Pavel Mikuš 633ce8aa21
Pm jps path finding (#8)
New step - estimation of curling on both the model and the support extrusions.
Improvements in curled filament estimation algortihm
Implementation of Jump Point Search algorithm 
Use of JPS algorithm to avoid curled extrusions during travel moves in Gcode export
2022-11-09 13:33:58 +01:00

2081 lines
90 KiB

#include <cassert>
#include "Exception.hpp"
#include "Preset.hpp"
#include "AppConfig.hpp"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define NOMINMAX
#include <Windows.h>
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
// instead of #include "slic3r/GUI/I18N.hpp" :
#ifndef L
// !!! If you needed to translate some string,
// !!! please use _L(string)
// !!! _() - is a standard wxWidgets macro to translate
// !!! L() is used only for marking localizable string
// !!! It will be used in "xgettext" to create a Locating Message Catalog.
#define L(s) s
#endif /* L */
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <boost/nowide/cenv.hpp>
#include <boost/nowide/convert.hpp>
#include <boost/nowide/cstdio.hpp>
#include <boost/nowide/fstream.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/ini_parser.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/locale.hpp>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include "libslic3r.h"
#include "Utils.hpp"
#include "PlaceholderParser.hpp"
using boost::property_tree::ptree;
namespace Slic3r {
ConfigFileType guess_config_file_type(const ptree &tree)
size_t app_config = 0;
size_t bundle = 0;
size_t config = 0;
for (const ptree::value_type &v : tree) {
if (v.second.empty()) {
if (v.first == "background_processing" ||
v.first == "last_output_path" ||
v.first == "no_controller" ||
v.first == "no_defaults")
++ app_config;
else if (v.first == "nozzle_diameter" ||
v.first == "filament_diameter")
++ config;
} else if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(v.first, "print:") ||
boost::algorithm::starts_with(v.first, "filament:") ||
boost::algorithm::starts_with(v.first, "printer:") ||
v.first == "settings")
++ bundle;
else if (v.first == "presets") {
++ app_config;
++ bundle;
} else if (v.first == "recent") {
for (auto &kvp : v.second)
if (kvp.first == "config_directory" || kvp.first == "skein_directory")
++ app_config;
return (app_config > bundle && app_config > config) ? CONFIG_FILE_TYPE_APP_CONFIG :
VendorProfile VendorProfile::from_ini(const boost::filesystem::path &path, bool load_all)
ptree tree;
boost::nowide::ifstream ifs(path.string());
boost::property_tree::read_ini(ifs, tree);
return VendorProfile::from_ini(tree, path, load_all);
static const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> pre_family_model_map {{
{ "MK3", "MK3" },
{ "MK3MMU2", "MK3" },
{ "MK2.5", "MK2.5" },
{ "MK2.5MMU2", "MK2.5" },
{ "MK2S", "MK2" },
{ "MK2SMM", "MK2" },
{ "SL1", "SL1" },
VendorProfile VendorProfile::from_ini(const ptree &tree, const boost::filesystem::path &path, bool load_all)
static const std::string printer_model_key = "printer_model:";
static const std::string filaments_section = "default_filaments";
static const std::string materials_section = "default_sla_materials";
const std::string id = path.stem().string();
if (! boost::filesystem::exists(path)) {
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError((boost::format("Cannot load Vendor Config Bundle `%1%`: File not found: `%2%`.") % id % path).str());
VendorProfile res(id);
// Helper to get compulsory fields
auto get_or_throw = [&](const ptree &tree, const std::string &key) -> ptree::const_assoc_iterator
auto res = tree.find(key);
if (res == tree.not_found()) {
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError((boost::format("Vendor Config Bundle `%1%` is not valid: Missing secion or key: `%2%`.") % id % key).str());
return res;
// Load the header
const auto &vendor_section = get_or_throw(tree, "vendor")->second; = get_or_throw(vendor_section, "name")->;
auto config_version_str = get_or_throw(vendor_section, "config_version")->;
auto config_version = Semver::parse(config_version_str);
if (! config_version) {
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError((boost::format("Vendor Config Bundle `%1%` is not valid: Cannot parse config_version: `%2%`.") % id % config_version_str).str());
} else {
res.config_version = std::move(*config_version);
// Load URLs
const auto config_update_url = vendor_section.find("config_update_url");
if (config_update_url != vendor_section.not_found()) {
res.config_update_url = config_update_url->;
const auto changelog_url = vendor_section.find("changelog_url");
if (changelog_url != vendor_section.not_found()) {
res.changelog_url = changelog_url->;
if (! load_all) {
return res;
// Load printer models
for (auto &section : tree) {
if (boost::starts_with(section.first, printer_model_key)) {
VendorProfile::PrinterModel model; = section.first.substr(printer_model_key.size()); = section.second.get<std::string>("name",;
const char *technology_fallback = boost::algorithm::starts_with(, "SL") ? "SLA" : "FFF";
auto technology_field = section.second.get<std::string>("technology", technology_fallback);
if (! ConfigOptionEnum<PrinterTechnology>::from_string(technology_field, {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("Vendor bundle: `%1%`: Invalid printer technology field: `%2%`") % id % technology_field; = ptFFF;
} = section.second.get<std::string>("family", std::string());
if ( && == "Prusa Research") {
// If no family is specified, it can be inferred for known printers
const auto from_pre_map = pre_family_model_map.find(;
if (from_pre_map != pre_family_model_map.end()) { = from_pre_map->second; }
#if 0
// Remove SLA printers from the initial alpha.
if ( == ptSLA)
section.second.get<std::string>("variants", "");
const auto variants_field = section.second.get<std::string>("variants", "");
std::vector<std::string> variants;
if (Slic3r::unescape_strings_cstyle(variants_field, variants)) {
for (const std::string &variant_name : variants) {
if (model.variant(variant_name) == nullptr)
} else {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("Vendor bundle: `%1%`: Malformed variants field: `%2%`") % id % variants_field;
auto default_materials_field = section.second.get<std::string>("default_materials", "");
if (default_materials_field.empty())
default_materials_field = section.second.get<std::string>("default_filaments", "");
if (Slic3r::unescape_strings_cstyle(default_materials_field, model.default_materials)) {
if (! model.default_materials.empty() && model.default_materials.front().empty())
// An empty material was inserted into the list of default materials. Remove it.
} else {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("Vendor bundle: `%1%`: Malformed default_materials field: `%2%`") % id % default_materials_field;
model.bed_model = section.second.get<std::string>("bed_model", "");
model.bed_texture = section.second.get<std::string>("bed_texture", "");
if (! && ! model.variants.empty())
// Load filaments and sla materials to be installed by default
const auto filaments = tree.find(filaments_section);
if (filaments != tree.not_found()) {
for (auto &pair : filaments->second) {
if ( == "1") {
const auto materials = tree.find(materials_section);
if (materials != tree.not_found()) {
for (auto &pair : materials->second) {
if ( == "1") {
return res;
std::vector<std::string> VendorProfile::families() const
std::vector<std::string> res;
unsigned num_familiies = 0;
for (auto &model : models) {
if (std::find(res.begin(), res.end(), == res.end()) {
return res;
// Suffix to be added to a modified preset name in the combo box.
static std::string g_suffix_modified = " (modified)";
const std::string& Preset::suffix_modified()
return g_suffix_modified;
void Preset::update_suffix_modified(const std::string& new_suffix_modified)
g_suffix_modified = new_suffix_modified;
// Remove an optional "(modified)" suffix from a name.
// This converts a UI name to a unique preset identifier.
std::string Preset::remove_suffix_modified(const std::string &name)
return boost::algorithm::ends_with(name, g_suffix_modified) ?
name.substr(0, name.size() - g_suffix_modified.size()) :
// Update new extruder fields at the printer profile.
void Preset::normalize(DynamicPrintConfig &config)
auto *nozzle_diameter = dynamic_cast<const ConfigOptionFloats*>(config.option("nozzle_diameter"));
if (nozzle_diameter != nullptr)
// Loaded the FFF Printer settings. Verify, that all extruder dependent values have enough values.
config.set_num_extruders((unsigned int)nozzle_diameter->values.size());
if (config.option("filament_diameter") != nullptr) {
// This config contains single or multiple filament presets.
// Ensure that the filament preset vector options contain the correct number of values.
size_t n = (nozzle_diameter == nullptr) ? 1 : nozzle_diameter->values.size();
const auto &defaults = FullPrintConfig::defaults();
for (const std::string &key : Preset::filament_options()) {
if (key == "compatible_prints" || key == "compatible_printers")
auto *opt = config.option(key, false);
/*assert(opt != nullptr);
if (opt != nullptr && opt->is_vector())
static_cast<ConfigOptionVectorBase*>(opt)->resize(n, defaults.option(key));
// The following keys are mandatory for the UI, but they are not part of FullPrintConfig, therefore they are handled separately.
for (const std::string &key : { "filament_settings_id" }) {
auto *opt = config.option(key, false);
assert(opt == nullptr || opt->type() == coStrings);
if (opt != nullptr && opt->type() == coStrings)
static_cast<ConfigOptionStrings*>(opt)->values.resize(n, std::string());
if (const auto *gap_fill_speed = config.option<ConfigOptionFloat>("gap_fill_speed", false); gap_fill_speed && gap_fill_speed->value <= 0.) {
// Legacy conversion. If the gap fill speed is zero, it means the gap fill is not enabled.
