
422 lines
21 KiB

#include "BuildVolume.hpp"
#include "ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "Geometry/ConvexHull.hpp"
#include "GCode/GCodeProcessor.hpp"
#include "Point.hpp"
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
namespace Slic3r {
BuildVolume::BuildVolume(const std::vector<Vec2d> &bed_shape, const double max_print_height) : m_bed_shape(bed_shape), m_max_print_height(max_print_height)
assert(max_print_height >= 0);
m_polygon = Polygon::new_scale(bed_shape);
// Calcuate various metrics of the input polygon.
m_convex_hull = Geometry::convex_hull(m_polygon.points);
m_bbox = get_extents(m_convex_hull);
m_area = m_polygon.area();
BoundingBoxf bboxf = get_extents(bed_shape);
m_bboxf = BoundingBoxf3{ to_3d(bboxf.min, 0.), to_3d(bboxf.max, max_print_height) };
if (bed_shape.size() >= 4 && std::abs((m_area - double(m_bbox.size().x()) * double(m_bbox.size().y()))) < sqr(SCALED_EPSILON)) {
// Square print bed, use the bounding box for collision detection.
m_type = Type::Rectangle; = 0.5 * (m_bbox.min.cast<double>() + m_bbox.max.cast<double>());
m_circle.radius = 0.5 * m_bbox.size().cast<double>().norm();
} else if (bed_shape.size() > 3) {
// Circle was discretized, formatted into text with limited accuracy, thus the circle was deformed.
// RANSAC is slightly more accurate than the iterative Taubin / Newton method with such an input.
// m_circle = Geometry::circle_taubin_newton(bed_shape);
m_circle = Geometry::circle_ransac(bed_shape);
bool is_circle = true;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Measuring maximum absolute error of interpolating an input polygon with circle.
double max_error = 0;
#endif // NDEBUG
Vec2d prev = bed_shape.back();
for (const Vec2d &p : bed_shape) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
max_error = std::max(max_error, std::abs((p - - m_circle.radius));
#endif // NDEBUG
if (// Polygon vertices must lie very close the circle.
std::abs((p - - m_circle.radius) > 0.005 ||
// Midpoints of polygon edges must not undercat more than 3mm. This corresponds to 72 edges per circle generated by BedShapePanel::update_shape().
m_circle.radius - (0.5 * (prev + p) - > 3.) {
is_circle = false;
prev = p;
if (is_circle) {
m_type = Type::Circle; = scaled<double>(;
m_circle.radius = scaled<double>(m_circle.radius);
if (bed_shape.size() >= 3 && m_type == Type::Invalid) {
// Circle check is not used for Convex / Custom shapes, fill it with something reasonable.
m_circle = Geometry::smallest_enclosing_circle_welzl(m_convex_hull.points);
m_type = (m_convex_hull.area() - m_area) < sqr(SCALED_EPSILON) ? Type::Convex : Type::Custom;
// Initialize the top / bottom decomposition for inside convex polygon check. Do it with two different epsilons applied.
auto convex_decomposition = [](const Polygon &in, double epsilon) {
Polygon src = expand(in, float(epsilon)).front();
std::vector<Vec2d> pts;
for (const Point &pt : src.points)
return Geometry::decompose_convex_polygon_top_bottom(pts);
m_top_bottom_convex_hull_decomposition_scene = convex_decomposition(m_convex_hull, SceneEpsilon);
m_top_bottom_convex_hull_decomposition_bed = convex_decomposition(m_convex_hull, BedEpsilon);
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "BuildVolume bed_shape clasified as: " << this->type_name();
#if 0
// Tests intersections of projected triangles, not just their vertices against a bounding box.
// This test also correctly evaluates collision of a non-convex object with the bounding box.
