![Alessandro Ranellucci](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
Slic3r::Config is now an object. Multiple partial config objects are used throughout the codebase as local repositories, then merged and serialized when necessary.
785 lines
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785 lines
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package Slic3r::Print;
use Moo;
use File::Basename qw(basename fileparse);
use Math::ConvexHull 1.0.4 qw(convex_hull);
use Slic3r::ExtrusionPath ':roles';
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(X Y Z X1 Y1 X2 Y2 PI scale unscale move_points);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(diff_ex union_ex intersection_ex offset JT_ROUND);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
has 'config' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { Slic3r::Config->new_from_defaults });
has 'objects' => (is => 'rw', default => sub {[]});
has 'copies' => (is => 'rw', default => sub {[]}); # obj_idx => [copies...]
has 'total_extrusion_length' => (is => 'rw');
has 'processing_time' => (is => 'rw', required => 0);
# ordered collection of extrusion paths to build skirt loops
has 'skirt' => (
is => 'rw',
#isa => 'ArrayRef[Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop]',
default => sub { [] },
# ordered collection of extrusion paths to build a brim
has 'brim' => (
is => 'rw',
#isa => 'ArrayRef[Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop]',
default => sub { [] },
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
# store config in a handy place
$Slic3r::Config = $self->config;
# initialize extruder(s)
$Slic3r::extruders = [];
for my $t (0, map $_-1, map $self->config->get($_), qw(perimeter_extruder infill_extruder support_material_extruder)) {
$Slic3r::extruders->[$t] ||= Slic3r::Extruder->new(
map { $_ => $self->config->get($_)->[$t] // $self->config->get($_)->[0] } #/
qw(nozzle_diameter filament_diameter extrusion_multiplier temperature first_layer_temperature)
# calculate flow
$Slic3r::flow = $Slic3r::extruders->[0]->make_flow(width => $self->config->extrusion_width);
if ($self->config->first_layer_extrusion_width) {
$Slic3r::first_layer_flow = $Slic3r::extruders->[0]->make_flow(
layer_height => $self->config->get_value('first_layer_height'),
width => $self->config->first_layer_extrusion_width,
for (qw(perimeter infill support_material)) {
no strict 'refs';
${"Slic3r::${_}_flow"} = $Slic3r::extruders->[ $self->config->get("${_}_extruder")-1 ]
->make_flow(width => $self->config->get("${_}_extrusion_width") || $self->config->extrusion_width);
Slic3r::debugf "Default flow width = %s (spacing = %s)\n",
$Slic3r::flow->width, $Slic3r::flow->spacing;
# G-code flavors
$self->config->set('extrusion_axis', 'A') if $self->config->gcode_flavor eq 'mach3';
$self->config->set('extrusion_axis', '') if $self->config->gcode_flavor eq 'no-extrusion';
# legacy with existing config files
$self->config->set_ifndef('small_perimeter_speed', $self->config->perimeter_speed);
$self->config->set_ifndef('bridge_speed', $self->config->infill_speed);
$self->config->set_ifndef('solid_infill_speed', $self->config->infill_speed);
$self->config->set_ifndef('top_solid_infill_speed', $self->config->solid_infill_speed);
sub add_object_from_file {
my $self = shift;
my ($input_file) = @_;
my $object;
if ($input_file =~ /\.stl$/i) {
my $mesh = Slic3r::Format::STL->read_file($input_file);
