at the placeholder parser. Implemented a new PlaceholderParser::evaluate_boolean_expression() functionality to evaluate just a boolean expression using the full expressive power of the macro processing syntax. This function will now be used for deciding, which print or filament preset is compatible with which printer preset.
279 lines
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# This package loads all the non-GUI Slic3r perl packages.
# In addition, it implements utility functions for file handling and threading.
package Slic3r;
# Copyright holder: Alessandro Ranellucci
# This application is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config;
require v5.10;
our $BUILD = BUILD();
our $debug = 0;
sub debugf {
printf @_ if $debug;
our $loglevel = 0;
# load threads before Moo as required by it
# Test, whether the perl was compiled with ithreads support and ithreads actually work.
use Config;
use Moo;
my $have_threads = $Config{useithreads} && eval "use threads; use threads::shared; use Thread::Queue; 1";
die "Slic3r Prusa Edition requires working Perl threads.\n" if ! $have_threads;
die " >= 1.96 is required, please update\n" if $threads::VERSION < 1.96;
die "Perl threading is broken with this Moo version: " . $Moo::VERSION . "\n" if $Moo::VERSION == 1.003000;
$debug = 1 if (defined($ENV{'SLIC3R_DEBUGOUT'}) && $ENV{'SLIC3R_DEBUGOUT'} == 1);
print "Debugging output enabled\n" if $debug;
warn "Running Slic3r under Perl 5.16 is neither supported nor recommended\n"
if $^V == v5.16;
use FindBin;
# Let the XS module know where the GUI resources reside.
set_resources_dir(decode_path($FindBin::Bin) . (($^O eq 'darwin') ? '/../Resources' : '/resources'));
set_var_dir(resources_dir() . "/icons");
use Moo 1.003001;
use Slic3r::XS; # import all symbols (constants etc.) before they get parsed
use Slic3r::Config;
use Slic3r::ExPolygon;
use Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop;
use Slic3r::ExtrusionPath;
use Slic3r::Flow;
use Slic3r::GCode::Reader;
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper;
use Slic3r::Layer;
use Slic3r::Line;
use Slic3r::Model;
use Slic3r::Point;
use Slic3r::Polygon;
use Slic3r::Polyline;
use Slic3r::Print;
use Slic3r::Print::Object;
use Slic3r::Print::Simple;
use Slic3r::Surface;
our $build = eval "use Slic3r::Build; 1";
use Thread::Semaphore;
# Scaling between the float and integer coordinates.
# Floats are in mm.
use constant SCALING_FACTOR => 0.000001;
# Keep track of threads we created. Perl worker threads shall not create further threads.
my @threads = ();
my $pause_sema = Thread::Semaphore->new;
my $paused = 0;
# Set the logging level at the Slic3r XS module.
$Slic3r::loglevel = (defined($ENV{'SLIC3R_LOGLEVEL'}) && $ENV{'SLIC3R_LOGLEVEL'} =~ /^[1-9]/) ? $ENV{'SLIC3R_LOGLEVEL'} : 0;
# Let the palceholder parser evaluate one expression to initialize its local static macro_processor
# class instance in a thread safe manner.
sub spawn_thread {
my ($cb) = @_;
@_ = ();
my $thread = threads->create(sub {
Slic3r::debugf "Starting thread %d...\n", threads->tid;
local $SIG{'KILL'} = sub {
Slic3r::debugf "Exiting thread %d...\n", threads->tid;
local $SIG{'STOP'} = sub {
push @threads, $thread->tid;
return $thread;