// Not used, slower than simple bounding box collision check and nobody complained about the inaccuracy of the simple test.
static inline BuildVolume::ObjectState rectangle_test(const indexed_triangle_set &its, const Transform3f &trafo, const Vec2f min, const Vec2f max, const float max_z)
bool inside = false;
bool outside = false;
auto sign = [](const Vec3f& pt) -> char { return pt.z() > 0 ? 1 : pt.z() < 0 ? -1 : 0; };
// Returns true if both inside and outside are set, thus early exit.
auto test_intersection = [&inside, &outside, min, max, max_z](const Vec3f& p1, const Vec3f& p2, const Vec3f& p3) -> bool {
// First test whether the triangle is completely inside or outside the bounding box.
Vec3f pmin = p1.cwiseMin(p2).cwiseMin(p3);
Vec3f pmax = p1.cwiseMax(p2).cwiseMax(p3);
bool tri_inside = false;
bool tri_outside = false;
if (pmax.x() < min.x() || pmin.x() > max.x() || pmax.y() < min.y() || pmin.y() > max.y()) {
// Separated by one of the rectangle sides.
tri_outside = true;
} else if (pmin.x() >= min.x() && pmax.x() <= max.x() && pmin.y() >= min.y() && pmax.y() <= max.y()) {
// Fully inside the rectangle.
tri_inside = true;
} else {
// Bounding boxes overlap. Test triangle sides against the bbox corners.
Vec2f v1(- p2.y() + p1.y(), p2.x() - p1.x());
Vec2f v2(- p2.y() + p2.y(), p3.x() - p2.x());
Vec2f v3(- p1.y() + p3.y(), p1.x() - p3.x());
bool ccw = cross2(v1, v2) > 0;
for (const Vec2f &p : { Vec2f{ min.x(), min.y() }, Vec2f{ min.x(), max.y() }, Vec2f{ max.x(), min.y() }, Vec2f{ max.x(), max.y() } }) {
auto dot =;
if (ccw ? dot >= 0 : dot <= 0)
tri_inside = true;
tri_outside = true;
inside |= tri_inside;
outside |= tri_outside;
return inside && outside;
// Edge crosses the z plane. Calculate intersection point with the plane.
auto clip_edge = [](const Vec3f &p1, const Vec3f &p2) -> Vec3f {
const float t = (world_min_z - p1.z()) / (p2.z() - p1.z());
return { p1.x() + (p2.x() - p1.x()) * t, p1.y() + (p2.y() - p1.y()) * t, world_min_z };
// Clip at (p1, p2), p3 must be on the clipping plane.
// Returns true if both inside and outside are set, thus early exit.
auto clip_and_test1 = [&test_intersection, &clip_edge](const Vec3f &p1, const Vec3f &p2, const Vec3f &p3, bool p1above) -> bool {
Vec3f pa = clip_edge(p1, p2);
return p1above ? test_intersection(p1, pa, p3) : test_intersection(pa, p2, p3);
// Clip at (p1, p2) and (p2, p3).
// Returns true if both inside and outside are set, thus early exit.
auto clip_and_test2 = [&test_intersection, &clip_edge](const Vec3f &p1, const Vec3f &p2, const Vec3f &p3, bool p2above) -> bool {
Vec3f pa = clip_edge(p1, p2);
Vec3f pb = clip_edge(p2, p3);
return p2above ? test_intersection(pa, p2, pb) : test_intersection(p1, pa, p3) || test_intersection(p3, pa, pb);
for (const stl_triangle_vertex_indices &tri : its.indices) {
const Vec3f pts[3] = { trafo * its.vertices[tri(0)], trafo * its.vertices[tri(1)], trafo * its.vertices[tri(2)] };
char signs[3] = { sign(pts[0]), sign(pts[1]), sign(pts[2]) };
bool clips[3] = { signs[0] * signs[1] == -1, signs[1] * signs[2] == -1, signs[2] * signs[0] == -1 };
if (clips[0]) {
if (clips[1]) {
// Clipping at (pt0, pt1) and (pt1, pt2).
if (clip_and_test2(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], signs[1] > 0))
} else if (clips[2]) {
// Clipping at (pt0, pt1) and (pt0, pt2).
if (clip_and_test2(pts[2], pts[0], pts[1], signs[0] > 0))
} else {
// Clipping at (pt0, pt1), pt2 must be on the clipping plane.