// Set the new gap_fill_enabled value, so that it will show up in the UI as disabled.
if (auto *gap_fill_enabled = config.option<ConfigOptionBool>("gap_fill_enabled", false); gap_fill_enabled)
gap_fill_enabled->value = false;
if (auto *first_layer_height = config.option<ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent>("first_layer_height", false); first_layer_height && first_layer_height->percent)
if (const auto *layer_height = config.option<ConfigOptionFloat>("layer_height", false); layer_height) {
// Legacy conversion - first_layer_height moved from PrintObject setting to a Print setting, thus we are getting rid of the dependency
// of first_layer_height on PrintObject specific layer_height. Covert the first layer heigth to an absolute value.
first_layer_height->value = first_layer_height->get_abs_value(layer_height->value);
first_layer_height->percent = false;
std::string Preset::remove_invalid_keys(DynamicPrintConfig &config, const DynamicPrintConfig &default_config)
std::string incorrect_keys;
for (const std::string &key : config.keys())
if (! default_config.has(key)) {
if (incorrect_keys.empty())
incorrect_keys = key;
else {
incorrect_keys += ", ";
incorrect_keys += key;
return incorrect_keys;
void Preset::save()
// Return a label of this preset, consisting of a name and a "(modified)" suffix, if this preset is dirty.
std::string Preset::label() const
return this->name + (this->is_dirty ? g_suffix_modified : "");
bool is_compatible_with_print(const PresetWithVendorProfile &preset, const PresetWithVendorProfile &active_print, const PresetWithVendorProfile &active_printer)
if (preset.vendor != nullptr && preset.vendor != active_printer.vendor)
// The current profile has a vendor assigned and it is different from the active print's vendor.
return false;
auto &condition = preset.preset.compatible_prints_condition();
auto *compatible_prints = dynamic_cast<const ConfigOptionStrings*>(preset.preset.config.option("compatible_prints"));
bool has_compatible_prints = compatible_prints != nullptr && ! compatible_prints->values.empty();
if (! has_compatible_prints && ! condition.empty()) {
try {
return PlaceholderParser::evaluate_boolean_expression(condition, active_print.preset.config);
} catch (const std::runtime_error &err) {
//FIXME in case of an error, return "compatible with everything".
printf("Preset::is_compatible_with_print - parsing error of compatible_prints_condition %s:\n%s\n",, err.what());
return true;
return preset.preset.is_default || || ! has_compatible_prints ||
std::find(compatible_prints->values.begin(), compatible_prints->values.end(), !=
bool is_compatible_with_printer(const PresetWithVendorProfile &preset, const PresetWithVendorProfile &active_printer, const DynamicPrintConfig *extra_config)
if (preset.vendor != nullptr && preset.vendor != active_printer.vendor)
// The current profile has a vendor assigned and it is different from the active print's vendor.
return false;
auto &condition = preset.preset.compatible_printers_condition();
auto *compatible_printers = dynamic_cast<const ConfigOptionStrings*>(preset.preset.config.option("compatible_printers"));
bool has_compatible_printers = compatible_printers != nullptr && ! compatible_printers->values.empty();
if (! has_compatible_printers && ! condition.empty()) {
try {
return PlaceholderParser::evaluate_boolean_expression(condition, active_printer.preset.config, extra_config);
} catch (const std::runtime_error &err) {
//FIXME in case of an error, return "compatible with everything".
printf("Preset::is_compatible_with_printer - parsing error of compatible_printers_condition %s:\n%s\n",, err.what());
return true;
return preset.preset.is_default || || ! has_compatible_printers ||
std::find(compatible_printers->values.begin(), compatible_printers->values.end(), !=
bool is_compatible_with_printer(const PresetWithVendorProfile &preset, const PresetWithVendorProfile &active_printer)
DynamicPrintConfig config;
config.set_key_value("printer_preset", new ConfigOptionString(;
const ConfigOption *opt = active_printer.preset.config.option("nozzle_diameter");
if (opt)
config.set_key_value("num_extruders", new ConfigOptionInt((int)static_cast<const ConfigOptionFloats*>(opt)->values.size()));
return is_compatible_with_printer(preset, active_printer, &config);
void Preset::set_visible_from_appconfig(const AppConfig &app_config)
if (vendor == nullptr) { return; }
if (type == TYPE_PRINTER) {
const std::string &model = config.opt_string("printer_model");
const std::string &variant = config.opt_string("printer_variant");
if (model.empty() || variant.empty())
is_visible = app_config.get_variant(vendor->id, model, variant);
} else if (type == TYPE_FILAMENT || type == TYPE_SLA_MATERIAL) {
const std::string &section_name = (type == TYPE_FILAMENT) ? AppConfig::SECTION_FILAMENTS : AppConfig::SECTION_MATERIALS;
if (app_config.has_section(section_name)) {
// Check whether this profile is marked as "installed" in PrusaSlicer.ini,
// or whether a profile is marked as "installed", which this profile may have been renamed from.
const std::map<std::string, std::string> &installed = app_config.get_section(section_name);
auto has = [&installed](const std::string &name) {
auto it = installed.find(name);
return it != installed.end() && ! it->second.empty();
is_visible = has(this->name);
for (auto it = this->renamed_from.begin(); ! is_visible && it != this->renamed_from.end(); ++ it)
is_visible = has(*it);
is_visible = false;
static std::vector<std::string> s_Preset_print_options {
"layer_height", "first_layer_height", "perimeters", "spiral_vase", "slice_closing_radius", "slicing_mode",
"top_solid_layers", "top_solid_min_thickness", "bottom_solid_layers", "bottom_solid_min_thickness",
"extra_perimeters", "extra_perimeters_on_overhangs", "ensure_vertical_shell_thickness", "avoid_curled_filament_during_travels", "avoid_crossing_perimeters", "thin_walls", "overhangs",
"seam_position","staggered_inner_seams", "external_perimeters_first", "fill_density", "fill_pattern", "top_fill_pattern", "bottom_fill_pattern",
"infill_every_layers", "infill_only_where_needed", "solid_infill_every_layers", "fill_angle", "bridge_angle",
"solid_infill_below_area", "only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters", "infill_first",
"ironing", "ironing_type", "ironing_flowrate", "ironing_speed", "ironing_spacing",
"max_print_speed", "max_volumetric_speed", "avoid_crossing_perimeters_max_detour",
"fuzzy_skin", "fuzzy_skin_thickness", "fuzzy_skin_point_dist",
"max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope_positive", "max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope_negative",
"perimeter_speed", "small_perimeter_speed", "external_perimeter_speed", "infill_speed", "solid_infill_speed",
"top_solid_infill_speed", "support_material_speed", "support_material_xy_spacing", "support_material_interface_speed",
"bridge_speed", "gap_fill_speed", "gap_fill_enabled", "travel_speed", "travel_speed_z", "first_layer_speed", "first_layer_speed_over_raft", "perimeter_acceleration", "infill_acceleration",
"bridge_acceleration", "first_layer_acceleration", "first_layer_acceleration_over_raft", "default_acceleration", "skirts", "skirt_distance", "skirt_height", "draft_shield",
"min_skirt_length", "brim_width", "brim_separation", "brim_type", "support_material", "support_material_auto", "support_material_threshold", "support_material_enforce_layers",
"raft_layers", "raft_first_layer_density", "raft_first_layer_expansion", "raft_contact_distance", "raft_expansion",
"support_material_pattern", "support_material_with_sheath", "support_material_spacing", "support_material_closing_radius", "support_material_style",
"support_material_synchronize_layers", "support_material_angle", "support_material_interface_layers", "support_material_bottom_interface_layers",
"support_material_interface_pattern", "support_material_interface_spacing", "support_material_interface_contact_loops",
"support_material_contact_distance", "support_material_bottom_contact_distance",
"support_material_buildplate_only", "dont_support_bridges", "thick_bridges", "notes", "complete_objects", "extruder_clearance_radius",
"extruder_clearance_height", "gcode_comments", "gcode_label_objects", "output_filename_format", "post_process", "gcode_substitutions", "perimeter_extruder",
"infill_extruder", "solid_infill_extruder", "support_material_extruder", "support_material_interface_extruder",
"ooze_prevention", "standby_temperature_delta", "interface_shells", "extrusion_width", "first_layer_extrusion_width",
"perimeter_extrusion_width", "external_perimeter_extrusion_width", "infill_extrusion_width", "solid_infill_extrusion_width",
"top_infill_extrusion_width", "support_material_extrusion_width", "infill_overlap", "infill_anchor", "infill_anchor_max", "bridge_flow_ratio", "clip_multipart_objects",
"elefant_foot_compensation", "xy_size_compensation", "threads", "resolution", "gcode_resolution", "wipe_tower", "wipe_tower_x", "wipe_tower_y",
"wipe_tower_width", "wipe_tower_rotation_angle", "wipe_tower_brim_width", "wipe_tower_bridging", "single_extruder_multi_material_priming", "mmu_segmented_region_max_width",
"wipe_tower_no_sparse_layers", "compatible_printers", "compatible_printers_condition", "inherits",
"perimeter_generator", "wall_transition_length", "wall_transition_filter_deviation", "wall_transition_angle",
"wall_distribution_count", "min_feature_size", "min_bead_width"
static std::vector<std::string> s_Preset_filament_options {
"filament_colour", "filament_diameter", "filament_type", "filament_soluble", "filament_notes", "filament_max_volumetric_speed",
