy &dest, const float f = 0.f)
{ return extrude(dest.x, dest.y, f); }
Writer& deretract(float e, float f = 0.f)
if (e == 0.f && (f == 0.f || f == m_current_feedrate))
return *this;
m_gcode += "G1";
if (e != 0.f)
m_gcode += set_format_E(e);
if (f != 0.f && f != m_current_feedrate)
m_gcode += set_format_F(f);
m_gcode += "\n";
return *this;
// Derectract while moving in the X direction.
// If |x| > 0, the feed rate relates to the x distance,
// otherwise the feed rate relates to the e distance.
Writer& deretract_move_x(float x, float e, float f = 0.f)
{ return extrude_explicit(x, m_current_pos.y, e, f); }
Writer& retract(float e, float f = 0.f)
{ return deretract(-e, f); }
// Elevate the extruder head above the current print_z position.
Writer& z_hop(float hop, float f = 0.f)
m_gcode += std::string("G1") + set_format_Z(m_current_z + hop);
if (f != 0 && f != m_current_feedrate)
m_gcode += set_format_F(f);
m_gcode += "\n";
return *this;
// Lower the extruder head back to the current print_z position.
Writer& z_hop_reset(float hop, float f = 0.f)
{ return z_hop(0, f); }
// Move to x1, +y_increment,
// extrude quickly amount e to x2 with feed f.
Writer& ram(float x1, float x2, float dy, float e, float f)
return travel(x1, m_current_pos.y + dy, f)
.extrude_explicit(x2, m_current_pos.y, e);
Writer& cool(float x1, float x2, float e1, float e2, float f)
return extrude_explicit(x1, m_current_pos.y, e1, f)
.extrude_explicit(x2, m_current_pos.y, e2);
Writer& set_tool(int tool)
char buf[64];
sprintf(buf, "T%d\n", tool);
m_gcode += buf;
return *this;
// Set extruder temperature, don't wait by default.
Writer& set_extruder_temp(int temperature, bool wait = false)
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf, "M%d S%d\n", wait ? 109 : 104, temperature);
m_gcode += buf;
return *this;
// Set speed factor override percentage.
Writer& speed_override(int speed)
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf, "M220 S%d\n", speed);
m_gcode += buf;
return *this;
// Set digital trimpot motor
Writer& set_extruder_trimpot(int current)
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf, "M907 E%d\n", current);
m_gcode += buf;
return *this;
Writer& flush_planner_queue()
m_gcode += "G4 S0\n";
return *this;
// Reset internal extruder counter.
Writer& reset_extruder()
m_gcode += "G92 E0\n";
return *this;
Writer& comment_with_value(const char *comment, int value)
char strvalue[64];
sprintf(strvalue, "%d", value);
m_gcode += std::string(";") + comment + strvalue + "\n";
return *this;
Writer& comment_material(WipeTowerPrusaMM::material_type material)
m_gcode += "; material : ";
switch (material)
case WipeTowerPrusaMM::PVA:
m_gcode += "#8 (PVA)";
case WipeTowerPrusaMM::SCAFF:
m_gcode += "#5 (Scaffold)";
case WipeTowerPrusaMM::FLEX:
m_gcode += "#4 (Flex)";
m_gcode += "DEFAULT (PLA)";
m_gcode += "\n";
return *this;
Writer& append(const char *text) { m_gcode += text; return *this; }
WipeTower::xy m_current_pos;
float m_current_z;
float m_current_feedrate;
float m_extrusion_flow;
std::string m_gcode;
std::string set_format_X(float x) {
char buf[64];
sprintf(buf, " X%.3f", x);
m_current_pos.x = x;
return buf;
std::string set_format_Y(float y) {
char buf[64];
sprintf(buf, " Y%.3f", y);
m_current_pos.y = y;
return buf;
std::string set_format_Z(float z) {
char buf[64];
sprintf(buf, " Z%.3f", z);
return buf;
std::string set_format_E(float e) {
char buf[64];
sprintf(buf, " E%.4f", e);
return buf;
std::string set_format_F(float f) {
char buf[64];
sprintf(buf, " F%.0f", f);
m_current_feedrate = f;
return buf;
} // namespace PrusaMultiMaterial
WipeTowerPrusaMM::material_type WipeTowerPrusaMM::parse_material(const char *name)
if (strcasecmp(name, "PLA") == 0)
return PLA;
if (strcasecmp(name, "ABS") == 0)
return ABS;
if (strcasecmp(name, "PET") == 0)
return PET;
if (strcasecmp(name, "HIPS") == 0)
return HIPS;
if (strcasecmp(name, "FLEX") == 0)
return FLEX;
if (strcasecmp(name, "SCAFF") == 0)
return SCAFF;
if (strcasecmp(name, "EDGE") == 0)
return EDGE;
if (strcasecmp(name, "NGEN") == 0)
return NGEN;
if (strcasecmp(name, "PVA") == 0)
return PVA;
return INVALID;
std::pair<std::string, WipeTower::xy> WipeTowerPrusaMM::tool_change(int tool)
// Either it is the last tool unload,
// or there must be a nonzero wipe tower partitions available.
