BoundingBox constructor will no more throw for empty vector of points. GMP allowed for Vojtech's fork of boost::polygon Voronoi implementation. Added libslic3r tests for boost::polygon Voronoi. All Voronoi issues ever reported on the Internet are captured by the tests. Two issues reported (the two test cases) are real issues which may influence PrusaSlicer negatively, namely https://github.com/boostorg/polygon/issues/43
1590 lines
76 KiB
1590 lines
76 KiB
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
#include <test_utils.hpp>
#include <stack>
#include <libslic3r/Polygon.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/Polyline.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/EdgeGrid.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/Geometry.hpp>
#include "boost/polygon/voronoi.hpp"
using boost::polygon::voronoi_builder;
using boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram;
using namespace Slic3r;
struct VD : public boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram<double> {
typedef double coord_type;
typedef boost::polygon::point_data<coordinate_type> point_type;
typedef boost::polygon::segment_data<coordinate_type> segment_type;
typedef boost::polygon::rectangle_data<coordinate_type> rect_type;
#include <libslic3r/SVG.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace polygon {
// The following code for the visualization of the boost Voronoi diagram is based on:
// Boost.Polygon library voronoi_graphic_utils.hpp header file
// Copyright Andrii Sydorchuk 2010-2012.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
template <typename CT>
class voronoi_visual_utils {
// Discretize parabolic Voronoi edge.
// Parabolic Voronoi edges are always formed by one point and one segment
// from the initial input set.
// Args:
// point: input point.
// segment: input segment.
// max_dist: maximum discretization distance.
// discretization: point discretization of the given Voronoi edge.
// Template arguments:
// InCT: coordinate type of the input geometries (usually integer).
// Point: point type, should model point concept.
// Segment: segment type, should model segment concept.
// Important:
// discretization should contain both edge endpoints initially.
template <class InCT1, class InCT2,
template<class> class Point,
template<class> class Segment>
typename enable_if<
typename gtl_and<
typename gtl_if<
typename is_point_concept<
typename geometry_concept< Point<InCT1> >::type
typename gtl_if<
typename is_segment_concept<
typename geometry_concept< Segment<InCT2> >::type
>::type discretize(
const Point<InCT1>& point,
const Segment<InCT2>& segment,
const CT max_dist,
std::vector< Point<CT> >* discretization) {
// Apply the linear transformation to move start point of the segment to
// the point with coordinates (0, 0) and the direction of the segment to
// coincide the positive direction of the x-axis.
CT segm_vec_x = cast(x(high(segment))) - cast(x(low(segment)));
CT segm_vec_y = cast(y(high(segment))) - cast(y(low(segment)));
CT sqr_segment_length = segm_vec_x * segm_vec_x + segm_vec_y * segm_vec_y;
// Compute x-coordinates of the endpoints of the edge
// in the transformed space.
CT projection_start = sqr_segment_length *
get_point_projection((*discretization)[0], segment);
CT projection_end = sqr_segment_length *
get_point_projection((*discretization)[1], segment);
// Compute parabola parameters in the transformed space.
// Parabola has next representation:
// f(x) = ((x-rot_x)^2 + rot_y^2) / (2.0*rot_y).
CT point_vec_x = cast(x(point)) - cast(x(low(segment)));
CT point_vec_y = cast(y(point)) - cast(y(low(segment)));
CT rot_x = segm_vec_x * point_vec_x + segm_vec_y * point_vec_y;
CT rot_y = segm_vec_x * point_vec_y - segm_vec_y * point_vec_x;
// Save the last point.
Point<CT> last_point = (*discretization)[1];
// Use stack to avoid recursion.
std::stack<CT> point_stack;
CT cur_x = projection_start;
CT cur_y = parabola_y(cur_x, rot_x, rot_y);
// Adjust max_dist parameter in the transformed space.
const CT max_dist_transformed = max_dist * max_dist * sqr_segment_length;
while (!point_stack.empty()) {
CT new_x = point_stack.top();
CT new_y = parabola_y(new_x, rot_x, rot_y);
// Compute coordinates of the point of the parabola that is
// furthest from the current line segment.
CT mid_x = (new_y - cur_y) / (new_x - cur_x) * rot_y + rot_x;
CT mid_y = parabola_y(mid_x, rot_x, rot_y);
// Compute maximum distance between the given parabolic arc
// and line segment that discretize it.
CT dist = (new_y - cur_y) * (mid_x - cur_x) -
(new_x - cur_x) * (mid_y - cur_y);
dist = dist * dist / ((new_y - cur_y) * (new_y - cur_y) +
(new_x - cur_x) * (new_x - cur_x));
if (dist <= max_dist_transformed) {
// Distance between parabola and line segment is less than max_dist.
CT inter_x = (segm_vec_x * new_x - segm_vec_y * new_y) /
sqr_segment_length + cast(x(low(segment)));
CT inter_y = (segm_vec_x * new_y + segm_vec_y * new_x) /
sqr_segment_length + cast(y(low(segment)));
discretization->push_back(Point<CT>(inter_x, inter_y));
cur_x = new_x;
cur_y = new_y;
} else {
// Update last point.
discretization->back() = last_point;
// Compute y(x) = ((x - a) * (x - a) + b * b) / (2 * b).
static CT parabola_y(CT x, CT a, CT b) {
return ((x - a) * (x - a) + b * b) / (b + b);
// Get normalized length of the distance between:
// 1) point projection onto the segment
// 2) start point of the segment
// Return this length divided by the segment length. This is made to avoid
// sqrt computation during transformation from the initial space to the
// transformed one and vice versa. The assumption is made that projection of
// the point lies between the start-point and endpoint of the segment.
template <class InCT,
template<class> class Point,
template<class> class Segment>
typename enable_if<
typename gtl_and<
typename gtl_if<
typename is_point_concept<
typename geometry_concept< Point<int> >::type
typename gtl_if<
typename is_segment_concept<
typename geometry_concept< Segment<long> >::type
>::type get_point_projection(
const Point<CT>& point, const Segment<InCT>& segment) {
CT segment_vec_x = cast(x(high(segment))) - cast(x(low(segment)));
CT segment_vec_y = cast(y(high(segment))) - cast(y(low(segment)));
CT point_vec_x = x(point) - cast(x(low(segment)));
CT point_vec_y = y(point) - cast(y(low(segment)));
CT sqr_segment_length =
segment_vec_x * segment_vec_x + segment_vec_y * segment_vec_y;
CT vec_dot = segment_vec_x * point_vec_x + segment_vec_y * point_vec_y;
return vec_dot / sqr_segment_length;
template <typename InCT>
static CT cast(const InCT& value) {
return static_cast<CT>(value);
} } // namespace boost::polygon
// The following code for the visualization of the boost Voronoi diagram is based on:
// Boost.Polygon library voronoi_visualizer.cpp file
// Copyright Andrii Sydorchuk 2010-2012.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
namespace Voronoi { namespace Internal {
typedef double coordinate_type;
typedef boost::polygon::point_data<coordinate_type> point_type;
typedef boost::polygon::segment_data<coordinate_type> segment_type;
typedef boost::polygon::rectangle_data<coordinate_type> rect_type;
typedef boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram<coordinate_type> VD;
typedef VD::cell_type cell_type;
typedef VD::cell_type::source_index_type source_index_type;
typedef VD::cell_type::source_category_type source_category_type;
typedef VD::edge_type edge_type;
typedef VD::cell_container_type cell_container_type;
typedef VD::cell_container_type vertex_container_type;
typedef VD::edge_container_type edge_container_type;
typedef VD::const_cell_iterator const_cell_iterator;
typedef VD::const_vertex_iterator const_vertex_iterator;
typedef VD::const_edge_iterator const_edge_iterator;
static const std::size_t EXTERNAL_COLOR = 1;
inline void color_exterior(const VD::edge_type* edge)
if (edge->color() == EXTERNAL_COLOR)
const VD::vertex_type* v = edge->vertex1();
if (v == NULL || !edge->is_primary())
const VD::edge_type* e = v->incident_edge();
do {
e = e->rot_next();
} while (e != v->incident_edge());
inline point_type retrieve_point(const Points &points, const std::vector<segment_type> &segments, const cell_type& cell)
assert(cell.source_category() == boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_START_POINT || cell.source_category() == boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_END_POINT ||
cell.source_category() == boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SINGLE_POINT);
return cell.source_category() == boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SINGLE_POINT ?
Voronoi::Internal::point_type(double(points[cell.source_index()].x()), double(points[cell.source_index()].y())) :
(cell.source_category() == boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_START_POINT) ?
low(segments[cell.source_index()]) : high(segments[cell.source_index()]);
inline void clip_infinite_edge(const Points &points, const std::vector<segment_type> &segments, const edge_type& edge, coordinate_type bbox_max_size, std::vector<point_type>* clipped_edge)
const cell_type& cell1 = *edge.cell();
const cell_type& cell2 = *edge.twin()->cell();
point_type origin, direction;
// Infinite edges could not be created by two segment sites.
if (! cell1.contains_point() && ! cell2.contains_point()) {
printf("Error! clip_infinite_edge - infinite edge separates two segment cells\n");
if (cell1.contains_point() && cell2.contains_point()) {
point_type p1 = retrieve_point(points, segments, cell1);
point_type p2 = retrieve_point(points, segments, cell2);
origin.x((p1.x() + p2.x()) * 0.5);
origin.y((p1.y() + p2.y()) * 0.5);
direction.x(p1.y() - p2.y());
direction.y(p2.x() - p1.x());
} else {
origin = cell1.contains_segment() ? retrieve_point(points, segments, cell2) : retrieve_point(points, segments, cell1);
segment_type segment = cell1.contains_segment() ? segments[cell1.source_index()] : segments[cell2.source_index()];
coordinate_type dx = high(segment).x() - low(segment).x();
coordinate_type dy = high(segment).y() - low(segment).y();
if ((low(segment) == origin) ^ cell1.contains_point()) {
} else {
coordinate_type koef = bbox_max_size / (std::max)(fabs(direction.x()), fabs(direction.y()));
if (edge.vertex0() == NULL) {
origin.x() - direction.x() * koef,
origin.y() - direction.y() * koef));
} else {
point_type(edge.vertex0()->x(), edge.vertex0()->y()));
if (edge.vertex1() == NULL) {
origin.x() + direction.x() * koef,
origin.y() + direction.y() * koef));
} else {
point_type(edge.vertex1()->x(), edge.vertex1()->y()));
inline void sample_curved_edge(const Points &points, const std::vector<segment_type> &segments, const edge_type& edge, std::vector<point_type> &sampled_edge, coordinate_type max_dist)
point_type point = edge.cell()->contains_point() ?
