123 lines
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123 lines
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#ifndef JOB_HPP
#define JOB_HPP
#include <atomic>
#include <exception>
#include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h"
#include <slic3r/GUI/I18N.hpp>
#include "ProgressIndicator.hpp"
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI {
// A class to handle UI jobs like arranging and optimizing rotation.
// These are not instant jobs, the user has to be informed about their
// state in the status progress indicator. On the other hand they are
// separated from the background slicing process. Ideally, these jobs should
// run when the background process is not running.
// TODO: A mechanism would be useful for blocking the plater interactions:
// objects would be frozen for the user. In case of arrange, an animation
// could be shown, or with the optimize orientations, partial results
// could be displayed.
class Job : public wxEvtHandler
int m_range = 100;
int m_thread_evt_id = wxID_ANY;
boost::thread m_thread;
std::atomic<bool> m_running{false}, m_canceled{false};
bool m_finalized = false, m_finalizing = false;
std::shared_ptr<ProgressIndicator> m_progress;
std::exception_ptr m_worker_error = nullptr;
void run(std::exception_ptr &);
// status range for a particular job
virtual int status_range() const { return 100; }
// status update, to be used from the work thread (process() method)
void update_status(int st, const wxString &msg = "");
bool was_canceled() const { return m_canceled.load(); }
// Launched just before start(), a job can use it to prepare internals
virtual void prepare() {}
// The method where the actual work of the job should be defined.
virtual void process() = 0;
// Launched when the job is finished. It refreshes the 3Dscene by def.
virtual void finalize() { m_finalized = true; }
// Exceptions occuring in process() are redirected from the worker thread
// into the main (UI) thread. This method is called from the main thread and
// can be overriden to handle these exceptions.
virtual void on_exception(const std::exception_ptr &eptr)
if (eptr) std::rethrow_exception(eptr);
Job(std::shared_ptr<ProgressIndicator> pri);
bool is_finalized() const { return m_finalized; }
Job(const Job &) = delete;
Job(Job &&) = delete;
Job &operator=(const Job &) = delete;
Job &operator=(Job &&) = delete;
void start();
// To wait for the running job and join the threads. False is
// returned if the timeout has been reached and the job is still
// running. Call cancel() before this fn if you want to explicitly
// end the job.
bool join(int timeout_ms = 0);
bool is_running() const { return m_running.load(); }
void cancel() { m_canceled.store(true); }
// Jobs defined inside the group class will be managed so that only one can
// run at a time. Also, the background process will be stopped if a job is
// started.
class ExclusiveJobGroup
static const int ABORT_WAIT_MAX_MS = 10000;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GUI::Job>> m_jobs;
virtual void before_start() {}
virtual ~ExclusiveJobGroup() = default;
size_t add_job(std::unique_ptr<GUI::Job> &&job)
return m_jobs.size() - 1;
void start(size_t jid);
void cancel_all() { for (auto& j : m_jobs) j->cancel(); }
void join_all(int wait_ms = 0);
void stop_all() { cancel_all(); join_all(ABORT_WAIT_MAX_MS); }
bool is_any_running() const;
}} // namespace Slic3r::GUI
#endif // JOB_HPP