assert(tool < 0 || it_layer_tools->wipe_tower_partitions > 0);
if (m_layer_change_in_layer == (unsigned int)(-1)) {
// Mark the brim as extruded.
m_layer_change_in_layer = 0;
// First layer, prime the extruder.
return toolchange_Brim(tool);
box_coordinates cleaning_box(
m_wipe_tower_pos.y + m_current_wipe_start_y,
m_wipe_area - m_perimeter_width / 2);
PrusaMultiMaterial::Writer writer;
.comment_with_value(" toolchange #", m_layer_change_total)
// Lift for a Z hop.
.z_hop(m_zhop, 7200)
// additional retract on move to tower
.retract(m_retract/2, 3600)
.travel(((m_current_shape == SHAPE_NORMAL) ? cleaning_box.ld : cleaning_box.rd) + xy(m_perimeter_width, m_current_shape * m_perimeter_width), 7200)
// Unlift for a Z hop.
// Additional retract on move to tower.
.deretract(m_retract/2, 3600)
.deretract(m_retract, 1500)
// Increase extruder current for ramming.
// Ram the hot material out of the melt zone, retract the filament into the cooling tubes and let it cool.
toolchange_Unload(writer, cleaning_box, m_current_material, m_current_shape,
m_is_first_layer ? m_first_layer_temperature[tool] : m_temperature[tool]);
if (tool >= 0) {
// This is not the last change.
// Change the tool, set a speed override for solube and flex materials.
toolchange_Change(writer, tool, m_current_material, m_material[tool]);
toolchange_Load(writer, cleaning_box);
// Wipe the newly loaded filament until the end of the assigned wipe area.
toolchange_Wipe(writer, cleaning_box, m_current_material);
// Draw a perimeter around cleaning_box and wipe.
toolchange_Done(writer, cleaning_box);
// Reset the extruder current to a normal value.
.append("; CP TOOLCHANGE END\n"
++ m_layer_change_in_layer;
m_current_wipe_start_y += m_wipe_area;
m_current_material = m_material[tool];
return std::pair<std::string, xy>(writer.gcode(), writer.pos());
std::pair<std::string, WipeTower::xy> WipeTowerPrusaMM::toolchange_Brim(size_t tool, bool sideOnly, float y_offset)
const box_coordinates wipeTower_box(
m_wipe_area * float(m_max_color_changes) - m_perimeter_width / 2);
PrusaMultiMaterial::Writer writer;
writer.set_extrusion_flow(m_extrusion_flow * 1.1f)
// Let the writer know the current Z position as a base for Z-hop.