retrieve_point(points, segments, *edge.cell()) :
retrieve_point(points, segments, *edge.twin()->cell());
segment_type segment = edge.cell()->contains_point() ?
segments[edge.twin()->cell()->source_index()] :
::boost::polygon::voronoi_visual_utils<coordinate_type>::discretize(point, segment, max_dist, &sampled_edge);
} /* namespace Internal */ } // namespace Voronoi
static inline void dump_voronoi_to_svg(
const char *path,
/* const */ VD &vd,
const Points &points,
const Lines &lines,
const double scale = 0.7) // 0.2?
const std::string inputSegmentPointColor = "lightseagreen";
const coord_t inputSegmentPointRadius = coord_t(0.09 * scale / SCALING_FACTOR);
const std::string inputSegmentColor = "lightseagreen";
const coord_t inputSegmentLineWidth = coord_t(0.03 * scale / SCALING_FACTOR);
const std::string voronoiPointColor = "black";
const coord_t voronoiPointRadius = coord_t(0.06 * scale / SCALING_FACTOR);
const std::string voronoiLineColorPrimary = "black";
const std::string voronoiLineColorSecondary = "green";
const std::string voronoiArcColor = "red";
const coord_t voronoiLineWidth = coord_t(0.02 * scale / SCALING_FACTOR);
const bool internalEdgesOnly = false;
const bool primaryEdgesOnly = false;
BoundingBox bbox;
bbox.min -= (0.01 * bbox.size().cast<double>()).cast<coord_t>();
bbox.max += (0.01 * bbox.size().cast<double>()).cast<coord_t>();
::Slic3r::SVG svg(path, bbox);
// bbox.scale(1.2);
// For clipping of half-lines to some reasonable value.
// The line will then be clipped by the SVG viewer anyway.
const double bbox_dim_max = double(std::max(bbox.size().x(), bbox.size().y()));
// For the discretization of the Voronoi parabolic segments.
const double discretization_step = 0.05 * bbox_dim_max;
// Make a copy of the input segments with the double type.
std::vector<Voronoi::Internal::segment_type> segments;
for (Lines::const_iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++ it)
Voronoi::Internal::point_type(double(it->a(0)), double(it->a(1))),
Voronoi::Internal::point_type(double(it->b(0)), double(it->b(1)))));
// Color exterior edges.
for (boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram<double>::const_edge_iterator it = vd.edges().begin(); it != vd.edges().end(); ++it)
if (!it->is_finite())
// Draw the end points of the input polygon.
for (Lines::const_iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) {
svg.draw(it->a, inputSegmentPointColor, inputSegmentPointRadius);
svg.draw(it->b, inputSegmentPointColor, inputSegmentPointRadius);
// Draw the input polygon.
for (Lines::const_iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it)
svg.draw(Line(Point(coord_t(it->a(0)), coord_t(it->a(1))), Point(coord_t(it->b(0)), coord_t(it->b(1)))), inputSegmentColor, inputSegmentLineWidth);
#if 1
// Draw voronoi vertices.
for (boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram<double>::const_vertex_iterator it = vd.vertices().begin(); it != vd.vertices().end(); ++it)
if (! internalEdgesOnly || it->color() != Voronoi::Internal::EXTERNAL_COLOR)
svg.draw(Point(coord_t(it->x()), coord_t(it->y())), voronoiPointColor, voronoiPointRadius);
for (boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram<double>::const_edge_iterator it = vd.edges().begin(); it != vd.edges().end(); ++it) {
if (primaryEdgesOnly && !it->is_primary())
if (internalEdgesOnly && (it->color() == Voronoi::Internal::EXTERNAL_COLOR))
std::vector<Voronoi::Internal::point_type> samples;
std::string color = voronoiLineColorPrimary;
if (!it->is_finite()) {
Voronoi::Internal::clip_infinite_edge(points, segments, *it, bbox_dim_max, &samples);
if (! it->is_primary())
color = voronoiLineColorSecondary;
} else {
// Store both points of the segment into samples. sample_curved_edge will split the initial line
// until the discretization_step is reached.
samples.push_back(Voronoi::Internal::point_type(it->vertex0()->x(), it->vertex0()->y()));
samples.push_back(Voronoi::Internal::point_type(it->vertex1()->x(), it->vertex1()->y()));
if (it->is_curved()) {
Voronoi::Internal::sample_curved_edge(points, segments, *it, samples, discretization_step);
color = voronoiArcColor;
} else if (! it->is_primary())
color = voronoiLineColorSecondary;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i + 1 < samples.size(); ++i)
svg.draw(Line(Point(coord_t(samples[i].x()), coord_t(samples[i].y())), Point(coord_t(samples[i+1].x()), coord_t(samples[i+1].y()))), color, voronoiLineWidth);
// https://svn.boost.org/trac10/ticket/12067
// This bug seems to be confirmed.
// Vojtech supposes that there may be no Voronoi edges produced for
// the 1st and last sweep line positions.
TEST_CASE("Voronoi missing edges - points 12067", "[Voronoi]")
Points pts {
{ -10, -20 },
{ 10, -20 },
{ 5, 0 },
{ 10, 20 },
{ -10, 20 },
{ -5, 0 }
// Construction of the Voronoi Diagram.
VD vd;
construct_voronoi(pts.begin(), pts.end(), &vd);
vd, pts, Lines());
// REQUIRE(closest_point.z() == Approx(1.));
// https://svn.boost.org/trac10/ticket/12707
// This issue is confirmed, there are no self intersections in the polygon.
// A minimal test case is created at the end of this test,
// a new issue opened with the minimal test case:
// https://github.com/boostorg/polygon/issues/43
TEST_CASE("Voronoi missing edges - Alessandro gapfill 12707", "[Voronoi]")
Lines lines0 {
{ { 42127548, 699996}, { 42127548, 10135750 } },
{ { 42127548, 10135750}, { 50487352, 10135750 } },
{ { 50487352, 10135750}, { 50487352, 699995 } },
{ { 50487352, 699995}, { 51187348, 0 } },
{ { 51187348, 0}, { 64325952, 0 } },
{ { 64325952, 0}, { 64325952, 699996 } },
{ { 64325952, 699996}, { 51187348, 699996 } },
{ { 51187348, 699996}, { 51187348, 10835701 } },
{ { 51187348, 10835701}, { 41427552, 10835701 } },
{ { 41427552, 10835701}, { 41427552, 699996 } },
{ { 41427552, 699996}, { 28664848, 699996 } },
{ { 28664848, 699996}, { 28664848, 10835701 } },
{ { 28664848, 10835701}, { 19280052, 10835701 } },
{ { 19280052, 10835701}, { 27964852, 699996 } },
{ { 27964852, 699996}, { 28664848, 0 } },
{ { 28664848, 0}, { 41427551, 0 } },
{ { 41427551, 0}, { 42127548, 699996 } }
Lines lines1 {
{ { 42127548, 699996}, { 42127548, 10135750 } },
{ { 42127548, 10135750}, { 50487352, 10135750 } },
{ { 50487352, 10135750}, { 50487352, 699995 } },
{ { 50487352, 699995}, { 51187348, 0 } },
{ { 51187348, 0}, { 51187348, 10835701 } },
{ { 51187348, 10835701}, { 41427552, 10835701 } },
{ { 41427552, 10835701}, { 41427552, 699996 } },
{ { 41427552, 699996}, { 28664848, 699996 } },
{ { 28664848, 699996}, { 28664848, 10835701 } },
{ { 28664848, 10835701}, { 19280052, 10835701 } },
{ { 19280052, 10835701}, { 27964852, 699996 } },
{ { 27964852, 699996}, { 28664848, 0 } },
{ { 28664848, 0}, { 41427551, 0 } },
{ { 41427551, 0}, { 42127548, 699996 } }
Lines lines2 {
{ { 42127548, 699996}, { 42127548, 10135750 } },
{ { 42127548, 10135750}, { 50487352, 10135750 } },
{ { 50487352, 10135750}, { 50487352, 699995 } },
{ { 50487352, 699995}, { 51187348, 0 } },
{ { 51187348, 0}, { 51187348, 10835701 } },
{ { 51187348, 10835701}, { 41427552, 10835701 } },
{ { 41427552, 10835701}, { 41427552, 699996 } },
{ { 41427552, 699996}, { 28664848, 699996 } },
{ { 28664848, 699996}, { 28664848, 10835701 } },
{ { 28664848, 10835701}, { 19280052, 10835701 } },
{ { 19280052, 10835701}, { 28664848, 0 } },
{ { 28664848, 0}, { 41427551, 0 } },
{ { 41427551, 0}, { 42127548, 699996 } }
Lines lines3 {
{ { 42127548, 699996}, { 42127548, 10135750 } },
{ { 42127548, 10135750}, { 50487352, 10135750 } },
{ { 50487352, 10135750}, { 50487352, 699995 } },
{ { 50487352, 699995}, { 51187348, 0 } },
{ { 51187348, 0}, { 51187348, 10835701 } },
{ { 51187348, 10835701}, { 41427552, 10835701 } },
{ { 41427552, 10835701}, { 41427552, 699996 } },
{ { 41427552, 699996}, { 41427551, 0 } },
{ { 41427551, 0}, { 42127548, 699996 } }
Lines lines4 {
{ { 42127548, 699996}, { 42127548, 10135750 } },
{ { 42127548, 10135750}, { 50487352, 10135750 } },
{ { 50487352, 10135750}, { 50487352, 699995 } },
{ { 50487352, 699995}, { 51187348, 0 } },
{ { 51187348, 0}, { 51187348, 10835701 } },
{ { 51187348, 10835701}, { 41427552, 10835701 } },
{ { 41427552, 10835701}, { 41427551, 0 } },
{ { 41427551, 0}, { 42127548, 699996 } }
Lines lines = to_lines(Polygon {
{ 0, 10000000},
{ 700000, 1}, // it has to be 1, higher number, zero or -1 work.