$object = $self->add_object_from_mesh($mesh);
} elsif ($input_file =~ /\.obj$/i) {
my $mesh = Slic3r::Format::OBJ->read_file($input_file);
$object = $self->add_object_from_mesh($mesh);
} elsif ( $input_file =~ /\.amf(\.xml)?$/i) {
my ($materials, $meshes_by_material) = Slic3r::Format::AMF->read_file($input_file);
$_->check_manifoldness for values %$meshes_by_material;
$object = $self->add_object_from_mesh($meshes_by_material->{_} || +(values %$meshes_by_material)[0]);
} else {
die "Input file must have .stl, .obj or .amf(.xml) extension\n";
return $object;
sub add_object_from_mesh {
my $self = shift;
my ($mesh) = @_;
$mesh->scale($Slic3r::Config->scale / &Slic3r::SCALING_FACTOR);
# initialize print object
my @size = $mesh->size;
my $object = Slic3r::Print::Object->new(
mesh => $mesh,
x_length => $size[X],
y_length => $size[Y],
push @{$self->objects}, $object;
push @{$self->copies}, [[0, 0]];
return $object;
sub validate {
my $self = shift;
if ($Slic3r::Config->complete_objects) {
# check horizontal clearance
my @a = ();
for my $obj_idx (0 .. $#{$self->objects}) {
my $clearance;
my @points = map [ @$_[X,Y] ], @{$self->objects->[$obj_idx]->mesh->vertices};
my $convex_hull = Slic3r::Polygon->new(convex_hull(\@points));
$clearance = +($convex_hull->offset(scale $Slic3r::Config->extruder_clearance_radius / 2, 1, JT_ROUND))[0];
for my $copy (@{$self->copies->[$obj_idx]}) {
my $copy_clearance = $clearance->clone;
if (@{ intersection_ex(\@a, [$copy_clearance]) }) {
die "Some objects are too close; your extruder will collide with them.\n";
@a = map @$_, @{union_ex([ @a, $copy_clearance ])};
# check vertical clearance
my @obj_copies = $self->object_copies;
pop @obj_copies; # ignore the last copy: its height doesn't matter
if (grep { +($self->objects->[$_->[0]]->mesh->size)[Z] > scale $Slic3r::Config->extruder_clearance_height } @obj_copies) {
die "Some objects are too tall and cannot be printed without extruder collisions.\n";
sub object_copies {
my $self = shift;
my @oc = ();
for my $obj_idx (0 .. $#{$self->objects}) {
push @oc, map [ $obj_idx, $_ ], @{$self->copies->[$obj_idx]};
return @oc;
sub cleanup {
my $self = shift;
$_->cleanup for @{$self->objects};
@{$self->skirt} = ();
sub layer_count {
my $self = shift;
my $count = 0;
foreach my $object (@{$self->objects}) {
$count = @{$object->layers} if @{$object->layers} > $count;
return $count;
sub duplicate {
my $self = shift;
if ($Slic3r::Config->duplicate_grid->[X] > 1 || $Slic3r::Config->duplicate_grid->[Y] > 1) {
if (@{$self->objects} > 1) {
die "Grid duplication is not supported with multiple objects\n";
my $object = $self->objects->[0];
# generate offsets for copies
my $dist = scale $Slic3r::Config->duplicate_distance;
@{$self->copies->[0]} = ();
for my $x_copy (1..$Slic3r::Config->duplicate_grid->[X]) {
for my $y_copy (1..$Slic3r::Config->duplicate_grid->[Y]) {
push @{$self->copies->[0]}, [
($object->x_length + $dist) * ($x_copy-1),
($object->y_length + $dist) * ($y_copy-1),
} elsif ($Slic3r::Config->duplicate > 1) {
foreach my $copies (@{$self->copies}) {
@$copies = map [0,0], 1..$Slic3r::Config->duplicate;
sub arrange_objects {
my $self = shift;
my $total_parts = scalar map @$_, @{$self->copies};
my $partx = my $party = 0;
foreach my $object (@{$self->objects}) {
$partx = $object->x_length if $object->x_length > $partx;
$party = $object->y_length if $object->y_length > $party;