"extrusion_multiplier", "filament_density", "filament_cost", "filament_spool_weight", "filament_loading_speed", "filament_loading_speed_start", "filament_load_time",
"filament_unloading_speed", "filament_unloading_speed_start", "filament_unload_time", "filament_toolchange_delay", "filament_cooling_moves",
"filament_cooling_initial_speed", "filament_cooling_final_speed", "filament_ramming_parameters", "filament_minimal_purge_on_wipe_tower",
"temperature", "first_layer_temperature", "bed_temperature", "first_layer_bed_temperature", "fan_always_on", "cooling", "min_fan_speed",
"max_fan_speed", "bridge_fan_speed", "disable_fan_first_layers", "full_fan_speed_layer", "fan_below_layer_time", "slowdown_below_layer_time", "min_print_speed",
"start_filament_gcode", "end_filament_gcode",
// Retract overrides
"filament_retract_length", "filament_retract_lift", "filament_retract_lift_above", "filament_retract_lift_below", "filament_retract_speed", "filament_deretract_speed", "filament_retract_restart_extra", "filament_retract_before_travel",
"filament_retract_layer_change", "filament_wipe", "filament_retract_before_wipe",
// Profile compatibility
"filament_vendor", "compatible_prints", "compatible_prints_condition", "compatible_printers", "compatible_printers_condition", "inherits"
static std::vector<std::string> s_Preset_machine_limits_options {
"machine_max_acceleration_extruding", "machine_max_acceleration_retracting", "machine_max_acceleration_travel",
"machine_max_acceleration_x", "machine_max_acceleration_y", "machine_max_acceleration_z", "machine_max_acceleration_e",
"machine_max_feedrate_x", "machine_max_feedrate_y", "machine_max_feedrate_z", "machine_max_feedrate_e",
"machine_min_extruding_rate", "machine_min_travel_rate",
"machine_max_jerk_x", "machine_max_jerk_y", "machine_max_jerk_z", "machine_max_jerk_e",
static std::vector<std::string> s_Preset_printer_options {
"bed_shape", "bed_custom_texture", "bed_custom_model", "z_offset", "gcode_flavor", "use_relative_e_distances",
"use_firmware_retraction", "use_volumetric_e", "variable_layer_height",
//FIXME the print host keys are left here just for conversion from the Printer preset to Physical Printer preset.
"host_type", "print_host", "printhost_apikey", "printhost_cafile",
"single_extruder_multi_material", "start_gcode", "end_gcode", "before_layer_gcode", "layer_gcode", "toolchange_gcode",
"color_change_gcode", "pause_print_gcode", "template_custom_gcode",
"between_objects_gcode", "printer_vendor", "printer_model", "printer_variant", "printer_notes", "cooling_tube_retraction",
"cooling_tube_length", "high_current_on_filament_swap", "parking_pos_retraction", "extra_loading_move", "max_print_height",
"default_print_profile", "inherits",
"remaining_times", "silent_mode",
"machine_limits_usage", "thumbnails", "thumbnails_format"
static std::vector<std::string> s_Preset_sla_print_options {
// "pad_edge_radius",
static std::vector<std::string> s_Preset_sla_material_options {
"compatible_prints", "compatible_prints_condition",
"compatible_printers", "compatible_printers_condition", "inherits"
static std::vector<std::string> s_Preset_sla_printer_options {
"bed_shape", "bed_custom_texture", "bed_custom_model", "max_print_height",
"display_width", "display_height", "display_pixels_x", "display_pixels_y",
"display_mirror_x", "display_mirror_y",
"fast_tilt_time", "slow_tilt_time", "high_viscosity_tilt_time", "area_fill",
"min_exposure_time", "max_exposure_time",
"min_initial_exposure_time", "max_initial_exposure_time", "sla_archive_format", "sla_output_precision",
//FIXME the print host keys are left here just for conversion from the Printer preset to Physical Printer preset.
"print_host", "printhost_apikey", "printhost_cafile",
const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::print_options() { return s_Preset_print_options; }
const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::filament_options() { return s_Preset_filament_options; }
const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::machine_limits_options() { return s_Preset_machine_limits_options; }
// The following nozzle options of a printer profile will be adjusted to match the size
// of the nozzle_diameter vector.
const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::nozzle_options() { return print_config_def.extruder_option_keys(); }
const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::sla_print_options() { return s_Preset_sla_print_options; }
const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::sla_material_options() { return s_Preset_sla_material_options; }
const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::sla_printer_options() { return s_Preset_sla_printer_options; }
const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::printer_options()
static std::vector<std::string> s_opts = [](){
std::vector<std::string> opts = s_Preset_printer_options;
append(opts, s_Preset_machine_limits_options);
append(opts, Preset::nozzle_options());
return opts;
return s_opts;
PresetCollection::PresetCollection(Preset::Type type, const std::vector<std::string> &keys, const Slic3r::StaticPrintConfig &defaults, const std::string &default_name) :
m_edited_preset(type, "", false),
m_saved_preset(type, "", false),
// Insert just the default preset.
this->add_default_preset(keys, defaults, default_name);
void PresetCollection::reset(bool delete_files)
if (m_presets.size() > m_num_default_presets) {
if (delete_files) {
// Erase the preset files.
for (Preset &preset : m_presets)
if (! preset.is_default && ! preset.is_external && ! preset.is_system)
// Don't use m_presets.resize() here as it requires a default constructor for Preset.
m_presets.erase(m_presets.begin() + m_num_default_presets, m_presets.end());
void PresetCollection::add_default_preset(const std::vector<std::string> &keys, const Slic3r::StaticPrintConfig &defaults, const std::string &preset_name)
// Insert just the default preset.
m_presets.emplace_back(Preset(this->type(), preset_name, true));
m_presets.back().config.apply_only(defaults, keys.empty() ? defaults.keys() : keys);
m_presets.back().loaded = true;
++ m_num_default_presets;
// Load all presets found in dir_path.
// Throws an exception on error.
void PresetCollection::load_presets(
const std::string &dir_path, const std::string &subdir,
PresetsConfigSubstitutions& substitutions, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule substitution_rule)
// Don't use boost::filesystem::canonical() on Windows, it is broken in regard to reparse points,
// see
boost::filesystem::path dir = boost::filesystem::absolute(boost::filesystem::path(dir_path) / subdir).make_preferred();
m_dir_path = dir.string();
std::string errors_cummulative;
// Store the loaded presets into a new vector, otherwise the binary search for already existing presets would be broken.
// (see the "Preset already present, not loading" message).
std::deque<Preset> presets_loaded;
for (auto &dir_entry : boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(dir))
if (Slic3r::is_ini_file(dir_entry)) {
std::string name = dir_entry.path().filename().string();
// Remove the .ini suffix.
name.erase(name.size() - 4);
if (this->find_preset(name, false)) {
// This happens when there's is a preset (most likely legacy one) with the same name as a system preset
// that's already been loaded from a bundle.
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << "Preset already present, not loading: " << name;
try {
Preset preset(m_type, name, false);
preset.file = dir_entry.path().string();
// Load the preset file, apply preset values on top of defaults.
try {
DynamicPrintConfig config;
ConfigSubstitutions config_substitutions = config.load_from_ini(preset.file, substitution_rule);
if (! config_substitutions.empty())
substitutions.push_back({, m_type, PresetConfigSubstitutions::Source::UserFile, preset.file, std::move(config_substitutions) });
// Find a default preset for the config. The PrintPresetCollection provides different default preset based on the "printer_technology" field.
const Preset &default_preset = this->default_preset_for(config);
preset.config = default_preset.config;
// Report configuration fields, which are misplaced into a wrong group.
std::string incorrect_keys = Preset::remove_invalid_keys(config, default_preset.config);
if (! incorrect_keys.empty())
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Error in a preset file: The preset \"" <<
preset.file << "\" contains the following incorrect keys: " << incorrect_keys << ", which were removed";
preset.loaded = true;
} catch (const std::ifstream::failure &err) {
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("The selected preset cannot be loaded: ") + preset.file + "\n\tReason: " + err.what());
} catch (const std::runtime_error &err) {
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Failed loading the preset file: ") + preset.file + "\n\tReason: " + err.what());
} catch (const std::runtime_error &err) {
errors_cummulative += err.what();
errors_cummulative += "\n";
m_presets.insert(m_presets.end(), std::make_move_iterator(presets_loaded.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(presets_loaded.end()));
std::sort(m_presets.begin() + m_num_default_presets, m_presets.end());
if (! errors_cummulative.empty())
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(errors_cummulative);
// Load a preset from an already parsed config file, insert it into the sorted sequence of presets
// and select it, losing previous modifications.