{ 700000, 9000000},
{ 9100000, 9000000},
{ 9100000, 0},
{10000000, 10000000}
Polygon poly;
std::mt19937 gen;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> dist(-100, 100);
for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++ i) {
Line &l1 = lines[i];
Line &l2 = lines[(i + 1) % lines.size()];
REQUIRE(l1.b.x() == l2.a.x());
REQUIRE(l1.b.y() == l2.a.y());
#if 0
// Wiggle the points a bit to find out whether this fixes the voronoi diagram for this particular polygon.
l1.b.x() = (l2.a.x() += dist(gen));
l1.b.y() = (l2.a.y() += dist(gen));
REQUIRE(intersecting_edges({ poly }).empty());
VD vd;
construct_voronoi(lines.begin(), lines.end(), &vd);
vd, Points(), lines);
// https://svn.boost.org/trac10/ticket/12903
// division by zero reported, but this issue is most likely a non-issue, as it produces an infinity for the interval of validity
// of the floating point calculation, therefore forcing a recalculation with extended accuracy.
TEST_CASE("Voronoi division by zero 12903", "[Voronoi]")
Points pts { { 1, 1 }, { 3, 1 }, { 1, 3 }, { 3, 3 },
{ -1, 1 }, { 1, -1 }, { 5, 1 }, { 3, -1 },
{ -1, 3 }, { 1, 5 }, { 5, 3 }, { 3, 5 } };
auto pts2 { pts };
std::sort(pts2.begin(), pts2.end(), [](auto &l, auto &r) { return (l.x() == r.x()) ? l.y() < r.y() : l.x() < r.x(); });
// No point removed -> no duplicate.
REQUIRE(std::unique(pts2.begin(), pts2.end()) == pts2.end());
VD vd;
construct_voronoi(pts.begin(), pts.end(), &vd);
// Scale the voronoi vertices and input points, so that the dump_voronoi_to_svg will display them correctly.
for (auto &pt : vd.vertices()) {
const_cast<double&>(pt.x()) = scale_(pt.x());
const_cast<double&>(pt.y()) = scale_(pt.y());
for (auto &pt : pts)
pt = Point::new_scale(pt.x(), pt.y());
dump_voronoi_to_svg(debug_out_path("voronoi-div-by-zero.svg").c_str(), vd, pts, Lines());
// https://svn.boost.org/trac10/ticket/12139
// Funny sample from a dental industry?
// Vojtech confirms this test fails and rightly so, because the input data contain self intersections.
// This test is suppressed.
TEST_CASE("Voronoi NaN coordinates 12139", "[Voronoi][!hide][!mayfail]")
Lines lines = {
{ { 260500,1564400 }, { 261040,1562960 } },
{ { 261040,1562960 }, { 260840,1561780 } },
{ { 260840,1561780 }, { 262620,1561480 } },
{ { 262620,1561480 }, { 263160,1561220 } },
{ { 263160,1561220 }, { 264100,1563259 } },
{ { 264100,1563259 }, { 262380,1566980 } },
{ { 262380,1566980 }, { 260500,1564400 } },
{ { 137520,1851640 }, { 132160,1851100 } },
{ { 132160,1851100 }, { 126460,1848779 } },
{ { 126460,1848779 }, { 123960,1847320 } },
{ { 123960,1847320 }, { 120960,1844559 } },
{ { 120960,1844559 }, { 119640,1843040 } },
{ { 119640,1843040 }, { 118320,1840900 } },
{ { 118320,1840900 }, { 117920,1838120 } },
{ { 117920,1838120 }, { 118219,1833340 } },
{ { 118219,1833340 }, { 116180,1835000 } },
{ { 116180,1835000 }, { 115999,1834820 } },
{ { 115999,1834820 }, { 114240,1836340 } },
{ { 114240,1836340 }, { 112719,1837260 } },
{ { 112719,1837260 }, { 109460,1838239 } },
{ { 109460,1838239 }, { 103639,1837480 } },
{ { 103639,1837480 }, { 99819,1835460 } },
{ { 99819,1835460 }, { 96320,1834260 } },
{ { 96320,1834260 }, { 95339,1834260 } },
{ { 95339,1834260 }, { 93660,1833720 } },
{ { 93660,1833720 }, { 90719,1833300 } },
{ { 90719,1833300 }, { 87860,1831660 } },
{ { 87860,1831660 }, { 84580,1830499 } },
{ { 84580,1830499 }, { 79780,1827419 } },
{ { 79780,1827419 }, { 76020,1824280 } },
{ { 76020,1824280 }, { 73680,1821180 } },
{ { 73680,1821180 }, { 72560,1818960 } },
{ { 72560,1818960 }, { 71699,1817719 } },
{ { 71699,1817719 }, { 70280,1814260 } },
{ { 70280,1814260 }, { 69460,1811060 } },
{ { 69460,1811060 }, { 69659,1807320 } },
{ { 69659,1807320 }, { 69640,1803300 } },
{ { 69640,1803300 }, { 69360,1799780 } },
{ { 69360,1799780 }, { 69320,1796720 } },
{ { 69320,1796720 }, { 69640,1793980 } },
{ { 69640,1793980 }, { 70160,1791780 } },
{ { 70160,1791780 }, { 72460,1784879 } },
{ { 72460,1784879 }, { 74420,1780780 } },
{ { 74420,1780780 }, { 76500,1772899 } },
{ { 76500,1772899 }, { 76760,1769359 } },
{ { 76760,1769359 }, { 76480,1766259 } },
{ { 76480,1766259 }, { 76839,1760360 } },
{ { 76839,1760360 }, { 77539,1756680 } },
{ { 77539,1756680 }, { 80540,1748140 } },
{ { 80540,1748140 }, { 84200,1742619 } },
{ { 84200,1742619 }, { 90900,1735220 } },
{ { 90900,1735220 }, { 94159,1732679 } },
{ { 94159,1732679 }, { 101259,1729559 } },
{ { 101259,1729559 }, { 107299,1727939 } },
{ { 107299,1727939 }, { 110979,1727919 } },
{ { 110979,1727919 }, { 113499,1727240 } },
{ { 113499,1727240 }, { 113619,1727359 } },
{ { 113619,1727359 }, { 114280,1727280 } },
{ { 114280,1727280 }, { 131440,1732560 } },
{ { 131440,1732560 }, { 118140,1727119 } },
{ { 118140,1727119 }, { 117120,1723759 } },
{ { 117120,1723759 }, { 113840,1720660 } },
{ { 113840,1720660 }, { 111399,1716760 } },
{ { 111399,1716760 }, { 109700,1712979 } },
{ { 109700,1712979 }, { 108879,1708400 } },
{ { 108879,1708400 }, { 108060,1696360 } },
{ { 108060,1696360 }, { 110040,1687760 } },
{ { 110040,1687760 }, { 112140,1682480 } },
{ { 112140,1682480 }, { 112540,1681780 } },
{ { 112540,1681780 }, { 115260,1678320 } },
{ { 115260,1678320 }, { 118720,1675320 } },
{ { 118720,1675320 }, { 126100,1670980 } },
{ { 126100,1670980 }, { 132400,1668080 } },
{ { 132400,1668080 }, { 136700,1667440 } },
{ { 136700,1667440 }, { 142440,1667159 } },
{ { 142440,1667159 }, { 143340,1666720 } },
{ { 143340,1666720 }, { 138679,1661319 } },
{ { 138679,1661319 }, { 137240,1657480 } },
{ { 137240,1657480 }, { 136760,1650739 } },
{ { 136760,1650739 }, { 136780,1647339 } },
{ { 136780,1647339 }, { 135940,1644280 } },
{ { 135940,1644280 }, { 136000,1640820 } },
{ { 136000,1640820 }, { 135480,1638020 } },
{ { 135480,1638020 }, { 137060,1634220 } },
{ { 137060,1634220 }, { 136320,1631340 } },
{ { 136320,1631340 }, { 134620,1629700 } },
{ { 134620,1629700 }, { 132460,1628199 } },
{ { 132460,1628199 }, { 132299,1627860 } },
{ { 132299,1627860 }, { 138360,1618020 } },
{ { 138360,1618020 }, { 142440,1611859 } },
{ { 142440,1611859 }, { 143180,1611299 } },
{ { 143180,1611299 }, { 144000,1611259 } },
{ { 144000,1611259 }, { 145960,1612540 } },
{ { 145960,1612540 }, { 146720,1613700 } },
{ { 146720,1613700 }, { 147700,1613539 } },
{ { 147700,1613539 }, { 148520,1614039 } },
{ { 148520,1614039 }, { 149840,1613740 } },
{ { 149840,1613740 }, { 150620,1614079 } },
{ { 150620,1614079 }, { 154760,1612740 } },
{ { 154760,1612740 }, { 159000,1608420 } },
{ { 159000,1608420 }, { 161120,1606780 } },
{ { 161120,1606780 }, { 164060,1605139 } },
{ { 164060,1605139 }, { 168079,1603620 } },
{ { 168079,1603620 }, { 170240,1603400 } },
{ { 170240,1603400 }, { 172400,1603499 } },
{ { 172400,1603499 }, { 194440,1613740 } },
{ { 194440,1613740 }, { 195880,1616460 } },
{ { 195880,1616460 }, { 197060,1618140 } },
{ { 197060,1618140 }, { 198039,1617860 } },
{ { 198039,1617860 }, { 198739,1618900 } },
{ { 198739,1618900 }, { 200259,1619200 } },
{ { 200259,1619200 }, { 201940,1618920 } },
{ { 201940,1618920 }, { 201700,1617139 } },
{ { 201700,1617139 }, { 203860,1618179 } },
{ { 203860,1618179 }, { 203500,1617540 } },
{ { 203500,1617540 }, { 205000,1616579 } },
{ { 205000,1616579 }, { 206780,1615020 } },
{ { 206780,1615020 }, { 210159,1614059 } },
{ { 210159,1614059 }, { 217080,1611080 } },
{ { 217080,1611080 }, { 219200,1611579 } },
{ { 219200,1611579 }, { 223219,1610980 } },
{ { 223219,1610980 }, { 224580,1610540 } },
{ { 224580,1610540 }, { 227460,1611440 } },