# object distance is max(duplicate_distance, clearance_radius)
my $distance = $Slic3r::Config->complete_objects && $Slic3r::Config->extruder_clearance_radius > $Slic3r::Config->duplicate_distance
? $Slic3r::Config->extruder_clearance_radius
: $Slic3r::Config->duplicate_distance;
my @positions = Slic3r::Geometry::arrange
($total_parts, $partx, $party, (map scale $_, @$Slic3r::Config->bed_size), scale $distance);
for my $obj_idx (0..$#{$self->objects}) {
@{$self->copies->[$obj_idx]} = splice @positions, 0, scalar @{$self->copies->[$obj_idx]};
sub bounding_box {
my $self = shift;
my @points = ();
foreach my $obj_idx (0 .. $#{$self->objects}) {
my $object = $self->objects->[$obj_idx];
foreach my $copy (@{$self->copies->[$obj_idx]}) {
push @points,
[ $copy->[X], $copy->[Y] ],
[ $copy->[X] + $object->x_length, $copy->[Y] ],
[ $copy->[X] + $object->x_length, $copy->[Y] + $object->y_length ],
[ $copy->[X], $copy->[Y] + $object->y_length ];
return Slic3r::Geometry::bounding_box(\@points);
sub size {
my $self = shift;
my @bb = $self->bounding_box;
return [ $bb[X2] - $bb[X1], $bb[Y2] - $bb[Y1] ];
sub export_gcode {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $status_cb = $params{status_cb} || sub {};
my $t0 = [gettimeofday];
# skein the STL into layers
# each layer has surfaces with holes
$status_cb->(5, "Processing input file");
$status_cb->(10, "Processing triangulated mesh");
$_->slice(keep_meshes => $params{keep_meshes}) for @{$self->objects};
# make perimeters
# this will add a set of extrusion loops to each layer
# as well as generate infill boundaries
$status_cb->(20, "Generating perimeters");
$_->make_perimeters for @{$self->objects};
# simplify slices, we only need the max resolution for perimeters
$_->simplify(scale &Slic3r::RESOLUTION)
for map @{$_->expolygon}, map @{$_->slices}, map @{$_->layers}, @{$self->objects};
# this will clip $layer->surfaces to the infill boundaries
# and split them in top/bottom/internal surfaces;
$status_cb->(30, "Detecting solid surfaces");
$_->detect_surfaces_type for @{$self->objects};
# decide what surfaces are to be filled
$status_cb->(35, "Preparing infill surfaces");
$_->prepare_fill_surfaces for map @{$_->layers}, @{$self->objects};
# this will detect bridges and reverse bridges
# and rearrange top/bottom/internal surfaces
$status_cb->(45, "Detect bridges");
$_->process_bridges for map @{$_->layers}, @{$self->objects};
# detect which fill surfaces are near external layers
# they will be split in internal and internal-solid surfaces
$status_cb->(60, "Generating horizontal shells");
$_->discover_horizontal_shells for @{$self->objects};
# free memory
$_->surfaces(undef) for map @{$_->layers}, @{$self->objects};
# combine fill surfaces to honor the "infill every N layers" option
$status_cb->(70, "Combining infill");
$_->combine_infill for @{$self->objects};
# this will generate extrusion paths for each layer
$status_cb->(80, "Infilling layers");
my $fill_maker = Slic3r::Fill->new('print' => $self);
my @items = (); # [obj_idx, layer_id]
foreach my $obj_idx (0 .. $#{$self->objects}) {
push @items, map [$obj_idx, $_], 0..$#{$self->objects->[$obj_idx]->layers};
items => [@items],
thread_cb => sub {
my $q = shift;
$Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper::clipper = Math::Clipper->new;
my $fills = {};
while (defined (my $obj_layer = $q->dequeue)) {
my ($obj_idx, $layer_id) = @$obj_layer;
$fills->{$obj_idx} ||= {};
