bubnikv 81823fe7df Reduced the content of, removed unused Perl subroutines.
Reduced the use Slic3r::Geometry and use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper
clauses to only reference used subroutines.
2017-07-19 10:45:39 +02:00

221 lines
7.2 KiB

# extends C++ class Slic3r::Model
package Slic3r::Model;
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use List::Util qw(first max any);
sub read_from_file {
my ($class, $input_file, $add_default_instances) = @_;
$add_default_instances //= 1;
my $model = $input_file =~ /\.[sS][tT][lL]$/ ? Slic3r::Model->load_stl(Slic3r::encode_path($input_file), basename($input_file))
: $input_file =~ /\.[oO][bB][jJ]$/ ? Slic3r::Model->load_obj(Slic3r::encode_path($input_file), basename($input_file))
: $input_file =~ /\.[aA][mM][fF](\.[xX][mM][lL])?$/ ? Slic3r::Model->load_amf(Slic3r::encode_path($input_file))
: $input_file =~ /\.[pP][rR][uU][sS][aA]$/ ? Slic3r::Model->load_prus(Slic3r::encode_path($input_file))
: die "Input file must have .stl, .obj or .amf(.xml) extension\n";
die "The supplied file couldn't be read because it's empty.\n"
if $model->objects_count == 0;
$_->set_input_file($input_file) for @{$model->objects};
$model->add_default_instances if $add_default_instances;
return $model;
sub merge {
my $class = shift;
my @models = @_;
my $new_model = ref($class)
? $class
: $class->new;
$new_model->add_object($_) for map @{$_->objects}, @models;
return $new_model;
sub add_object {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) {
# we have a Model::Object
my ($object) = @_;
return $self->_add_object_clone($object);
} else {
my (%args) = @_;
my $new_object = $self->_add_object;
if defined $args{name};
if defined $args{input_file};
if defined $args{config};
if defined $args{layer_height_ranges};
if defined $args{origin_translation};
return $new_object;
sub set_material {
my $self = shift;
my ($material_id, $attributes) = @_;
my $material = $self->add_material($material_id);
$material->apply($attributes // {});
return $material;
sub print_info {
my $self = shift;
$_->print_info for @{$self->objects};
sub looks_like_multipart_object {
my ($self) = @_;
return 0 if $self->objects_count == 1;
return 0 if any { $_->volumes_count > 1 } @{$self->objects};
return 0 if any { @{$_->config->get_keys} > 1 } @{$self->objects};
my %heights = map { $_ => 1 } map $_->mesh->bounding_box->z_min, map @{$_->volumes}, @{$self->objects};
return scalar(keys %heights) > 1;
sub convert_multipart_object {
my ($self) = @_;
my @objects = @{$self->objects};
my $object = $self->add_object(
input_file => $objects[0]->input_file,
foreach my $v (map @{$_->volumes}, @objects) {
my $volume = $object->add_volume($v);
$object->add_instance($_) for map @{$_->instances}, @objects;
$self->delete_object($_) for reverse 0..($self->objects_count-2);
# Extends C++ class Slic3r::ModelMaterial
package Slic3r::Model::Material;
sub apply {
my ($self, $attributes) = @_;
$self->set_attribute($_, $attributes{$_}) for keys %$attributes;
# Extends C++ class Slic3r::ModelObject
package Slic3r::Model::Object;
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use List::Util qw(first sum);
sub add_volume {
my $self = shift;
my $new_volume;
if (@_ == 1) {
# we have a Model::Volume
my ($volume) = @_;
$new_volume = $self->_add_volume_clone($volume);
if ($volume->material_id ne '') {
# merge material attributes and config (should we rename materials in case of duplicates?)
if (my $material = $volume->object->model->get_material($volume->material_id)) {
my %attributes = %{ $material->attributes };
if ($self->model->has_material($volume->material_id)) {
%attributes = (%attributes, %{ $self->model->get_material($volume->material_id)->attributes })
my $new_material = $self->model->set_material($volume->material_id, {%attributes});
} else {
my %args = @_;
$new_volume = $self->_add_volume($args{mesh});
if defined $args{name};
if defined $args{material_id};
if defined $args{modifier};
if defined $args{config};
if ($new_volume->material_id ne '' && !defined $self->model->get_material($new_volume->material_id)) {
# TODO: this should be a trigger on Volume::material_id
return $new_volume;
sub add_instance {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
if (@_ == 1) {
# we have a Model::Instance
my ($instance) = @_;
return $self->_add_instance_clone($instance);
} else {
my (%args) = @_;
my $new_instance = $self->_add_instance;
if defined $args{rotation};
if defined $args{scaling_factor};
if defined $args{offset};
return $new_instance;
sub mesh_stats {
my $self = shift;
# TODO: sum values from all volumes
return $self->volumes->[0]->mesh->stats;
sub print_info {
my $self = shift;
printf "Info about %s:\n", basename($self->input_file);
printf " size: x=%.3f y=%.3f z=%.3f\n", @{$self->raw_mesh->bounding_box->size};
if (my $stats = $self->mesh_stats) {
printf " number of facets: %d\n", $stats->{number_of_facets};
printf " number of shells: %d\n", $stats->{number_of_parts};
printf " volume: %.3f\n", $stats->{volume};
if ($self->needed_repair) {
printf " needed repair: yes\n";
printf " degenerate facets: %d\n", $stats->{degenerate_facets};
printf " edges fixed: %d\n", $stats->{edges_fixed};
printf " facets removed: %d\n", $stats->{facets_removed};
printf " facets added: %d\n", $stats->{facets_added};
printf " facets reversed: %d\n", $stats->{facets_reversed};
printf " backwards edges: %d\n", $stats->{backwards_edges};
} else {
printf " needed repair: no\n";
} else {
printf " number of facets: %d\n", scalar(map @{$_->facets}, grep !$_->modifier, @{$self->volumes});