Preset& PresetCollection::load_preset(const std::string &path, const std::string &name, const DynamicPrintConfig &config, bool select)
DynamicPrintConfig cfg(this->default_preset().config);
cfg.apply_only(config, cfg.keys(), true);
return this->load_preset(path, name, std::move(cfg), select);
static bool profile_print_params_same(const DynamicPrintConfig &cfg_old, const DynamicPrintConfig &cfg_new)
t_config_option_keys diff = cfg_old.diff(cfg_new);
// Following keys are used by the UI, not by the slicing core, therefore they are not important
// when comparing profiles for equality. Ignore them.
for (const char *key : { "compatible_prints", "compatible_prints_condition",
"compatible_printers", "compatible_printers_condition", "inherits",
"print_settings_id", "filament_settings_id", "sla_print_settings_id", "sla_material_settings_id", "printer_settings_id",
"printer_model", "printer_variant", "default_print_profile", "default_filament_profile", "default_sla_print_profile", "default_sla_material_profile",
//FIXME remove the print host keys?
"print_host", "printhost_apikey", "printhost_cafile" })
diff.erase(std::remove(diff.begin(), diff.end(), key), diff.end());
// Preset with the same name as stored inside the config exists.
return diff.empty();
// Load a preset from an already parsed config file, insert it into the sorted sequence of presets
// and select it, losing previous modifications.
// Only a single profile could be edited at at the same time, which introduces complexity when loading
// filament profiles for multi-extruder printers.
std::pair<Preset*, bool> PresetCollection::load_external_preset(
// Path to the profile source file (a G-code, an AMF or 3MF file, a config file)
const std::string &path,
// Name of the profile, derived from the source file name.
const std::string &name,
// Original name of the profile, extracted from the loaded config. Empty, if the name has not been stored.
const std::string &original_name,
// Config to initialize the preset from. It may contain configs of all presets merged in a single dictionary!
const DynamicPrintConfig &combined_config,
// Select the preset after loading?
LoadAndSelect select)
// Load the preset over a default preset, so that the missing fields are filled in from the default preset.
DynamicPrintConfig cfg(this->default_preset_for(combined_config).config);
t_config_option_keys keys = std::move(cfg.keys());
cfg.apply_only(combined_config, keys, true);
std::string &inherits = Preset::inherits(cfg);
if (select == LoadAndSelect::Never) {
// Some filament profile has been selected and modified already.
// Check whether this profile is equal to the modified edited profile.
const Preset &edited = this->get_edited_preset();
if (( == original_name || == inherits) && profile_print_params_same(edited.config, cfg))
// Just point to that already selected and edited profile.
return std::make_pair(&(*this->find_preset_internal(, false);
// Is there a preset already loaded with the name stored inside the config?
std::deque<Preset>::iterator it = this->find_preset_internal(original_name);
bool found = it != m_presets.end() && it->name == original_name;
if (! found) {
// Try to match the original_name against the "renamed_from" profile names of loaded system profiles.
it = this->find_preset_renamed(original_name);
found = it != m_presets.end();
if (found && profile_print_params_same(it->config, cfg)) {
// The preset exists and it matches the values stored inside config.
if (select == LoadAndSelect::Always)
this->select_preset(it - m_presets.begin());
return std::make_pair(&(*it), false);
if (! found && select != LoadAndSelect::Never && ! inherits.empty()) {
// Try to use a system profile as a base to select the system profile
// and override its settings with the loaded ones.
assert(it == m_presets.end());
it = this->find_preset_internal(inherits);
found = it != m_presets.end() && it->name == inherits;
if (found && profile_print_params_same(it->config, cfg)) {
// The system preset exists and it matches the values stored inside config.
if (select == LoadAndSelect::Always)
this->select_preset(it - m_presets.begin());
return std::make_pair(&(*it), false);
if (found) {
if (select != LoadAndSelect::Never) {
// Select the existing preset and override it with new values, so that
// the differences will be shown in the preset editor against the referenced profile.
this->select_preset(it - m_presets.begin());
// The source config may contain keys from many possible preset types. Just copy those that relate to this preset.
// Following keys are not used neither by the UI nor by the slicing core, therefore they are not important
// Erase them from config appl to avoid redundant "dirty" parameter in loaded preset.
for (const char* key : { "print_settings_id", "filament_settings_id", "sla_print_settings_id", "sla_material_settings_id", "printer_settings_id",
"printer_model", "printer_variant", "default_print_profile", "default_filament_profile", "default_sla_print_profile", "default_sla_material_profile" })
keys.erase(std::remove(keys.begin(), keys.end(), key), keys.end());
this->get_edited_preset().config.apply_only(combined_config, keys, true);
// Don't save the newly loaded project as a "saved into project" state.
return std::make_pair(&(*it), this->get_edited_preset().is_dirty);
if (inherits.empty()) {
// Update the "inherits" field.
// There is a profile with the same name already loaded. Should we update the "inherits" field?
inherits = it->vendor ? it->name : it->inherits();
// The external preset does not match an internal preset, load the external preset.
std::string new_name;
for (size_t idx = 0;; ++ idx) {
std::string suffix;
if (original_name.empty()) {
if (idx > 0)
suffix = " (" + std::to_string(idx) + ")";
} else {
if (idx == 0)
suffix = " (" + original_name + ")";
suffix = " (" + original_name + "-" + std::to_string(idx) + ")";
new_name = name + suffix;
it = this->find_preset_internal(new_name);
if (it == m_presets.end() || it->name != new_name)
// Unique profile name. Insert a new profile.
if (profile_print_params_same(it->config, cfg)) {
// The preset exists and it matches the values stored inside config.
if (select == LoadAndSelect::Always)
this->select_preset(it - m_presets.begin());
return std::make_pair(&(*it), false);
// Form another profile name.
// Insert a new profile.
Preset &preset = this->load_preset(path, new_name, std::move(cfg), select == LoadAndSelect::Always);
preset.is_external = true;
if (&this->get_selected_preset() == &preset)
this->get_edited_preset().is_external = true;
return std::make_pair(&preset, false);
Preset& PresetCollection::load_preset(const std::string &path, const std::string &name, DynamicPrintConfig &&config, bool select)
auto it = this->find_preset_internal(name);
if (it == m_presets.end() || it->name != name) {
// The preset was not found. Create a new preset.
it = m_presets.emplace(it, Preset(m_type, name, false));
Preset &preset = *it;
preset.file = path;
preset.config = std::move(config);
preset.loaded = true;
preset.is_dirty = false;
if (select)
this->select_preset_by_name(name, true);
return preset;
void PresetCollection::save_current_preset(const std::string &new_name, bool detach)
// 1) Find the preset with a new_name or create a new one,
// initialize it with the edited config.
auto it = this->find_preset_internal(new_name);
if (it != m_presets.end() && it->name == new_name) {
// Preset with the same name found.
Preset &preset = *it;
if (preset.is_default || preset.is_external || preset.is_system)
// Cannot overwrite the default preset.
// Overwriting an existing preset.
preset.config = std::move(m_edited_preset.config);
// The newly saved preset will be activated -> make it visible.
preset.is_visible = true;
if (detach) {
// Clear the link to the parent profile.
preset.vendor = nullptr;
} else {
// Creating a new preset.
Preset &preset = *m_presets.insert(it, m_edited_preset);
std::string &inherits = preset.inherits();
std::string old_name =; = new_name;
preset.file = this->path_from_name(new_name);
preset.vendor = nullptr;
if (detach) {
// Clear the link to the parent profile.
} else if (preset.is_system) {
// Inheriting from a system preset.
inherits = /* preset.vendor->name + "/" + */ old_name;
} else if (inherits.empty()) {
// Inheriting from a user preset. Link the new preset to the old preset.
// inherits = old_name;
} else {
// Inherited from a user preset. Just maintain the "inherited" flag,
// meaning it will inherit from either the system preset, or the inherited user preset.
preset.is_default = false;
preset.is_system = false;
preset.is_external = false;
// The newly saved preset will be activated -> make it visible.
preset.is_visible = true;
// Just system presets have aliases
// 2) Activate the saved preset.
this->select_preset_by_name(new_name, true);
// 2) Store the active preset to disk.
Preset& PresetCollection::get_preset_with_name(const std::string& new_name, const Preset* initial_preset)
// 1) Find the preset with a new_name or create a new one,
// initialize it with the preset_to config.
auto it = this->find_preset_internal(new_name);
if (it != m_presets.end() && it->name == new_name) {
// Preset with the same name found.