$fills->{$obj_idx}{$layer_id} = [ $fill_maker->make_fill($self->objects->[$obj_idx]->layers->[$layer_id]) ];
return $fills;
collect_cb => sub {
my $fills = shift;
foreach my $obj_idx (keys %$fills) {
foreach my $layer_id (keys %{$fills->{$obj_idx}}) {
no_threads_cb => sub {
foreach my $layer (map @{$_->layers}, @{$self->objects}) {
$layer->fills([ $fill_maker->make_fill($layer) ]);
# generate support material
if ($Slic3r::Config->support_material) {
$status_cb->(85, "Generating support material");
$_->generate_support_material(print => $self) for @{$self->objects};
# free memory (note that support material needs fill_surfaces)
$_->fill_surfaces(undef) for map @{$_->layers}, @{$self->objects};
# make skirt
$status_cb->(88, "Generating skirt");
# output everything to a G-code file
my $output_file = $self->expanded_output_filepath($params{output_file});
$status_cb->(90, "Exporting G-code to $output_file");
# run post-processing scripts
if (@{$Slic3r::Config->post_process}) {
$status_cb->(95, "Running post-processing scripts");
for (@{$Slic3r::Config->post_process}) {
Slic3r::debugf " '%s' '%s'\n", $_, $output_file;
system($_, $output_file);
# output some statistics
printf "Done. Process took %d minutes and %.3f seconds\n",
$self->processing_time - int($self->processing_time/60)*60;
# TODO: more statistics!
printf "Filament required: %.1fmm (%.1fcm3)\n",
$self->total_extrusion_length, $self->total_extrusion_volume;
sub export_svg {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
$_->slice(keep_meshes => $params{keep_meshes}) for @{$self->objects};
my $output_file = $self->expanded_output_filepath($params{output_file});
$output_file =~ s/\.gcode$/.svg/i;
open my $fh, ">", $output_file or die "Failed to open $output_file for writing\n";
print "Exporting to $output_file...";
my $print_size = $self->size;
print $fh sprintf <<"EOF", unscale($print_size->[X]), unscale($print_size->[Y]);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd">
<svg width="%s" height="%s" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:slic3r="http://slic3r.org/namespaces/slic3r">
Generated using Slic3r $Slic3r::VERSION
my $print_polygon = sub {
my ($polygon, $type) = @_;
printf $fh qq{ <polygon slic3r:type="%s" points="%s" style="fill: %s" />\n},
$type, (join ' ', map { join ',', map unscale $_, @$_ } @$polygon),
($type eq 'contour' ? 'white' : 'black');
my @previous_layer_slices = ();
for my $layer_id (0..$self->layer_count-1) {
my @layers = map $_->layers->[$layer_id], @{$self->objects};
printf $fh qq{ <g id="layer%d" slic3r:z="%s">\n}, $layer_id, unscale +(grep defined $_, @layers)[0]->slice_z;
my @current_layer_slices = ();
for my $obj_idx (0 .. $#{$self->objects}) {
my $layer = $self->objects->[$obj_idx]->layers->[$layer_id] or next;
# sort slices so that the outermost ones come first
my @slices = sort { $a->expolygon->contour->encloses_point($b->expolygon->contour->[0]) ? 0 : 1 } @{$layer->slices};
foreach my $copy (@{$self->copies->[$obj_idx]}) {
foreach my $slice (@slices) {
my $expolygon = $slice->expolygon->clone;
$print_polygon->($expolygon->contour, 'contour');
$print_polygon->($_, 'hole') for $expolygon->holes;
push @current_layer_slices, $expolygon;
# generate support material
if ($Slic3r::Config->support_material && $layer_id > 0) {
my (@supported_slices, @unsupported_slices) = ();
foreach my $expolygon (@current_layer_slices) {
my $intersection = intersection_ex(