{ { 227460,1611440 }, { 229359,1611859 } },
{ { 229359,1611859 }, { 230620,1612580 } },
{ { 230620,1612580 }, { 232340,1614460 } },
{ { 232340,1614460 }, { 232419,1617040 } },
{ { 232419,1617040 }, { 231740,1619480 } },
{ { 231740,1619480 }, { 231880,1624899 } },
{ { 231880,1624899 }, { 231540,1625820 } },
{ { 231540,1625820 }, { 231700,1627079 } },
{ { 231700,1627079 }, { 231320,1628239 } },
{ { 231320,1628239 }, { 231420,1636080 } },
{ { 231420,1636080 }, { 231099,1637200 } },
{ { 231099,1637200 }, { 228660,1643280 } },
{ { 228660,1643280 }, { 227699,1644960 } },
{ { 227699,1644960 }, { 226080,1651140 } },
{ { 226080,1651140 }, { 225259,1653420 } },
{ { 225259,1653420 }, { 225159,1655399 } },
{ { 225159,1655399 }, { 223760,1659260 } },
{ { 223760,1659260 }, { 219860,1666360 } },
{ { 219860,1666360 }, { 219180,1667220 } },
{ { 219180,1667220 }, { 212580,1673680 } },
{ { 212580,1673680 }, { 207880,1676460 } },
{ { 207880,1676460 }, { 205560,1677560 } },
{ { 205560,1677560 }, { 199700,1678920 } },
{ { 199700,1678920 }, { 195280,1679420 } },
{ { 195280,1679420 }, { 193939,1679879 } },
{ { 193939,1679879 }, { 188780,1679440 } },
{ { 188780,1679440 }, { 188100,1679639 } },
{ { 188100,1679639 }, { 186680,1679339 } },
{ { 186680,1679339 }, { 184760,1679619 } },
{ { 184760,1679619 }, { 183520,1681440 } },
{ { 183520,1681440 }, { 183860,1682200 } },
{ { 183860,1682200 }, { 186620,1686120 } },
{ { 186620,1686120 }, { 190380,1688380 } },
{ { 190380,1688380 }, { 192780,1690739 } },
{ { 192780,1690739 }, { 195860,1694839 } },
{ { 195860,1694839 }, { 196620,1696539 } },
{ { 196620,1696539 }, { 197540,1701819 } },
{ { 197540,1701819 }, { 198939,1705699 } },
{ { 198939,1705699 }, { 198979,1711819 } },
{ { 198979,1711819 }, { 198240,1716900 } },
{ { 198240,1716900 }, { 197440,1720139 } },
{ { 197440,1720139 }, { 195340,1724639 } },
{ { 195340,1724639 }, { 194040,1726140 } },
{ { 194040,1726140 }, { 192559,1728239 } },
{ { 192559,1728239 }, { 187780,1732339 } },
{ { 187780,1732339 }, { 182519,1735520 } },
{ { 182519,1735520 }, { 181239,1736140 } },
{ { 181239,1736140 }, { 177340,1737619 } },
{ { 177340,1737619 }, { 175439,1738140 } },
{ { 175439,1738140 }, { 171380,1738880 } },
{ { 171380,1738880 }, { 167860,1739059 } },
{ { 167860,1739059 }, { 166040,1738920 } },
{ { 166040,1738920 }, { 163680,1738539 } },
{ { 163680,1738539 }, { 157660,1736859 } },
{ { 157660,1736859 }, { 154900,1735460 } },
{ { 154900,1735460 }, { 151420,1735159 } },
{ { 151420,1735159 }, { 142100,1736160 } },
{ { 142100,1736160 }, { 140880,1735920 } },
{ { 140880,1735920 }, { 142820,1736859 } },
{ { 142820,1736859 }, { 144080,1737240 } },
{ { 144080,1737240 }, { 144280,1737460 } },
{ { 144280,1737460 }, { 144239,1738120 } },
{ { 144239,1738120 }, { 144980,1739420 } },
{ { 144980,1739420 }, { 146340,1741039 } },
{ { 146340,1741039 }, { 147160,1741720 } },
{ { 147160,1741720 }, { 154260,1745800 } },
{ { 154260,1745800 }, { 156560,1746879 } },
{ { 156560,1746879 }, { 165180,1752679 } },
{ { 165180,1752679 }, { 168240,1755860 } },
{ { 168240,1755860 }, { 170940,1759260 } },
{ { 170940,1759260 }, { 173440,1762079 } },
{ { 173440,1762079 }, { 174540,1764079 } },
{ { 174540,1764079 }, { 176479,1766640 } },
{ { 176479,1766640 }, { 178900,1768960 } },
{ { 178900,1768960 }, { 180819,1772780 } },
{ { 180819,1772780 }, { 181479,1776859 } },
{ { 181479,1776859 }, { 181660,1788499 } },
{ { 181660,1788499 }, { 181460,1791740 } },
{ { 181460,1791740 }, { 181160,1792840 } },
{ { 181160,1792840 }, { 179580,1797180 } },
{ { 179580,1797180 }, { 174620,1808960 } },
{ { 174620,1808960 }, { 174100,1809839 } },
{ { 174100,1809839 }, { 171660,1812419 } },
{ { 171660,1812419 }, { 169639,1813840 } },
{ { 169639,1813840 }, { 168880,1814720 } },
{ { 168880,1814720 }, { 168960,1815980 } },
{ { 168960,1815980 }, { 169979,1819160 } },
{ { 169979,1819160 }, { 170080,1820159 } },
{ { 170080,1820159 }, { 168280,1830540 } },
{ { 168280,1830540 }, { 167580,1832200 } },
{ { 167580,1832200 }, { 165679,1835720 } },
{ { 165679,1835720 }, { 164720,1836819 } },
{ { 164720,1836819 }, { 161840,1841740 } },
{ { 161840,1841740 }, { 159880,1843519 } },
{ { 159880,1843519 }, { 158959,1844120 } },
{ { 158959,1844120 }, { 154960,1847500 } },
{ { 154960,1847500 }, { 152140,1848580 } },
{ { 152140,1848580 }, { 150440,1849520 } },
{ { 150440,1849520 }, { 144940,1850980 } },
{ { 144940,1850980 }, { 138340,1851700 } },
{ { 138340,1851700 }, { 137520,1851640 } },
{ { 606940,1873860 }, { 602860,1872460 } },
{ { 602860,1872460 }, { 600680,1871539 } },
{ { 600680,1871539 }, { 599300,1870640 } },
{ { 599300,1870640 }, { 598120,1869579 } },
{ { 598120,1869579 }, { 594680,1867180 } },
{ { 594680,1867180 }, { 589680,1861460 } },
{ { 589680,1861460 }, { 586300,1855020 } },
{ { 586300,1855020 }, { 584700,1848060 } },
{ { 584700,1848060 }, { 585199,1843499 } },
{ { 585199,1843499 }, { 584000,1842079 } },
{ { 584000,1842079 }, { 582900,1841480 } },
{ { 582900,1841480 }, { 581020,1839899 } },
{ { 581020,1839899 }, { 579440,1838040 } },
{ { 579440,1838040 }, { 577840,1834299 } },
{ { 577840,1834299 }, { 576160,1831859 } },
{ { 576160,1831859 }, { 574540,1828499 } },
{ { 574540,1828499 }, { 572140,1822860 } },
{ { 572140,1822860 }, { 570180,1815219 } },
{ { 570180,1815219 }, { 570080,1812280 } },
{ { 570080,1812280 }, { 570340,1808300 } },
{ { 570340,1808300 }, { 570160,1807119 } },
{ { 570160,1807119 }, { 570140,1804039 } },
{ { 570140,1804039 }, { 571640,1796660 } },
{ { 571640,1796660 }, { 571740,1794680 } },
{ { 571740,1794680 }, { 572279,1794039 } },
{ { 572279,1794039 }, { 575480,1788300 } },
{ { 575480,1788300 }, { 576379,1787419 } },
{ { 576379,1787419 }, { 577020,1786120 } },
{ { 577020,1786120 }, { 578000,1785100 } },
{ { 578000,1785100 }, { 579960,1783720 } },
{ { 579960,1783720 }, { 581420,1782079 } },
{ { 581420,1782079 }, { 585480,1778440 } },
{ { 585480,1778440 }, { 586680,1777079 } },
{ { 586680,1777079 }, { 590520,1774639 } },
{ { 590520,1774639 }, { 592440,1773199 } },
{ { 592440,1773199 }, { 595160,1772260 } },
{ { 595160,1772260 }, { 598079,1770920 } },
{ { 598079,1770920 }, { 601420,1769019 } },
{ { 601420,1769019 }, { 606400,1767280 } },
{ { 606400,1767280 }, { 607320,1766620 } },
{ { 607320,1766620 }, { 605760,1766460 } },
{ { 605760,1766460 }, { 604420,1766780 } },
{ { 604420,1766780 }, { 601660,1766579 } },
{ { 601660,1766579 }, { 597160,1766980 } },
{ { 597160,1766980 }, { 591420,1766720 } },
{ { 591420,1766720 }, { 585360,1765460 } },
{ { 585360,1765460 }, { 578540,1763680 } },
{ { 578540,1763680 }, { 574020,1761599 } },
{ { 574020,1761599 }, { 572520,1760560 } },
{ { 572520,1760560 }, { 570959,1759000 } },
{ { 570959,1759000 }, { 566580,1755620 } },
{ { 566580,1755620 }, { 563820,1752000 } },
{ { 563820,1752000 }, { 563140,1751380 } },
{ { 563140,1751380 }, { 560800,1747899 } },
{ { 560800,1747899 }, { 558640,1742280 } },
{ { 558640,1742280 }, { 557860,1741620 } },
{ { 557860,1741620 }, { 555820,1739099 } },
{ { 555820,1739099 }, { 553920,1737540 } },
{ { 553920,1737540 }, { 551900,1735179 } },
{ { 551900,1735179 }, { 551180,1733880 } },
{ { 551180,1733880 }, { 549540,1729559 } },
{ { 549540,1729559 }, { 548860,1720720 } },
{ { 548860,1720720 }, { 549080,1719099 } },
{ { 549080,1719099 }, { 548200,1714700 } },
{ { 548200,1714700 }, { 547560,1713860 } },
{ { 547560,1713860 }, { 544500,1711259 } },
{ { 544500,1711259 }, { 543939,1709780 } },
{ { 543939,1709780 }, { 544520,1705439 } },
{ { 544520,1705439 }, { 543520,1701519 } },
{ { 543520,1701519 }, { 543920,1699319 } },