if (clip_and_test1(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], signs[0] > 0))
} else if (clips[1]) {
if (clips[2]) {
// Clipping at (pt1, pt2) and (pt0, pt2).
if (clip_and_test2(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], signs[1] > 0))
} else {
// Clipping at (pt1, pt2), pt0 must be on the clipping plane.
if (clip_and_test1(pts[1], pts[2], pts[0], signs[1] > 0))
} else if (clips[2]) {
// Clipping at (pt0, pt2), pt1 must be on the clipping plane.
if (clip_and_test1(pts[2], pts[0], pts[1], signs[2] > 0))
} else if (signs[0] >= 0 && signs[1] >= 0 && signs[2] >= 0) {
// The triangle is above or on the clipping plane.
if (test_intersection(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2]))
return inside ? (outside ? BuildVolume::ObjectState::Colliding : BuildVolume::ObjectState::Inside) : BuildVolume::ObjectState::Outside;
// Trim the input transformed triangle mesh with print bed and test the remaining vertices with is_inside callback.
// Return inside / colliding / outside state.
template<typename InsideFn>
BuildVolume::ObjectState object_state_templ(const indexed_triangle_set &its, const Transform3f &trafo, bool may_be_below_bed, InsideFn is_inside)
size_t num_inside = 0;
size_t num_above = 0;
bool inside = false;
bool outside = false;
static constexpr const auto world_min_z = float(-BuildVolume::SceneEpsilon);
if (may_be_below_bed)
// Slower test, needs to clip the object edges with the print bed plane.
// 1) Allocate transformed vertices with their position with respect to print bed surface.
std::vector<char> sides;
const auto sign = [](const stl_vertex& pt) { return pt.z() > world_min_z ? 1 : pt.z() < world_min_z ? -1 : 0; };
for (const stl_vertex &v : its.vertices) {
const stl_vertex pt = trafo * v;
const int s = sign(pt);
if (s >= 0) {
// Vertex above or on print bed surface. Test whether it is inside the build volume.
++ num_above;
if (is_inside(pt))
++ num_inside;
if (num_above == 0)
// Special case, the object is completely below the print bed, thus it is outside,
// however we want to allow an object to be still printable if some of its parts are completely below the print bed.
return BuildVolume::ObjectState::Below;
// 2) Calculate intersections of triangle edges with the build surface.
inside = num_inside > 0;
outside = num_inside < num_above;
if (num_above < its.vertices.size() && ! (inside && outside)) {
// Not completely above the build surface and status may still change by testing edges intersecting the build platform.
for (const stl_triangle_vertex_indices &tri : its.indices) {
const int s[3] = { sides[tri(0)], sides[tri(1)], sides[tri(2)] };
if (std::min(s[0], std::min(s[1], s[2])) < 0 && std::max(s[0], std::max(s[1], s[2])) > 0) {
// Some edge of this triangle intersects the build platform. Calculate the intersection.
int iprev = 2;
for (int iedge = 0; iedge < 3; ++ iedge) {
if (s[iprev] * s[iedge] == -1) {
// edge intersects the build surface. Calculate intersection point.
const stl_vertex p1 = trafo * its.vertices[tri(iprev)];
const stl_vertex p2 = trafo * its.vertices[tri(iedge)];
assert(sign(p1) == s[iprev]);
assert(sign(p2) == s[iedge]);
assert(p1.z() * p2.z() < 0);
// Edge crosses the z plane. Calculate intersection point with the plane.
const float t = (world_min_z - p1.z()) / (p2.z() - p1.z());
(is_inside(Vec3f(p1.x() + (p2.x() - p1.x()) * t, p1.y() + (p2.y() - p1.y()) * t, world_min_z)) ? inside : outside) = true;
iprev = iedge;
if (inside && outside)
// Much simpler and faster code, not clipping the object with the print bed.
