"diskutil eject" to a worker thread. Hopefully fixes Ejecting an SD card is slow and locks UI #4844
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142 lines
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#ifndef slic3r_GUI_RemovableDriveManager_hpp_
#define slic3r_GUI_RemovableDriveManager_hpp_
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <tbb/mutex.h>
#include <condition_variable>
// Custom wxWidget events
#include "Event.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
namespace GUI {
struct DriveData
std::string name;
std::string path;
void clear() {
bool empty() const {
return path.empty();
inline bool operator< (const DriveData &lhs, const DriveData &rhs) { return lhs.path < rhs.path; }
inline bool operator> (const DriveData &lhs, const DriveData &rhs) { return lhs.path > rhs.path; }
inline bool operator==(const DriveData &lhs, const DriveData &rhs) { return lhs.path == rhs.path; }
using RemovableDriveEjectEvent = Event<std::pair<DriveData, bool>>;
using RemovableDrivesChangedEvent = SimpleEvent;
#if __APPLE__
// Callbacks on device plug / unplug work reliably on OSX.
#endif // __APPLE__
class RemovableDriveManager
RemovableDriveManager() = default;
RemovableDriveManager(RemovableDriveManager const&) = delete;
void operator=(RemovableDriveManager const&) = delete;
~RemovableDriveManager() { assert(! m_initialized); }
// Start the background thread and register this window as a target for update events.
// Register for OSX notifications.
void init(wxEvtHandler *callback_evt_handler);
// Stop the background thread of the removable drive manager, so that no new updates will be sent out.
// Deregister OSX notifications.
void shutdown();
// Returns path to a removable media if it exists, prefering the input path.
std::string get_removable_drive_path(const std::string &path);
bool is_path_on_removable_drive(const std::string &path) { return this->get_removable_drive_path(path) == path; }
// Verify whether the path provided is on removable media. If so, save the path for further eject and return true, otherwise return false.
bool set_and_verify_last_save_path(const std::string &path);
// Eject drive of a file set by set_and_verify_last_save_path().
// On Unix / OSX, the function blocks and sends out the EVT_REMOVABLE_DRIVE_EJECTED event on success.
// On Windows, the function does not block, and the eject is detected in the background thread.
void eject_drive();
// Status is used to retrieve info for showing UI buttons.
// Status is called every time when change of UI buttons is possible therefore should not perform update.
struct RemovableDrivesStatus {
bool has_removable_drives { false };
bool has_eject { false };
RemovableDrivesStatus status();
// Enumerates current drives and sends out wxWidget events on change or eject.
// Called by each public method, by the background thread and from RemovableDriveManagerMM::on_device_unmount OSX notification handler.
// Not to be called manually.
// Public to be accessible from RemovableDriveManagerMM::on_device_unmount OSX notification handler.
// It would be better to make this method private and friend to RemovableDriveManagerMM, but RemovableDriveManagerMM is an ObjectiveC class.
void update();
void set_exporting_finished(bool b) { m_exporting_finished = b; }
#ifdef _WIN32
// Called by Win32 Volume arrived / detached callback.
void volumes_changed();
#endif // _WIN32
bool m_initialized { false };
wxEvtHandler* m_callback_evt_handler { nullptr };
// Worker thread, worker thread synchronization and callbacks to the UI thread.
void thread_proc();
boost::thread m_thread;
std::condition_variable m_thread_stop_condition;
mutable std::mutex m_thread_stop_mutex;
bool m_stop { false };
#ifdef _WIN32
std::atomic<bool> m_wakeup { false };
#endif /* _WIN32 */
// Called from update() to enumerate removable drives.
std::vector<DriveData> search_for_removable_drives() const;
// m_current_drives is guarded by m_drives_mutex
// sorted ascending by path
std::vector<DriveData> m_current_drives;
mutable tbb::mutex m_drives_mutex;
// Locking the update() function to avoid that the function is executed multiple times.
mutable tbb::mutex m_inside_update_mutex;
// Returns drive path (same as path in DriveData) if exists otherwise empty string.
std::string get_removable_drive_from_path(const std::string& path);
// Returns iterator to a drive in m_current_drives with path equal to m_last_save_path or end().
std::vector<DriveData>::const_iterator find_last_save_path_drive_data() const;
// Set with set_and_verify_last_save_path() to a removable drive path to be ejected.
std::string m_last_save_path;
// Verifies that exporting was finished so drive can be ejected.
// Set false by set_and_verify_last_save_path() that is called just before exporting.
bool m_exporting_finished;
#if __APPLE__
void register_window_osx();
void unregister_window_osx();
void list_devices(std::vector<DriveData> &out) const;
// not used as of now
void eject_device(const std::string &path);
// Opaque pointer to RemovableDriveManagerMM
void *m_impl_osx;
std::thread *m_eject_thread { nullptr };
void eject_thread_finish();
#endif // slic3r_GUI_RemovableDriveManager_hpp_