{ { 543920,1699319 }, { 546360,1697440 } },
{ { 546360,1697440 }, { 546680,1695419 } },
{ { 546680,1695419 }, { 545600,1694180 } },
{ { 545600,1694180 }, { 543220,1692000 } },
{ { 543220,1692000 }, { 538260,1685139 } },
{ { 538260,1685139 }, { 537540,1683000 } },
{ { 537540,1683000 }, { 537020,1682220 } },
{ { 537020,1682220 }, { 535560,1675940 } },
{ { 535560,1675940 }, { 535940,1671220 } },
{ { 535940,1671220 }, { 536320,1669379 } },
{ { 536320,1669379 }, { 535420,1666400 } },
{ { 535420,1666400 }, { 533540,1664460 } },
{ { 533540,1664460 }, { 530720,1662860 } },
{ { 530720,1662860 }, { 529240,1662260 } },
{ { 529240,1662260 }, { 528780,1659160 } },
{ { 528780,1659160 }, { 528820,1653560 } },
{ { 528820,1653560 }, { 529779,1650900 } },
{ { 529779,1650900 }, { 536760,1640840 } },
{ { 536760,1640840 }, { 540360,1636120 } },
{ { 540360,1636120 }, { 541160,1635380 } },
{ { 541160,1635380 }, { 544719,1629480 } },
{ { 544719,1629480 }, { 545319,1626140 } },
{ { 545319,1626140 }, { 543560,1623740 } },
{ { 543560,1623740 }, { 539880,1620739 } },
{ { 539880,1620739 }, { 533400,1617300 } },
{ { 533400,1617300 }, { 527840,1613020 } },
{ { 527840,1613020 }, { 525200,1611579 } },
{ { 525200,1611579 }, { 524360,1610800 } },
{ { 524360,1610800 }, { 517320,1605739 } },
{ { 517320,1605739 }, { 516240,1604240 } },
{ { 516240,1604240 }, { 515220,1602000 } },
{ { 515220,1602000 }, { 514079,1594240 } },
{ { 514079,1594240 }, { 513740,1581460 } },
{ { 513740,1581460 }, { 514660,1577359 } },
{ { 514660,1577359 }, { 514660,1576380 } },
{ { 514660,1576380 }, { 514199,1575380 } },
{ { 514199,1575380 }, { 514680,1572860 } },
{ { 514680,1572860 }, { 513440,1573940 } },
{ { 513440,1573940 }, { 512399,1575580 } },
{ { 512399,1575580 }, { 511620,1576220 } },
{ { 511620,1576220 }, { 507840,1581880 } },
{ { 507840,1581880 }, { 504600,1584579 } },
{ { 504600,1584579 }, { 502440,1584599 } },
{ { 502440,1584599 }, { 499060,1584059 } },
{ { 499060,1584059 }, { 498019,1581960 } },
{ { 498019,1581960 }, { 497819,1581240 } },
{ { 497819,1581240 }, { 498019,1576039 } },
{ { 498019,1576039 }, { 497539,1574740 } },
{ { 497539,1574740 }, { 495459,1574460 } },
{ { 495459,1574460 }, { 492320,1575600 } },
{ { 492320,1575600 }, { 491040,1576360 } },
{ { 491040,1576360 }, { 490080,1575640 } },
{ { 490080,1575640 }, { 490020,1575040 } },
{ { 490020,1575040 }, { 490220,1574400 } },
{ { 490220,1574400 }, { 490819,1573440 } },
{ { 490819,1573440 }, { 492680,1568259 } },
{ { 492680,1568259 }, { 492920,1566799 } },
{ { 492920,1566799 }, { 495760,1563660 } },
{ { 495760,1563660 }, { 496100,1562139 } },
{ { 496100,1562139 }, { 497879,1560240 } },
{ { 497879,1560240 }, { 497059,1558020 } },
{ { 497059,1558020 }, { 495620,1557399 } },
{ { 495620,1557399 }, { 494800,1556839 } },
{ { 494800,1556839 }, { 493500,1555479 } },
{ { 493500,1555479 }, { 491860,1554100 } },
{ { 491860,1554100 }, { 487840,1552139 } },
{ { 487840,1552139 }, { 485900,1551720 } },
{ { 485900,1551720 }, { 483639,1555439 } },
{ { 483639,1555439 }, { 482080,1556480 } },
{ { 482080,1556480 }, { 480200,1556259 } },
{ { 480200,1556259 }, { 478519,1556259 } },
{ { 478519,1556259 }, { 474020,1554019 } },
{ { 474020,1554019 }, { 472660,1551539 } },
{ { 472660,1551539 }, { 471260,1549899 } },
{ { 471260,1549899 }, { 470459,1548020 } },
{ { 470459,1548020 }, { 469920,1545479 } },
{ { 469920,1545479 }, { 469079,1542939 } },
{ { 469079,1542939 }, { 469120,1541799 } },
{ { 469120,1541799 }, { 465840,1537139 } },
{ { 465840,1537139 }, { 463360,1539059 } },
{ { 463360,1539059 }, { 459680,1546900 } },
{ { 459680,1546900 }, { 458439,1547160 } },
{ { 458439,1547160 }, { 456480,1549319 } },
{ { 456480,1549319 }, { 454160,1551400 } },
{ { 454160,1551400 }, { 452819,1550820 } },
{ { 452819,1550820 }, { 451699,1549839 } },
{ { 451699,1549839 }, { 449620,1548440 } },
{ { 449620,1548440 }, { 449419,1548080 } },
{ { 449419,1548080 }, { 447879,1547720 } },
{ { 447879,1547720 }, { 446540,1546819 } },
{ { 446540,1546819 }, { 445720,1545640 } },
{ { 445720,1545640 }, { 444800,1545100 } },
{ { 444800,1545100 }, { 443500,1542899 } },
{ { 443500,1542899 }, { 443320,1541799 } },
{ { 443320,1541799 }, { 443519,1540220 } },
{ { 443519,1540220 }, { 445060,1537099 } },
{ { 445060,1537099 }, { 445840,1533040 } },
{ { 445840,1533040 }, { 442720,1529079 } },
{ { 442720,1529079 }, { 442479,1528360 } },
{ { 442479,1528360 }, { 436820,1529240 } },
{ { 436820,1529240 }, { 436279,1529200 } },
{ { 436279,1529200 }, { 433280,1529859 } },
{ { 433280,1529859 }, { 420220,1529899 } },
{ { 420220,1529899 }, { 414740,1528539 } },
{ { 414740,1528539 }, { 411340,1527960 } },
{ { 411340,1527960 }, { 406860,1524660 } },
{ { 406860,1524660 }, { 405379,1523080 } },
{ { 405379,1523080 }, { 403639,1520320 } },
{ { 403639,1520320 }, { 402040,1517220 } },
{ { 402040,1517220 }, { 400519,1517059 } },
{ { 400519,1517059 }, { 399180,1516720 } },
{ { 399180,1516720 }, { 395300,1515179 } },
{ { 395300,1515179 }, { 394780,1515080 } },
{ { 394780,1515080 }, { 394759,1515900 } },
{ { 394759,1515900 }, { 394339,1516579 } },
{ { 394339,1516579 }, { 393200,1516640 } },
{ { 393200,1516640 }, { 392599,1521799 } },
{ { 392599,1521799 }, { 391699,1525200 } },
{ { 391699,1525200 }, { 391040,1525600 } },
{ { 391040,1525600 }, { 390540,1526500 } },
{ { 390540,1526500 }, { 388999,1527939 } },
{ { 388999,1527939 }, { 387059,1531100 } },
{ { 387059,1531100 }, { 386540,1531440 } },
{ { 386540,1531440 }, { 382140,1531839 } },
{ { 382140,1531839 }, { 377360,1532619 } },
{ { 377360,1532619 }, { 375640,1532220 } },
{ { 375640,1532220 }, { 372580,1531019 } },
{ { 372580,1531019 }, { 371079,1529019 } },
{ { 371079,1529019 }, { 367280,1526039 } },
{ { 367280,1526039 }, { 366460,1521900 } },
{ { 366460,1521900 }, { 364320,1516400 } },
{ { 364320,1516400 }, { 363779,1515780 } },
{ { 363779,1515780 }, { 362220,1515320 } },
{ { 362220,1515320 }, { 361979,1515060 } },
{ { 361979,1515060 }, { 360820,1515739 } },
{ { 360820,1515739 }, { 353360,1518620 } },
{ { 353360,1518620 }, { 347840,1520080 } },
{ { 347840,1520080 }, { 342399,1521140 } },
{ { 342399,1521140 }, { 334899,1523380 } },
{ { 334899,1523380 }, { 333220,1523400 } },
{ { 333220,1523400 }, { 332599,1522919 } },
{ { 332599,1522919 }, { 329780,1521640 } },
{ { 329780,1521640 }, { 325360,1521220 } },
{ { 325360,1521220 }, { 319000,1520999 } },
{ { 319000,1520999 }, { 316180,1520240 } },
{ { 316180,1520240 }, { 312700,1518960 } },
{ { 312700,1518960 }, { 310520,1517679 } },
{ { 310520,1517679 }, { 309280,1517260 } },
{ { 309280,1517260 }, { 306440,1515040 } },
{ { 306440,1515040 }, { 304140,1512780 } },
{ { 304140,1512780 }, { 301640,1509720 } },
{ { 301640,1509720 }, { 301500,1509879 } },
{ { 301500,1509879 }, { 300320,1509059 } },
{ { 300320,1509059 }, { 299140,1507339 } },
{ { 299140,1507339 }, { 297340,1502659 } },
{ { 297340,1502659 }, { 298960,1508280 } },
{ { 298960,1508280 }, { 299120,1509299 } },
{ { 299120,1509299 }, { 298720,1510100 } },
{ { 298720,1510100 }, { 298420,1512240 } },
{ { 298420,1512240 }, { 297420,1514540 } },
{ { 297420,1514540 }, { 296900,1515340 } },
{ { 296900,1515340 }, { 294780,1517500 } },
{ { 294780,1517500 }, { 293040,1518380 } },
{ { 293040,1518380 }, { 289140,1521360 } },
{ { 289140,1521360 }, { 283600,1523300 } },
{ { 283600,1523300 }, { 280140,1525220 } },
{ { 280140,1525220 }, { 279620,1525679 } },
{ { 279620,1525679 }, { 274960,1527379 } },
{ { 274960,1527379 }, { 273440,1528819 } },
{ { 273440,1528819 }, { 269840,1532840 } },