[ map @$_, @previous_layer_slices ],
? push @supported_slices, $expolygon
: push @unsupported_slices, $expolygon;
my @supported_points = map @$_, @$_, @supported_slices;
foreach my $expolygon (@unsupported_slices) {
# look for the nearest point to this island among all
# supported points
my $support_point = nearest_point($expolygon->contour->[0], \@supported_points);
my $anchor_point = nearest_point($support_point, $expolygon->contour->[0]);
printf $fh qq{ <line x1="%s" y1="%s" x2="%s" y2="%s" style="stroke-width: 2; stroke: white" />\n},
map @$_, $support_point, $anchor_point;
print $fh qq{ </g>\n};
@previous_layer_slices = @current_layer_slices;
print $fh "</svg>\n";
close $fh;
print "Done.\n";
sub make_skirt {
my $self = shift;
return unless $Slic3r::Config->skirts > 0;
# collect points from all layers contained in skirt height
my $skirt_height = $Slic3r::Config->skirt_height;
$skirt_height = $self->layer_count if $skirt_height > $self->layer_count;
my @points = ();
foreach my $obj_idx (0 .. $#{$self->objects}) {
my @layers = map $self->objects->[$obj_idx]->layer($_), 0..($skirt_height-1);
my @layer_points = (
(map @$_, map @{$_->expolygon}, map @{$_->slices}, @layers),
(map @$_, map @{$_->thin_walls}, @layers),
(map @{$_->unpack->polyline}, map @{$_->support_fills->paths}, grep $_->support_fills, @layers),
push @points, map move_points($_, @layer_points), @{$self->copies->[$obj_idx]};
return if @points < 3; # at least three points required for a convex hull
# find out convex hull
my $convex_hull = convex_hull(\@points);
# draw outlines from outside to inside
my $flow = $Slic3r::first_layer_flow || $Slic3r::flow;
my @skirt = ();
for (my $i = $Slic3r::Config->skirts; $i > 0; $i--) {
my $distance = scale ($Slic3r::Config->skirt_distance + ($flow->spacing * $i));
my $outline = offset([$convex_hull], $distance, &Slic3r::SCALING_FACTOR * 100, JT_ROUND);
push @skirt, Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop->pack(
polygon => Slic3r::Polygon->new(@{$outline->[0]}),
unshift @{$self->skirt}, @skirt;
sub make_brim {
my $self = shift;
return unless $Slic3r::Config->brim_width > 0;
my @islands = (); # array of polygons
foreach my $obj_idx (0 .. $#{$self->objects}) {
my @object_islands = map $_->contour, @{ $self->objects->[$obj_idx]->layers->[0]->slices };
foreach my $copy (@{$self->copies->[$obj_idx]}) {
push @islands, map $_->clone->translate(@$copy), @object_islands;
my $flow = $Slic3r::first_layer_flow || $Slic3r::flow;
my $num_loops = sprintf "%.0f", $Slic3r::Config->brim_width / $flow->width;
for my $i (reverse 1 .. $num_loops) {
push @{$self->brim}, Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop->pack(
polygon => Slic3r::Polygon->new($_),
) for @{Math::Clipper::offset(\@islands, $i * scale $flow->spacing)};
sub write_gcode {
my $self = shift;
my ($file) = @_;
# open output gcode file
open my $fh, ">", $file
or die "Failed to open $file for writing\n";
# write some information
my @lt = localtime;
printf $fh "; generated by Slic3r $Slic3r::VERSION on %04d-%02d-%02d at %02d:%02d:%02d\n\n",
$lt[5] + 1900, $lt[4]+1, $lt[3], $lt[2], $lt[1], $lt[0];
print $fh "; $_\n" foreach split /\R/, $Slic3r::Config->notes;
print $fh "\n" if $Slic3r::Config->notes;
for (qw(layer_height perimeters solid_layers fill_density perimeter_speed infill_speed travel_speed scale)) {
printf $fh "; %s = %s\n", $_, $Slic3r::Config->$_;
for (qw(nozzle_diameter filament_diameter extrusion_multiplier)) {
