Fix compilation on Windows Fix array subscript out of range error in MarchingSquares Fix normals of mesh constructed from slices Improve performance of mesh construction from slices
92 lines
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92 lines
2.9 KiB
#include "RasterToPolygons.hpp"
#include "AGGRaster.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/MarchingSquares.hpp"
#include "MTUtils.hpp"
#include "ClipperUtils.hpp"
namespace marchsq {
// Specialize this struct to register a raster type for the Marching squares alg
template<> struct _RasterTraits<Slic3r::sla::RasterGrayscaleAA> {
using Rst = Slic3r::sla::RasterGrayscaleAA;
// The type of pixel cell in the raster
using ValueType = uint8_t;
// Value at a given position
static uint8_t get(const Rst &rst, size_t row, size_t col) { return rst.read_pixel(col, row); }
// Number of rows and cols of the raster
static size_t rows(const Rst &rst) { return rst.resolution().height_px; }
static size_t cols(const Rst &rst) { return rst.resolution().width_px; }
} // namespace Slic3r::marchsq
namespace Slic3r { namespace sla {
template<class Fn> void foreach_vertex(ExPolygon &poly, Fn &&fn)
for (auto &p : poly.contour.points) fn(p);
for (auto &h : poly.holes)
for (auto &p : h.points) fn(p);
ExPolygons raster_to_polygons(const RasterGrayscaleAA &rst, Vec2i windowsize)
size_t rows = rst.resolution().height_px, cols = rst.resolution().width_px;
if (rows < 2 || cols < 2) return {};
Polygons polys;
long w_rows = std::max(2l, long(windowsize.y()));
long w_cols = std::max(2l, long(windowsize.x()));
std::vector<marchsq::Ring> rings =
marchsq::execute(rst, 128, {w_rows, w_cols});
auto pxd = rst.pixel_dimensions();
pxd.w_mm = (rst.resolution().width_px * pxd.w_mm) / (rst.resolution().width_px - 1);
pxd.h_mm = (rst.resolution().height_px * pxd.h_mm) / (rst.resolution().height_px - 1);
for (const marchsq::Ring &ring : rings) {
Polygon poly; Points &pts = poly.points;
for (const marchsq::Coord &crd : ring)
pts.emplace_back(scaled(crd.c * pxd.w_mm), scaled(crd.r * pxd.h_mm));
// reverse the raster transformations
ExPolygons unioned = union_ex(polys);
coord_t width = scaled(cols * pxd.h_mm), height = scaled(rows * pxd.w_mm);
auto tr = rst.trafo();
for (ExPolygon &expoly : unioned) {
if (tr.mirror_y)
foreach_vertex(expoly, [height](Point &p) {p.y() = height - p.y(); });
if (tr.mirror_x)
foreach_vertex(expoly, [width](Point &p) {p.x() = width - p.x(); });
expoly.translate(-tr.center_x, -tr.center_y);
if (tr.flipXY)
foreach_vertex(expoly, [](Point &p) { std::swap(p.x(), p.y()); });
if ((tr.mirror_x + tr.mirror_y + tr.flipXY) % 2) {
for (auto &h : expoly.holes) h.reverse();
return unioned;
}} // namespace Slic3r