{ { 269840,1532840 }, { 264800,1536240 } },
{ { 264800,1536240 }, { 261199,1540419 } },
{ { 261199,1540419 }, { 257359,1541400 } },
{ { 257359,1541400 }, { 250460,1539299 } },
{ { 250460,1539299 }, { 250240,1539400 } },
{ { 250240,1539400 }, { 249840,1540460 } },
{ { 249840,1540460 }, { 249779,1541140 } },
{ { 249779,1541140 }, { 248482,1539783 } },
{ { 248482,1539783 }, { 251320,1544120 } },
{ { 251320,1544120 }, { 252500,1548320 } },
{ { 252500,1548320 }, { 252519,1549740 } },
{ { 252519,1549740 }, { 253000,1553140 } },
{ { 253000,1553140 }, { 252920,1556539 } },
{ { 252920,1556539 }, { 253160,1556700 } },
{ { 253160,1556700 }, { 254019,1558220 } },
{ { 254019,1558220 }, { 253039,1559339 } },
{ { 253039,1559339 }, { 252300,1561920 } },
{ { 252300,1561920 }, { 251080,1565260 } },
{ { 251080,1565260 }, { 251120,1566160 } },
{ { 251120,1566160 }, { 249979,1570240 } },
{ { 249979,1570240 }, { 248799,1575380 } },
{ { 248799,1575380 }, { 247180,1579520 } },
{ { 247180,1579520 }, { 243380,1588440 } },
{ { 243380,1588440 }, { 241700,1591780 } },
{ { 241700,1591780 }, { 240280,1593080 } },
{ { 240280,1593080 }, { 231859,1598380 } },
{ { 231859,1598380 }, { 228840,1600060 } },
{ { 228840,1600060 }, { 226420,1601080 } },
{ { 226420,1601080 }, { 223620,1601940 } },
{ { 223620,1601940 }, { 220919,1603819 } },
{ { 220919,1603819 }, { 219599,1604420 } },
{ { 219599,1604420 }, { 218380,1605200 } },
{ { 218380,1605200 }, { 213219,1607260 } },
{ { 213219,1607260 }, { 210040,1607740 } },
{ { 210040,1607740 }, { 186439,1596440 } },
{ { 186439,1596440 }, { 185159,1594559 } },
{ { 185159,1594559 }, { 182239,1588300 } },
{ { 182239,1588300 }, { 181040,1585380 } },
{ { 181040,1585380 }, { 180380,1578580 } },
{ { 180380,1578580 }, { 180679,1573220 } },
{ { 180679,1573220 }, { 181220,1568539 } },
{ { 181220,1568539 }, { 181859,1565020 } },
{ { 181859,1565020 }, { 184499,1555500 } },
{ { 184499,1555500 }, { 183480,1558160 } },
{ { 183480,1558160 }, { 182600,1561700 } },
{ { 182600,1561700 }, { 171700,1554359 } },
{ { 171700,1554359 }, { 176880,1545920 } },
{ { 176880,1545920 }, { 189940,1529000 } },
{ { 189940,1529000 }, { 200040,1535759 } },
{ { 200040,1535759 }, { 207559,1531660 } },
{ { 207559,1531660 }, { 218039,1527520 } },
{ { 218039,1527520 }, { 222360,1526640 } },
{ { 222360,1526640 }, { 225439,1526440 } },
{ { 225439,1526440 }, { 231160,1527079 } },
{ { 231160,1527079 }, { 232300,1527399 } },
{ { 232300,1527399 }, { 236579,1529140 } },
{ { 236579,1529140 }, { 238139,1529120 } },
{ { 238139,1529120 }, { 238799,1529319 } },
{ { 238799,1529319 }, { 240999,1531780 } },
{ { 240999,1531780 }, { 238280,1528799 } },
{ { 238280,1528799 }, { 236900,1523840 } },
{ { 236900,1523840 }, { 236800,1522700 } },
{ { 236800,1522700 }, { 235919,1518880 } },
{ { 235919,1518880 }, { 236080,1514299 } },
{ { 236080,1514299 }, { 238260,1508380 } },
{ { 238260,1508380 }, { 240119,1505159 } },
{ { 240119,1505159 }, { 233319,1496360 } },
{ { 233319,1496360 }, { 239140,1490759 } },
{ { 239140,1490759 }, { 258760,1478080 } },
{ { 258760,1478080 }, { 263940,1484760 } },
{ { 263940,1484760 }, { 263460,1485159 } },
{ { 263460,1485159 }, { 265960,1483519 } },
{ { 265960,1483519 }, { 270380,1482020 } },
{ { 270380,1482020 }, { 272880,1481420 } },
{ { 272880,1481420 }, { 275700,1481400 } },
{ { 275700,1481400 }, { 278380,1481740 } },
{ { 278380,1481740 }, { 281220,1482979 } },
{ { 281220,1482979 }, { 284680,1484859 } },
{ { 284680,1484859 }, { 285979,1486140 } },
{ { 285979,1486140 }, { 290220,1489100 } },
{ { 290220,1489100 }, { 292680,1489520 } },
{ { 292680,1489520 }, { 293280,1490240 } },
{ { 293280,1490240 }, { 293140,1489160 } },
{ { 293140,1489160 }, { 293280,1488580 } },
{ { 293280,1488580 }, { 294100,1486980 } },
{ { 294100,1486980 }, { 294580,1484960 } },
{ { 294580,1484960 }, { 295680,1481660 } },
{ { 295680,1481660 }, { 297840,1477339 } },
{ { 297840,1477339 }, { 302240,1472280 } },
{ { 302240,1472280 }, { 307120,1469000 } },
{ { 307120,1469000 }, { 314500,1466340 } },
{ { 314500,1466340 }, { 324979,1464740 } },
{ { 324979,1464740 }, { 338999,1462059 } },
{ { 338999,1462059 }, { 345599,1461579 } },
{ { 345599,1461579 }, { 349020,1461620 } },
{ { 349020,1461620 }, { 353420,1461160 } },
{ { 353420,1461160 }, { 357000,1461500 } },
{ { 357000,1461500 }, { 359860,1461579 } },
{ { 359860,1461579 }, { 364520,1462740 } },
{ { 364520,1462740 }, { 367280,1464000 } },
{ { 367280,1464000 }, { 372020,1467560 } },
{ { 372020,1467560 }, { 373999,1469980 } },
{ { 373999,1469980 }, { 375580,1472240 } },
{ { 375580,1472240 }, { 376680,1474460 } },
{ { 376680,1474460 }, { 377259,1478620 } },
{ { 377259,1478620 }, { 379279,1480880 } },
{ { 379279,1480880 }, { 379260,1481600 } },
{ { 379260,1481600 }, { 378760,1482000 } },
{ { 378760,1482000 }, { 379300,1482040 } },
{ { 379300,1482040 }, { 380220,1482460 } },
{ { 380220,1482460 }, { 380840,1483020 } },
{ { 380840,1483020 }, { 385519,1482600 } },
{ { 385519,1482600 }, { 386019,1482320 } },
{ { 386019,1482320 }, { 386499,1481600 } },
{ { 386499,1481600 }, { 386540,1480139 } },
{ { 386540,1480139 }, { 387500,1478220 } },
{ { 387500,1478220 }, { 388280,1476100 } },
{ { 388280,1476100 }, { 390060,1473000 } },
{ { 390060,1473000 }, { 393659,1469460 } },
{ { 393659,1469460 }, { 396540,1467860 } },
{ { 396540,1467860 }, { 401260,1466040 } },
{ { 401260,1466040 }, { 406200,1465100 } },
{ { 406200,1465100 }, { 410920,1465439 } },
{ { 410920,1465439 }, { 420659,1467399 } },
{ { 420659,1467399 }, { 433500,1471480 } },
{ { 433500,1471480 }, { 441340,1473540 } },
{ { 441340,1473540 }, { 448620,1475139 } },
{ { 448620,1475139 }, { 450720,1475880 } },
{ { 450720,1475880 }, { 453299,1477059 } },
{ { 453299,1477059 }, { 456620,1478940 } },
{ { 456620,1478940 }, { 458480,1480399 } },
{ { 458480,1480399 }, { 461100,1482780 } },
{ { 461100,1482780 }, { 463820,1486519 } },
{ { 463820,1486519 }, { 464780,1488199 } },
{ { 464780,1488199 }, { 466579,1493960 } },
{ { 466579,1493960 }, { 467120,1497700 } },
{ { 467120,1497700 }, { 466999,1500280 } },
{ { 466999,1500280 }, { 467300,1502580 } },
{ { 467300,1502580 }, { 467399,1505280 } },
{ { 467399,1505280 }, { 466979,1506920 } },
{ { 466979,1506920 }, { 467920,1504780 } },
{ { 467920,1504780 }, { 468159,1505040 } },
{ { 468159,1505040 }, { 469400,1504859 } },
{ { 469400,1504859 }, { 470300,1505540 } },
{ { 470300,1505540 }, { 471240,1505200 } },
{ { 471240,1505200 }, { 471579,1504280 } },
{ { 471579,1504280 }, { 473939,1502379 } },
{ { 473939,1502379 }, { 476860,1500200 } },
{ { 476860,1500200 }, { 479800,1498620 } },
{ { 479800,1498620 }, { 480840,1498120 } },
{ { 480840,1498120 }, { 485220,1497480 } },
{ { 485220,1497480 }, { 489979,1497460 } },
{ { 489979,1497460 }, { 494899,1498700 } },
{ { 494899,1498700 }, { 500099,1501320 } },
{ { 500099,1501320 }, { 501439,1501839 } },
{ { 501439,1501839 }, { 503400,1502939 } },
{ { 503400,1502939 }, { 510760,1508340 } },
{ { 510760,1508340 }, { 513640,1510920 } },
{ { 513640,1510920 }, { 518579,1514599 } },
{ { 518579,1514599 }, { 519020,1515260 } },
{ { 519020,1515260 }, { 520700,1516480 } },
{ { 520700,1516480 }, { 524960,1521480 } },
{ { 524960,1521480 }, { 526820,1524820 } },
{ { 526820,1524820 }, { 528280,1527820 } },
{ { 528280,1527820 }, { 529120,1533120 } },
{ { 529120,1533120 }, { 528820,1537139 } },
{ { 528820,1537139 }, { 527020,1543920 } },
{ { 527020,1543920 }, { 526959,1546780 } },
{ { 526959,1546780 }, { 526420,1548060 } },
{ { 526420,1548060 }, { 527020,1547919 } },