Preset& preset = *it;
if (!preset.is_default && !preset.is_external && !preset.is_system && initial_preset->name != new_name) {
// Overwriting an existing preset if it isn't default/external/system or isn't an initial_preset
preset.config = initial_preset->config;
// The newly saved preset can be activated -> make it visible.
preset.is_visible = true;
return preset;
const std::string selected_preset_name = this->get_selected_preset_name();
// Creating a new preset.
Preset& preset = *m_presets.insert(it, *initial_preset);
std::string& inherits = preset.inherits();
std::string old_name =; = new_name;
preset.file = this->path_from_name(new_name);
preset.vendor = nullptr;
if (preset.is_system) {
// Inheriting from a system preset.
inherits = old_name;
else if (inherits.empty()) {
// Inheriting from a user preset. Link the new preset to the old preset.
// inherits = old_name;
else {
// Inherited from a user preset. Just maintain the "inherited" flag,
// meaning it will inherit from either the system preset, or the inherited user preset.
preset.is_default = false;
preset.is_system = false;
preset.is_external = false;
// The newly saved preset can be activated -> make it visible.
preset.is_visible = true;
// Just system presets have aliases
// sort printers and get new it
std::sort(m_presets.begin(), m_presets.end());
// set initial preset selection
this->select_preset_by_name(selected_preset_name, true);
it = this->find_preset_internal(new_name);
assert(it != m_presets.end());
return *it;
bool PresetCollection::delete_current_preset()
const Preset &selected = this->get_selected_preset();
if (selected.is_default)
return false;
if (! selected.is_external && ! selected.is_system) {
// Erase the preset file.
// Remove the preset from the list.
m_presets.erase(m_presets.begin() + m_idx_selected);
// Find the next visible preset.
size_t new_selected_idx = m_idx_selected;
if (new_selected_idx < m_presets.size())
for (; new_selected_idx < m_presets.size() && ! m_presets[new_selected_idx].is_visible; ++ new_selected_idx) ;
if (new_selected_idx == m_presets.size())
for (--new_selected_idx; new_selected_idx > 0 && !m_presets[new_selected_idx].is_visible; --new_selected_idx);
return true;
bool PresetCollection::delete_preset(const std::string& name)
if (name == this->get_selected_preset().name)
return delete_current_preset();
const std::string selected_preset_name = this->get_selected_preset_name();
auto it = this->find_preset_internal(name);
const Preset& preset = *it;
if (preset.is_default)
return false;
if (!preset.is_external && !preset.is_system) {
// Erase the preset file.
// update selected preset
this->select_preset_by_name(selected_preset_name, true);
return true;
const Preset* PresetCollection::get_selected_preset_parent() const
if (this->get_selected_idx() == size_t(-1))
// This preset collection has no preset activated yet. Only the get_edited_preset() is valid.
return nullptr;
const Preset &selected_preset = this->get_selected_preset();
if (selected_preset.is_system || selected_preset.is_default)
return &selected_preset;
const Preset &edited_preset = this->get_edited_preset();
const std::string &inherits = edited_preset.inherits();
const Preset *preset = nullptr;
if (inherits.empty()) {
if (selected_preset.is_external)
return nullptr;
preset = &this->default_preset(m_type == Preset::Type::TYPE_PRINTER && edited_preset.printer_technology() == ptSLA ? 1 : 0);
} else
preset = this->find_preset(inherits, false);
if (preset == nullptr) {
// Resolve the "renamed_from" field.
assert(! inherits.empty());
auto it = this->find_preset_renamed(inherits);
if (it != m_presets.end())
preset = &(*it);
return (preset == nullptr/* || preset->is_default*/ || preset->is_external) ? nullptr : preset;
const Preset* PresetCollection::get_preset_parent(const Preset& child) const
const std::string &inherits = child.inherits();
if (inherits.empty())
// return this->get_selected_preset().is_system ? &this->get_selected_preset() : nullptr;
return nullptr;
const Preset* preset = this->find_preset(inherits, false);
if (preset == nullptr) {
auto it = this->find_preset_renamed(inherits);
if (it != m_presets.end())
preset = &(*it);
// not found
(preset == nullptr/* || preset->is_default */||
// this should not happen, user profile should not derive from an external profile
preset->is_external ||
// this should not happen, however people are creative, see GH #4996
preset == &child) ?
nullptr :
// Return vendor of the first parent profile, for which the vendor is defined, or null if such profile does not exist.
PresetWithVendorProfile PresetCollection::get_preset_with_vendor_profile(const Preset &preset) const
const Preset *p = &preset;
const VendorProfile *v = nullptr;
do {
if (p->vendor != nullptr) {
v = p->vendor;
p = this->get_preset_parent(*p);
} while (p != nullptr);
return PresetWithVendorProfile(preset, v);
const std::string& PresetCollection::get_preset_name_by_alias(const std::string& alias) const
for (
// Find the 1st profile name with the alias.
auto it = Slic3r::lower_bound_by_predicate(m_map_alias_to_profile_name.begin(), m_map_alias_to_profile_name.end(), [&alias](auto &l){ return l.first < alias; });
// Continue over all profile names with the same alias.
it != m_map_alias_to_profile_name.end() && it->first == alias; ++ it)
if (auto it_preset = this->find_preset_internal(it->second);
it_preset != m_presets.end() && it_preset->name == it->second &&
it_preset->is_visible && (it_preset->is_compatible || size_t(it_preset - m_presets.begin()) == m_idx_selected))
return it_preset->name;
return alias;
const std::string* PresetCollection::get_preset_name_renamed(const std::string &old_name) const
auto it_renamed = m_map_system_profile_renamed.find(old_name);
if (it_renamed != m_map_system_profile_renamed.end())
return &it_renamed->second;
return nullptr;
const std::string& PresetCollection::get_suffix_modified() {
return g_suffix_modified;
// Return a preset by its name. If the preset is active, a temporary copy is returned.
// If a preset is not found by its name, null is returned.
Preset* PresetCollection::find_preset(const std::string &name, bool first_visible_if_not_found, bool respect_active_preset /*= true*/)
Preset key(m_type, name, false);
auto it = this->find_preset_internal(name);
// Ensure that a temporary copy is returned if the preset found is currently selected.
return (it != m_presets.end() && it->name == ? &this->preset(it - m_presets.begin(), respect_active_preset) :
first_visible_if_not_found ? &this->first_visible() : nullptr;
// Return index of the first visible preset. Certainly at least the '- default -' preset shall be visible.
size_t PresetCollection::first_visible_idx() const
size_t idx = m_default_suppressed ? m_num_default_presets : 0;
for (; idx < m_presets.size(); ++ idx)
if (m_presets[idx].is_visible)
if (idx == m_presets.size())
idx = 0;
return idx;
void PresetCollection::set_default_suppressed(bool default_suppressed)
if (m_default_suppressed != default_suppressed) {
m_default_suppressed = default_suppressed;
bool default_visible = ! default_suppressed || m_idx_selected < m_num_default_presets;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_num_default_presets; ++ i)
m_presets[i].is_visible = default_visible;
size_t PresetCollection::update_compatible_internal(const PresetWithVendorProfile &active_printer, const PresetWithVendorProfile *active_print, PresetSelectCompatibleType unselect_if_incompatible)
DynamicPrintConfig config;
config.set_key_value("printer_preset", new ConfigOptionString(;
const ConfigOption *opt = active_printer.preset.config.option("nozzle_diameter");
if (opt)
config.set_key_value("num_extruders", new ConfigOptionInt((int)static_cast<const ConfigOptionFloats*>(opt)->values.size()));
bool some_compatible = false;
for (size_t idx_preset = m_num_default_presets; idx_preset < m_presets.size(); ++ idx_preset) {
bool selected = idx_preset == m_idx_selected;
Preset &preset_selected = m_presets[idx_preset];
Preset &preset_edited = selected ? m_edited_preset : preset_selected;
const PresetWithVendorProfile this_preset_with_vendor_profile = this->get_preset_with_vendor_profile(preset_edited);
bool was_compatible = preset_edited.is_compatible;
preset_edited.is_compatible = is_compatible_with_printer(this_preset_with_vendor_profile, active_printer, &config);
some_compatible |= preset_edited.is_compatible;
if (active_print != nullptr)
preset_edited.is_compatible &= is_compatible_with_print(this_preset_with_vendor_profile, *active_print, active_printer);
if (! preset_edited.is_compatible && selected &&
(unselect_if_incompatible == PresetSelectCompatibleType::Always || (unselect_if_incompatible == PresetSelectCompatibleType::OnlyIfWasCompatible && was_compatible)))
m_idx_selected = size_t(-1);
if (selected)
preset_selected.is_compatible = preset_edited.is_compatible;
// Update visibility of the default profiles here if the defaults are suppressed, the current profile is not compatible and we don't want to select another compatible profile.