// Move with Z hop and prime the extruder 10*m_perimeter_width left along the vertical edge of the wipe tower.
writer.z_hop(m_zhop, 7200)
.travel( - xy(m_perimeter_width * 10.f, 0), 6000)
.extrude_explicit(wipeTower_box.ld - xy(m_perimeter_width * 10.f, 0), m_retract, 2400)
toolchange_Change(writer, tool, m_current_material, m_material[tool]);
if (sideOnly) {
float x_offset = 0.f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++ i, x_offset += m_perimeter_width) (wipeTower_box.ld + xy(- x_offset, y_offset))
.extrude( + xy(- x_offset, - y_offset)); + xy(x_offset, y_offset), 7000)
x_offset = 0.f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++ i, x_offset += m_perimeter_width) (wipeTower_box.rd + xy(x_offset, y_offset))
.extrude( + xy(x_offset, - y_offset));
} else {
// Extrude 4 rounds of a brim around the future wipe tower.
box_coordinates box(wipeTower_box);
box.ld += xy(- m_perimeter_width / 2, 0); += xy(- m_perimeter_width / 2, m_perimeter_width);
box.rd += xy( m_perimeter_width / 2, 0); += xy( m_perimeter_width / 2, m_perimeter_width);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++ i) {
.extrude( .extrude(
.extrude(box.rd) .extrude(box.ld);
// Move to the front left corner and wipe along the front edge., 7000)
return std::pair<std::string, xy>(writer.gcode(), writer.pos());
// Ram the hot material out of the melt zone, retract the filament into the cooling tubes and let it cool.
void WipeTowerPrusaMM::toolchange_Unload(
PrusaMultiMaterial::Writer &writer,
const box_coordinates &cleaning_box,
const material_type material,
const wipe_shape shape,
const int temperature)
float xl = cleaning_box.ld.x + (m_perimeter_width / 2);
float xr = cleaning_box.rd.x - (m_perimeter_width / 2);
float y_step = shape * m_perimeter_width;
writer.append("; CP TOOLCHANGE UNLOAD");
// Ram the hot material out of the extruder melt zone.
switch (material)
case PVA:
// ramming start end y increment amount feedrate
writer.ram(xl + m_perimeter_width * 2, xr - m_perimeter_width, y_step * 1.2f, 3, 4000)
.ram(xr - m_perimeter_width, xl + m_perimeter_width, y_step * 1.5f, 3, 4500)
.ram(xl + m_perimeter_width * 2, xr - m_perimeter_width * 2, y_step * 1.5f, 3, 4800)
.ram(xr - m_perimeter_width, xl + m_perimeter_width, y_step * 1.5f, 3, 5000);
case SCAFF:
writer.ram(xl + m_perimeter_width * 2, xr - m_perimeter_width, y_step * 3.f, 3, 4000)
.ram(xr - m_perimeter_width, xl + m_perimeter_width, y_step * 3.f, 4, 4600)
.ram(xl + m_perimeter_width * 2, xr - m_perimeter_width * 2, y_step * 3.f, 4.5, 5200);
writer.ram(xl + m_perimeter_width * 2, xr - m_perimeter_width, y_step * 1.2f, 1.6f, 4000)
.ram(xr - m_perimeter_width, xl + m_perimeter_width, y_step * 1.2f, 1.65f, 4600)
.ram(xl + m_perimeter_width * 2, xr - m_perimeter_width * 2, y_step * 1.2f, 1.74f, 5200);
// Pull the filament end into a cooling tube.
writer.retract(15, 5000).retract(50, 5400).retract(15, 3000).deretract(12, 2000);
if (temperature != 0)
// Set the extruder temperature, but don't wait.
writer.set_extruder_temp(temperature, false);
// Horizontal cooling moves at the following y coordinate:, writer.y() + y_step * 0.8f, 1600);
switch (material)
case PVA:, xr, 3, -5, 1600)
.cool(xl, xr, 5, -5, 2000)
.cool(xl, xr, 5, -5, 2200)
.cool(xl, xr, 5, -5, 2400)
.cool(xl, xr, 5, -5, 2400)
.cool(xl, xr, 5, -5, 2400);
case SCAFF:, xr, 3, -5, 1600)
.cool(xl, xr, 5, -5, 2000)
.cool(xl, xr, 5, -5, 2200)
.cool(xl, xr, 5, -5, 2200)
.cool(xl, xr, 5, -5, 2400);
default:, xr, 3, -5, 1600)
.cool(xl, xr, 5, -5, 2000)
.cool(xl, xr, 5, -5, 2400)
.cool(xl, xr, 5, -3, 2400);
// Change the tool, set a speed override for solube and flex materials.