printf $fh "; %s = %s\n", $_, $Slic3r::Config->$_->[0];
printf $fh "; single wall width = %.2fmm\n", $Slic3r::flow->width;
printf $fh "; first layer single wall width = %.2fmm\n", $Slic3r::first_layer_flow->width
if $Slic3r::first_layer_flow;
print $fh "\n";
# set up our extruder object
my $gcodegen = Slic3r::GCode->new;
my $min_print_speed = 60 * $Slic3r::Config->min_print_speed;
my $dec = $gcodegen->dec;
print $fh $gcodegen->set_tool(0) if @$Slic3r::extruders > 1;
print $fh $gcodegen->set_fan(0, 1) if $Slic3r::Config->cooling && $Slic3r::Config->disable_fan_first_layers;
# write start commands to file
printf $fh $gcodegen->set_bed_temperature($Slic3r::Config->first_layer_bed_temperature, 1),
if $Slic3r::Config->first_layer_bed_temperature && $Slic3r::Config->start_gcode !~ /M190/i;
for my $t (grep $Slic3r::extruders->[$_], 0 .. $#{$Slic3r::Config->first_layer_temperature}) {
printf $fh $gcodegen->set_temperature($Slic3r::extruders->[$t]->first_layer_temperature, 0, $t)
if $Slic3r::extruders->[$t]->first_layer_temperature;
printf $fh "%s\n", $Slic3r::Config->replace_options($Slic3r::Config->start_gcode);
for my $t (grep $Slic3r::extruders->[$_], 0 .. $#{$Slic3r::Config->first_layer_temperature}) {
printf $fh $gcodegen->set_temperature($Slic3r::extruders->[$t]->first_layer_temperature, 1, $t)
if $Slic3r::extruders->[$t]->first_layer_temperature && $Slic3r::Config->start_gcode !~ /M109/i;
print $fh "G90 ; use absolute coordinates\n";
print $fh "G21 ; set units to millimeters\n";
if ($Slic3r::Config->gcode_flavor =~ /^(?:reprap|teacup)$/) {
printf $fh $gcodegen->reset_e;
if ($Slic3r::Config->gcode_flavor =~ /^(?:reprap|makerbot)$/) {
if ($Slic3r::Config->use_relative_e_distances) {
print $fh "M83 ; use relative distances for extrusion\n";
} else {
print $fh "M82 ; use absolute distances for extrusion\n";
# calculate X,Y shift to center print around specified origin
my @print_bb = $self->bounding_box;
my @shift = (
$Slic3r::Config->print_center->[X] - (unscale ($print_bb[X2] - $print_bb[X1]) / 2) - unscale $print_bb[X1],
$Slic3r::Config->print_center->[Y] - (unscale ($print_bb[Y2] - $print_bb[Y1]) / 2) - unscale $print_bb[Y1],
# prepare the logic to print one layer
my $skirt_done = 0; # count of skirt layers done
my $brim_done = 0;
my $extrude_layer = sub {
my ($layer_id, $object_copies) = @_;
my $gcode = "";
if ($layer_id == 1) {
for my $t (grep $Slic3r::extruders->[$_], 0 .. $#{$Slic3r::Config->temperature}) {
$gcode .= $gcodegen->set_temperature($Slic3r::extruders->[$t]->temperature, 0, $t)
if $Slic3r::extruders->[$t]->temperature && $Slic3r::extruders->[$t]->temperature != $Slic3r::extruders->[$t]->first_layer_temperature;
$gcode .= $gcodegen->set_bed_temperature($Slic3r::Config->bed_temperature)
if $Slic3r::Config->first_layer_bed_temperature && $Slic3r::Config->bed_temperature != $Slic3r::Config->first_layer_bed_temperature;
# go to layer (just use the first one, we only need Z from it)
$gcode .= $gcodegen->change_layer($self->objects->[$object_copies->[0][0]]->layers->[$layer_id]);
# extrude skirt
if ($skirt_done < $Slic3r::Config->skirt_height) {
$gcode .= $gcodegen->set_acceleration($Slic3r::Config->perimeter_acceleration);
# skip skirt if we have a large brim
if ($layer_id < $Slic3r::Config->skirt_height && ($layer_id != 0 || $Slic3r::Config->skirt_distance + ($Slic3r::Config->skirts * $Slic3r::flow->width) > $Slic3r::Config->brim_width)) {