if (m_idx_selected >= m_num_default_presets && m_default_suppressed)
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_num_default_presets; ++ i)
m_presets[i].is_visible = ! some_compatible;
return m_idx_selected;
// Update a dirty flag of the current preset
// Return true if the dirty flag changed.
bool PresetCollection::update_dirty()
bool was_dirty = this->get_selected_preset().is_dirty;
bool is_dirty = current_is_dirty();
this->get_selected_preset().is_dirty = is_dirty;
this->get_edited_preset().is_dirty = is_dirty;
return was_dirty != is_dirty;
template<class T>
void add_correct_opts_to_diff(const std::string &opt_key, t_config_option_keys& vec, const ConfigBase &other, const ConfigBase &this_c)
const T* opt_init = static_cast<const T*>(other.option(opt_key));
const T* opt_cur = static_cast<const T*>(this_c.option(opt_key));
int opt_init_max_id = opt_init->values.size() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < int(opt_cur->values.size()); i++)
int init_id = i <= opt_init_max_id ? i : 0;
if (opt_cur->values[i] != opt_init->values[init_id])
vec.emplace_back(opt_key + "#" + std::to_string(i));
// list of options with vector variable, which is independent from number of extruders
static const std::vector<std::string> independent_from_extruder_number_options = {
bool PresetCollection::is_independent_from_extruder_number_option(const std::string& opt_key)
return std::find(independent_from_extruder_number_options.begin(), independent_from_extruder_number_options.end(), opt_key) != independent_from_extruder_number_options.end();
// Use deep_diff to correct return of changed options, considering individual options for each extruder.
inline t_config_option_keys deep_diff(const ConfigBase &config_this, const ConfigBase &config_other)
t_config_option_keys diff;
for (const t_config_option_key &opt_key : config_this.keys()) {
const ConfigOption *this_opt = config_this.option(opt_key);
const ConfigOption *other_opt = config_other.option(opt_key);
if (this_opt != nullptr && other_opt != nullptr && *this_opt != *other_opt)
if (PresetCollection::is_independent_from_extruder_number_option(opt_key)) {
// Scalar variable, or a vector variable, which is independent from number of extruders,
// thus the vector is presented to the user as a single input.
} else if (opt_key == "default_filament_profile") {
// Ignore this field, it is not presented to the user, therefore showing a "modified" flag for this parameter does not help.
// Also the length of this field may differ, which may lead to a crash if the block below is used.
} else {
switch (other_opt->type()) {
case coInts: add_correct_opts_to_diff<ConfigOptionInts >(opt_key, diff, config_other, config_this); break;
case coBools: add_correct_opts_to_diff<ConfigOptionBools >(opt_key, diff, config_other, config_this); break;
case coFloats: add_correct_opts_to_diff<ConfigOptionFloats >(opt_key, diff, config_other, config_this); break;
case coStrings: add_correct_opts_to_diff<ConfigOptionStrings >(opt_key, diff, config_other, config_this); break;
case coPercents:add_correct_opts_to_diff<ConfigOptionPercents >(opt_key, diff, config_other, config_this); break;
case coPoints: add_correct_opts_to_diff<ConfigOptionPoints >(opt_key, diff, config_other, config_this); break;
default: diff.emplace_back(opt_key); break;
return diff;
static constexpr const std::initializer_list<const char*> optional_keys { "compatible_prints", "compatible_printers" };
bool PresetCollection::is_dirty(const Preset *edited, const Preset *reference)
if (edited != nullptr && reference != nullptr) {
// Only compares options existing in both configs.
if (! reference->config.equals(edited->config))
return true;
// The "compatible_printers" option key is handled differently from the others:
// It is not mandatory. If the key is missing, it means it is compatible with any printer.
// If the key exists and it is empty, it means it is compatible with no printer.
for (auto &opt_key : optional_keys)
if (reference->config.has(opt_key) != edited->config.has(opt_key))
return true;
return false;
std::vector<std::string> PresetCollection::dirty_options(const Preset *edited, const Preset *reference, const bool deep_compare /*= false*/)
std::vector<std::string> changed;
if (edited != nullptr && reference != nullptr) {
// Only compares options existing in both configs.
changed = deep_compare ?
deep_diff(edited->config, reference->config) :
// The "compatible_printers" option key is handled differently from the others:
// It is not mandatory. If the key is missing, it means it is compatible with any printer.
// If the key exists and it is empty, it means it is compatible with no printer.
for (auto &opt_key : optional_keys)
if (reference->config.has(opt_key) != edited->config.has(opt_key))
return changed;
// Select a new preset. This resets all the edits done to the currently selected preset.
// If the preset with index idx does not exist, a first visible preset is selected.
Preset& PresetCollection::select_preset(size_t idx)
for (Preset &preset : m_presets)
preset.is_dirty = false;
if (idx >= m_presets.size())
idx = first_visible_idx();
m_idx_selected = idx;
m_edited_preset = m_presets[idx];
bool default_visible = ! m_default_suppressed || m_idx_selected < m_num_default_presets;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_num_default_presets; ++i)
m_presets[i].is_visible = default_visible;
return m_presets[idx];
bool PresetCollection::select_preset_by_name(const std::string &name_w_suffix, bool force)
std::string name = Preset::remove_suffix_modified(name_w_suffix);
// 1) Try to find the preset by its name.
auto it = this->find_preset_internal(name);
size_t idx = 0;
if (it != m_presets.end() && it->name == name && it->is_visible)
// Preset found by its name and it is visible.
idx = it - m_presets.begin();
else {
// Find the first visible preset.
for (size_t i = m_default_suppressed ? m_num_default_presets : 0; i < m_presets.size(); ++ i)
if (m_presets[i].is_visible) {
idx = i;
// If the first visible preset was not found, return the 0th element, which is the default preset.
// 2) Select the new preset.
if (m_idx_selected != idx || force) {
return true;
return false;
bool PresetCollection::select_preset_by_name_strict(const std::string &name)
// 1) Try to find the preset by its name.
auto it = this->find_preset_internal(name);
size_t idx = (size_t)-1;
if (it != m_presets.end() && it->name == name && it->is_visible)
// Preset found by its name.
idx = it - m_presets.begin();
// 2) Select the new preset.
if (idx != (size_t)-1) {
return true;
m_idx_selected = idx;
return false;
// Merge one vendor's presets with the other vendor's presets, report duplicates.
std::vector<std::string> PresetCollection::merge_presets(PresetCollection &&other, const VendorMap &new_vendors)
std::vector<std::string> duplicates;
for (Preset &preset : other.m_presets) {
if (preset.is_default || preset.is_external)
Preset key(m_type,;
auto it = std::lower_bound(m_presets.begin() + m_num_default_presets, m_presets.end(), key);
if (it == m_presets.end() || it->name != {
if (preset.vendor != nullptr) {
// Re-assign a pointer to the vendor structure in the new PresetBundle.
auto it = new_vendors.find(preset.vendor->id);
assert(it != new_vendors.end());
preset.vendor = &it->second;
m_presets.emplace(it, std::move(preset));
} else
return duplicates;
void PresetCollection::update_vendor_ptrs_after_copy(const VendorMap &new_vendors)
for (Preset &preset : m_presets)
if (preset.vendor != nullptr) {
assert(! preset.is_default && ! preset.is_external);
// Re-assign a pointer to the vendor structure in the new PresetBundle.
auto it = new_vendors.find(preset.vendor->id);
assert(it != new_vendors.end());
preset.vendor = &it->second;
void PresetCollection::update_map_alias_to_profile_name()
for (const Preset &preset : m_presets)
std::sort(m_map_alias_to_profile_name.begin(), m_map_alias_to_profile_name.end(), [](auto &l, auto &r) { return l.first < r.first; });
void PresetCollection::update_map_system_profile_renamed()
for (Preset &preset : m_presets)
for (const std::string &renamed_from : preset.renamed_from) {
const auto [it, success] = m_map_system_profile_renamed.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(renamed_from,;
if (! success)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("Preset name \"%1%\" was marked as renamed from \"%2%\", though preset name \"%3%\" was marked as renamed from \"%2%\" as well.") % % renamed_from % it->second;
std::string PresetCollection::name() const
switch (this->type()) {
case Preset::TYPE_PRINT: return L("print");
case Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT: return L("filament");
case Preset::TYPE_SLA_PRINT: return L("SLA print");
case Preset::TYPE_SLA_MATERIAL: return L("SLA material");
case Preset::TYPE_PRINTER: return L("printer");
default: return "invalid";
std::string PresetCollection::section_name() const
switch (this->type()) {
case Preset::TYPE_PRINT: return "print";
case Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT: return "filament";
case Preset::TYPE_SLA_PRINT: return "sla_print";
case Preset::TYPE_SLA_MATERIAL: return "sla_material";
case Preset::TYPE_PRINTER: return "printer";
default: return "invalid";
// Used for validating the "inherits" flag when importing user's config bundles.