# call this at the very end of each thread (except the main one)
# so that it does not try to free existing objects.
# at that stage, existing objects are only those that we
# inherited at the thread creation (thus shared) and those
# that we are returning: destruction will be handled by the
# main thread in both cases.
# reminder: do not destroy inherited objects in other threads,
# as the main thread will still try to destroy them when they
# go out of scope; in other words, if you're undef()'ing an
# object in a thread, make sure the main thread still holds a
# reference so that it won't be destroyed in thread.
sub thread_cleanup {
# prevent destruction of shared objects
no warnings 'redefine';
*Slic3r::BridgeDetector::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Config::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Config::Full::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Config::GCode::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Config::Print::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Config::PrintObject::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Config::PrintRegion::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Config::Static::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::ExPolygon::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::ExPolygon::Collection::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::ExtrusionMultiPath::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::Collection::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::ExtrusionSimulator::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Flow::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::GCode::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::GCode::PlaceholderParser::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::GCode::Sender::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Geometry::BoundingBox::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Geometry::BoundingBoxf::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Geometry::BoundingBoxf3::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Layer::PerimeterGenerator::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Line::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Linef3::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Model::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Model::Object::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Point::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Pointf::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Pointf3::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Polygon::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Polyline::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Polyline::Collection::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Print::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Print::Object::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Print::Region::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Surface::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Surface::Collection::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Print::SupportMaterial2::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::TriangleMesh::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::GUI::AppConfig::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::GUI::PresetBundle::DESTROY = sub {};
return undef; # this prevents a "Scalars leaked" warning
sub _get_running_threads {
return grep defined($_), map threads->object($_), @threads;
sub kill_all_threads {
# Send SIGKILL to all the running threads to let them die.
foreach my $thread (_get_running_threads) {
Slic3r::debugf "Thread %d killing %d...\n", threads->tid, $thread->tid;
# unlock semaphore before we block on wait
# otherwise we'd get a deadlock if threads were paused
# in any thread we wait for our children
foreach my $thread (_get_running_threads) {
Slic3r::debugf " Thread %d waiting for %d...\n", threads->tid, $thread->tid;
$thread->join; # block until threads are killed
Slic3r::debugf " Thread %d finished waiting for %d...\n", threads->tid, $thread->tid;
@threads = ();
sub pause_all_threads {
return if $paused;
$paused = 1;
$_->kill('STOP') for _get_running_threads;
sub resume_all_threads {
return unless $paused;
$paused = 0;
# Open a file by converting $filename to local file system locales.
sub open {
my ($fh, $mode, $filename) = @_;
return CORE::open $$fh, $mode, encode_path($filename);
sub tags {
my ($format) = @_;
$format //= '';
my %tags;
# End of line
$tags{eol} = ($format eq 'html') ? '<br>' : "\n";
# Heading
$tags{h2start} = ($format eq 'html') ? '<b>' : '';
$tags{h2end} = ($format eq 'html') ? '</b>' : '';
# Bold font
$tags{bstart} = ($format eq 'html') ? '<b>' : '';
$tags{bend} = ($format eq 'html') ? '</b>' : '';
# Verbatim
$tags{vstart} = ($format eq 'html') ? '<pre>' : '';
$tags{vend} = ($format eq 'html') ? '</pre>' : '';
return %tags;
sub slic3r_info
my (%params) = @_;
my %tag = Slic3r::tags($params{format});
my $out = '';
$out .= "$tag{bstart}$Slic3r::FORK_NAME$tag{bend}$tag{eol}";
$out .= "$tag{bstart}Version: $tag{bend}$Slic3r::VERSION$tag{eol}";
$out .= "$tag{bstart}Build: $tag{bend}$Slic3r::BUILD$tag{eol}";
return $out;
sub copyright_info
my (%params) = @_;
my %tag = Slic3r::tags($params{format});
my $out =
'Copyright © 2016 Vojtech Bubnik, Prusa Research. <br />' .
'Copyright © 2011-2016 Alessandro Ranellucci. <br />' .
'<a href="">Slic3r</a> is licensed under the ' .
'<a href="">GNU Affero General Public License, version 3</a>.' .
'<br /><br /><br />' .
'Contributions by Henrik Brix Andersen, Nicolas Dandrimont, Mark Hindess, Petr Ledvina, Y. Sapir, Mike Sheldrake and numerous others. ' .
'Manual by Gary Hodgson. Inspired by the RepRap community. <br />' .
'Slic3r logo designed by Corey Daniels, <a href="">Silk Icon Set</a> designed by Mark James. ';
return $out;
sub system_info
my (%params) = @_;
my %tag = Slic3r::tags($params{format});
my $out = '';
$out .= "$tag{bstart}Operating System: $tag{bend}$Config{osname}$tag{eol}";
$out .= "$tag{bstart}System Architecture: $tag{bend}$Config{archname}$tag{eol}";
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$out .= "$tag{bstart}Windows Version: $tag{bend}" . `ver` . $tag{eol};
} else {
# Hopefully some kind of unix / linux.
$out .= "$tag{bstart}System Version: $tag{bend}" . `uname -a` . $tag{eol};
$out .= $tag{vstart} . Config::myconfig . $tag{vend};
$out .= " $tag{bstart}\@INC:$tag{bend}$tag{eol}$tag{vstart}";
foreach my $i (@INC) {
$out .= " $i\n";
$out .= "$tag{vend}";
return $out;
# this package declaration prevents an ugly fatal warning to be emitted when
# spawning a new thread
package GLUquadricObjPtr;