Vojtech Bubnik 1c95ceaeaa Reworked algorithm for Voronoi Offset curve extraction.
Now the algorithm is very different from the OpenVoronoi implementation
and hopefully it is now correct (save numerical issues, which will be
a big PITA).
2020-06-11 16:11:02 +02:00

139 lines
4.3 KiB

#include "Geometry.hpp"
#include "Line.hpp"
#include "Polyline.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>
namespace Slic3r {
Linef3 transform(const Linef3& line, const Transform3d& t)
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 2> LineInMatrixForm;
LineInMatrixForm world_line;
::memcpy((void*)world_line.col(0).data(), (const void*), 3 * sizeof(double));
::memcpy((void*)world_line.col(1).data(), (const void*), 3 * sizeof(double));
LineInMatrixForm local_line = t * world_line.colwise().homogeneous();
return Linef3(Vec3d(local_line(0, 0), local_line(1, 0), local_line(2, 0)), Vec3d(local_line(0, 1), local_line(1, 1), local_line(2, 1)));
bool Line::intersection_infinite(const Line &other, Point* point) const
Vec2d a1 = this->a.cast<double>();
Vec2d v12 = (other.a - this->a).cast<double>();
Vec2d v1 = (this->b - this->a).cast<double>();
Vec2d v2 = (other.b - other.a).cast<double>();
double denom = cross2(v1, v2);
if (std::fabs(denom) < EPSILON)
return false;
double t1 = cross2(v12, v2) / denom;
*point = (a1 + t1 * v1).cast<coord_t>();
return true;
// Distance to the closest point of line.
double Line::distance_to_squared(const Point &point, const Point &a, const Point &b)
const Vec2d v = (b - a).cast<double>();
const Vec2d va = (point - a).cast<double>();
const double l2 = v.squaredNorm(); // avoid a sqrt
if (l2 == 0.0)
// a == b case
return va.squaredNorm();
// Consider the line extending the segment, parameterized as a + t (b - a).
// We find projection of this point onto the line.
// It falls where t = [(this-a) . (b-a)] / |b-a|^2
const double t = / l2;
if (t < 0.0) return va.squaredNorm(); // beyond the 'a' end of the segment
else if (t > 1.0) return (point - b).cast<double>().squaredNorm(); // beyond the 'b' end of the segment
return (t * v - va).squaredNorm();
double Line::perp_distance_to(const Point &point) const
const Line &line = *this;
const Vec2d v = (line.b - line.a).cast<double>();
const Vec2d va = (point - line.a).cast<double>();
if (line.a == line.b)
return va.norm();
return std::abs(cross2(v, va)) / v.norm();
double Line::orientation() const
double angle = this->atan2_();
if (angle < 0) angle = 2*PI + angle;
return angle;
double Line::direction() const
double atan2 = this->atan2_();
return (fabs(atan2 - PI) < EPSILON) ? 0
: (atan2 < 0) ? (atan2 + PI)
: atan2;
bool Line::parallel_to(double angle) const
return Slic3r::Geometry::directions_parallel(this->direction(), angle);
bool Line::intersection(const Line &l2, Point *intersection) const
const Line &l1 = *this;
const Vec2d v1 = (l1.b - l1.a).cast<double>();
const Vec2d v2 = (l2.b - l2.a).cast<double>();
double denom = cross2(v1, v2);
if (fabs(denom) < EPSILON)
#if 0
// Lines are collinear. Return true if they are coincident (overlappign).
return ! (fabs(nume_a) < EPSILON && fabs(nume_b) < EPSILON);
return false;
const Vec2d v12 = (l1.a - l2.a).cast<double>();
double nume_a = cross2(v2, v12);
double nume_b = cross2(v1, v12);
double t1 = nume_a / denom;
double t2 = nume_b / denom;
if (t1 >= 0 && t1 <= 1.0f && t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1.0f) {
// Get the intersection point.
(*intersection) = (l1.a.cast<double>() + t1 * v1).cast<coord_t>();
return true;
return false; // not intersecting
bool Line::clip_with_bbox(const BoundingBox &bbox)
Vec2d x0clip, x1clip;
bool result = Geometry::liang_barsky_line_clipping<double>(this->a.cast<double>(), this->b.cast<double>(), BoundingBoxf(bbox.min.cast<double>(), bbox.max.cast<double>()), x0clip, x1clip);
if (result) {
this->a = x0clip.cast<coord_t>();
this->b = x1clip.cast<coord_t>();
return result;
Vec3d Linef3::intersect_plane(double z) const
auto v = (this->b - this->a).cast<double>();
double t = (z - this->a(2)) / v(2);
return Vec3d(this->a(0) + v(0) * t, this->a(1) + v(1) * t, z);
BoundingBox get_extents(const Lines &lines)
BoundingBox bbox;
for (const Line &line : lines) {
return bbox;
} // namespace Slic3r