// Returns names of all system presets including the former names of these presets.
std::vector<std::string> PresetCollection::system_preset_names() const
size_t num = 0;
for (const Preset &preset : m_presets)
if (preset.is_system)
++ num;
std::vector<std::string> out;
for (const Preset &preset : m_presets)
if (preset.is_system) {
out.insert(out.end(), preset.renamed_from.begin(), preset.renamed_from.end());
std::sort(out.begin(), out.end());
return out;
// Generate a file path from a profile name. Add the ".ini" suffix if it is missing.
std::string PresetCollection::path_from_name(const std::string &new_name) const
std::string file_name = boost::iends_with(new_name, ".ini") ? new_name : (new_name + ".ini");
return (boost::filesystem::path(m_dir_path) / file_name).make_preferred().string();
const Preset& PrinterPresetCollection::default_preset_for(const DynamicPrintConfig &config) const
const ConfigOptionEnumGeneric *opt_printer_technology = config.opt<ConfigOptionEnumGeneric>("printer_technology");
return this->default_preset((opt_printer_technology == nullptr || opt_printer_technology->value == ptFFF) ? 0 : 1);
const Preset* PrinterPresetCollection::find_system_preset_by_model_and_variant(const std::string &model_id, const std::string& variant) const
if (model_id.empty()) { return nullptr; }
const auto it = std::find_if(cbegin(), cend(), [&](const Preset &preset) {
if (!preset.is_system || preset.config.opt_string("printer_model") != model_id)
return false;
if (variant.empty())
return true;
return preset.config.opt_string("printer_variant") == variant;
return it != cend() ? &*it : nullptr;
bool PrinterPresetCollection::only_default_printers() const
for (const auto& printer : get_presets()) {
if (! printer.is_default)
return false;
return true;
// -------------------------
// *** PhysicalPrinter ***
// -------------------------
std::string PhysicalPrinter::separator()
return " * ";
static std::vector<std::string> s_PhysicalPrinter_opts {
"preset_name", // temporary option to compatibility with older Slicer
// HTTP digest authentization (RFC 2617)
const std::vector<std::string>& PhysicalPrinter::printer_options()
return s_PhysicalPrinter_opts;
static constexpr auto legacy_print_host_options = {
std::vector<std::string> PhysicalPrinter::presets_with_print_host_information(const PrinterPresetCollection& printer_presets)
std::vector<std::string> presets;
for (const Preset& preset : printer_presets)
if (has_print_host_information(preset.config))
return presets;
bool PhysicalPrinter::has_print_host_information(const DynamicPrintConfig& config)
for (const char *opt : legacy_print_host_options)
if (!config.opt_string(opt).empty())
return true;
return false;
const std::set<std::string>& PhysicalPrinter::get_preset_names() const
return preset_names;
bool PhysicalPrinter::has_empty_config() const
return config.opt_string("print_host" ).empty() &&
config.opt_string("printhost_apikey" ).empty() &&
config.opt_string("printhost_cafile" ).empty() &&
config.opt_string("printhost_port" ).empty() &&
config.opt_string("printhost_user" ).empty() &&
// temporary workaround for compatibility with older Slicer
static void update_preset_name_option(const std::set<std::string>& preset_names, DynamicPrintConfig& config)
std::string name;
for (auto el : preset_names)
name += el + ";";
config.set_key_value("preset_name", new ConfigOptionString(name));
void PhysicalPrinter::update_preset_names_in_config()
if (!preset_names.empty()) {
std::vector<std::string>& values = config.option<ConfigOptionStrings>("preset_names")->values;
for (const std::string& preset : preset_names)
// temporary workaround for compatibility with older Slicer
update_preset_name_option(preset_names, config);
void PhysicalPrinter::save(const std::string& file_name_from, const std::string& file_name_to)
// rename the file
this->file = file_name_to;
// save configuration
void PhysicalPrinter::update_from_preset(const Preset& preset)
config.apply_only(preset.config, printer_options(), true);
// add preset names to the options list
void PhysicalPrinter::update_from_config(const DynamicPrintConfig& new_config)
config.apply_only(new_config, printer_options(), false);
const std::vector<std::string>& values = config.option<ConfigOptionStrings>("preset_names")->values;
if (values.empty())
else {
for (const std::string& val : values)
// temporary workaround for compatibility with older Slicer
update_preset_name_option(preset_names, config);
void PhysicalPrinter::reset_presets()
return preset_names.clear();
bool PhysicalPrinter::add_preset(const std::string& preset_name)
return preset_names.emplace(preset_name).second;
bool PhysicalPrinter::delete_preset(const std::string& preset_name)
return preset_names.erase(preset_name) > 0;
PhysicalPrinter::PhysicalPrinter(const std::string& name, const DynamicPrintConfig& default_config) :
name(name), config(default_config)
PhysicalPrinter::PhysicalPrinter(const std::string& name, const DynamicPrintConfig &default_config, const Preset& preset) :
name(name), config(default_config)
void PhysicalPrinter::set_name(const std::string& name)
this->name = name;
std::string PhysicalPrinter::get_full_name(const std::string& preset_name) const
return name + separator() + preset_name;
std::string PhysicalPrinter::get_short_name(std::string full_name)
int pos = full_name.find(separator());
if (pos > 0)
boost::erase_tail(full_name, full_name.length() - pos);
return full_name;
std::string PhysicalPrinter::get_preset_name(std::string name)
int pos = name.find(separator());
boost::erase_head(name, pos + 3);
return Preset::remove_suffix_modified(name);
// -----------------------------------
// *** PhysicalPrinterCollection ***
// -----------------------------------
PhysicalPrinterCollection::PhysicalPrinterCollection( const std::vector<std::string>& keys)
// Default config for a physical printer containing all key/value pairs of PhysicalPrinter::printer_options().
for (const std::string &key : keys) {
const ConfigOptionDef *opt = print_config_def.get(key);
m_default_config.set_key_value(key, opt->default_value->clone());
// Load all printers found in dir_path.
// Throws an exception on error.
void PhysicalPrinterCollection::load_printers(
const std::string& dir_path, const std::string& subdir,
PresetsConfigSubstitutions& substitutions, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule substitution_rule)
// Don't use boost::filesystem::canonical() on Windows, it is broken in regard to reparse points,
// see
boost::filesystem::path dir = boost::filesystem::absolute(boost::filesystem::path(dir_path) / subdir).make_preferred();
m_dir_path = dir.string();
std::string errors_cummulative;
// Store the loaded printers into a new vector, otherwise the binary search for already existing presets would be broken.
std::deque<PhysicalPrinter> printers_loaded;
for (auto& dir_entry : boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(dir))
if (Slic3r::is_ini_file(dir_entry)) {
std::string name = dir_entry.path().filename().string();
// Remove the .ini suffix.
name.erase(name.size() - 4);
if (this->find_printer(name, false)) {
// This happens when there's is a preset (most likely legacy one) with the same name as a system preset
// that's already been loaded from a bundle.
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << "Printer already present, not loading: " << name;
try {
PhysicalPrinter printer(name, this->default_config());
printer.file = dir_entry.path().string();
// Load the preset file, apply preset values on top of defaults.
try {
DynamicPrintConfig config;
ConfigSubstitutions config_substitutions = config.load_from_ini(printer.file, substitution_rule);
if (! config_substitutions.empty())
substitutions.push_back({ name, Preset::TYPE_PHYSICAL_PRINTER, PresetConfigSubstitutions::Source::UserFile, printer.file, std::move(config_substitutions) });
printer.loaded = true;
catch (const std::ifstream::failure& err) {
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("The selected preset cannot be loaded: ") + printer.file + "\n\tReason: " + err.what());
catch (const std::runtime_error& err) {
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Failed loading the preset file: ") + printer.file + "\n\tReason: " + err.what());
catch (const std::runtime_error& err) {
errors_cummulative += err.what();
errors_cummulative += "\n";
m_printers.insert(m_printers.end(), std::make_move_iterator(printers_loaded.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(printers_loaded.end()));
std::sort(m_printers.begin(), m_printers.end());
if (!errors_cummulative.empty())
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(errors_cummulative);
void PhysicalPrinterCollection::load_printer(const std::string& path, const std::string& name, DynamicPrintConfig&& config, bool select, bool save/* = false*/)
auto it = this->find_printer_internal(name);
if (it == m_printers.end() || it->name != name) {
// The preset was not found. Create a new preset.