$gcode .= $gcodegen->extrude_loop($_, 'skirt') for @{$self->skirt};
# extrude brim
if ($layer_id == 0 && !$brim_done) {
$gcode .= $gcodegen->extrude_loop($_, 'brim') for @{$self->brim};
$brim_done = 1;
for my $obj_copy (@$object_copies) {
my ($obj_idx, $copy) = @$obj_copy;
my $layer = $self->objects->[$obj_idx]->layers->[$layer_id];
# retract explicitely because changing the shift_[xy] properties below
# won't always trigger the automatic retraction
$gcode .= $gcodegen->retract;
$gcodegen->shift_x($shift[X] + unscale $copy->[X]);
$gcodegen->shift_y($shift[Y] + unscale $copy->[Y]);
# extrude perimeters
$gcode .= $gcodegen->set_tool($Slic3r::Config->perimeter_extruder-1);
$gcode .= $gcodegen->extrude($_, 'perimeter') for @{ $layer->perimeters };
# extrude fills
$gcode .= $gcodegen->set_tool($Slic3r::Config->infill_extruder-1);
$gcode .= $gcodegen->set_acceleration($Slic3r::Config->infill_acceleration);
for my $fill (@{ $layer->fills }) {
if ($fill->isa('Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::Collection')) {
$gcode .= $gcodegen->extrude($_, 'fill')
for $fill->shortest_path($gcodegen->last_pos);
} else {
$gcode .= $gcodegen->extrude($fill, 'fill') ;
# extrude support material
if ($layer->support_fills) {
$gcode .= $gcodegen->set_tool($Slic3r::Config->support_material_extruder-1);
$gcode .= $gcodegen->extrude_path($_, 'support material')
for $layer->support_fills->shortest_path($gcodegen->last_pos);
return if !$gcode;
my $fan_speed = $Slic3r::Config->fan_always_on ? $Slic3r::Config->min_fan_speed : 0;
my $speed_factor = 1;
if ($Slic3r::Config->cooling) {
my $layer_time = $gcodegen->elapsed_time;
Slic3r::debugf "Layer %d estimated printing time: %d seconds\n", $layer_id, $layer_time;
if ($layer_time < $Slic3r::Config->slowdown_below_layer_time) {
$fan_speed = $Slic3r::Config->max_fan_speed;
$speed_factor = $layer_time / $Slic3r::Config->slowdown_below_layer_time;
} elsif ($layer_time < $Slic3r::Config->fan_below_layer_time) {
$fan_speed = $Slic3r::Config->max_fan_speed - ($Slic3r::Config->max_fan_speed - $Slic3r::Config->min_fan_speed)
* ($layer_time - $Slic3r::Config->slowdown_below_layer_time)
/ ($Slic3r::Config->fan_below_layer_time - $Slic3r::Config->slowdown_below_layer_time); #/
Slic3r::debugf " fan = %d%%, speed = %d%%\n", $fan_speed, $speed_factor * 100;
if ($speed_factor < 1) {
$gcode =~ s/^(?=.*? [XY])(?=.*? E)(G1 .*?F)(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/
my $new_speed = $2 * $speed_factor;
$1 . sprintf("%.${dec}f", $new_speed < $min_print_speed ? $min_print_speed : $new_speed)
$fan_speed = 0 if $layer_id < $Slic3r::Config->disable_fan_first_layers;
$gcode = $gcodegen->set_fan($fan_speed) . $gcode;
# bridge fan speed
if (!$Slic3r::Config->cooling || $Slic3r::Config->bridge_fan_speed == 0 || $layer_id < $Slic3r::Config->disable_fan_first_layers) {
$gcode =~ s/^;_BRIDGE_FAN_(?:START|END)\n//gm;
} else {
$gcode =~ s/^;_BRIDGE_FAN_START\n/ $gcodegen->set_fan($Slic3r::Config->bridge_fan_speed, 1) /gmex;
$gcode =~ s/^;_BRIDGE_FAN_END\n/ $gcodegen->set_fan($fan_speed, 1) /gmex;
return $gcode;
# do all objects for each layer
if ($Slic3r::Config->complete_objects) {
# print objects from the smallest to the tallest to avoid collisions
# when moving onto next object starting point
my @obj_idx = sort { $self->objects->[$a]->layer_count <=> $self->objects->[$b]->layer_count } 0..$#{$self->objects};
my $finished_objects = 0;