void WipeTowerPrusaMM::toolchange_Change(
PrusaMultiMaterial::Writer &writer,
const int tool,
material_type /* current_material */,
material_type new_material)
// Speed override for the material. Go slow for flex and soluble materials.
int speed_override;
switch (new_material) {
case PVA: speed_override = 80; break;
case SCAFF: speed_override = 35; break;
case FLEX: speed_override = 35; break;
default: speed_override = 100;
void WipeTowerPrusaMM::toolchange_Load(
PrusaMultiMaterial::Writer &writer,
const box_coordinates &cleaning_box)
float xl = cleaning_box.ld.x + m_perimeter_width;
float xr = cleaning_box.rd.x - m_perimeter_width;
writer.append("; CP TOOLCHANGE LOAD\n")
// Load the filament while moving left / right,
// so the excess material will not create a blob at a single position.
.deretract_move_x(xr, 20, 1400)
.deretract_move_x(xl, 40, 3000)
.deretract_move_x(xr, 20, 1600)
.deretract_move_x(xl, 10, 1000);
// Extrude first five lines (just three lines if colorInit is set).
writer.extrude(xr, writer.y(), 1600);
bool colorInit = false;
size_t pass = colorInit ? 1 : 2;
for (int i = 0; i < pass; ++ i) (xr, writer.y() + m_current_shape * m_perimeter_width * 0.85f, 2200)
.extrude(xl, writer.y())
.travel (xl, writer.y() + m_current_shape * m_perimeter_width * 0.85f)
.extrude(xr, writer.y());
// Reset the extruder current to the normal value.
// Wipe the newly loaded filament until the end of the assigned wipe area.
void WipeTowerPrusaMM::toolchange_Wipe(
PrusaMultiMaterial::Writer &writer,
const box_coordinates &cleaning_box,
const material_type material)
// Increase flow on first layer, slow down print.
writer.set_extrusion_flow(m_extrusion_flow * (m_is_first_layer ? 1.18f : 1.f))
.append("; CP TOOLCHANGE WIPE\n");
float wipe_coeff = m_is_first_layer ? 0.5f : 1.f;
float xl = cleaning_box.ld.x + 2.f * m_perimeter_width;
float xr = cleaning_box.rd.x - 2.f * m_perimeter_width;
// Wipe speed will increase up to 4800.
float wipe_speed = 4200;
// Y increment per wipe line.
float dy = m_current_shape * m_perimeter_width * 0.7f;
for (bool p = true; ; p = ! p) {
writer.feedrate((wipe_speed = std::min(4800.f, wipe_speed + 50.f)) * wipe_coeff);
if (p) {
writer.extrude(xl - m_perimeter_width / 2, writer.y() + dy);
writer.extrude(xr + m_perimeter_width, writer.y());
} else {
writer.extrude(xl - m_perimeter_width, writer.y() + dy);
writer.extrude(xr + m_perimeter_width*2, writer.y());
writer.feedrate((wipe_speed = std::min(4800.f, wipe_speed + 50.f)) * wipe_coeff)
.extrude(xr + m_perimeter_width, writer.y() + dy)
.extrude(xl - m_perimeter_width, writer.y());
if ((m_current_shape == SHAPE_NORMAL) ?
(writer.y() > - m_perimeter_width) :
(writer.y() < cleaning_box.ld.y + m_perimeter_width))
// Next wipe line does not fit the cleaning box.
// Reset the extrusion flow.
