102 lines
3.5 KiB
102 lines
3.5 KiB
use strict;
use warnings;
use Slic3r::XS;
use Test::More tests => 42;
is Slic3r::TriangleMesh::hello_world(), 'Hello world!',
'hello world';
my $cube = {
vertices => [ [20,20,0], [20,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,20,0], [20,20,20], [0,20,20], [0,0,20], [20,0,20] ],
facets => [ [0,1,2], [0,2,3], [4,5,6], [4,6,7], [0,4,7], [0,7,1], [1,7,6], [1,6,2], [2,6,5], [2,5,3], [4,0,3], [4,3,5] ],
my $m = Slic3r::TriangleMesh->new;
$m->ReadFromPerl($cube->{vertices}, $cube->{facets});
my ($vertices, $facets) = ($m->vertices, $m->facets);
is_deeply $vertices, $cube->{vertices}, 'vertices arrayref roundtrip';
is_deeply $facets, $cube->{facets}, 'facets arrayref roundtrip';
is scalar(@{$m->normals}), scalar(@$facets), 'normals returns the right number of items';
my $m2 = $m->clone;
is_deeply $m2->vertices, $cube->{vertices}, 'cloned vertices arrayref roundtrip';
is_deeply $m2->facets, $cube->{facets}, 'cloned facets arrayref roundtrip';
$m2->scale(3); # check that it does not affect $m
my $stats = $m->stats;
is $stats->{number_of_facets}, scalar(@{ $cube->{facets} }), 'stats.number_of_facets';
ok abs($stats->{volume} - 20*20*20) < 1E-2, 'stats.volume';
ok abs($m->stats->{volume} - 40*40*40) < 1E-2, 'scale';
ok abs($m->stats->{volume} - 2*40*40*40) < 1E-2, 'scale_xyz';
is_deeply $m->vertices->[0], [85,50,0], 'translate';
is_deeply $m->vertices->[2], [0,0,0], 'align_to_origin';
is_deeply $m->size, [80,40,40], 'size';
$m->rotate(45, Slic3r::Point->new(20,20));
ok abs($m->size->[0] - sqrt(2)*40) < 1E-4, 'rotate';
my $meshes = $m->split;
is scalar(@$meshes), 1, 'split';
isa_ok $meshes->[0], 'Slic3r::TriangleMesh', 'split';
is_deeply $m->bb3, $meshes->[0]->bb3, 'split populates stats';
my $m2 = Slic3r::TriangleMesh->new;
$m2->ReadFromPerl($cube->{vertices}, $cube->{facets});
is $m->stats->{number_of_facets}, 2 * $m2->stats->{number_of_facets}, 'merge';
my $meshes = $m->split;
is scalar(@$meshes), 2, 'split';
my $m = Slic3r::TriangleMesh->new;
$m->ReadFromPerl($cube->{vertices}, $cube->{facets});
my @z = (2,4,8,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20);
my $result = $m->slice(\@z);
my $SCALING_FACTOR = 0.000001;
for my $i (0..$#z) {
is scalar(@{$result->[$i]}), 1, "number of returned polygons per layer (z = " . $z[$i] . ")";
is $result->[$i][0]->area, 20*20/($SCALING_FACTOR**2), 'size of returned polygon';
my $m = Slic3r::TriangleMesh->new;
[ [0,0,0],[0,0,20],[0,5,0],[0,5,20],[50,0,0],[50,0,20],[15,5,0],[35,5,0],[15,20,0],[50,5,0],[35,20,0],[15,5,10],[50,5,20],[35,5,10],[35,20,10],[15,20,10] ],
[ [0,1,2],[2,1,3],[1,0,4],[5,1,4],[0,2,4],[4,2,6],[7,6,8],[4,6,7],[9,4,7],[7,8,10],[2,3,6],[11,3,12],[7,12,9],[13,12,7],[6,3,11],[11,12,13],[3,1,5],[12,3,5],[5,4,9],[12,5,9],[13,7,10],[14,13,10],[8,15,10],[10,15,14],[6,11,8],[8,11,15],[15,11,13],[14,15,13] ],
my $slices = $m->slice([ 5, 10 ]);
is $slices->[0][0]->area, $slices->[1][0]->area, 'slicing a tangent plane includes its area';