for my $obj_idx (@obj_idx) {
for my $copy (@{ $self->copies->[$obj_idx] }) {
# move to the origin position for the copy we're going to print.
# this happens before Z goes down to layer 0 again, so that
# no collision happens hopefully.
if ($finished_objects > 0) {
$gcodegen->shift_x($shift[X] + unscale $copy->[X]);
$gcodegen->shift_y($shift[Y] + unscale $copy->[Y]);
print $fh $gcodegen->retract;
print $fh $gcodegen->G0(Slic3r::Point->new(0,0), undef, 0, 'move to origin position for next object');
for my $layer_id (0..$#{$self->objects->[$obj_idx]->layers}) {
# if we are printing the bottom layer of an object, and we have already finished
# another one, set first layer temperatures. this happens before the Z move
# is triggered, so machine has more time to reach such temperatures
if ($layer_id == 0 && $finished_objects > 0) {
printf $fh $gcodegen->set_bed_temperature($Slic3r::Config->first_layer_bed_temperature),
if $Slic3r::Config->first_layer_bed_temperature;
printf $fh $gcodegen->set_temperature($Slic3r::Config->first_layer_temperature)
if $Slic3r::Config->first_layer_temperature;
print $fh $extrude_layer->($layer_id, [[ $obj_idx, $copy ]]);
} else {
for my $layer_id (0..$self->layer_count-1) {
my @object_copies = ();
for my $obj_idx (grep $self->objects->[$_]->layers->[$layer_id], 0..$#{$self->objects}) {
push @object_copies, map [ $obj_idx, $_ ], @{ $self->copies->[$obj_idx] };
print $fh $extrude_layer->($layer_id, \@object_copies);
# save statistic data
# write end commands to file
print $fh $gcodegen->retract;
print $fh $gcodegen->set_fan(0);
print $fh "M501 ; reset acceleration\n" if $Slic3r::Config->acceleration;
printf $fh "%s\n", $Slic3r::Config->replace_options($Slic3r::Config->end_gcode);
printf $fh "; filament used = %.1fmm (%.1fcm3)\n",
$self->total_extrusion_length, $self->total_extrusion_volume;
# close our gcode file
close $fh;
sub total_extrusion_volume {
my $self = shift;
return $self->total_extrusion_length * ($Slic3r::extruders->[0]->filament_diameter**2) * PI/4 / 1000;
# this method will return the value of $self->output_file after expanding its
# format variables with their values
sub expanded_output_filepath {
my $self = shift;
my ($path) = @_;
# if no explicit output file was defined, we take the input
# file directory and append the specified filename format
my $input_file = $self->objects->[0]->input_file;
$path ||= (fileparse($input_file))[1] . $Slic3r::Config->output_filename_format;
my $input_filename = my $input_filename_base = basename($input_file);
$input_filename_base =~ s/\.(?:stl|amf(?:\.xml)?)$//i;
return $Slic3r::Config->replace_options($path, {
input_filename => $input_filename,
input_filename_base => $input_filename_base,