// Draw a perimeter around cleaning_box and wipe.
void WipeTowerPrusaMM::toolchange_Done(
PrusaMultiMaterial::Writer &writer,
const box_coordinates &cleaning_box)
box_coordinates box = cleaning_box;
if (m_current_shape == SHAPE_REVERSED) {
std::swap(, box.ld);
std::swap(, box.rd);
// Draw a perimeter around cleaning_box., 7000)
.extrude(box.ld, 3200).extrude(box.rd)
// Wipe the nozzle.
.travel(, 7200)
std::pair<std::string, WipeTower::xy> WipeTowerPrusaMM::close_layer()
PrusaMultiMaterial::Writer writer;
.comment_with_value(" layer #", m_layer_change_total ++);
// Slow down on the 1st layer.
float speed_factor = m_is_first_layer ? 0.5f : 1.f;
box_coordinates _p = _boxForColor(m_layer_change_in_layer);
box_coordinates _to = _boxForColor(m_max_color_changes);
float firstLayerOffset = 0.f;
_p.ld.y += firstLayerOffset;
_p.rd.y += firstLayerOffset; =; =;
if (m_layer_change_in_layer == 0)
// There were no tool changes at all in this layer.
// Jump with retract to _p.ld + a random shift in +x.
writer.retract(m_retract * 1.5f, 3600)
.z_hop(m_zhop, 7200)
.travel(_p.ld.x + 5.f + 15.f * float(rand()) / RAND_MAX, _p.ld.y, 7000)
.extrude_explicit(_p.ld, m_retract * 1.5f, 3600);
box_coordinates box = _p;
writer.extrude(, 2400 * speed_factor)
.extrude(box.ld + xy(m_perimeter_width / 2, 0));
box.expand(- m_perimeter_width / 2);
writer.extrude(, 3200 * speed_factor)
.extrude(box.ld + xy(m_perimeter_width / 2, 0))
.extrude(box.ld + xy(m_perimeter_width / 2, m_perimeter_width / 2));
writer.extrude(_p.ld + xy(m_perimeter_width * 3, m_perimeter_width), 2900 * speed_factor)
.extrude( + xy(m_perimeter_width * 3, - m_perimeter_width))
.extrude( + xy(m_perimeter_width * 6, - m_perimeter_width))
.extrude(_p.ld + xy(m_perimeter_width * 6, m_perimeter_width));
if ( - _p.ld.y > 4) {
// Extrude three zig-zags.
writer.feedrate(3200 * speed_factor);
float step = (m_wipe_tower_width - m_perimeter_width * 12.f) / 12.f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) {
writer.extrude(writer.x() + step, _p.ld.y + m_perimeter_width * 8);
writer.extrude(writer.x() , - m_perimeter_width * 8);
writer.extrude(writer.x() + step, - m_perimeter_width );
writer.extrude(writer.x() + step, - m_perimeter_width * 8);
writer.extrude(writer.x() , _p.ld.y + m_perimeter_width * 8);
writer.extrude(writer.x() + step, _p.ld.y + m_perimeter_width );
// Extrude the perimeter.
writer.extrude( + xy(- m_perimeter_width * 6, - m_perimeter_width), 2900 * speed_factor)
.extrude( + xy(- m_perimeter_width * 3, - m_perimeter_width))
.extrude(_p.rd + xy(- m_perimeter_width * 3, m_perimeter_width))
.extrude(_p.rd + xy(- m_perimeter_width, m_perimeter_width))
// Wipe along the front side of the current wiping box.
.travel(_p.ld + xy( m_perimeter_width, m_perimeter_width / 2), 7200)
.travel(_p.rd + xy(- m_perimeter_width, m_perimeter_width / 2))
.append("; CP EMPTY GRID END\n"
m_current_shape = wipe_shape(- m_current_shape);
return std::pair<std::string, xy>(writer.gcode(), writer.pos());
WipeTowerPrusaMM::box_coordinates WipeTowerPrusaMM::_boxForColor(int order) const
return box_coordinates(m_wipe_tower_pos.x, m_wipe_tower_pos.y + m_wipe_area * order - m_perimeter_width / 2, m_wipe_tower_width, m_perimeter_width);
}; // namespace Slic3r