Pavel Mikus 66a4b5b82a Refactored stability alert step from object step into print step,
implemented stability issues grouping based on number of issues and objects,
maximum of single warning message emitted
2023-01-29 20:11:50 +01:00

160 lines
8.2 KiB

#include "Layer.hpp"
#include "Line.hpp"
#include "PrintBase.hpp"
#include "PrintConfig.hpp"
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
namespace Slic3r {
namespace SupportSpotsGenerator {
struct Params
const std::vector<std::string> &filament_types, float max_acceleration, int raft_layers_count, BrimType brim_type, float brim_width)
: max_acceleration(max_acceleration), raft_layers_count(raft_layers_count), brim_type(brim_type), brim_width(brim_width)
if (filament_types.size() > 1) {
<< "SupportSpotsGenerator does not currently handle different materials properly, only first will be used";
if (filament_types.empty() || filament_types[0].empty()) {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "SupportSpotsGenerator error: empty filament_type";
filament_type = std::string("PLA");
} else {
filament_type = filament_types[0];
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "SupportSpotsGenerator: applying filament type: " << filament_type;
// the algorithm should use the following units for all computations: distance [mm], mass [g], time [s], force [g*mm/s^2]
const float bridge_distance = 12.0f; // mm
const float max_acceleration; // mm/s^2 ; max acceleration of object in XY -- should be applicable only to printers with bed slinger,
// however we do not have such info yet. The force is usually small anyway, so not such a big deal to include it everytime
const int raft_layers_count;
std::string filament_type;
BrimType brim_type;
const float brim_width;
const std::pair<float,float> malformation_distance_factors = std::pair<float, float> { 0.4, 1.2 };
const float max_curled_height_factor = 10.0f;
const float min_distance_between_support_points = 3.0f; //mm
const float support_points_interface_radius = 1.5f; // mm
const float min_distance_to_allow_local_supports = 1.0f; //mm
const float gravity_constant = 9806.65f; // mm/s^2; gravity acceleration on Earth's surface, algorithm assumes that printer is in upwards position.
const double filament_density = 1.25e-3f; // g/mm^3 ; Common filaments are very lightweight, so precise number is not that important
const double material_yield_strength = 33.0f * 1e6f; // (g*mm/s^2)/mm^2; 33 MPa is yield strength of ABS, which has the lowest yield strength from common materials.
const float standard_extruder_conflict_force = 5.0f * gravity_constant; // force that can occasionally push the model due to various factors (filament leaks, small curling, ... );
const float malformations_additive_conflict_extruder_force = 100.0f * gravity_constant; // for areas with possible high layered curled filaments
// MPa * 1e^6 = (g*mm/s^2)/mm^2 = g/(mm*s^2); yield strength of the bed surface
double get_bed_adhesion_yield_strength() const {
if (raft_layers_count > 0) {
return get_support_spots_adhesion_strength() * 2.0;
if (filament_type == "PLA") {
return 0.02 * 1e6;
} else if (filament_type == "PET" || filament_type == "PETG") {
return 0.3 * 1e6;
} else if (filament_type == "ABS" || filament_type == "ASA") {
return 0.1 * 1e6; //TODO do measurements
} else { //PLA default value - defensive approach, PLA has quite low adhesion
return 0.02 * 1e6;
//just return PLA adhesion value as value for supports
double get_support_spots_adhesion_strength() const {
return 0.02f * 1e6;
enum class SupportPointCause {
LongBridge, // point generated on bridge and straight perimeter extrusion longer than the allowed length
FloatingBridgeAnchor, // point generated on unsupported bridge endpoint
FloatingExtrusion, // point generated on extrusion that does not hold on its own
SeparationFromBed, // point generated for object parts that are connected to the bed, but the area is too small and there is a risk of separation (brim may help)
UnstableFloatingPart, // point generated for object parts not connected to the bed, holded only by the other support points (brim will not help here)
WeakObjectPart // point generated when some part of the object is too weak to hold the upper part and may break (imagine hourglass)
// The support points can be sorted into two groups
// 1. Local extrusion support for extrusions that are printed in the air and would not
// withstand on their own (too long bridges, sharp turns in large overhang, concave bridge holes, etc.)
// These points have negative force (-EPSILON) and Vec2f::Zero() direction
// The algorithm still expects that these points will be supported and accounts for them in the global stability check.
// 2. Global stability support points are generated at each spot, where the algorithm detects that extruding the current line
// may cause separation of the object part from the bed and/or its support spots or crack in the weak connection of the object parts.
// The generated point's direction is the estimated falling direction of the object part, and the force is equal to te difference
// between forces that destabilize the object (extruder conflicts with curled filament, weight if instable center of mass, bed movements etc)
// and forces that stabilize the object (bed adhesion, other support spots adhesion, weight if stable center of mass).
// Note that the force is only the difference - the amount needed to stabilize the object again.
struct SupportPoint
SupportPoint(SupportPointCause cause, const Vec3f &position, float force, float spot_radius, const Vec2f &direction)
: cause(cause), position(position), force(force), spot_radius(spot_radius), direction(direction)
bool is_local_extrusion_support() const
return cause == SupportPointCause::LongBridge || cause == SupportPointCause::FloatingExtrusion;
bool is_global_object_support() const { return !is_local_extrusion_support(); }
SupportPointCause cause; // reason why this support point was generated. Used for the user alerts
// position is in unscaled coords. The z coordinate is aligned with the layers bottom_z coordiantes
Vec3f position;
// force that destabilizes the object to the point of falling/breaking. g*mm/s^2 units
// It is valid only for global_object_support. For local extrusion support points, the force is -EPSILON
// values gathered from large XL model: Min : 0 | Max : 18713800 | Average : 1361186 | Median : 329103
// For reference 18713800 is weight of 1.8 Kg object, 329103 is weight of 0.03 Kg
// The final sliced object weight was approx 0.5 Kg
float force;
// Expected spot size. The support point strength is calculated from the area defined by this value.
// Currently equal to the support_points_interface_radius parameter above
float spot_radius;
// direction of the fall of the object (z part is neglected)
Vec2f direction;
using SupportPoints = std::vector<SupportPoint>;
struct Malformations {
std::vector<Lines> layers; //for each layer
struct PartialObject
PartialObject(Vec3f centroid, float volume, bool connected_to_bed)
: centroid(centroid), volume(volume), connected_to_bed(connected_to_bed)
Vec3f centroid;
float volume;
bool connected_to_bed;
using PartialObjects = std::vector<PartialObject>;
std::tuple<SupportPoints, PartialObjects> full_search(const PrintObject *po, const PrintTryCancel& cancel_func, const Params &params);
void estimate_supports_malformations(std::vector<SupportLayer *> &layers, float supports_flow_width, const Params &params);
void estimate_malformations(std::vector<Layer *> &layers, const Params &params);
// NOTE: the boolean marks if the issue is critical or not for now.
std::vector<std::pair<SupportPointCause, bool>> gather_issues(const SupportPoints &support_points,
PartialObjects &partial_objects);
}} // namespace Slic3r::SupportSpotsGenerator