{ { 527020,1547919 }, { 527620,1548160 } },
{ { 527620,1548160 }, { 528980,1548020 } },
{ { 528980,1548020 }, { 535180,1544980 } },
{ { 535180,1544980 }, { 540860,1542979 } },
{ { 540860,1542979 }, { 546480,1542720 } },
{ { 546480,1542720 }, { 547420,1542860 } },
{ { 547420,1542860 }, { 551800,1544140 } },
{ { 551800,1544140 }, { 558740,1547939 } },
{ { 558740,1547939 }, { 569920,1556259 } },
{ { 569920,1556259 }, { 573660,1560220 } },
{ { 573660,1560220 }, { 573040,1559500 } },
{ { 573040,1559500 }, { 574740,1559220 } },
{ { 574740,1559220 }, { 588480,1562899 } },
{ { 588480,1562899 }, { 585180,1576019 } },
{ { 585180,1576019 }, { 583440,1577979 } },
{ { 583440,1577979 }, { 584280,1582399 } },
{ { 584280,1582399 }, { 584520,1588960 } },
{ { 584520,1588960 }, { 583420,1601620 } },
{ { 583420,1601620 }, { 582840,1603880 } },
{ { 582840,1603880 }, { 579860,1611400 } },
{ { 579860,1611400 }, { 577980,1614579 } },
{ { 577980,1614579 }, { 577380,1616080 } },
{ { 577380,1616080 }, { 563800,1621579 } },
{ { 563800,1621579 }, { 561320,1622320 } },
{ { 561320,1622320 }, { 565080,1621960 } },
{ { 565080,1621960 }, { 571680,1620780 } },
{ { 571680,1620780 }, { 583260,1628340 } },
{ { 583260,1628340 }, { 583100,1630399 } },
{ { 583100,1630399 }, { 582200,1632160 } },
{ { 582200,1632160 }, { 595380,1627020 } },
{ { 595380,1627020 }, { 597400,1627320 } },
{ { 597400,1627320 }, { 602240,1628459 } },
{ { 602240,1628459 }, { 605660,1630260 } },
{ { 605660,1630260 }, { 610319,1634140 } },
{ { 610319,1634140 }, { 612340,1636319 } },
{ { 612340,1636319 }, { 614820,1638020 } },
{ { 614820,1638020 }, { 616460,1638740 } },
{ { 616460,1638740 }, { 620420,1639500 } },
{ { 620420,1639500 }, { 623000,1639280 } },
{ { 623000,1639280 }, { 624459,1639359 } },
{ { 624459,1639359 }, { 626180,1640159 } },
{ { 626180,1640159 }, { 627279,1640940 } },
{ { 627279,1640940 }, { 629980,1643759 } },
{ { 629980,1643759 }, { 632380,1648000 } },
{ { 632380,1648000 }, { 635020,1654800 } },
{ { 635020,1654800 }, { 636320,1659140 } },
{ { 636320,1659140 }, { 636680,1663620 } },
{ { 636680,1663620 }, { 636180,1665780 } },
{ { 636180,1665780 }, { 630620,1669720 } },
{ { 630620,1669720 }, { 628760,1672979 } },
{ { 628760,1672979 }, { 627540,1676859 } },
{ { 627540,1676859 }, { 627040,1680699 } },
{ { 627040,1680699 }, { 624700,1686500 } },
{ { 624700,1686500 }, { 623260,1688799 } },
{ { 623260,1688799 }, { 619620,1693799 } },
{ { 619620,1693799 }, { 621720,1694859 } },
{ { 621720,1694859 }, { 624940,1694379 } },
{ { 624940,1694379 }, { 627120,1695600 } },
{ { 627120,1695600 }, { 627740,1696120 } },
{ { 627740,1696120 }, { 631120,1697460 } },
{ { 631120,1697460 }, { 633980,1698340 } },
{ { 633980,1698340 }, { 638380,1700460 } },
{ { 638380,1700460 }, { 642660,1703300 } },
{ { 642660,1703300 }, { 643620,1704140 } },
{ { 643620,1704140 }, { 646300,1707000 } },
{ { 646300,1707000 }, { 649060,1710880 } },
{ { 649060,1710880 }, { 651160,1714879 } },
{ { 651160,1714879 }, { 651740,1716559 } },
{ { 651740,1716559 }, { 653139,1722619 } },
{ { 653139,1722619 }, { 653020,1728320 } },
{ { 653020,1728320 }, { 652719,1731420 } },
{ { 652719,1731420 }, { 651619,1736360 } },
{ { 651619,1736360 }, { 649819,1743160 } },
{ { 649819,1743160 }, { 646440,1749059 } },
{ { 646440,1749059 }, { 645219,1750399 } },
{ { 645219,1750399 }, { 643959,1752679 } },
{ { 643959,1752679 }, { 643959,1753740 } },
{ { 643959,1753740 }, { 642140,1754240 } },
{ { 642140,1754240 }, { 643760,1754099 } },
{ { 643760,1754099 }, { 644320,1754280 } },
{ { 644320,1754280 }, { 645000,1754879 } },
{ { 645000,1754879 }, { 646940,1755620 } },
{ { 646940,1755620 }, { 654779,1757820 } },
{ { 654779,1757820 }, { 661100,1761559 } },
{ { 661100,1761559 }, { 664099,1763980 } },
{ { 664099,1763980 }, { 668220,1768480 } },
{ { 668220,1768480 }, { 671920,1773640 } },
{ { 671920,1773640 }, { 674939,1779540 } },
{ { 674939,1779540 }, { 677760,1782440 } },
{ { 677760,1782440 }, { 679080,1785739 } },
{ { 679080,1785739 }, { 678780,1788100 } },
{ { 678780,1788100 }, { 678020,1791500 } },
{ { 678020,1791500 }, { 677120,1793600 } },
{ { 677120,1793600 }, { 676860,1795800 } },
{ { 676860,1795800 }, { 676440,1797320 } },
{ { 676440,1797320 }, { 676459,1798519 } },
{ { 676459,1798519 }, { 675620,1800159 } },
{ { 675620,1800159 }, { 675520,1801019 } },
{ { 675520,1801019 }, { 673360,1804899 } },
{ { 673360,1804899 }, { 672740,1807079 } },
{ { 672740,1807079 }, { 673300,1809260 } },
{ { 673300,1809260 }, { 674539,1811019 } },
{ { 674539,1811019 }, { 675499,1812020 } },
{ { 675499,1812020 }, { 677660,1817240 } },
{ { 677660,1817240 }, { 679659,1824280 } },
{ { 679659,1824280 }, { 680380,1828779 } },
{ { 680380,1828779 }, { 679519,1837999 } },
{ { 679519,1837999 }, { 677940,1844379 } },
{ { 677940,1844379 }, { 676940,1846900 } },
{ { 676940,1846900 }, { 675479,1849379 } },
{ { 675479,1849379 }, { 674000,1851200 } },
{ { 674000,1851200 }, { 671380,1853480 } },
{ { 671380,1853480 }, { 667019,1855240 } },
{ { 667019,1855240 }, { 662540,1856060 } },
{ { 662540,1856060 }, { 660960,1856599 } },
{ { 660960,1856599 }, { 656240,1857020 } },
{ { 656240,1857020 }, { 655600,1856960 } },
{ { 655600,1856960 }, { 652839,1855880 } },
{ { 652839,1855880 }, { 652019,1855840 } },
{ { 652019,1855840 }, { 651459,1855060 } },
{ { 651459,1855060 }, { 652179,1854359 } },
{ { 652179,1854359 }, { 652019,1849919 } },
{ { 652019,1849919 }, { 650620,1846920 } },
{ { 650620,1846920 }, { 647299,1844540 } },
{ { 647299,1844540 }, { 644500,1843819 } },
{ { 644500,1843819 }, { 641860,1844859 } },
{ { 641860,1844859 }, { 641059,1845340 } },
{ { 641059,1845340 }, { 638860,1845820 } },
{ { 638860,1845820 }, { 638000,1845820 } },
{ { 638000,1845820 }, { 636340,1845479 } },
{ { 636340,1845479 }, { 634980,1844800 } },
{ { 634980,1844800 }, { 632660,1842979 } },
{ { 632660,1842979 }, { 631140,1841120 } },
{ { 631140,1841120 }, { 629140,1839520 } },
{ { 629140,1839520 }, { 626640,1839540 } },
{ { 626640,1839540 }, { 624159,1840739 } },
{ { 624159,1840739 }, { 623820,1841380 } },
{ { 623820,1841380 }, { 622440,1842719 } },
{ { 622440,1842719 }, { 622100,1843680 } },
{ { 622100,1843680 }, { 623780,1846100 } },
{ { 623780,1846100 }, { 624580,1846920 } },
{ { 624580,1846920 }, { 626120,1856720 } },
{ { 626120,1856720 }, { 627440,1860000 } },
{ { 627440,1860000 }, { 628000,1864299 } },
{ { 628000,1864299 }, { 627380,1865999 } },
{ { 627380,1865999 }, { 626260,1867580 } },
{ { 626260,1867580 }, { 623660,1869520 } },
{ { 623660,1869520 }, { 618680,1872780 } },
{ { 618680,1872780 }, { 617699,1873140 } },
{ { 617699,1873140 }, { 612000,1874160 } },
{ { 612000,1874160 }, { 609840,1874220 } },
{ { 609840,1874220 }, { 606940,1873860 } },
{ { 136680,1926960 }, { 135500,1926360 } },
{ { 135500,1926360 }, { 137360,1923060 } },
{ { 137360,1923060 }, { 139500,1918559 } },
{ { 139500,1918559 }, { 140780,1913239 } },
{ { 140780,1913239 }, { 139600,1913020 } },
{ { 139600,1913020 }, { 127380,1923600 } },
{ { 127380,1923600 }, { 122800,1926059 } },
{ { 122800,1926059 }, { 118879,1927719 } },
{ { 118879,1927719 }, { 114420,1928300 } },
{ { 114420,1928300 }, { 111480,1927020 } },
{ { 111480,1927020 }, { 110619,1925399 } },
{ { 110619,1925399 }, { 109620,1924200 } },
{ { 109620,1924200 }, { 108860,1922780 } },
{ { 108860,1922780 }, { 108479,1920999 } },
{ { 108479,1920999 }, { 106600,1918080 } },
{ { 106600,1918080 }, { 106220,1917740 } },
{ { 106220,1917740 }, { 105199,1916960 } },
{ { 105199,1916960 }, { 101460,1914859 } },
{ { 101460,1914859 }, { 99480,1914379 } },