assert(! may_be_below_bed);
num_above = its.vertices.size();
for (const stl_vertex &v : its.vertices) {
const stl_vertex pt = trafo * v;
assert(pt.z() >= world_min_z);
if (is_inside(pt))
++ num_inside;
inside = num_inside > 0;
outside = num_inside < num_above;
return inside ? (outside ? BuildVolume::ObjectState::Colliding : BuildVolume::ObjectState::Inside) : BuildVolume::ObjectState::Outside;
BuildVolume::ObjectState BuildVolume::object_state(const indexed_triangle_set& its, const Transform3f& trafo, bool may_be_below_bed, bool ignore_bottom) const
switch (m_type) {
case Type::Rectangle:
BoundingBox3Base<Vec3d> build_volume = this->bounding_volume().inflated(SceneEpsilon);
if (m_max_print_height == 0.0)
build_volume.max.z() = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
if (ignore_bottom)
build_volume.min.z() = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
BoundingBox3Base<Vec3f> build_volumef(build_volume.min.cast<float>(), build_volume.max.cast<float>());
// The following test correctly interprets intersection of a non-convex object with a rectangular build volume.
//return rectangle_test(its, trafo, to_2d(build_volume.min), to_2d(build_volume.max), build_volume.max.z());
//FIXME This test does NOT correctly interprets intersection of a non-convex object with a rectangular build volume.
return object_state_templ(its, trafo, may_be_below_bed, [build_volumef](const Vec3f &pt) { return build_volumef.contains(pt); });
case Type::Circle:
Geometry::Circlef circle { unscaled<float>(, unscaled<float>(m_circle.radius + SceneEpsilon) };
return m_max_print_height == 0.0 ?
object_state_templ(its, trafo, may_be_below_bed, [circle](const Vec3f &pt) { return circle.contains(to_2d(pt)); }) :
object_state_templ(its, trafo, may_be_below_bed, [circle, z = m_max_print_height + SceneEpsilon](const Vec3f &pt) { return pt.z() < z && circle.contains(to_2d(pt)); });
case Type::Convex:
//FIXME doing test on convex hull until we learn to do test on non-convex polygons efficiently.
case Type::Custom:
return m_max_print_height == 0.0 ?
object_state_templ(its, trafo, may_be_below_bed, [this](const Vec3f &pt) { return Geometry::inside_convex_polygon(m_top_bottom_convex_hull_decomposition_scene, to_2d(pt).cast<double>()); }) :
object_state_templ(its, trafo, may_be_below_bed, [this, z = m_max_print_height + SceneEpsilon](const Vec3f &pt) { return pt.z() < z && Geometry::inside_convex_polygon(m_top_bottom_convex_hull_decomposition_scene, to_2d(pt).cast<double>()); });
case Type::Invalid:
return ObjectState::Inside;
BuildVolume::ObjectState BuildVolume::volume_state_bbox(const BoundingBoxf3& volume_bbox, bool ignore_bottom) const
assert(m_type == Type::Rectangle);
BoundingBox3Base<Vec3d> build_volume = this->bounding_volume().inflated(SceneEpsilon);
if (m_max_print_height == 0.0)
build_volume.max.z() = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
if (ignore_bottom)
build_volume.min.z() = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
return build_volume.max.z() <= - SceneEpsilon ? ObjectState::Below :
build_volume.contains(volume_bbox) ? ObjectState::Inside :
build_volume.intersects(volume_bbox) ? ObjectState::Colliding : ObjectState::Outside;
bool BuildVolume::all_paths_inside(const GCodeProcessorResult& paths, const BoundingBoxf3& paths_bbox, bool ignore_bottom) const
auto move_valid = [](const GCodeProcessorResult::MoveVertex &move) {
return move.type == EMoveType::Extrude && move.extrusion_role != erCustom && move.width != 0.f && move.height != 0.f;
static constexpr const double epsilon = BedEpsilon;
switch (m_type) {
case Type::Rectangle:
BoundingBox3Base<Vec3d> build_volume = this->bounding_volume().inflated(epsilon);
if (m_max_print_height == 0.0)
build_volume.max.z() = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
if (ignore_bottom)
build_volume.min.z() = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
return build_volume.contains(paths_bbox);
case Type::Circle:
const Vec2f c = unscaled<float>(;
const float r = unscaled<double>(m_circle.radius) + epsilon;
const float r2 = sqr(r);
return m_max_print_height == 0.0 ?