it = m_printers.emplace(it, PhysicalPrinter(name, config));
it->file = path;
it->config = std::move(config);
it->loaded = true;
if (select)
if (save)
// if there is saved user presets, contains information about "Print Host upload",
// Create default printers with this presets
// Note! "Print Host upload" options will be cleared after physical printer creations
void PhysicalPrinterCollection::load_printers_from_presets(PrinterPresetCollection& printer_presets)
int cnt=0;
for (Preset& preset: printer_presets) {
DynamicPrintConfig& config = preset.config;
for(const char* option : legacy_print_host_options) {
if (!config.opt_string(option).empty()) {
// check if printer with those "Print Host upload" options already exist
PhysicalPrinter* existed_printer = find_printer_with_same_config(config);
if (existed_printer)
// just add preset for this printer
else {
std::string new_printer_name = (boost::format("Printer %1%") % ++cnt ).str();
while (find_printer(new_printer_name))
new_printer_name = (boost::format("Printer %1%") % ++cnt).str();
// create new printer from this preset
PhysicalPrinter printer(new_printer_name, this->default_config(), preset);
printer.loaded = true;
// erase "Print Host upload" information from the preset
for (const char *opt : legacy_print_host_options)
// save changes for preset;
// update those changes for edited preset if it's equal to the preset
Preset& edited = printer_presets.get_edited_preset();
if ( == {
for (const char *opt : legacy_print_host_options)
PhysicalPrinter* PhysicalPrinterCollection::find_printer( const std::string& name, bool case_sensitive_search)
auto it = this->find_printer_internal(name, case_sensitive_search);
// Ensure that a temporary copy is returned if the preset found is currently selected.
auto is_equal_name = [name, case_sensitive_search](const std::string& in_name) {
if (case_sensitive_search)
return in_name == name;
return boost::to_lower_copy<std::string>(in_name) == boost::to_lower_copy<std::string>(name);
if (it == m_printers.end() || !is_equal_name(it->name))
return nullptr;
return &this->printer(it - m_printers.begin());
std::deque<PhysicalPrinter>::iterator PhysicalPrinterCollection::find_printer_internal(const std::string& name, bool case_sensitive_search/* = true*/)
if (case_sensitive_search)
return Slic3r::lower_bound_by_predicate(m_printers.begin(), m_printers.end(), [&name](const auto& l) { return < name; });
std::string low_name = boost::to_lower_copy<std::string>(name);
size_t i = 0;
for (const PhysicalPrinter& printer : m_printers) {
if (boost::to_lower_copy<std::string>( == low_name)
if (i == m_printers.size())
return m_printers.end();
return m_printers.begin() + i;
PhysicalPrinter* PhysicalPrinterCollection::find_printer_with_same_config(const DynamicPrintConfig& config)
for (const PhysicalPrinter& printer :*this) {
bool is_equal = true;
for (const char *opt : legacy_print_host_options)
if (is_equal && printer.config.opt_string(opt) != config.opt_string(opt))
is_equal = false;
if (is_equal)
return find_printer(;
return nullptr;
// Generate a file path from a profile name. Add the ".ini" suffix if it is missing.
std::string PhysicalPrinterCollection::path_from_name(const std::string& new_name) const
std::string file_name = boost::iends_with(new_name, ".ini") ? new_name : (new_name + ".ini");
return (boost::filesystem::path(m_dir_path) / file_name).make_preferred().string();
void PhysicalPrinterCollection::save_printer(PhysicalPrinter& edited_printer, const std::string& renamed_from/* = ""*/)
// controll and update preset_names in edited_printer config
std::string name = renamed_from.empty() ? : renamed_from;
// 1) Find the printer with a new_name or create a new one,
// initialize it with the edited config.
auto it = this->find_printer_internal(name);
if (it != m_printers.end() && it->name == name) {
// Printer with the same name found.
// Overwriting an existing preset.
it->config = std::move(edited_printer.config);
it->name =;
it->preset_names = edited_printer.preset_names;
// sort printers and get new it
std::sort(m_printers.begin(), m_printers.end());
it = this->find_printer_internal(;
else {
// Creating a new printer.
it = m_printers.emplace(it, edited_printer);
assert(it != m_printers.end());
// 2) Save printer
PhysicalPrinter& printer = *it;
if (printer.file.empty())
printer.file = this->path_from_name(;
if (printer.file == this->path_from_name(;
// if printer was renamed, we should rename a file and than save the config, this->path_from_name(;
// update idx_selected
m_idx_selected = it - m_printers.begin();
bool PhysicalPrinterCollection::delete_printer(const std::string& name)
auto it = this->find_printer_internal(name);
if (it == m_printers.end())
return false;
const PhysicalPrinter& printer = *it;
// Erase the preset file.
return true;
bool PhysicalPrinterCollection::delete_selected_printer()
if (!has_selection())
return false;
const PhysicalPrinter& printer = this->get_selected_printer();
// Erase the preset file.
// Remove the preset from the list.
m_printers.erase(m_printers.begin() + m_idx_selected);
// unselect all printers
return true;
bool PhysicalPrinterCollection::delete_preset_from_printers( const std::string& preset_name)
std::vector<std::string> printers_for_delete;
for (PhysicalPrinter& printer : m_printers) {
if (printer.preset_names.size() == 1 && *printer.preset_names.begin() == preset_name)
else if (printer.delete_preset(preset_name))
if (!printers_for_delete.empty())
for (const std::string& printer_name : printers_for_delete)
return true;
void PhysicalPrinterCollection::rename_preset_in_printers(const std::string& old_preset_name, const std::string& new_preset_name)
for (PhysicalPrinter& printer : m_printers)
if (printer.delete_preset(old_preset_name)) {
// Get list of printers which have more than one preset and "preset_names" preset is one of them
std::vector<std::string> PhysicalPrinterCollection::get_printers_with_preset(const std::string& preset_name, bool respect_only_preset /*= true*/)
std::vector<std::string> printers;
for (auto printer : m_printers) {
if (!respect_only_preset && printer.preset_names.size() == 1)
if (printer.preset_names.find(preset_name) != printer.preset_names.end())
return printers;
// Get list of printers which has only "preset_names" preset
std::vector<std::string> PhysicalPrinterCollection::get_printers_with_only_preset(const std::string& preset_name)
std::vector<std::string> printers;
for (const PhysicalPrinter& printer : m_printers)
if (printer.preset_names.size() == 1 && *printer.preset_names.begin() == preset_name)
return printers;
std::string PhysicalPrinterCollection::get_selected_full_printer_name() const
return (m_idx_selected == size_t(-1)) ? std::string() : this->get_selected_printer().get_full_name(m_selected_preset);
void PhysicalPrinterCollection::select_printer(const std::string& full_name)
std::string printer_name = PhysicalPrinter::get_short_name(full_name);
auto it = this->find_printer_internal(printer_name);
if (it == m_printers.end()) {
// update idx_selected
m_idx_selected = it - m_printers.begin();
// update name of the currently selected preset
if (printer_name == full_name)
// use first preset in the list
m_selected_preset = *it->preset_names.begin();
m_selected_preset = it->get_preset_name(full_name);
void PhysicalPrinterCollection::select_printer(const std::string& printer_name, const std::string& preset_name)
if (preset_name.empty())
return select_printer(printer_name);
return select_printer(printer_name + PhysicalPrinter::separator() + preset_name);
void PhysicalPrinterCollection::select_printer(const PhysicalPrinter& printer)
return select_printer(;
bool PhysicalPrinterCollection::has_selection() const
return m_idx_selected != size_t(-1);
void PhysicalPrinterCollection::unselect_printer()
m_idx_selected = size_t(-1);
bool PhysicalPrinterCollection::is_selected(PhysicalPrinterCollection::ConstIterator it, const std::string& preset_name) const
return m_idx_selected == size_t(it - m_printers.begin()) &&
m_selected_preset == preset_name;
namespace PresetUtils {
const VendorProfile::PrinterModel* system_printer_model(const Preset &preset)
const VendorProfile::PrinterModel *out = nullptr;
if (preset.vendor != nullptr) {
auto *printer_model = preset.config.opt<ConfigOptionString>("printer_model");
if (printer_model != nullptr && ! printer_model->value.empty()) {
auto it = std::find_if(preset.vendor->models.begin(), preset.vendor->models.end(), [printer_model](const VendorProfile::PrinterModel &pm) { return == printer_model->value; });
if (it != preset.vendor->models.end())
out = &(*it);
return out;
std::string system_printer_bed_model(const Preset& preset)
std::string out;
const VendorProfile::PrinterModel* pm = PresetUtils::system_printer_model(preset);
if (pm != nullptr && !pm->bed_model.empty()) {
out = Slic3r::data_dir() + "/vendor/" + preset.vendor->id + "/" + pm->bed_model;
if (!boost::filesystem::exists(boost::filesystem::path(out)))
out = Slic3r::resources_dir() + "/profiles/" + preset.vendor->id + "/" + pm->bed_model;
return out;
std::string system_printer_bed_texture(const Preset& preset)
std::string out;
const VendorProfile::PrinterModel* pm = PresetUtils::system_printer_model(preset);
if (pm != nullptr && !pm->bed_texture.empty()) {
out = Slic3r::data_dir() + "/vendor/" + preset.vendor->id + "/" + pm->bed_texture;
if (!boost::filesystem::exists(boost::filesystem::path(out)))
out = Slic3r::resources_dir() + "/profiles/" + preset.vendor->id + "/" + pm->bed_texture;
return out;
} // namespace PresetUtils
} // namespace Slic3r