{ { 99480,1914379 }, { 97179,1913499 } },
{ { 97179,1913499 }, { 94900,1911100 } },
{ { 94900,1911100 }, { 94100,1909639 } },
{ { 94100,1909639 }, { 93379,1907740 } },
{ { 93379,1907740 }, { 93960,1898259 } },
{ { 93960,1898259 }, { 93739,1896460 } },
{ { 93739,1896460 }, { 94299,1893080 } },
{ { 94299,1893080 }, { 97240,1883440 } },
{ { 97240,1883440 }, { 99799,1879780 } },
{ { 99799,1879780 }, { 100400,1878120 } },
{ { 100400,1878120 }, { 100199,1877200 } },
{ { 100199,1877200 }, { 98940,1877460 } },
{ { 98940,1877460 }, { 96320,1878480 } },
{ { 96320,1878480 }, { 86020,1881039 } },
{ { 86020,1881039 }, { 84340,1881080 } },
{ { 84340,1881080 }, { 76780,1882600 } },
{ { 76780,1882600 }, { 74380,1883580 } },
{ { 74380,1883580 }, { 72679,1884019 } },
{ { 72679,1884019 }, { 70900,1885940 } },
{ { 70900,1885940 }, { 71240,1888340 } },
{ { 71240,1888340 }, { 72720,1889940 } },
{ { 72720,1889940 }, { 74640,1891360 } },
{ { 74640,1891360 }, { 75620,1893179 } },
{ { 75620,1893179 }, { 77140,1895340 } },
{ { 77140,1895340 }, { 81040,1899500 } },
{ { 81040,1899500 }, { 82760,1900380 } },
{ { 82760,1900380 }, { 83720,1902300 } },
{ { 83720,1902300 }, { 85459,1903700 } },
{ { 85459,1903700 }, { 86960,1905940 } },
{ { 86960,1905940 }, { 88280,1913020 } },
{ { 88280,1913020 }, { 88160,1913539 } },
{ { 88160,1913539 }, { 88020,1913860 } },
{ { 88020,1913860 }, { 86080,1915200 } },
{ { 86080,1915200 }, { 85660,1916740 } },
{ { 85660,1916740 }, { 83899,1918799 } },
{ { 83899,1918799 }, { 79360,1921160 } },
{ { 79360,1921160 }, { 76400,1923140 } },
{ { 76400,1923140 }, { 70800,1926180 } },
{ { 70800,1926180 }, { 64460,1927659 } },
{ { 64460,1927659 }, { 60880,1927820 } },
{ { 60880,1927820 }, { 55780,1925580 } },
{ { 55780,1925580 }, { 54940,1925040 } },
{ { 54940,1925040 }, { 52199,1921700 } },
{ { 52199,1921700 }, { 49680,1916579 } },
{ { 49680,1916579 }, { 48719,1914180 } },
{ { 48719,1914180 }, { 48620,1913080 } },
{ { 48620,1913080 }, { 47640,1909120 } },
{ { 47640,1909120 }, { 48280,1899319 } },
{ { 48280,1899319 }, { 49140,1895600 } },
{ { 49140,1895600 }, { 50320,1892899 } },
{ { 50320,1892899 }, { 51559,1890640 } },
{ { 51559,1890640 }, { 52140,1889960 } },
{ { 52140,1889960 }, { 54640,1887999 } },
{ { 54640,1887999 }, { 55639,1886500 } },
{ { 55639,1886500 }, { 55720,1885080 } },
{ { 55720,1885080 }, { 55439,1883220 } },
{ { 55439,1883220 }, { 54640,1882159 } },
{ { 54640,1882159 }, { 54100,1880300 } },
{ { 54100,1880300 }, { 52479,1874079 } },
{ { 52479,1874079 }, { 51700,1869000 } },
{ { 51700,1869000 }, { 51600,1865419 } },
{ { 51600,1865419 }, { 51720,1859820 } },
{ { 51720,1859820 }, { 52160,1857260 } },
{ { 52160,1857260 }, { 52539,1856120 } },
{ { 52539,1856120 }, { 57240,1845720 } },
{ { 57240,1845720 }, { 58280,1844400 } },
{ { 58280,1844400 }, { 60639,1840820 } },
{ { 60639,1840820 }, { 65580,1835540 } },
{ { 65580,1835540 }, { 68340,1833340 } },
{ { 68340,1833340 }, { 71660,1831480 } },
{ { 71660,1831480 }, { 73460,1829960 } },
{ { 73460,1829960 }, { 75200,1829319 } },
{ { 75200,1829319 }, { 77200,1828960 } },
{ { 77200,1828960 }, { 78640,1828920 } },
{ { 78640,1828920 }, { 111780,1842700 } },
{ { 111780,1842700 }, { 112800,1843480 } },
{ { 112800,1843480 }, { 113879,1844879 } },
{ { 113879,1844879 }, { 116379,1847379 } },
{ { 116379,1847379 }, { 116360,1847580 } },
{ { 116360,1847580 }, { 117100,1848799 } },
{ { 117100,1848799 }, { 120160,1851799 } },
{ { 120160,1851799 }, { 121860,1852320 } },
{ { 121860,1852320 }, { 124280,1852679 } },
{ { 124280,1852679 }, { 128920,1854659 } },
{ { 128920,1854659 }, { 130840,1856360 } },
{ { 130840,1856360 }, { 133520,1859460 } },
{ { 133520,1859460 }, { 135079,1860860 } },
{ { 135079,1860860 }, { 137280,1864440 } },
{ { 137280,1864440 }, { 142980,1872899 } },
{ { 142980,1872899 }, { 144600,1875840 } },
{ { 144600,1875840 }, { 147240,1883480 } },
{ { 147240,1883480 }, { 147460,1886539 } },
{ { 147460,1886539 }, { 147660,1886920 } },
{ { 147660,1886920 }, { 148399,1891720 } },
{ { 148399,1891720 }, { 148820,1896799 } },
{ { 148820,1896799 }, { 148399,1898880 } },
{ { 148399,1898880 }, { 148799,1899420 } },
{ { 148799,1899420 }, { 150520,1898539 } },
{ { 150520,1898539 }, { 154760,1892760 } },
{ { 154760,1892760 }, { 156580,1889240 } },
{ { 156580,1889240 }, { 156940,1888900 } },
{ { 156940,1888900 }, { 157540,1889540 } },
{ { 157540,1889540 }, { 156860,1896819 } },
{ { 156860,1896819 }, { 155639,1903940 } },
{ { 155639,1903940 }, { 153679,1908100 } },
{ { 153679,1908100 }, { 152859,1909039 } },
{ { 152859,1909039 }, { 149660,1915580 } },
{ { 149660,1915580 }, { 148000,1918600 } },
{ { 148000,1918600 }, { 141640,1926980 } },
{ { 141640,1926980 }, { 140060,1927899 } },
{ { 140060,1927899 }, { 136960,1929019 } },
{ { 136960,1929019 }, { 136680,1926960 } },
{ { 627100,1941519 }, { 625120,1940060 } },
{ { 625120,1940060 }, { 614580,1934680 } },
{ { 614580,1934680 }, { 608780,1929319 } },
{ { 608780,1929319 }, { 607400,1927679 } },
{ { 607400,1927679 }, { 606160,1925920 } },
{ { 606160,1925920 }, { 604480,1922240 } },
{ { 604480,1922240 }, { 602420,1916819 } },
{ { 602420,1916819 }, { 602279,1915260 } },
{ { 602279,1915260 }, { 602880,1907960 } },
{ { 602880,1907960 }, { 604140,1902719 } },
{ { 604140,1902719 }, { 605880,1898539 } },
{ { 605880,1898539 }, { 606640,1897399 } },
{ { 606640,1897399 }, { 609680,1894420 } },
{ { 609680,1894420 }, { 611099,1893640 } },
{ { 611099,1893640 }, { 616099,1890340 } },
{ { 616099,1890340 }, { 617520,1889160 } },
{ { 617520,1889160 }, { 620220,1885540 } },
{ { 620220,1885540 }, { 624480,1882260 } },
{ { 624480,1882260 }, { 628660,1880280 } },
{ { 628660,1880280 }, { 632520,1879659 } },
{ { 632520,1879659 }, { 637760,1879859 } },
{ { 637760,1879859 }, { 640899,1881500 } },
{ { 640899,1881500 }, { 644220,1883980 } },
{ { 644220,1883980 }, { 643900,1890860 } },
{ { 643900,1890860 }, { 643060,1894160 } },
{ { 643060,1894160 }, { 642459,1900320 } },
{ { 642459,1900320 }, { 642400,1903120 } },
{ { 642400,1903120 }, { 643819,1908519 } },
{ { 643819,1908519 }, { 644700,1912560 } },
{ { 644700,1912560 }, { 644640,1916380 } },
{ { 644640,1916380 }, { 644959,1918600 } },
{ { 644959,1918600 }, { 642540,1925620 } },
{ { 642540,1925620 }, { 642439,1926640 } },
{ { 642439,1926640 }, { 641860,1928300 } },
{ { 641860,1928300 }, { 638700,1932939 } },
{ { 638700,1932939 }, { 634820,1934200 } },
{ { 634820,1934200 }, { 631980,1936539 } },
{ { 631980,1936539 }, { 630160,1940600 } },
{ { 630160,1940600 }, { 627740,1941640 } },
{ { 627740,1941640 }, { 627400,1941660 } },
{ { 627400,1941660 }, { 627100,1941519 } }
#if 0
// Verify whether two any two non-neighbor line segments intersect. They should not, otherwise the Voronoi builder
// is not guaranteed to succeed.
for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++ i)
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < lines.size(); ++ j) {
Point &ip1 = lines[i].a;
Point &ip2 = lines[i].b;
Point &jp1 = lines[j].a;
Point &jp2 = lines[j].b;
if (&ip1 != &jp2 && &jp1 != &ip2) {
REQUIRE(! Slic3r::Geometry::segments_intersect(ip1, ip2, jp1, jp2));
VD vd;
construct_voronoi(lines.begin(), lines.end(), &vd);
for (const auto& edge : vd.edges())
if (edge.is_finite()) {
auto v0 = edge.vertex0();
auto v1 = edge.vertex1();
REQUIRE((v0->x() == 0 || std::isnormal(v0->x())));
REQUIRE((v0->y() == 0 || std::isnormal(v0->y())));
REQUIRE((v1->x() == 0 || std::isnormal(v1->x())));
REQUIRE((v1->y() == 0 || std::isnormal(v1->y())));
vd, Points(), lines, 0.015);