std::all_of(paths.moves.begin(), paths.moves.end(), [move_valid, c, r2](const GCodeProcessorResult::MoveVertex &move)
{ return ! move_valid(move) || (to_2d(move.position) - c).squaredNorm() <= r2; }) :
std::all_of(paths.moves.begin(), paths.moves.end(), [move_valid, c, r2, z = m_max_print_height + epsilon](const GCodeProcessorResult::MoveVertex& move)
{ return ! move_valid(move) || ((to_2d(move.position) - c).squaredNorm() <= r2 && move.position.z() <= z); });
case Type::Convex:
//FIXME doing test on convex hull until we learn to do test on non-convex polygons efficiently.
case Type::Custom:
return m_max_print_height == 0.0 ?
std::all_of(paths.moves.begin(), paths.moves.end(), [move_valid, this](const GCodeProcessorResult::MoveVertex &move)
{ return ! move_valid(move) || Geometry::inside_convex_polygon(m_top_bottom_convex_hull_decomposition_bed, to_2d(move.position).cast<double>()); }) :
std::all_of(paths.moves.begin(), paths.moves.end(), [move_valid, this, z = m_max_print_height + epsilon](const GCodeProcessorResult::MoveVertex &move)
{ return ! move_valid(move) || (Geometry::inside_convex_polygon(m_top_bottom_convex_hull_decomposition_bed, to_2d(move.position).cast<double>()) && move.position.z() <= z); });
return true;
template<typename Fn>
inline bool all_inside_vertices_normals_interleaved(const std::vector<float> &paths, Fn fn)
for (auto it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ) {
it += 3;
if (! fn({ *it, *(it + 1), *(it + 2) }))
return false;
it += 3;
return true;
bool BuildVolume::all_paths_inside_vertices_and_normals_interleaved(const std::vector<float>& paths, const Eigen::AlignedBox<float, 3>& paths_bbox, bool ignore_bottom) const
assert(paths.size() % 6 == 0);
static constexpr const double epsilon = BedEpsilon;
switch (m_type) {
case Type::Rectangle:
BoundingBox3Base<Vec3d> build_volume = this->bounding_volume().inflated(epsilon);
if (m_max_print_height == 0.0)
build_volume.max.z() = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
if (ignore_bottom)
build_volume.min.z() = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
return build_volume.contains(paths_bbox.min().cast<double>()) && build_volume.contains(paths_bbox.max().cast<double>());
case Type::Circle:
const Vec2f c = unscaled<float>(;
const float r = unscaled<double>(m_circle.radius) + float(epsilon);
const float r2 = sqr(r);
return m_max_print_height == 0.0 ?
all_inside_vertices_normals_interleaved(paths, [c, r2](Vec3f p) { return (to_2d(p) - c).squaredNorm() <= r2; }) :
all_inside_vertices_normals_interleaved(paths, [c, r2, z = m_max_print_height + epsilon](Vec3f p) { return (to_2d(p) - c).squaredNorm() <= r2 && p.z() <= z; });
case Type::Convex:
//FIXME doing test on convex hull until we learn to do test on non-convex polygons efficiently.
case Type::Custom:
return m_max_print_height == 0.0 ?
all_inside_vertices_normals_interleaved(paths, [this](Vec3f p) { return Geometry::inside_convex_polygon(m_top_bottom_convex_hull_decomposition_bed, to_2d(p).cast<double>()); }) :
all_inside_vertices_normals_interleaved(paths, [this, z = m_max_print_height + epsilon](Vec3f p) { return Geometry::inside_convex_polygon(m_top_bottom_convex_hull_decomposition_bed, to_2d(p).cast<double>()) && p.z() <= z; });
return true;
std::string_view BuildVolume::type_name(Type type)
using namespace std::literals;
switch (type) {
case Type::Invalid: return "Invalid"sv;
case Type::Rectangle: return "Rectangle"sv;
case Type::Circle: return "Circle"sv;
case Type::Convex: return "Convex"sv;
case Type::Custom: return "Custom"sv;
// make visual studio happy
return {};
} // namespace Slic3r